Actual Value: Monthly average amount of Flow, COD, and TSS contributed to the SROG system by each SROG city

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1 Achieved Actual Demand: Actual demand for each city, provided that the city had less than three days below actual demand during the month. If a city has three or more days below actual demand, the achieved actual demand is zero for that city. Actual Demand: Average monthly flow each city agrees to provide to the 91 st Avenue WRF. Actual Flow: Measured average monthly flow contributed to the 91 st Avenue WRF by each city Actual Value: Monthly average amount of Flow, COD, and TSS contributed to the SROG system by each SROG city Additional Incentive: Total additional incentive pay, including the distributed additional incentive less the incentive owed for each city. Additional Incentive Distribution: Amount of total incentive owed that is redistributed to cities, based on overage revenue percent and flow in excess of actual demand. Adopted Value: Monthly average amount of Flow, COD, and TSS adopted for the fiscal year by each SROG city. Adopted Value Percent Exceeded: Percentage points over 100% if the Adopted Value Percent Usage is more than 100%. Adopted Value Percent Usage: Percent of adopted value that the actual value represents. APP: Aquifer Protection Permit. A copy of this document follows as Attachment 5A. Available Capacity at an Interceptor Pipe Segment: Flow capacity between the maximum d/d flow at a pipe segment and the maximum capacity at d/d < Base Costs: Cost for Flow, COD, and TSS that does not exceed adopted values. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): The amount oxygen required by aerobic microorganisms to decompose organic matter in untreated wastewater. BOD 5 values show the affect that organic waste discharges have on the oxygen resources of the receiving water and these values are expressed in milligram per liter or mg/l. Data from BOD 5 testing is used for the development of engineering criteria for the design, operation, and maintenance of the Plant. Capital Cash Flow Estimate: The six-month cash flow estimate for all current and planned CIPs and associated contingencies prepared by Phoenix pursuant to Subsection The estimate shall also be detailed by project for each City. Capital Costs of a Complete Plant: Represents the estimated capital cost of a complete wastewater treatment plant, in current fiscal year dollars, that processes both wastewater flow and solids equal to the current Master Planning Module. These capital costs shall be based on the current cost to construct the current Master Planning Module for the Plant, through the most recent expansion or addition, and/or engineering estimates that are consistent with the Master Plan Updates for the Plant. Capital Unit Costs: Capital cost per million gallons of flow or per lbs/day of TSS or COD.

2 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): An indirect means of determining the amount of oxidizable organic and inorganic matter present in a sample by measuring the oxygen equivalent required to complete the oxidization, and is generally expressed in terms of milligrams per liter or mg/l. Data from COD testing is used to develop engineering criteria for the design, operation, and maintenance and cost apportionment of the Plant. Cities Ownership: Purchased Treatment Capacity at 91 st Avenue WRF and Purchased Capacity at each pipeline segment of the SROG Interceptors. City Demand Revenue: Amount of demand revenue that is distributed to an individual city. City Overage Revenue: Amount of overage revenue that is distributed to an individual city. Critical Pipe Segments: Pipe segments when the pipe filling d/d > 0.75 during dry weather conditions and d/d > 0.90 during wet weather conditions. Current Program: T he design conditions of the SROG interceptors and the RCMF Facilities at the Regional Capacity Management Facilities Project. Daily Average Flow: The average day flow during dry weather conditions. Days Below Actual Demand: Number of days where actual flow does not meet the actual demand. Demand Revenue: Revenue to be distributed to the SROG cities, determined by multiplying the demand revenue percentage by the total revenue. Demand Revenue Percentage: Percentage of total revenue that is to be distributed to the SROG cities based on the proportion of the 91 st Avenue WRF monthly effluent flow that is required to meet the total actual demand. Demand Revenue % Distribution: Percentage of the total achieved actual demand that is attributed to each SROG city. Design Hydraulic Line: The line formed by the maximum water depth reached at each interceptor Design Storm: The simulated 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event designed to test and improve the capacity of the SROG system. Diurnal: The daily cycle of wastewater flow of each discharge to the SROG system. Dry Flow: The established pattern of flow at a hydrograph ID with no rainfall influence. Dry Weather Exhibit C-1 MAP: Supporting map that shows the capacity ownership by SROG city for each pipeline segment of the SRO, SAI and 99 th Avenue Interceptors during Dry Weather Conditions considering d/d = 0.75 as the maximum capacity at the interceptors. Dry Weather Flow: The wastewater flow cycle during dry weather conditions. EQ Basins: Equalization basins that retains flow during peak flow conditions and discharges flow during low flow conditions

3 Exhibit C-1 MAP: Supporting map that shows the capacity ownership by SROG city for each pipeline segment of the SRO, SAI and 99 th Avenue Interceptors considering d/d = 0.9 as the maximum capacity of at the interceptors. Existing Conditions: The d/d condition of the SROG interceptors under actual design. Flow, COD, and TSS Composite Percentage: The sum of each city s weighted flow, weighted COD loading, and weighted TSS loading percentages. Flow/TSS/COD Surcharge Factor: Factor based on whether and how much a city exceeded its adopted values. Factor is multiplied by the exceedance amount and the unit charge to determine the surcharge cost. Gross Plant Capacity: The sum of the Plant Capacity and the Plant Redundant Capacity for flow, COD loading and TSS loading at the Plant. Hydrograph ID: The alphanumeric designation for each of the hydrographs. The ID distinguishes each hydrograph by City (Phoenix PHX, Mesa MES, Tempe TEM, Scottsdale SCD, and Glendale GLE) and by number. Incentive Owed: Amount owed for under achievement, based on under achievement, incentive rate, and number of days in the month. Incentive Rate: Amount each city is charged per million gallons of under achievement. The proposed rate is equal to the current CAP municipal rate. Input Commitments Hydrograph: The hourly flow curve showing the modeled dry weather and wet weather flow for the year 2060, as depicted on each exhibit as 2060 Flow-Dry Weather and 2060 Flow Wet Weather. Input Commitment Hydrograph Envelope: The shaded areas on each exhibit as defined by the upper limit of the dry weather flow and wet weather flow that the Partner City commits to for 2060, depicted on the exhibits as Dry Weather Envelope and Wet Weather Envelope. Interceptors: The large transmission lines used to collect and transport wastewater from the Cities to the Plant and referred to as the Southern Avenue Interceptor (SAI) and Salt River Outfall (SRO). Interface: A region determined by the possibility of cooperative operation of their local wastewater systems. Local Alternative: A solution developed for the wastewater system of a City. Location: Designates a time during the day that defines a critical point along the commitment hydrograph envelope. Location is signified by a letter designation (i.e. a, b, etc.). Max d/d (graphs): SROG interceptors graph with color coding according with pipe filling d/d. Maximum Duration: The maximum number of consecutive hours that flow associated with a wet weather event may exceed the dry weather flow envelope. Due to the flow pattern for some hydrographs,

4 there may be more than one duration on a single exhibit. The maximum duration shown on the exhibits assumes a worst case event (peak wet weather flow at the same time as peak dry weather flow) but could occur at any time of the day, which would be represented by sliding the duration window along the time line. Maximum Flow: Maximum wastewater flow during a daily wastewater cycle considering the Design Storm for wet weather conditions. Maximum Monthly Flow and Loadings: The daily average of the maximum calendar month of wastewater flow, COD loading or TSS loading observed during a year. Maximum Monthly Flow and Loadings, whether, introduced to the SWRI individually or cumulative by the Cities, do not necessarily occur during the same calendar month. Metering Stations: SROG Metering Stations: GL02, GL03, GL04, ME01, ME02, ME03, PV02, TP01, TP02, TP03, TP04, TP05, SD01. Model Simulation: The results of a SROG hydraulic MOUSE model run under pre-established conditions. MOUSE Model: Hydraulic model used for the evaluation and simulations on the SROG interceptors. Occurrence: Term used to denote a month in which a city has exceeded its adopted values. Overage Contributed: Overage flow for each city, provided that the city had less than three days below actual demand during the month. If a city has three or more days below actual demand, the overate contributed is zero for that city. Overage Flow: Difference between Actual Flow and Actual Demand. Overage Revenue: Revenue to be distributed to the SROG cities, determined by multiplying the overage revenue percentage by the total revenue Overage Revenue Percentage: Percentage of total revenue that is to be distributed to the SROG cities based on the proportion of the 91 st Avenue WRF monthly effluent flow that is in excess of the total actual demand. Overage Revenue % Distribution: Percentage of the total overage contributed that is attributed to each SROG city. Parameter Capacity of a Complete Plant: Represents the flow, COD loading or TSS loading parameter capacity of the current Master Planning Module for the Plant in million gallons per day (MGD) or pounds per day. Parameter Ratio of a Complete Plant: Represents the flow, COD loading, or TSS loading parameter portion of the Capital Costs of a Complete Plant in percentage. Percent Actual Demand: Percentage of total actual demand that is attributed to each city. Percent Actual Flow: Percentage of total actual flow that is attributed to each city. Percent Ownership: Percentage of total flow each city is responsible for

5 Percent Ownership Exceeded: Percentage of flow exceeded beyond the adopted value Phoenix: The municipal entity that has agreed to, on behalf of the Cities and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, manage the construction, operation and maintenance of the SWRI and perform such accounting, administrative and other support services as are reasonably required to accomplish those activities and functions. Pinch Points: Locations where the SROG system flow exceeds the system s maximum capacity. pipeline for a model simulation. Plant Capacity Adjustment: The capacity adjustment in flow, COD loading and TSS loading that result from the completion of construction to the Plant or from an engineering analysis. The Plant Capacity Adjustment may increase/decrease the Gross Plant Capacity, the Plant Capacity, the Plant Redundant Capacity, and one or more SROG city s PPC. The engineer will certify in writing the actual Plant Capacity Adjustment. Plant Metering and Sampling Station: The equipment used to measure wastewater flows and loadings at the influent to the Plant as required by this Agreement. Previous Occurrences: Number of occurrences attributed to a city prior to the current month, within the current fiscal year. RCMF Capacity: Based on the storage capacity of the equalization basins. RCMF: Regional Capacity Management Facility (West Tempe, 23rd Avenue, SAI) proposed facility intended to enhance flow management in the SROG interceptor system. The successful implementation of the RCMFs is dependent upon achieving the flows depicted by the hydrographs in the motion exhibits. SAI RCMF: Discharges flow from the 23 rd Avenue RCMF to the SAI interceptor SAI: Southern Avenue Interceptor Scenario: The sequence of a simulated event used to predict the performance of the SROG system. The simulated event could be during dry weather flow or wet weather flow. SRO: Salt River Outfall Interceptor Storm Nucleus: The location of the center of the Design Storm. Surcharge Cost: Additional cost applied for exceeding agreed amount of Flow, COD, and TSS Total Revenue: Monthly revenue from 91 st Avenue WRF effluent flow sale to ANPP. Total Suspended Solids (TSS): The measure of the amount of solids in wastewater. TSS is determined by having wastewater pass through a filter and the amount of material captured is measured relative to the strength of wastewater filtered; this is generally expressed in terms of milligrams of residue per liter of sample or mg/l. Data from TSS testing is used for the development of engineering criteria for the design, operation and maintenance of, as well as cost apportionment for, the Plant.

6 Under Achievement: Difference between actual demand and actual flow, when actual flow is less than actual demand. If actual flow is more than actual demand, under achievement is zero. Unit Charge: Cost for contribution of each unit of Flow, COD, and TSS. Weighted Capital Costs: Percentage of total capital cost attributed to flow, COD loading, and TSS loading. Weighted COD Loading Percentage: Percentage of weighted capital cost for COD for which each city is responsible. Weighted Flow Percentage: Percentage of weighted capital cost for flow for which each city is responsible. Weighted TSS Loading Percentage: Percentage of weighted capital cost for TSS for which each city is responsible. West Tempe RCMF: Retains flow from TP04 during peak flows in Equalization Basins with a total volume capacity of 8 MG. Wet Flow: The established pattern of flow at a hydrograph ID influenced by a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event. Wet Weather Flow: The wastewater flow cycle considering the Design Storm.