Gender training in Europe. How to boost gender mainstreaming?

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1 Gender training in Europe How to boost gender mainstreaming?

2 OQ Consulting BV - Sustainable Social Innovations Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Strategies for capacity builing and training for gender mainstreaming 3. Impact of gender training 4. How to create demand for gender training? 5. Factors for success for gender training 6. Priority needs for succesfull gender mainstreaming 7. Examples of quality standards for gender training 2

3 Introduction Sharing findings of studies of gender expert group of 'Train4Dev' a)assessment of needs for capacity development in gender mainstreaming (recommendation S. Ravesloot CTB: Certification) b)study on quality certification for training with gender perspective

4 2. Strategies for capacity building & training for gender mainstreaming, advantages/disadvantages Compulsory gender training GM of other trainings - Common base for team work on gender - Effective GM - Facilitates priority setting for staff Targeting groups which normally do not come to gender trainings - Approach starts hampering if new staff joins without gender expertise - May create resistance - Revision of curricula, exercises, training content and materials - Gender aware trainers needed

5 Strategies towards GM, advantages/disadvantages Tailor-made gender training Flexible trainings (combi online training) - Responds to needs of target groups - Effective GM - well attended by wider target group - provide info at the right momen and in the right format when people need it - new target groups - more time for preparations (TNA) - specific knowledge of other areas required - tailor made tools and exercises - Each modules requires previous research and tailor-made tools, examples and exercises - Specific knowledge of other areas required

6 Strategies towards GM, advantages/disadvantages - Training of social partners - Gender competence in jobdescription - GM in broader area gender more often on political agenda - demand for gender training - people fund their own training to increase employability - need for GM policy and funding for social partners - requires serious HR management - selection, personel assessment and evaluation, gender performance needed for career development - gender expertises needed at HR departments

7 3. Impact of gender training 1. gender issues in the political and policy dialogue 2. new partners in dialogue (women's org.) 3. gender country profiles, gender analyisis of sectors and programmes 4. stronger position of gender experts GFPs 5. increased gender expertise (including in TOR for procurements and subsidising 6. gender coordination mechanisms and networks 7. increased in-house awareness and discussions on gender 8. gender sensitive procedures, use of gender quality criteria 9. increased skills to use gender tools 10. improved monitoring reports

8 4. How to create demand for gender training? 1. Improve in-house culture (commitment at the top, GE as core value, gender introduction for new staff, participative management, gender aware HR management) 2. Ensure accountability mechanisms (operational framework, targets, quality criteria, reporting, responsibilities) 3. Promote gender as core-competence, incentives, and personal assessment, gender in job description, g-training opportunities,etc. 4. Gender at the political agenda; included in multianual policy planning of ministries (targets,budget)

9 4. How to create demand for gender training?(2) 5. Compulsary use of gender tools (G-Marker, GIA, Gender analysis) 6. Ensure that gender training is linked to practice (tailoring evey piece to target group, link content to practice/profession/occupation or specialisation, tailor to standard procedures prevent parallel procedures, provide cycles of training not stand alone) 7. Money allocation (every offer creates its own demand the more is offered, the more diversified is the demand)

10 6. Priority needs for succesfull gender mainstreaming - Training close to the needs, specialisation, daily work and procedures of target groups (e.g. urban planning, budgeting, transport, statistics,...), - Compulsary gender training for crucial jobs (staff, middle management) e.g. included in other trainings - Certification - Target gender training to crucial groups for institutionalisation of GM in HR-policy and management system (lesson learned from GM in Dutch Dev. Cooperation):. gender as core value of organisation, mainstreamed in routines, standard operational procedures and processes. core competence in recruitment, in job-description, functions, tasks, PPA+ carreer dev.

11 7. Examples of quality standards for gender training A. External audits: 1. worldwide recognised standards (ISO internat. Standardisation organisation) voluntary adoption of and compliance with ISO 2. national recognised standards (national standardisation authority) voluntary adoption and compliance with these standards (e.g. UK - standards linked to implementation of Equality Act 2010) 3. Peer reviews and assessments: performance evaluation by professionals in the same field to keep each others sharp

12 7. Examples of quality standards for gender training B. Internal audits 4. Benchmarking: systematic research into performance and processes of leading reference organisation(s) compared to performance of own organisation 5. Self-evaluation: using (external or internal) quality assessment criteria to measure performance and progress and to identify issues which need to be improved.

13 Example Problem: huge shortage of skilled professionals to expand access to HIV treatment WHO certification of HIV/AIDS competence Aim: ensure worldwide achievement of high quality training to increase HIV/AIDS competence Certification criteria: based on WHO guidelines:. content core curricula. criteria for training processes. means to verify outcome Result: Boost to training activities. Multiplier effects trainees in one year

14 7. Quality standards for gender in core trainings Train4Dev Gender Experts Group: Q-standard for gender mainstreaming in core trainings:. Participants (recruitment, quota, timing, facilities). Contents (gender analysis; practical and strategic gender needs addressed; sex-disaggregated statistics used; enhancing attitudes and skills for gender responsive performance, planning and/or budgeting; language and examples used; stereotypes avoided, etc.). Methodology (gender in TNA, gender sensitive examples, case studies, group exercises,. Facilitators (gender expertise in team, evaluation of trainer's gender performance)

15 Question for panel discussion Can certification of quality standards for gender training boost EU-wide achievement of high quality training for gender mainstreming? Should EIGE play a proactive role in certification of gender training?