Data Logger for PPG-based HRM Quick Start Guide

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1 April 2013 Data Logger for PPG-based HRM Quick Start Guide Document History Version Date Author Notes 1.0 April 2013 D. Torres First release WARNING: EXPORT NOTICE Recipient agrees to not knowingly export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any product or technical data (as defined by the U.S., EU, and other Export Administration Regulations) including software, or any controlled product restricted by other applicable national regulations, received from Disclosing party under this Agreement, or any direct product of such technology, to any destination to which such export or re-export is restricted or prohibited by U.S. or other applicable laws, without obtaining prior authorization from U.S. Department of Commerce and other competent Government authorities to the extent required by those laws. This provision shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. According to our best knowledge of the state and end-use of this product or technology, and in compliance with the export control regulations of dual-use goods in force in the origin and exporting countries, this technology is classified as follows: US ECCN: 3E991 EU ECCN: EAR99 And may require export or re-export license for shipping it in compliance with the applicable regulations of certain countries. 1

2 Installing the USB driver for the TI PPG HRM EVM 1. Connect the EVM to the PC using a micro USB cable THIS is NOT A USB PORT. USB port LED D10 ON when power detected on USB connector 2. Wait for Windows OS to detect changes on the USB ports. Use the MSP430_PPG_HRM_EVM_CDC_descTool.ine file when asked for the driver 3. Go to Windows Device Manager > PORTS to check that the driver was successfully installed and the EVM has a COM port assigned 2

3 Installing the TI PPG HRM Data Logger GUI 1. Extract the installer from the file 2. Installer requires having the latest version of Java Run Time (JRE) installed in your machine. You can get the JRE from ORACLE 3. Run the installer in administrator mode A pop up window will appear. This is the PPG Setup Wizard. It should guide through the installation of PPG HRM data logger GUI. By clicking next you agree to install PPG HRM data logger GUI to the host computer. 3

4 After clicking next, a second pop up window will appear. In this window you specify where you would like to install PPG HRM data logger GUI. Please note that changing the installation directory might necessitate changing the PPG_HRM_DATA_LOGGER environmental variable. We recommend to use the default directory. 4

5 Collecting Data Follow the next steps to collect data with the PPG-based HRM EVM. 1. Turn on the EVM by sliding the switch to ON position ON Position OFF Position LED D1 should blink 2. Mount the board on the subject s body and then press the push button to start data collection Press Push Button to start data collection LED D1 should be ON 5

6 3. LED D1 is OFF when the data collection is completed and the system recorded 512KB of data. The process takes around 17 minutes. LED D1 should be OFF after data collection is completed 4. Remove the board from subject s body and connect the EVM to the PC using a micro USB cable THIS is NOT A USB PORT. USB port 6

7 5. Open the TI PPG HRM Data Logger GUI and go to the CONFIG > Connect 6. Select the COM port assigned to the PPG HRM EVM. To determine the COM port go to Windows Device Manager 7

8 7. Click on the ACQUIRE DATA button to retrieve the data from the PPG HRM EVM. The LED D2 should be ON when this process is active. This process takes around 5 minutes. LED D2 should be ON 8. The PPG HRM EVM will turn the LED D2 OFF once the PC has finished retrieving the data from the EVM. The PC GUI will create the following files under YOUR ROOT:\...\Documents\ti\PPGHRMdatalogger. 9. Copy this files to the folder where the MATLAB TI PPG HRM application is located 8

9 10. To plot the estimated Heart Rate Run the MATLAB TI PPG HRM application Charging the battery The battery is charged through USB. The charging process is only active when the switch is ON position and the RED LED D11 is ON. LED D11 should be ON When battery is charging 9