High-Performance Work Systems and Job Control : Consequences for Anxiety, Role Overload, and Turnover Intentions

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1 High-Performance Work Systems and Job Control : Consequences for Anxiety, Role Overload, and Turnover Intentions Novita Lis Setiyawan S1-Manajemen SDM

2 As organizations consider ways to increase and enhance organizational performance, research on strategic human resource management (HRM) has gained increasing attention. Within research on strategic HRM, a particular focus has emerged on high-performance work systems (HPWS), also referred to as highperformance work practices and best practice HRM. (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013) Leading organizational behavior specialists believe that HPWS has the greatest potential to provide sustained competitive advantage to companies adopting it. (John Tomer, 2007) Link referensi: 1. Performance_Work_Systems_and_Job_Control_Consequences_for_Anxiety_Role_Overload_and_Turnover_Intentions/ links/ de8aeac /high-performance-work-systems-and-job-control-consequences-for-anxiety- Role-Overload-and-Turnover-Intentions.pdf 2.

3 PREVIOUS RESEARCH SUGGESTION The sampling frame provides a unique context that limits the generalizability of the findings. It may be that public-sector employees are more apt to feel anxiety and role overload from the utilization of HPWS than their counterparts in private-sector organizations. In particular, the government of Wales has a history of demanding high performance standards from employees (National Assembly for Wales, 2000). Further, in an era where greater scrutiny is placed on the use of public funds, it may be that publicsector employees are more prone to have negative perceptions of HPWS, which serve to color their attitudes and intentions. As a result, future studies should investigate the hypothesized model in a private-sector setting. Link referensi: Performance_Work_Systems_and_Job_Control_Consequences_for_Anxiety_Role_Overload_and_Turnover_Intentions/links / de8aeac /High-Performance-Work-Systems-and-Job-Control-Consequences-for-Anxiety-Role- Overload-and-Turnover-Intentions.pdf

4 A REPLICATION STUDY Menguji previous research model (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013) pada pengaturan sektor swasta. THE CONSTRUCTS INVOLVED [1] HPWS Utilization, [2] HPWS Perception, [3] Job Control, [4] Anxiety Role Overload, and [5] Turnover Intentions RESEARCH OBJECT Karyawan yang bekerja di perusahaan swasta di daerah Jakarta Selatan.

5 JOB CONTROL Job control is defined, herein, as a perceived ability to exert some influence over one s work environment, in order to make it more rewarding and less threatening (Frank W. Bond, 2003). TURNOVER INTENTIONS Turnover intentions is defined as a conscious and deliberate willingness to leave the organization (Laurel A. McNall, 2010). Link referensi:

6 Model Rujukan Q H Index Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, Link referensi:

7 An employee who has little control over how and when to do his or her work is likely to suffer greater psychological consequences from the perceived job demands associated with HPWS than another employee perceiving the same demands who has the latitude to exert more personal discretion (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013). It is logical to conclude that stressors would bemuch more threatening to those who do not perceive themselves of being capable of performing their job tasks (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013). H1: The relationship between HPWS utilization and anxiety is moderated by job control. As job control decreases, HPWS utilization will relate to higher anxiety. Ringkasan argumen: Karyawan yang tidak menganggap diri mereka mampu melakukan tugas pekerjaan mereka, akan memiliki tingkat kecemasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan karyawan lain yang merasakan tuntutan yang sama tetapi memiliki kebebasan untuk menggunakan kebijaksanaannya lebih banyak.

8 At low levels of job control, we argue that organizations are not likely to reap the positive benefits associated with HPWS (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013). Employees who are not afforded job control or discretion in completing work tasks may feel that they are getting less out of the system while being expected to perform with greater effort. Subsequently, the perception shifts from that of a soft, or commitmentoriented, approach to a hard, or control-oriented, approach, and the effort to comply with the demands of work is no longer discretionary but, rather, is required and expected (Evans & Davis, 2005). H2: The relationship between HPWS utilization and role overload is moderated by job control. As job control decreases, HPWS utilization will relate to higher role overload. Ringkasan argumen: Ketika tingkat kontrol pekerjaan rendah, organisasi tidak akan mendapat efek positif terkait dengan HPWS, karena karyawan yang tidak diberikan kendali dalam menyelesaikan tugas akan merasa bahwa mereka semakin keluar dari sistem sementara dituntut dengan pekerjaan yang memerlukan usaha lebih besar. Link referensi :

9 We theorize that firm-level research on turnover has not adequately considered individual attitudes that drive turnover intentions and that the relationship between HPWS and turnover intentions is likely to be affected by control perceptions as well as key psychological mediators. and several scholars have established empirical evidence linking stressful work to turnover intentions (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013). H3: Anxiety mediates the relationship between the interaction of HPWS utilization and control perceptions on turnover intentions. Ringkasan argumen: Perputaran tidak cukup mempertimbangkan sikap individu yang mendorong keinginan untuk berpindah, hubungan HPWS dan keinginan berpindah cenderung dipengaruhi persepsi kontrol serta stres kerja yang bertindak sebagai pemicu emosi negatif.

10 We propose that the stressor of HPWS, in combination with low job control, will relate to increased anxiety and role overload perceptions. These perceptions, in turn, are theorized to relate to increased coping via turnover intentions (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013). H4: Role overload mediates the relationship between the interaction of HPWS utilization and control perceptions on turnover intentions. Ringkasan argumen: Karyawan yang dihadapkan dengan tuntutan pekerjaan yang membebani diri pribadi mereka akan mempunyai pikiran untuk memisahkan diri dari tuntutan perusahaan dengan mempertimbangkan meninggalkan organisasi.

11 Variabel Measurement Sumber Job Control (JCO) Anxiety (AXI) JCO 1 I have significant autonomy in determining how I do my job JCO 2 I can decide on my own how to go about doing my work JCO 3 I have considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do my job JCO 4 I I have a large impact on what happened in my section of this department JCO 5 I have great deal of control over what happens in my section of this department JCO 6 I have sifnificant influence over what happens in my section of this department AXI 1 I feel tense or wound up (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013) AXI 2 I get a sort of frightened feeling like butterflies in the stomach AXI 3 I get a sort of frightened feeling as if something awful is about to happen AXI 4 I feel restless as if I have to be on the move AXI 5 I get sudden feelings of panic (Jaclyn M. Jensen, Pankaj C. Patel, Jake G. Messersmith, 2013) AXI 6 I can sit at ease and feel relaxed Link referensi: Performance_Work_Systems_and_Job_Control_Consequences_for_Anxiety_Role_Overload_and_Turnover_Intentions/links/ de8aeac /High-Performance-Work-Systems-and-Job-Control-Consequences-for-Anxiety-Role-Overload-and-Turnover- Intentions.pdf