S t u d e n t W o r k bo o k. N ame : E lementary

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1 Let s Talk About E nergy! S t u d e n t W o r k bo o k N ame : E lementary

2 2 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! Discussion What human activities affect the environment? How do these activities affect the environment? Reflection Watch the video on global warming and answer the following question: What are two factors that contribute to global warming? Conclusion INSTRUCTIONS Pair up with a classmate. With you partner, figure out what each picture represents. For each picture, write the letter of the matching description. Decide whether each picture shows a cause or effect of global warming. Then, circle CAUSE or EFFECT.

3 A B What a disaster! This year, ice didn t form along the coastline. High waves are crashing against the banks of the St. Lawrence, which are eroding much too quickly. Oh no! The pack ice is getting smaller and thinner every year. Without this habitat, polar bears and ringed seals will be in danger of extinction. We must save them! C D The Arctic and Antarctic are melting! Glaciers are shrinking. Sea levels are rising. Seas are getting warmer, too. Living on the Gaspé coast will be difficult soon if the sea level keeps rising. E F Help! More dry days means a greater risk of forest fires. An even larger area of northwestern Canada burned this year than last year. Yikes! Industries emit a lot of greenhouse gases every year. The carbon dioxide emitted from chimneys stays in the air for many years. G H Flood alert! Rapid snowmelt and heavy rainfall in spring have caused this disaster. Aha! The sky is mine. I get around a lot faster than those cars stuck in a traffic jam. Hack hack! Even when they re not moving, they burn gas and emit greenhouse gases. I J Oh no! Another herd of cows to satisfy your appetites. Ok, they re pretty, but they re always digesting and burping methane a very harmful greenhouse gas. Humans produce a lot of waste that has to be disposed of. Whether it s put in a landfill or burned, it emits greenhouse gases. Plus, some waste ends up in the sea and kills a lot of animals.

4 4 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! STEP 1 Energy in all its forms Energy Memory Game INSTRUCTIONS Shuffle the 14 Picture cards (7 sources of energy and 7 inventions) and 14 Description cards. Place them face down so that no one can see them. The first player turns over two cards. If they are a Description card and the matching Picture card, the player keeps the pair. If not, the player turns them back over and it s the next player s turn. The player with the most cards wins. Divide the renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy into two separate piles. Match each invention to the source of energy it uses. Decide which inventions transform their sources of energy into electricity. Write your answers in the following tables. Renewable Inventions Transformation of sources of energy into electricity Nonrenewable Inventions Transformation of sources of energy into electricity Circle the sources of energy in the tables that you think contribute to global warming and explain why.

5 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! 5 STUDENT WORKBOOK Energy worksheet, Save Energy on the Road! INSTRUCTIONS Read the information. Answer the questions on the next page. Save Energy on the Road! Energy makes the world go round. It s essential to all human activity. One hundred years ago, when your great-great-grandparents were alive, not everyone had heating, electricity and running water at home. Getting from one town to another was difficult and took a long time. Even today, many people around the world live without these comforts and, naturally, would like them, too. But improving standards of living means consuming more energy. What s more, the population is growing very quickly, and more people on Earth means more energy needs. Today, 80% of those energy needs are met by fossil fuels: oil, natural gas and coal. They re used to make cars run, planes fly and boats move, as well as to heat homes and generate electricity. Unfortunately, when burned, fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour. And these gases are bad. They contribute to global warming. They trap the heat of the sun, causing Earth s average temperature to rise and, as a result, the climate to change. If we want to continue meeting people s energy needs, we need to produce energy that causes less pollution or use less energy. In Quebec, 96% of our electricity comes from hydroelectric generating stations, thanks to moving water a clean, renewable source of energy. You may think that means Quebecers don t emit a lot of greenhouse gases. Wrong! Even though the electricity distributed to homes, schools and industries comes from hydroelectric generating stations, many of your parents, neighbours and other people in your town or city use modes of transportation that burn a lot of energy to get to work, school or go on vacation. Most cars, buses and trucks run on gas or diesel, which are made from oil. There are certainly some electric cars and buses on the road, but not many. That explains why in Quebec, transportation is the sector of the economy that emits the most greenhouse gases. Transportation alone is responsible for 43% of all greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in the province. And because the number and size of vehicles on the road is increasing, GHG emissions are, too.

6 6 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! 1. I m not one of the main sources of energy on the planet used to meet energy needs. a) Oil b) Wind c) Natural gas 2. The main source of energy used in Quebec is. 3. I m the sector of the economy responsible for the most GHG emissions in Quebec. a) Industry b) Transportation c) Housing 4. cars burn to move. They contribute to global because they emit greenhouse, which trap on. 5. Do you think electric cars and electric buses in Quebec contribute to global warming? Talk about this with a classmate.

7 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! 7 STUDENT WORKBOOK STEP 2 Carbone footprint Fill in the following table. TRANSPORTATION How do you get to school? Always Sometimes Never Car Bike Walking Bus Find out the number of kilometres between your house and the school using Google Maps and then fill in the blanks below. Every morning, I travel km to school. Tell your teacher the distance. To get home, I travel km. Every day, I travel a total of km. Calculate the carbon footprints using the data above. Did you know that 1,000 kg of CO 2 would fill a two-storey house?

8 8 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! Carbon Footprint 1 GAS-POWERED CAR Scenario Every morning, your parents drive you to school. At the end of the day, they pick you up at the school parking lot and take you home. For every kilometre travelled, your parents gas powered car emits 0.20 kg CO 2. Given that there are 180 school days in one year, how many kilograms of CO 2 are emitted by your parents car in that time? Number of kilometres travelled in one school year CALCULATIONS ANSWER: I travel km in one school year. Amount of CO 2 emitted CALCULATIONS ANSWER: If I were driven to school every day, I would contribute to the emission of kg CO 2.

9 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! 9 STUDENT WORKBOOK Carbon Footprint 2 DIESEL-POWERED BUS Scenario Every day, you take a diesel-powered school bus to go to school and back. The bus is always full. When the bus travels 1 km, about 0.02 kg CO 2 is emitted per student. Given that there are 180 school days in one year, what would your contribution to CO 2 emissions be in that time? Amount of CO 2 emitted CALCULATIONS ANSWER: If I took the diesel-powered bus to school every day, I would contribute to the emission of kg CO 2.

10 10 LET S TALK ABOUT ENERGY! Carbon Footprint 3 ELECTRIC SCHOOL BUS Scenario Every day, you take an electric bus to go to school and come back home. When the bus travels 1 km, 0 kg CO 2 is emitted per passenger. Given that there are 180 school days in one year, what would your contribution to CO 2 emissions be in that time? Amount of CO 2 emitted CALCULATIONS ANSWER: If I took an electric bus to school every day for one year, I would contribute to the emission of kg CO 2. Suggest a solution to reduce the amount of GHGs emitted by school transportation.