Positive Transformation Dinner. The Rosewood Hotel Thursday 10th January 2019

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1 Positive Transformation Dinner The Rosewood Hotel Thursday 10th January 2019

2 Come together and be the change you want to see in the world. If you would like to know why this matters to me and why I believe helping others to achieve their goals is so important, I wrote a few words about my own story which you can read here should you so wish to do so: I would like to invite you to join me for dinner on Thursday 10th January The purpose of the dinner is three-fold. Firstly, this will be a wonderful opportunity for everyone to engage with senior leaders from across industry sectors who I believe are likeminded people, people committed and able to facilitate positive change and who are working to make an impact on society and the world around them, both altruistically and commercially. Secondly, being fortunate enough to have met some truly inspiring people and being in a position to host an event of this nature presents me with a wonderful opportunity to bring everyone together for an enjoyable evening and to hear from some of those inspiring individuals. Thirdly and very personally, being a well-meaning individual for me is just not good enough, in the challenging times we live in, Good is the enemy of great, and to do great things we need to work together in practical, measurable and accountable ways to have a meaningful impact on the future. This will not be a token gesture dinner, another event that comes with good intentions and is then forgotten as quickly as the night has passed. The is the accumulation of years of work to bring together great people, people with the motivation and passion for change, people who are by the nature of their position in the corporate world, political & celebrity status or through pure drive and enthusiasm are able to make a change in society and the world around them. Our goal is to bring you all together and facilitate the start of a process to drive measurable change in society and world around us. This will be a formal dinner taking place at The Rosewood Hotel in Holborn and my invitation is for all of us to come with a mind-set for change and a commitment to being part of a powerful catalyst that will affect positive transformation through collaboration, measurability and accountability in 2019 and beyond.

3 Context Temple Brown is focused on closing the gap between business & education and leaving a lasting positive impression on the way we think about learning & development. A significant percentage of our time is on achieving Positive Transformation through collaboration, measurability and accountability by working to establish & develop the right connections with government, large private sector organisations and social partnerships. In doing this effectively we are able to increase opportunities through the relationships we are fortunate to have with people able to effect change and who are as committed as we are to measurability and accountability. Our commitment through Temple Brown is to create and develop opportunity for everyone wanting to get on and to ensure that commitment lives in everything we do. A great practical example of this commitment is our Opportunity Levy. This was conceived before we had any money, clients, contracts or frankly anything of value, we created the Opportunity Levy as a self enforced levy on our revenue to provide opportunities. Temple Brown is driven by values and not targets, this was the first thing we did and it will remain, set in stone for ever, it will never be subject to debate or discussion with the accountants and it will always be there to help as many people as we can now and in the future. Our first recipient was Liberty King and you can read her story here, it is certainly well worth your time. Going forward we aim to grow the fund in 2019 to 1m and through the Positive Transformation initiative start to make a meaningful and positive impact on society and the world around us. In subsequent years with the help of this group, we hope to see this fund grow exponentially and be a genuine resource for positive change.

4 Context In addition to the Opportunity Levy we have been fortunate to be able to work in partnership with the Leigh Academies Trust developing two high performing UTC s, the first that opened in 2014 is now the highest performing UTC in the country and the second is an inspiration academy for 11 to 13-year olds. These are both STEM focused and will have a capacity of 1000 students between the ages of 11 and 19 years of age. Additionally, it is extremely important for us to work through our social partnerships in delivering projects that have a significant and measurable impact. One such partner, The Drive Project, in association with Deloitte, Business in the Community and the Officers Association developed Veterans Work. The aim of the project focused on businesses better understanding the commercial benefits of hiring veterans. You will find three short videos on the website which I hope you will enjoy. Furthermore, being very focused on character development and the impact this can have on social mobility at all levels, we are committed to supporting the work of The School of Hard Knocks along with The Challenger Trust which a significant part of our impact strategy going forward. The organisations working through us and the relationships we are fortunate to have with people able to effect change, combined with key people in Government, we believe, with your support can be a powerful catalyst to impact the social mobility in meaningful and measurable ways now and in the future for many years to come.

5 Social Mobility Defined Social Mobility Defined. Social mobility is defined as the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. Open stratification systems are those in which at least some value is given to achieved status characteristics in a society. The movement can be in a downward or upward direction.[1][2]absolute social mobility refers to the overall numbers of people who end up in a different layer of stratification from that of their parents. Relative social mobility refers to the differences in probability of attaining a certain outcome, regardless of overall structural changes; a society can have high absolute mobility and low relative mobility. The availability of at least some social mobility can be important in providing pathways to greater equality in societies with high social inequality.

6 Working with Government. Influencing Government is a lengthy and complicated process, but over time cross-party support for initiatives which promote social mobility are always attractive across the political divide. We aim to add to the considerable interest in this project from senior politicians and Ministers, by briefing and lobbying, and providing them with evidence of impact showing that programmes which develop character give a life chance to young people stepping out of education onto the employment ladder. We are already well into discussions with senior ministers cross party regarding the development of this initiative and how it ties into a wider vision for building the Inner Curriculum.

7 Supporting Schools The Challenger Trust is a significant part of our impact strategy, their vision is that young people should be given every opportunity for character development; they believe that building capacity within a school is as important as introducing external programmes. The Challenger Trust helps schools to install capacity by: Reviewing a school s current curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular provision, providing professional insights and highlighting different opportunities and savings to allow the school to create a comprehensive programme of character development activities that meet Ofsted criteria. Promoting the benefits of character development activities in schools to students, parents/ carers and teachers. Supplying evidence of tangible outcomes and lasting impact which the school can learn from and which will allow them to take responsibility for delivering structured character development programmes going forward. Awarding grants to organisations (schools, academy trusts, other educational bodies) that have applied to, or have been working in partnership with, the Trust. These grants may be in the form of: a bursary to the organisation to enhance its existing character development provision, or direct funding to cover costs for a specific character development project. The Charity is organised so that the Trustees meet at least three times a year, when they take strategic decisions to award and review grants. They believe, as we do, that a comprehensive programme of character development will typically include a blend of outdoor education, role model presentations, pupil to pupil supervision, curriculum trips, cultural tours, sports fixtures, enterprise training, careers talks, music camps and personal development expeditions overseas.

8 We have seen how a programme of well-designed character development activities can engage young people who have proved difficult to engage in more traditional ways. How the desire to stay on the programme has kept them turning up at school and focused, when they would otherwise not. How the feeling of succeeding at something triggers a desire to be successful more often. How this shift in character and mind-set enables them to embrace a whole set of life-skills that can only be taught outside the classroom, preparing them for their future. And how this whole process helps our young people to embrace education, employment and training, to become good citizens, role models and future leaders while also helping more of our schools to move towards Outstanding. This is a prime example of acorns to oak trees and why we feel it is important that 100% of the funds we generate through your generosity is invested directly in programmes for young people. Charlie Rigby Founder of The Challenger Trust

9 Working with Business Temple Brown has been developing a national initiative to create a CIO/CISO Skills Development Council, this will be an independent body under the control of its members, operating across industry sectors, through Government and in collaboration with other private and public-sector organisations. The remit of the council will be to look carefully at the ever-increasing need to for better training in areas such as cyber security, agile development and other key pathways that through technology are intrinsically linked to business growth and long-term success. In addition, the group will look to guide and advise on digital skills shortages, how a practical framework to address these can be developed for people at all levels within their respective organisations and to implement a fully funded national programme to support this initiative. As a national initiative this will enable organisations to effectively build and develop programmes to attract, retain and develop new and existing talent with your business while also future proofing against and reducing any skills gaps that currently may exist. It is important to make clear that this is a hugely important initiative that can be delivered across businesses without direct costs and will make a significant impact now and in the future on skills development and the ability to future proof through insightful forward-looking training programmes delivered as apprenticeships. Find out more about the Skills Development Council at The creation of the Skills Development Council is in direct response to our on-going discussions, these conversations have clearly identified the ever-increasing importance of the role of the CIO & CISO in providing greater intervention and insight to enable organisations to effectively build and develop programmes to attract, retain and develop new and existing talent with your business, while also future proofing against and reducing any skills gaps that currently may exist.