Sawyer Water filters. Clean Water for Life. India and Kenya. Project Overview

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1 Sawyer Water filters Clean Water for Life India and Kenya Project Overview We are spoiled when it comes to clean water. We expect it when we want it and we assume everyone knows clean water equals good health. This simply isn t true in many parts of the world, especially in extreme poverty areas like Haiti, Kenya, India, Bolivia, Peru or Zambia. Delivering clean water to rural areas or densely populated urban slums is no easy task, but it is an essential building block to lifting a community or a family out of poverty. Struggling communities often don t recognize the impact of clean water on health or the lost productivity because of illness. Bright Hope has helped communities with large scale water projects such as drilling boreholes, repairing broken wells, and capping open wells. These projects have been successful but they are expensive to deliver. New innovative water technologies have emerged making it possible for individuals to filter water themselves at a relatively low cost. One water system we have been distributing is called the Sawyer Point One filter. It is one of the simplest, high-quality filtration systems we have found after conducting extensive research and following the actual user experience in the field. Our individual water filter program differs conceptually from other NGOs because we do not distribute them for free. Why? We believe it is important for a user to have an ownership mentality to see the value of clean water. Otherwise, the water filter won t be used correctly or properly maintained or used enough. Bright Hope s program offers the water filter at a subsidized price coupled with a short-term loan (if needed) to allow the filters to be purchased by even the poorest of families. Typically, purchasers view a demonstration of the product and will recognize the value before committing to buy one. We use surveys to track the impact and use of the product. An added benefit of having the filter users purchase the filters is that every third filter sponsored a fourth one is distributed from the funds collected from the sale of the first three.

2 Results from the pilot program in Kenya and India For the past year, Bright has been testing this clean water program coupled with a microloan in both India and Kenya. The results have been very encouraging. All the filters have been repaid and there is a waiting list of people wanting to purchase new ones. There are currently 23 filters in use in India and 33 filters in Kenya. These filters are already providing clean water to over 300 people. Next Steps We would like to expand the distribution of this program in both India and Kenya. The cost to purchase, distribute, provide training, and follow-up is $70 per filiter. Would you consider a gift of $70 to provide clean water for a family for a lifetime? Sawyer water filter in use in Indian slum

3 Appendix A SAWYER INFORMATION Using technology taken from kidney dialysis, Sawyer water filters use Hollow Fiber Membranes. Our filters are comprised of tiny "U" shaped micro tubes that allow water to enter into their core through tiny micro pores. The pointone Filter s pores are so small (0.1 micron absolute) that no bacteria, protozoa, or cysts like E.Coli, Cholera and Typhoid can get through. At 7 log ( %) the filter attains the highest level of filtration available today and yet it has a very high flow rate due to the large amount of tubes. If viruses are an issue we offer the PointZERO TWO Purifier (0.02 micron absolute pores), the first and thus far only portable purification device to physically remove viruses, which it does at a >5.5 log ( %) rate exceeding EPA and NSF recommendations. Each filter is certified for ABSOLUTE microns. That means there will be no pore size larger than 0.1 microns in the biological filter and 0.02 microns in the viral purifier. Simply put, it is impossible for bacteria to pass through the 0.1 micron filter and impossible for bacteria and viruses to pass through the 0.02 micron purifier.

4 Helpful Hints for your Filtration System If water is very dirty and full of particulate, use a cloth to pre-filter the water. If water is very dirty and full of particulate, let the water stand in a separate container for a day and then decant the water from the top. When using very dirty water, clean the filter after every bucketful or at least daily. If water is very dirty and full of particulate, only use 1 foot of hose. Do not store backwash syringe in the sun. Keep the top of the bucket covered, but not sealed. When drilling hole, make sure to de-burr (remove all excess plastic) from the hole. Not having a clean hole can cause a leak. If bucket leaks at the fitment, try moving the oring to the inside of the bucket. Only run water through the filter and not food products. Highest Filtration Rates Available- At 0.1 micron absolute, it is impossible for any bacteria, protozoa or cysts to pass through the filter and at 0.02 micron absolute, it is impossible for viruses in addition to bacteria, protozoa and cysts to pass through the purifier. These are true barrier filters. Simple Design and Construction- We have made it as simple as it gets. No more digging wells if there is a water source, no constructing sand filters and no more purification chemicals. Families are able to construct and

5 adapt their filter in literally minutes to locally found containers. The kit includes everything you need to attach the filter to any plastic bucket or container. (Bucket not included) 1. Obtain a clean bucket or plastic container 2. Use the hole cutter to drill a hole 1.5 inches from the bottom of the bucket (you can do this by hand). 3. Screw the connector, hose and filter onto the bucket. 4. Fill the bucket with water from any source, lower the filter head below the water line, and let gravity do the rest. Extremely Cost Efficient- One system could provide clean water for a small village for pennies a day. Fast Flow- This is a POINT OF USE SYSTEM. Since there is such a high flow rate, this eliminates the need to store water which reduces the chances of water being contaminated after it is filtered. The only external force required for the system to function is GRAVITY. The flow rate of a filter is determined by a combination of: Head pressure (The distance from the top of the water to the filter) Altitude (The higher the altitude, the slower the flow rate) How clean the filter is The filter itself (there are slight variations between filters) Long Lasting- Maintenance of this filter is very simple. When the filter starts to slow down or clog, simply back wash it with clean water using the syringe provided in the kit. Since the filters can continuously be backwashed and re-used, they have an extremely long life expectancy. The ease of operating this system makes it self-sustainable and dependable. Multiple Applications- These filters and purifiers make water so clean and accessible that people will not only use the filtered/purified water for drinking, but also for cleaning, bathing, cooking, watering plants and more. Micro Business- As a part of our sustainability plan, we are also setting up micro businesses all over the world. Natural Disasters- The bucket system is essential for aid in natural disasters. This system would eliminate the need to ship bottled water.


7 Appendix B User survey ACTUAL COMPLETED INTERVIEW FORM FROM INDIA Sawyer Water Filter Bucket System Interview Form Name of User: Nazma Organization (if any): Date: 2/1/2012 Location: Zakheera, India 1. Who are the primary users of the water filter system? Family 2. How many people are using the water filter system (average number per system)? 10 families around her 3. How long have you been using the bucket system? 8 months 4. Who is operating the bucket system? self 5. What is the water source (tap, river, lake, etc.)? Bore well a. Describe the water (muddy, clear, salty) muddy 6. How much water per day do you filter on average (Ex: liters, gallons, buckets, etc.)? 20L a. How often do you use the filter (daily, weekly, monthly)? daily 7. Do you trust the filter? (None, Somewhat, Neutral, Very Much, Completely) Neutral 8. How often do you clean or backwash the filter? Is it easy to do? 2-3 times a week 9. Was the product easy to use? What problems or issues have you had with the bucket system?

8 easy a. Is your filter broken? If so what happened? 10. Have you or others noticed any significant health improvements as a result of using the water filter bucket system? One very sickly neighbor has been healthy since drinking this water 11. Have you connected larger containers to the bucket? If not, are they available in the area you live? 12. Were you able to generate any income from owning the filter? Is so, how did you sell it and how much did you roughly generate? Not selling 13. Did you receive enough training? (yes or no). If not, what help did you need or what can be improved upon? yes 14. If you did not generate any income with this product can you estimate how much money you saved with this product? Also, did you save any time using this product in order to do other productive activities? If so, estimate how much time. Previously they used to wait for the mud to settle at the bottom of the bucket.. so time is saved 15. Do you find this product valuable to you? None, Somewhat, Fair, Very Much, Extremely Very much 16. Have you used other water filtering products? What makes this different or similar? If this product was not useful please explain. no