Please your comments to Thank you, SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY ACTION PLAN T I M E

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1 The plan is divided into 4 areas (energy, education, recycling, and reduction), each area is then given a 5 year plan, and within each year, items are prioritized. Specific Action Steps are included. Please your comments to Thank you, SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY ACTION PLAN T I M E GOAL PROCESS STEPS RESPONSIBILITY MEASUREMENT/MONITORING COST Already completed in Energy Audit, publicize Director Various TBD Establish benchmarks for current energy consumption Implement campaign to increase voluntary energy savings results (done) Calibrate thermostats and other energy controls. (Done) Encourage teachers/staff to turn off lights when leaving work areas/classroom (in progress) School wide voluntary commitment to turn off Air Conditioners 40 minutes before staff Maintenance Annually 0 Division Heads and Green Team Spot audits, 2 X year 0 Director Energy audit annually 0

2 Use of technology to reduce energy consumption departs for the day (in progress) Voluntary agreement to set air conditioners at no lower than (23-24 C) (ongoing) Increase temperatures in current frigid zones (Gyms, Cafeterias, etc) Identify cost/benefits of school s security profile and nighttime lighting pattern (done) Install motion light sensors in bathrooms, faculty rooms and other periodic use areas (postpone 2016) Implement 3M tinted paper plan in classrooms with direct sunlight exposure (done) Director Energy audit annually 0 Maintenance As needed 0 Security Director Annually 0 Maintenance Annually TBD Maintenance Annually See Energy Audit Implement energy saving initiatives from 2014 Energy Audit Explore solar power, energy efficient air Maintenance Annually, at discretion of Director TBD, see energy audit

3 conditioners and other recommendations SUBCOMMITTEE ON RECYCLING ACTION PLAN T I M E GOAL PROCESS STEPS RESPONSIBILITY MEASUREMENT/ MONITORING Paper recycling in all classrooms Each classroom gets a recycling bin. Collection coordinated school wide Communication with Recimetal regarding pick up Bins in hallways and near copiers HS- Recycling club MS- Recycling club ES- MS/HS clubs help make and distribute boxes. HS- collecting Fridays after school ES/MS collect to a central location each week and HS pick up and move to collection location from there. COST Semester Initial - 0 Future: cost of bins Semester 0 Facilities Director Annual 0 HS Recycling club Semester 0

4 Expand recycling to all materials Education around proper recycling and reasons why Conduct garbage audit to examine effectiveness Create Recycling Stations in Cafeterias and high traffic areas. School wide recycling awareness campaign Publicize standards as to recyclable materials and methods Dedicate location for storage of materials until pick up Obtain Dolphin support and create clear expectations Design logos and visuals for bins HS Recycling Club, MS Ecology Club, Green Team Quarterly 0 HS Recycling Club Annually (Semester if cost permits) TBD Facilities Director, Cafeteria Quarterly Cost TBD, but offset by income HS/MS clubs and Green Team Quarterly 0 HS/MS Clubs Quarterly 0 Maintenance Annually 0 Maintenance and HS Recycling Team Art departments and Green Team Semester 0 Annually onw ard Maintain a self sustaining recycling program Periodic check ins at all levels of system (collection, Green Team and HS/MS clubs Annually 0

5 Implement an organic composting program Identify ISP as a Recycling Station for ISP Community to bring materials from home. Direct profits from Recycling efforts into local sustainability and social service efforts consolidation, and pick up) Organic composting of kitchen and yard waste Publicity to community about bringing materials to school and how to sort it at home Identify local partners and needs Cafeteria and Maintenance Annually 0 Green Team and Communications Director Green Team and HS/MS Clubs Quarterly 0 Semester 0 SUBCOMMITTEE ON REDUCTION ACTION PLAN T I M E GOAL PROCESS STEPS RESPONSIBILITY MEASUREMENT/MONITORING COST Remove paper cup dispensers at water fountains Get approval from Health Office Remove cup dispensers Educate students and staff as to why. Green Team 0 Maintenance Division Heads/Student Groups

6 SY Reduce paper usage among teachers: Current: 150,000 sheets per month. Goal: 100,000 sheets per month and descending from there. Eliminate plastic water bottles on campus Identification of high users/consumers Monthly report on paper usage Mentoring/support for high users Professional Development/teacher share on paper reduction strategies Default Printers to double sided Encourage use of GOOS (Good On One Side) paper by setting up bins near copiers Instruct Cafeteria to eliminate sale. IT Dept. Every 3 months 0 IT Dept Monthly 0 Division Heads/Green Team members Division Heads As needed 0 2 x per year, Wednesdays all school or at staff meetings IT Dept When new printers/copiers are ordered or maintained? Division Heads Semester X number of copiers Cafeteria 0 0 SY Eliminate plastic forks and knives in cafeteria Replace knives and forks with metal Set up soaking stations near garbage/recycling bins to capture silverware Cafeteria Cafeteria and will need teacher/student supervision Start of each semester Monthly Price per bin

7 Eliminate plastic plates and Styrofoam for take out Reduce toner usage by 30% Reduce Water consumption by 25% Set up silverware return stations in Gym, Faculty Lounges, and Admin Building Kitchen Charge for take out if they don t bring their own. Set up monitors to ensure that plates don t leave cafeteria area Set Outlook default font to Century Gothic 11 pt Set Word default font to Century Gothic 10 pt Create a watering schedule to reduce watering times Greywater/rainwater capture & recycling for watering and other needs Cafeteria Monthly Price per bin Cafeteria Semester 0 Division Heads Semester 0 IT Annual 0 IT Annual 0 Maintenance/PE Dept/ASA Semester 0 Maintenance Every April Cost of bins Low flow toilets Maintenance Semester Initial Cost of replacing Examine ways to introduce efficiencies at the Pool to reduce Maintenance/PE Dept/Swim Program Annual 0

8 Replace paper towel dispensers with hand blowers Reduce use of toxic chemicals in classrooms Reduce use of toxic chemicals around rest of campus Decrease school s refill from evaporation and water loss. Conitnue weekly Audit of pipes and fixtures for leaks Cleaner/solution audit to determine types of chemical exposure Invest in biodegradable and non toxic cleaners to replace current uses Inventory and replace pesticides and other maintenance chemicals using TRI list. Verify that Air Conditioning Units and Aerosols do not contribute to Ozone Depletion Increase car pooling by teachers and students Maintenance Weekly Repair costs Maintenance Annual/as needed Cost of blowers Maintenance Semester 0 Maintenance As needed 0 Maintenance Annually Replacement cost will vary Maintanance Annually Administration/HR Annual 0

9 carbon footprint Reduce bus transportation Invest in Solar Technology to replace 40% of power Reduce or shield Wifi Radiation Education around Carbon Emissions at school Reduce A/C usage by 20% Buy locally produced fruits/meats/vegetables when possible. Create a pick-up transport plan utilizing the new Metro stop. Negotiate with Metro to purchase reduced fare cards for ISP students Division Heads/ Green Team/Student Green Team See Energy Action Plan Cafeteria Transportation Quarterly 0 Annual Annual Administration Annual TBD Energy audit Maintenance 0 Negotiate with Director Annual TBD Panama government to sell back power to grid Negotiate with Panama government to allow ISP to increase percentage of solar power used Director Annual TBD Audit campus for wifi Maintenance & IT Annual TBD radiation hot spots and

10 Carbon Offsetting Plan develop plan to reduce exposure Adopt Board Policy to require carbon offsets for plane trips, PANAMUN, elementary field trips, and other high profile activities Board, Divisions Annual TBD SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ACTION PLAN T I M E 2014/15 Identifying Resources &/or Units that would contribute to the overall vision of the Green Team GOAL PROCESS STEPS RESPONSIBILITY MEASUREMENT/MONITORING COST Staff wide survey to identify what is already being done in the classroom Collaboration with the curriculum directors to identify potential units where Green ideas can be embedded across content areas. Education Subcommittee Education Sub- Committee Goal is 100% participation/survey completion Analyze results with Green Team Steering Committee. Semester

11 Collaborate with specialists to review current & desired resources for extending student learning in specialist classes. Create list of existing unit standards around sustainability and green practices Divide through Sub-Committee members in each division. Divisional committees Semester Semester and check in with Green Team Request additional budget to supplement green resources (accessible throughout year as lessons/units are developed). -19 Community awareness and shifting practices. Raising awareness through visual art installation pieces. *Identify groups, specialist teachers, advisory, student council, art clubs/classes. Monthly initiative & quarterly visual installation piece.

12 Commit to division wide initiatives (student/classroom challenges, bulletin boards, celebration days, assemblies, etc) to incorporate Green thinking into everyday life. Make use of periodic environmental awareness raising days (Water Day, Biodiversity Day etc) Staff goal setting includes one environmental goal Division Admin & Leadership teams. Education Sub Committee Division Heads/Supervisors Setting aside/committing to school wide bi-annual green focused activity/event. As they occur, 5-6 times per year Annual -