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3 2014 IN REVIEW


5 Development of Field Technician Program ISA TOP PRIORITIES FOR FY2015/2016 Credential Planning and Revision Product and Service Expansion Decision Making and Implementing Model Succession Planning

6 Development of Field Technician Program ISA Certified Tree Worker Job Task Analysis and Event Alignment Develop product and service line for this demographic Credential Planning and Revision Develop Plan to complete all credential Job Task Analysis and exam updates, policies and procedures clean up to sustain program performance ISA Board Certified Master Arborist revision and rollout ISA Certified Tree Worker / Western Chapter Certified Tree Worker Merger Revised governance policies to align with Carver Model ISA TOP PRIORITIES FOR FY2015/2016

7 Product and Service Expansion Decision Making and Implementing Model Complete the funnel/filter exercise (need decision tree, cross departmental expansion) Develop business plan templates for: New ISA Associate Organization development New product development Translations, Repackaging existing into other media, New products, Regional meetings, Workshops, Qualifications, BMP s Succession Planning Human Capital Assessment Educational Goods and Services Moving forward Five year development plan for staffing ISA TOP PRIORITIES FOR FY2015/2016



10 KPI: Total Membership The Membership metric is a way of gauging a basic level of satisfaction and/or a valuing of the ISA mission by the individual purchasing the membership. Tracking membership statistic increases or decreases allows us to understand our performance of today vs. prior points in time and allows us opportunities to see challenges and proactively develop programs or efforts to address them GOAL 22, Actual as of 6/30/ , Goal based on 8/1/ ,162

11 KPI: Active Credential Holders Credentialing ties directly to ISA strategic plan end statements and objectives related to professional development and promoting the profession. The number of active credential holders indicates ISA's reach in providing a platform for individuals to develop professionally. The number of credential holders also serves as one of several indicators of how well recognized the profession is. The program is active in 39 countries, helping to position ISA as a global source of arboricultural information and knowledge GOAL Certification 35,878 Qualifications 5, Actual Certification 33,969 Qualifications 4, Goal Certification 33,188 Qualifications 3,817

12 KPI: CEU s Earned The number of CEUs logged indicates active participation in arboricultural education and professional development, in support of the ISA strategic plan objective to Maintain, improve and promote members knowledge and skills in support of the professional development end statement. The number is also a measure of how well our network is delivering educational opportunities, which is tied to the strength of our relationships with our components and industry partners. It directly supports the educational component of ISA's mission statement GOAL 452, Actual 421, Goal 412,421

13 KPI: Distribution of Educational Products Total quantity sold of educational products, including publications, online courses, online quizzes, etc. distributed. This is a measure of product distribution which demonstrates the effectiveness of dissemination and acceptance of educational material across the ISA network GOAL 102,196 Products Sold/Distributed $1,640,591 Gross Sales Actual 103,329 Sold/Distributed $1,616,847 Gross Sales Goal 88,000 Sold/Distributed $1,650,000 Gross Sales

14 KPI: Strategic MoU s The number of MoU s communicates the sphere of the influence of ISA s distribution network. Expansion of the network is essential to the accomplishment of the Society s worldwide mission. ISA s success is dependent on continual expansion of peer reviewed knowledge sharing. The knowledge comes from our worldwide professional membership network, and is distributed through our chapters, professional affiliates (PAs), associate organizations (AOs) and allied organizations. Expanding the network expands the opportunity to share information to the benefit of the members and industry GOAL Actual = Chapters 16 Associate Organizations 4 Professional Affiliates Goal = 58

15 KPI: Event Participation Those who attend conferences and events are furthering their knowledge of arboriculture, learning about the latest research, collaborating with industry partners, expanding their professional networks, and recognizing experts in the industry while also providing an indicator of the economic status of the industry. Event attendance is one measure of ISAs reach in providing valuable experiences and gives us the opportunity to showcase new equipment and technology GOAL TOTAL ATTENDANCE KPI 3517 Total Annual Conference 1542 Total Workshops, Symposia, TRAQ Events 1800 Total ISA TCC Competitors Goal Actual TOTAL ATTENDANCE KPI Total Annual Conference Total Workshops, Symposia, and TRAQ Events Total ISA TCC Competitors

16 KPI: Volunteer Resources Annually measure the number, geography, and disciplines of ISA members that are actively involved in volunteer support of the society to show the level of member engagement. This will also show the level of diversity we have achieved with internationalization GOAL Actual Benchmark as of 30-June

17 KPI: Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction captures and quantifies stakeholder s emotional state as they consider the question Overall, how would you rate your experience with ISA? Capturing a basic customer satisfaction rating, and tracking increases or decreases in our performance over time will show overall satisfaction with ISA products and services. There is additional benefit to our stakeholders knowing that we are concerned enough about their experiences to ask them how they feel GOAL Establish Baseline Value

18 KPI: Connection Indicator The Connection Indicator analyzes the number of touch points and/or cross relationships ISA has with existing or potential customers. This indicator serves as an overall grade for how we are doing as an organization with respect to value of ISA products and services being offered. The calculation becomes more meaningful and goes beyond the standard Total Sales / Total Customers calculation to consider multiple relationships that may then be used to denote engagement and loyalty among those who interact with ISA. Date GOAL (population of 46,756) Connector Indicator Connector Population 6/30/ ,443 6/30/ ,109

19 KPI: Net Profitability Net profit margin essentially measures the amount of each dollar of revenue that ISA has left over after it pays all of its expenses. It impacts ISA s ability to develop new programs. No net, no funds to put into reserve or reinvest GOAL 0.14% Net Income / Total Revenue = Net profitability Actual 5.04% Goal 1.08%

20 Tactics support Objectives (Goals) Objectives support the Ends (Vision) Statements BOARD INVOLVEMENT A QUICK LOOK BACK Collectively work to move our Mission and KPI forward