United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

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1 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Performance Review and Assessment of Implementation System 4th Reporting and Review Cycle - Report for Algeria

2 Table of Contents Performance Indicators Operational Objective : Advocacy, awareness raising and education Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome. Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcome.3 Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome.3 Operational Objective : Policy framework Performance indicator CONS-O-5 for Outcomes.,. and.3 Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome.5 Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcomes 3. and 3. Performance indicator CONS-O-9 for Outcome 3. and 3. Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome 3.3 and 3.4 Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome 3.5 Operational Objective 4: Capacity building Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcomes 4. and 4. Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome 5. Performance indicator CONS-O-6 for Outcome 5. Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome 5.3 Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcome 5.5 Standard Financial Annex Programme and Project Sheets Programme/Project # Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique en centralisé :"Travaux de mise en valeur et développement de la steppe (4éme et 5éme phase)" Programme/Project # (Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique)HCDS: "Etude de l'impact des ouvrages de dérivation des eaux de crue sur les sols" Programme/Project #3 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS: "Encadrement pour la mise en défens des parcours (3ème phase)" Programme/Project #4 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS: Mise en défens sur 8 Ha à travers la wilaya de Laghouat Programme/Project #5 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS : Equipement du bloc administratif et de vulgarisation Programme/Project #6 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS :Equipement du laboratoire. Programme/Project #7 Programme Hauts Plateaux (HCDS): Développement de la steppe 5 opérations diverses de la wilaya de Djelfa (ère tranche). Programme/Project #8 Programme Haut Plateaux(HCDS): Développement des zones pastorales dans localités au profit de 6 communes de la wilaya de M'SILA (ère tranche). Programme/Project #9 Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Développement de la steppe (5 opérations diverses) pour la wilaya de Djelfa (ème tranche). Programme/Project # Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Développement des zones pastorales dans localités au profit de 6 communes pour la wilaya de M'Sila (ème tranche) Programme/Project # Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS : Acquisition de 8 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Saîda (ère tranche) Programme/Project # Programme Hauts Plateaux HCDS:Acquisition de 5 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Sétif. Programme/Project #3 Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS :Acquisition de 4 kits solaires pour la wilaya d'el Bayadh (ère tranche). Programme/Project #4 Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS :Acquisition de 53 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Bouira.

3 Programme/Project #5 NF ,74. Actualisation et extension de la carte de sensibilité à la désertification par télédétection ~~~ Programme/Project #6 Recensement et Cartographie des Nappes Alfatières Programme/Project #7 Lutte contre parasites et maladies de forêts Programme/Project #8 Etude sur la réhabilitation de l'arganier Programme/Project #9 Projet Emploi Rural II Programme/Project # projet de Développement rural des monts de Traras et de Sbaa Chioukh ( W.de Tlemcen );Projet pluriannuel Programme/Project # Projet Pilote de developpement de de l'agriculture de montagne dans le bassin versant de l'oued SAF SAF Programme/Project # Projet Pilote de developpement des zones montagneuses du nord de la wilaya de MSILA /projet pluriannuel Programme/Project #3 programme décentralisé de développement forestier et de préservation des resources naturelles 8 Programme/Project #4 programme decentralisé 9 :de preservation des ressources naturelles,de lutte contre la désertification de protection de bassins versants et de reboisements~~~ Programme/Project #5 SCHEMA NATIONAL DE CONSERVATION DES SOLS ET DE LUTTE CONTRE LA DESERTIFICATION Programme/Project #6 etude de schémas directeur de développement des 8 massifs montagneux en algerie Programme/Project #7 Programme Haut Plateaux) HCDS:Acquisition de 5 kits solaires pour la wilaya de M'sila (ère tranche) Programme/Project #8 Projets de proximite de lutte contre la déserification financés dans le cadre du fonds de lutte contre la désertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe en 8 Programme/Project #9 Programme 9 :Projets de proximité de lutte contre la déserification financés dans le cadre du fonds de lutte contre la desertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe Programme/Project #3 programme 8:projets de proximités de développement rural intégrés financés dans le cadre du fonds de développement rural et mise en valeur des terres (FDRMVTC) Programme/Project #3 Programme 9:Projets de proximités de développement rural intégrés financés dans le cadre du FDRMVTC Programme/Project #3 CDARS (Programme Sud): Etude de délimitation des périmétres agricoles dans la wilaya de Béchar. Programme/Project #33 programme sud :Etude agro pédologique à travers la wilaya d'illizi Programme/Project #34 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR: Etude de l'évaluation des travaux complémentaire portant sur les fermes de gestion de l'éspace pastorale Programme/Project #35 Programme Centralisé:MADR Projet de coopération de développement rural intégré avec la communauté européenne Programme/Project #36 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme Haut Plateaux): (8 opérations) Eléctrification agricole à travers les wilayas de djelfa,naama,khenchela,elbayadh sur un volume de 98 km~~~ Programme/Project #37 I) Programme Centralisé:MADR(Programme SUD): MADR(Programme SUD): Electrification agricole sur 94,6Kms à travers la wilaya d'ouargla (tranche I) el oued tamanrasset,biskra,bechar,laghouat.~~~ Programme/Project #38 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme SUD): Etude d'aménagement de parcours à travers la wilaya d'el Oued Programme/Project #39 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme SUD): Etude de systéme de drainage de la palmerais de chergga (wilaya d'ouargla) Programme/Project #4 I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Plantation pastorale sur 6 HA à travers la wilaya de Saîda (ère tranche). Programme/Project #4 I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Mise en défens sur 8 HA dans la wilaya de Tlemcen.

4 Programme/Project #4 I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Plantation pastorale (5 opérations))-sur 7 HA à travers la wilaya d'el Bayadh (ère tranche)).à travers 8 communes de la wilaya de Tiaret.3)la wilaya de M'sila (ère tranche).4)à travers la wilaya de Sétif. wilaya de Djelfa Programme/Project #43 I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):5 opérations Acquisition de kits solaires de 85 la wilaya de Khenchela,de 3 wilaya Tébessa,de 68 au profit de 9 communes wilaya de Tiaret, de37 au profit de 4 communes de la wilaya de tlemcen,de 5 wilaya de SBA~~~ Programme/Project #44 I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):Equipement des puits en énergie solaire ou en éolienne (6 unités) pour la wilaya de Naâma. Programme/Project #45 Programme/Projet / Programme Centralisé: opérations HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):Lutte contre la dynamique des CHOTTS (ère tranche+éme tranche) dans la wilaya d'oum El Bouaghi Programme/Project #46 Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations de Mise en défens sur HA à travers la wilaya d'el Bayadh,3 HA dans la wilaya de Tiaret,dans la wilaya de SBA,6HA wilaya de bouira,54 HA,8HA dans la wilaya de Tlemcen,dans la wilaya de djelfa~~~ Programme/Project #47 I) Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux): pérations: Acquisition de kits solaires de 6 pour wilaya d'oum El Bouaghi,de 65 wialya de médéa,de 8 Wilaya de saida,3 wilaya de tebessa,5 wilaya de SBA,de68 Wilaya de tiaret,de 3 wilaya de souk ahras,de 37 wilaya de tlemcen,~~~ Programme/Project #48 Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux): pérations: Acquisition de kits solaires de 4 pour wilaya d'el Bayadh,de 5 wilaya de m'sila,de 65 Wilaya de Médéa,de 85 wilaya de Khenchela~~~ Programme/Project #49 Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux):8 pérations:plantation pastorale dans la wilaya de Djelfa,et à travers 8 communes de la wilaya de Tiaret,sur 7 Ha à travers 8 communes de la wilaya d'el Bayedh, wilaya de Djelfa,sur 6 Ha à travers la wilaya de Saida,wilaya de khenchela~~~ Programme/Project #5 Equipement de puits 33 unités pour la wilaya de Tébéssa (ère tranche). Programme/Project #5 I) Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Etude et amènagement des parcours steppiques de la wilaya de M'SILA. Programme/Project #5 Programme centralisé hauts plateaux :Mise en défens sur 5 4 HA à travers la wilaya de Médéa. Programme/Project #53 Réalisation d'une pépinière pastorale à Tissemsilt Programme/Project #54 I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Préservation et développement du parcours steppiques pour la wilaya de Khenchela(ème tranche) Programme/Project #55 Plantation rustique et pastorale : sur 3 95Ha à travers la wilaya de Bouira (ème tranche),à travers de la wilaya de M'sila,: 555 ha et 89 unités (ère tranche)à travers la wilaya de Souk Ahras,à travers d la wilaya de setif~~~ Programme/Project #56 I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS Amélioration des conditions d'élevage dans les parcours sahariens. Programme/Project #57 Réaménagement des palmeraies de TIDIKELT Programme/Project #58 I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations Développement oasien et préservation des ressources naturelles en zones sud de la wilaya de Khenchela (ère tranche).et éme tranche Programme/Project #59 I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations ;Réhabilitation palmeraie de Negrine pour la wilaya de Tébéssa Programme/Project #6 CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): Etude et aménagement de la palmerais de Maghrar pour la wilaya de Naâma. Additional Information Reporting process-related issues Accommodation of specific requests within COP decisions

5 Reporting on the implementation of NAP Human resources Financial resources Any other country-specific issues Best Practices Submission Form General Information Section GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE REPORTING ENTITY Reporting country * Algeria Name and surname of the person submitting the report * Zohra Ghazi Affiliation and contact details * ghazizdz@yahoo.fr

6 Performance Indicators C. Performance indicators Performance indicators are for measuring progress against the five operational objectives of The Strategy, in line with decision 3/COP.8. The year 8 (the first year of the Strategy) serves as the baseline year. Affected country Parties are requested to report on the following fourteen performance indicators out of the eighteen consolidated performance indicators presented in ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add. and Add.. Reporting is guided by means of templates, one for each performance indicator. Within the templates, shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts and white areas are for reporting purposes and need to be filled in by affected country Parties with relevant quantitative data, selection of multiple choice boxes, or narrative information. Operational Objective : Advocacy, awareness raising and education Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome. Operational Objective : Advocacy, awareness raising and education Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome. Number and size of information events organized on the subject of DLDD and/or DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity, and audience reached by media addressing DLDD and DLDD synergies. Understanding of the indicator At the national and local level, the indicator measures the performance of Convention-related communication strategies, in particular, whether DLDD issues and synergies are being communicated and if so, whether the communication is considered to be effective. Effectiveness is assessed through the appraisal of the media campaigns carried out; the assumption is that the stronger the media campaigns on DLDD issues and synergies, the higher the probability of passing the messages on to the target audience. The focus of the indicator is on information activities specifically dedicated to DLDD and/or DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity. Other reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on Convention-related communication strategies at subregional, regional and global level. Data needed Information on events/media specifically addressing DLDD and/or DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity. Attendance lists of events (meetings, workshops, seminars), programmes/projects documents, estimate of target audience for major media events (campaigns, radio and television programmes, etc.). Events organized and media produced by the UNCCD NFP or organized/produced by third parties not directly reporting to the Convention (TV channels, newspaper editors, etc.) shall be considered. Data sources (indicative only) International and national media (newspapers) advertising the events at national and local level, the Internet, the organizers of the events, programmes/projects final reports. Check the glossary for NFP, ICT, Information events, Media products, STIs, CSOs Media products have been grouped into: (a) Paper media products (articles, press releases, leaflets, flyers, brochures and comics, etc.); (b) radio and television programmes; (c) other ICT (websites, CDs, DVD, etc.). Overall target By 8, 3 per cent of the global population is informed about DLDD and DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity Number of information events

7 Year Number of information events Estimated number of participants in the information events Estimated number of persons reached by media products and by key stakeholders Media products have been grouped into: (a) Paper media products (articles, press releases, leaflets, flyers, brochures and comics, etc.); (b) radio and television programmes; (c) other ICT (websites, CDs, DVD, etc.). Year Stakeholder Paper media products Radio and TV other ICT Public at Large 5 8 Civil society organizations 8 8 Science and technology institutions 6 6 Public at Large 5 9 Civil society organizations 8 8 Science and technology institutions 6 6 Public at Large Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large 3 Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions

8 Public at Large 4 Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large 5 Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large 6 Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large 7 Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Public at Large 8 Civil society organizations Science and technology institutions Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. C'est une approximation par rapport aux celebrations des journées nationales et internationales organisée notamment par le ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural à travers ces structures locales (agricoles,forêts )et centrales et le ministére de l'environnement Attachments: none National contribution to the target On the basis of the information you have provided above, estimate the proportion (%) of the population in your country which is informed about DLDD and DLDD synergies with climate change and biodiversity at the time of reporting? Estimated share of total country population = % Qualitative assessment Is the information you have provided on communication processes part of a national communication strategy addressing environmental issues? Yes Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcome.3 Operational Objective : Advocacy, awareness raising and education Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcome.3 Number of CSOs and science and technology institutions participating in the Convention processes.

9 Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the level of participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) and science and technology institutions (STIs) in DLDD-related programmes and projects. The indicator will outline whether the active involvement of these stakeholders in country-based initiatives increases over time and whether programmes/projects are valid tools for the engagement of, and receiving contributions from, CSOs and STIs at the field level. Other reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the involvement of CSOs and STIs at subregional, regional and global level; in particular, the secretariat and the GM will report on the involvement of CSOs and STIs at the institutional level. Data needed The specification of the organizations involved in the programmes/projects as reported in the PPSs. Data sources (indicative only) PPSs submitted to the UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise. Check the glossary for STIs, CSOs, PPS, Convention processes Overall target A steady growth in the participation of CSOs and science and technology institutions in the Convention processes is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy. In the PPSs you have specified the number of CSOs and the number of STIs involved in each programme/project. Add these numbers and give the totals by year in the table below. Year Number of CSOs involved in DLDD-related programmes/projects Number of STIs involved in DLDD-related programmes/projects Question marked as 'No answer'. Sources of information Programme and project sheets (PPSs) submitted to UNCCD No answer required National contribution to the target At the time of reporting, is your government undertaking concrete initiatives to increase the participation of CSOs and STIs in DLDD-related programmes and projects? Yes

10 Qualitative assessment Specify the reasons for the increasing and/or decreasing trend of the participation of CSOs and STIs to DLDD-related programmes/projects. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance ) Not important Important Very important X Increased networking and collaboration opportunities X X Increased access to information and to national and/or international financing opportunities X X Increased willingness of the government in working with CSOs X X Increased interest of donors in working with CSOs X X Strengthened organizational, project management and fund-raising capacity of CSOs X X Increased funding opportunities requiring partnership with the STIs X X Strengthened organizational, project management and fund-raising capacity of the STIs Other X Other (specify) (max 3 words) Reasons for decreasing for CSOs Not important Important Very important X Costly participatory processes Low organizational, fund-raising and project management capacity of CSOs Government policies and/or the legal environment do not foster the engagement of CSOs Diminishing funding Other X Other (specify) (max 3 words) Reasons for decreasing for STIs Not important Important Very important X DLDD topics are not prioritized by national STIs Low organizational, fund-raising and project management capacity of STIs X X Decreased networking opportunities at national and international level X Diminishing funding

11 Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome.3 Operational Objective : Advocacy, awareness raising and education Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome.3 Number and type of DLDD-related initiatives of CSOs and science and technology institutions in the field of education. Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the number and type of DLDD-related initiatives undertaken by CSOs and STIs in the education sector at the national level. The assumption is that the higher the number of DLDD-related education initiatives undertaken by these stakeholders, the stronger their interest in addressing DLDD problems. A distinction is made between activities carried out in the formal education sector and in the non-formal education sector. This indicator focuses on education because awareness and advocacy are already measured through indicators CONS-O- and CONS-O-, respectively. Other reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the involvement of CSOs and STIs at subregional, regional and global level. Data needed Information on initiatives undertaken in the field of education that may be found in: written communications by CSOs and STIs to the NFP; contractual and/or programme/project-related documents; records of academic bodies and their curricula. Only initiatives in the field of education (formal and non-formal) directly relating to DLDD issues are to be considered. Data sources (indicative only) CSOs and STIs operating in the country. Check the glossary for CSOs, STIs, NFP, Formal education, Non-formal education. Overall target A steady growth in the number of DLDD-related education initiatives undertaken by CSOs and science and technology institutions is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy Number of DLDD-related initiatives undertaken Number of DLDD-related Number of DLDD-related Number of Number of DLDD-related Year initiatives undertaken by CSOs formal initiatives undertaken by CSOs non-formal DLDD-related initiatives undertaken by STIs initiatives undertaken by STIs non-formal education education formal education education

12 6 7 8 Question marked as 'No answer'. Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Attachments: none National contribution to the target At the time of reporting, is your government undertaking concrete initiatives to increase the delivery of DLDD-related initiatives in the education sector by CSOs and STIs? Yes Qualitative assessment Specify the reasons for the increasing and/or decreasing trend of DLDD-related education initiatives undertaken by CSOs and STIs. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very important X Increased access to funding X X X Increased awareness of DLDD-related problems and of the need for action Increased knowledge of DLDD-related topics and enhanced skills of trainers/teachers X X X Government policies are more supportive of education initiatives X International donors are more supportive of education-focussed initiatives. Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Reasons for decreasing for CSOs Not important Important Very important X Lack of financial resources Insufficient awareness and knowledge by national CSOs of DLDD-related issues X X Limited capillary presence of national CSOs at the grass-root level X Other

13 Other (specify) (max 3 words) Reasons for decreasing for STIs Not important Important Very important Lack of financial resources National STIs are more focussed on research activities than on education and training Other Other (specify) (max 3 words)

14 Operational Objective : Policy framework Performance indicator CONS-O-5 for Outcomes.,. and.3 Operational Objective : Policy framework Performance indicator CONS-O-5 for Outcomes.,. and.3 Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities to have finalized the formulation/revision of NAPs/SRAPs/RAPs aligned to The Strategy, taking into account biophysical and socio-economic information, national planning and policies, and integration into investment frameworks. Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the performance of affected country Parties in formulating or revising their NAPs in alignment with The Strategy. While providing information on this process, the indicator also outlines whether: (a) the analysis of DLDD drivers, barriers to possible solutions, and measures that may eventually overcome these barriers, has been carried out; (b) the alignment process has been supported by biophysical and socio-economic baseline information; (c) the action programmes have been included in integrated investment frameworks; and (d) the action programmes have been integrated with other existing national plans and policies. The indicator will inform on the extent to which Parties have responded to decision 3/COP.8, paragraph 45, and on the feasibility of assessing the progress of The Strategy over its implementation period (8 8). Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on formulation or revision of SRAPs and RAPs in alignment with The Strategy. Data needed UNCCD NAP. Only a NAP formally approved by the relevant governmental authorities is to be considered as finalized. Other relevant planning documents. Data sources (indicative only) UNCCD NFP. Check the glossary for Finalized, NAP, NFP, driver, barrier, integrated investment framework, baseline Overall target By 4, at least 8 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities have formulated/revised a NAP/SRAP/RAP aligned to The Strategy. NAP Adoption and Revision Had your country already adopted a NAP prior to The Strategy? Yes If yes, has your country revised the NAP in alignment with The Strategy? No If you have revised the NAP in alignment with The Strategy, specify the date of its approval. If you have not revised the NAP in alignment with The Strategy, specify why the process was not initiated. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very Important Not a priority for the government Lack of capacities Lack of financial resources

15 Understaffing Lack of time Poor internal coordination among relevant ministries X Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) son alignement est en cours.mais l'application de la politique du renouveau rural est la réponse à l'alignement du PAN aux objectifs stratégiques If your country had no NAP adopted prior to The Strategy, have you formulated an aligned NAP after The Strategy s adoption in 8? If yes, specify the date of its approval. If at the time of reporting you have not formulated a NAP aligned to The Strategy specify why the process was not initiated. (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very Important Not a priority for the government Lack of capacities Lack of financial resources Understaffing Lack of time Poor internal coordination among relevant ministries Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) The questions below apply only to those countries having a NAP aligned to The Strategy If you have a NAP, is it supported by biophysical and socio-economic baseline information? Yes If you have a NAP, does it assess DLDD drivers? Yes If you have a NAP, does it assess the barriers to sustainable land management? Yes If yes, does the NAP include recommendations to remove these barriers? Yes If you have a NAP, has it been included into an integrated investment framework? Yes If you have a NAP, has it been integrated into national development planning and relevant sectoral and investment plans and policies? Yes If yes, has the NAP been integrated into your country s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper?

16 Yes Did you refer to the Guidelines on the alignment of action programmes with The Strategy as proposed in ICCD/COP(9)//Add. while developing or reviewing your action plan? Yes Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. point focal national Attachments: none National contribution to the target If you do not have an approved NAP aligned to The Strategy at the time of reporting, when do you plan to have it developed and approved? -3 Qualitative assessment Has the formulation and/or alignment of the NAP been supported by external assistance? Yes If yes, did you receive assistance from one or more of the following institutions? (more than one box can be ticked) GM If yes, which type of assistance did you receive? Capacity Building Identify the major difficulties experienced in the formulation/alignment process (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very Important Not a priority for the government Poor availability of biophysical and socio- economic baseline information Existing investment frameworks are not fully compatible with the NAP Streamlining the NAP into existing plans and policies is too time-consuming X Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome.5 Operational Objective : Policy framework Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome.5 Number of initiatives for synergistic planning/programming of the three Rio Conventions or mechanisms for joint implementation, at all levels.

17 Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the existence of synergistic processes through the number of instruments (i.e. joint planning/programming and/or operational mechanisms) in place at the national level which foster the introduction of or strengthen the mutually reinforcing measures among the three Rio Conventions. The assumption is that the higher the number of enabling instruments in place, the higher the possibility of achieving synergies in implementation. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on synergistic processes at the subregional, regional and global level. Data needed Planning/programming documents and legislative/regulatory documents. Only operational mechanisms which have the achievement of joint implementation, synergies, convergence, and the introduction or strengthening of reinforcing measures among the Rio Conventions clearly stated in their objectives shall be considered under this indicator. Data sources (indicative only) Relevant national ministries. Check the glossary for Joint planning/programming initiatives, Operational mechanisms for joint implementation or mutual reinforcement For an indicative list of activities by Parties to promote synergies among the Rio Conventions, refer to target='_blank'>unep/cbd /COP/DC/IX/6, Annex II Overall target By 4, each affected country Party has either one joint national plan in place or functional mechanism(s) to ensure synergies among the three Rio Conventions Are you implementing joint planning/programming initiatives for the three Rio Conventions? Yes, but for only two of the Rio Conventions If yes, specify the type of joint initiative(s) (tick as many boxes as necessary) Review of national plans and identification of gaps in synergies Review of plans and policies to enhance cooperation Enhancement of the institutional and scientific capacity of relevant stakeholders as well as of their awareness Other (specify) (max 3 words) Do operational mechanisms for joint implementation or mutual reinforcement exist in your country? Yes, but for only two of the Rio Conventions If yes, specify the type of mechanism(s) (tick as many boxes as necessary) Carry out of periodic meetings between focal points and focal point teams Other (specify) (max 3 words) Question marked as 'No answer'. Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Attachments: none

18 National contribution to the target If your country is not implementing joint planning/programming or does not have operational mechanisms in place at the time of reporting, when do you plan to have something ensuring synergies in place? -3 Qualitative assessment Has the establishment of synergistic processes for joint implementation of the Rio Conventions at national level been supported by the institutions of the Rio Conventions? No If yes, by which Convention? (more than one box can be ticked) Identify the major difficulties experienced to establish synergistic planning/programming or mechanisms for joint implementation (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very Important Not a priority for the government X Lack of capacities Lack of financial resources X Understaffing Lack of time X Poor internal coordination among relevant ministries Other Other (specify) (max 3 words)

19 Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcomes 3. and 3. Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcomes 3. and 3. Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities to have established and supported a national/subregional /regional monitoring system for DLDD. Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the monitoring potential of the country by quantifying the number of monitoring systems established and supported. These monitoring systems may be specifically or partially (in the case of environmental monitoring systems) dedicated to UNCCD reporting. The indicator will inform on the extent to which it is realistic to expect more regular and coherent reporting by affected country Parties during the implementation of The Strategy and beyond. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on UNCCD-relevant monitoring systems established and supported at the subregional, regional and global level. Data needed Information on monitoring systems established within the national Ministries or other bodies/institutions. Programmes/projects documents, fiches and summary sheets, programmes/projects interim or final reports. Only those monitoring systems storing all or most of the information needed for reporting to the UNCCD shall be considered. Data sources (indicative only) Relevant national ministries, programme/project management units, other non-governmental initiatives. Check the glossary for monitoring system, vulnerability Overall target By 8, at least 6 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional reporting entities have established and supported national monitoring systems for DLDD Question marked as 'No answer'. Is a monitoring system for DLDD established at the national level? If yes, specify whether this system is: Functional If yes, specify whether this system is: Regularly Updated If no DLDD-specific monitoring system is in place, is an environmental monitoring system partially covering DLDD established at the national level? List any monitoring system available at the sub- national level that can contribute to the UNCCD reporting (add as many rows as necessary). Projet Roselt,Projet SCIDE,Projet SMAS Question marked as 'No answer'. Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents.

20 Point focal Attachments: none National contribution to the target If your country does not have a national monitoring system partially or totally dedicated to DLDD in place at the time of reporting, do you plan to initiate one? Yes If yes, when? - Qualitative assessment For those countries not having a national monitoring system totally or partially dedicated to DLDD, identify the major difficulties experienced in the establishment process (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very important X Financial constraints X Lack of capacities X Human resources constraints X X X X Lack of coordination among relevant ministries and unclear attribution of responsibilities X X Lack of coordination among donor-led programme/project interventions X X Existing initiatives are too fragmented; cannot be realistically coordinated under one umbrella. X X Existing national and/or sub-national monitoring systems use different methodologies and cannot be realistically harmonised Other X Other (specify) (max 3 words) For those countries having a national monitoring system totally or partially dedicated to DLDD, how is the system maintained? (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance) Not important Important Very important By means of national resources By means of external support No maintenance is possible due to limited professional capacities No maintenance is possible due to limited financial resources Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Performance indicator CONS-O-9 for Outcome 3. and 3.

21 Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O-9 for Outcome 3. and 3. Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities reporting to the Convention along revised reporting guidelines on the basis of agreed indicators Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the use of biophysical and socio-economic information at the national level in defining a commonly agreed core set of impact indicators for the UNCCD and in monitoring progress against these indicators using harmonized methodologies. The indicator will inform to what extent it is possible to compile a comparable and global assessment of UNCCD impact. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the use of impact indicators at the subregional and regional levels, if and when impact indicators for these levels will be commonly agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties. Data needed Reports to the UNCCD by affected country Parties in and 6. The information to report on this indicator will be compiled by affected country Parties every four years when reporting on the strategic objectives that require biophysical and socio-economic information (i.e. SO, SO and SO3). Reporting on this indicator is due in and in 6 only. Data sources (indicative only) UNCCD NFP. Check the glossary for NFP Overall target By 8, at least 9 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional reporting entities report to the Convention in compliance with the new reporting guidelines. Has your country reported on the two impact indicators considered by decision 3/COP.9 to be the minimum reporting requirement? No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle Number of impact indicators for strategic objectives, and 3 your country has reported on in and 6 No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle 6 No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle While reporting on impact indicators, did you refer to the reporting guidelines, i.e. using the common baselines and methodologies defined by the CST? No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows information as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle National contribution to the target If in your country has not reported on some or all of the impact indicators for the UNCCD, when do you plan to do so? No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle If in your country has not complied with the reporting guidelines, i.e. using the common baselines and

22 methodologies defined by the CST, when do you plan to do so? No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle Qualitative assessment Identify the major difficulties experienced in reporting against the impact indicators: No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle Other (specify) (max 3 words) No answer required for this indicator in the reporting cycle Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome 3.3 and 3.4 Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome 3.3 and 3.4 Number of revised NAPs/SRAPs/RAPs reflecting knowledge of DLDD drivers and their interactions, and of the interaction of DLDD with climate change and biodiversity. Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures knowledge-transfer processes from the theoretical to the operational level. This is done through an assessment carried out by affected country Parties (self-assessment) of the levels of traditional and scientific knowledge reflected in their NAPs. The assumption is that NAPs based on sound scientific and traditional knowledge will propose more significant and effective strategies and activities for implementation at the national level, and will, ultimately, perform better than those NAPs that do not take into account available knowledge on DLDD and DLDD synergies. The indicator will inform to what extent UNCCD implementation is likely to achieve meaningful results. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on the assessment of their SRAPs and RAPs. Data needed NAP aligned to The Strategy. Scientific literature consulted for the development of the NAP. Data sources (indicative only) UNCCD NFP. Check the glossary for NAP, NFP, driver Countries not having a NAP or not having aligned their NAP to The Strategy do not report on this indicator. The below questions are meant to guide the country s self-assessment of its aligned NAP. Overall target By 8, at least 7 per cent of revised NAPs/SRAPs/RAPs have successfully gone through a quality self-assessment. Countries not having a NAP or not having aligned their NAP to The Strategy do not report on this indicator. The below questions are meant to guide the country s self-assessment of its aligned NAP. In your NAP, is the identification of biophysical and socio-economic drivers, and of their interaction, knowledge-based? Yes If yes, specify upon which type of knowledge it is based (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Scientific literature Expert knowledge Traditional knowledge

23 If based on scientific literature, list the main reference literature consulted (add as many rows as needed). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. In your NAP, is the analysis of the interaction between drought mitigation and restoration of degraded land and climate change mitigation/ adaptation or biodiversity conservation knowledge-based? If yes, specify upon which type of knowledge it is based (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). If based on scientific literature, list the main reference literature consulted (add as many rows as needed). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Is drought mitigation analyzed and/or reflected in some of the actions outlined in the NAP? No Attachments: none Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above: UNCCD National Action Programme. No answer required National contribution to the target If in your NAP, DLDD drivers, their interactions, and the interaction of DLDD with climate change and biodiversity, are not analyzed on the basis of relevant scientific, expert and/or traditional knowledge, such that the self-assessment process is not fully successful, when do you expect to adjust your NAP so that it can successfully go through the self-assessment? -3 Qualitative assessment If your NAP has not been developed taking into account relevant scientific and/or traditional knowledge, identify the reasons (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very important Relevant scientific literature is not available Relevant traditional or expert knowledge is not available Lack of financial resources to mobilise the necessary knowledge Poor coordination among the relevant ministries prevented an internal pooling of knowledge/expertise Relevant ministries could not contribute due to lack of time Relevant ministries could not contribute due to lack of staff Other Other (specify) (max 3 words)

24 Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome 3.5 Operational Objective 3: Science, technology and knowledge Performance indicator CONS-O- for Outcome 3.5 Type, number and users of DLDD-relevant knowledge-sharing systems at the global, regional, subregional and national levels described on the Convention website. Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the presence at the national level of DLDD-related knowledge-sharing processes, through the quantification of the type and number of existing knowledge-sharing systems. Effectiveness of these systems is measured through quantification of their user-base. The indicator will inform to what extent scientific and traditional knowledge, including best practices, are available to and sufficiently shared with end-users. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on existing UNCCD-relevant knowledge-sharing systems at the subregional, regional and global level. Data needed Information from websites. Only DLDD-relevant knowledge-sharing systems and networks shall be considered. Data sources (indicative only) Relevant organizations at the national level, relevant national ministries hosting knowledge-sharing systems and networks within their websites. Check the glossary for knowledge-sharing system, PRAIS Question marked as 'No answer'. List any DLDD-relevant 'knowledge-sharing system' at the country level you are aware of, providing an Internet link and estimated number of users per year (add as many rows as necessary) Name of the System Internet Link Estimated number of users per year

25 Operational Objective 4: Capacity building Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcomes 4. and 4. Operational Objective 4: Capacity building Performance indicator CONS-O-3 for Outcomes 4. and 4. Number of countries, subregional and regional reporting entities engaged in building capacity to combat DLDD on the basis of NCSA or other methodologies and instruments Understanding of the indicator At the national level the indicator measures the presence of capacity-building processes through the quantification of existing major capacity-building initiatives. The indicator will inform to what extent affected country Parties may be expected to meet their obligations foreseen by the Convention, including forthcoming ones (i.e. new reporting requirements, establishment of environmental monitoring systems, accessing new financing mechanisms). This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on existing UNCCD-related capacity-building initiatives at the subregional, regional and global level. Data needed Information on DLDD-related capacity building initiatives. Only major capacity-building plans/programmes/projects mentioned in the PPSs are to be considered. Data sources (indicative only) PPSs submitted to UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise Programmes/projects documents, fiches and summary sheets, interim or final reports of those programmes and projects identified through the PPSs as having DLDD-related capacity-building as a major objective. Check the glossary for NCSA, PPS Overall target By 4, at least 9 per cent of affected country Parties, sub-regional and regional reporting entities implement DLDD specific capacity building plans or programs or projects. Number of DLDD-related capacity building initiatives undertaken Identify, if any, relevant programmes and projects through the PPSs and check corresponding programmes/projects documents, fiches and summary sheets, and interim or final reports, to extract the information needed for completing the table below Year NCSA-generated Other initiatives

26 7 8 Has your country assessed DLDD-related capacity building needs at the national level? The process is still ongoing If yes, within the framework of which initiative? Other (specify) (max 3 words) If yes, do you have assessed the necessary resources for addressing capacity building needs? Are these resource requirements included into an investment framework? Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. point focal Attachments: none National contribution to the target If at the time of reporting there are no DLDD-specific capacity building plans, programmes or projects implemented in your country, when do you plan to have something in place? - Qualitative assessment Have you received assistance from one or more of the following institutions to build capacities to combat DLDD? (more than one box can be ticked) GM GEF Multilateral (UN agencies, IGOs, international financing institutions, etc.) If yes, which type of assistance have you received? Financial support

27 Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome 5. Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-4 for Outcome 5. Number of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities whose investment frameworks, established within the IFS devised by the GM or within other integrated financing strategies, reflect leveraging national, bilateral and multilateral resources for combating desertification and land degradation. Understanding of the indicator At the national level, the indicator measures the presence of integrated financing processes allowing the leverage of national, bilateral and multilateral resources for combating desertification and land degradation, through the quantification of investment frameworks developed by country Parties within the IFS devised by the GM or other integrated financing strategies promoted by diverse international institutions. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on the establishment of integrated investment frameworks at national, subregional and regional level. Data needed Investment frameworks documents. Only investment frameworks prepared along the guidelines devised within integrated financing strategies shall be considered. Data sources (indicative only) Relevant national ministries. Check the glossary for IFS, NAP leveraging, integrated investment framework Overall target By 4, at least 5 per cent of affected country Parties, subregional and regional entities have developed integrated investment frameworks. Has your country developed an integrated investment framework? Yes If yes, specify when it was developed. 7/6/8 The questions below apply only to those countries which have an integrated investment framework. Is your integrated investment framework based on the NAP? No If based on the NAP, who assisted in its development? Other (specify) (max 3 words) If assisted, which type of assistance did you receive? If assisted by the GM, was it devised within the IFS? Yes If your country has an integrated investment framework based on the NAP, is this framework concretely allowing the leverage of national, bilateral and multilateral resources for combating DLDD?

28 Question marked as 'No answer'. Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Attachments: none Question marked as 'No answer'. National contribution to the target If your country has not developed an integrated investment framework at the time of reporting, do you plan to do it? If yes, when? Qualitative assessment Identify the major difficulties experienced in developing an integrated investment framework (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very Important Financial constraints X Human resources constraints X X Lack of coordination among relevant ministries and unclear attribution of responsibilities X X Lack of coordination among those providing support X National, bilateral and multilateral resources are too diverse; cannot be realistically coordinated under one umbrella. Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Performance indicator CONS-O-6 for Outcome 5. Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-6 for Outcome 5. Degree of adequacy, timeliness and predictability of financial resources made available by developed country Parties to combat DLDD. Understanding of the indicator This is a qualitative indicator requiring the perception-based assessment by developing affected country Parties of the adequacy, timeliness and predictability of bilateral contributions received from developed country Parties for the implementation of the Convention. Adequate, timely and predictable resources are frequently referred to in The Strategy as being necessary to ensure proper planning and effective implementation. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on their perception-based assessments. Data needed -

29 Data sources (indicative only) - Check the glossary for - Only affected country Parties entitled to receive assistance under the UNCCD are requested to report on this indicator. Overall target No target has been set for this indicator How would you rate the bilateral assistance received within the framework of UNCCD for the implementation of The Strategy and of the Convention? Adequacy of bilateral assistance Not adequate Timeliness of bilateral assistance Not timely Predictability of bilateral assistance Not predictable Provide narrative justification on your above rating (max words) parceque l'aide est pratiquement trés reduite Ppresque inexistanate par rapport aux besoins Qualitative assessment Did you receive assistance in raising resources from bilateral donors? Yes If yes, from whom? (more than one box can be ticked) GM Other (specify) (max 3 words) Has the level of adequacy, timeliness and predictability of bilateral assistance constrained your country s performance in planning and implementation with respect to UNCCD? Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome 5.3 Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-7 for Outcome 5.3 Number of DLDD-related project proposals successfully submitted for financing to international financial institutions, facilities and funds, including the GEF. Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures the capacity of fund-raising at the national level, through the quantification of project proposals successfully submitted for funding to the various financing organizations. The indicator will inform to what extent affected country Parties make increasing efforts to mobilize resources. This information will be complemented by the reporting of other reporting entities on the fund-raising efforts at national, subregional and regional level. Data needed Information contained in the PPSs and SFAs submitted to UNCCD.

30 Data sources (indicative only) PPSs and SFAs submitted to UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise. The PPS requires specification of the project status thus it allows the identification of relevant projects to be considered by this indicator and the monitoring of their approval status. The SFA requires the specification of amounts committed to approved projects. Check the glossary for PPS, SFA, Project proposals, currency, Successfully submitted proposals Overall target A steady growth in the number of DLDD-related successfully submitted project proposals is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy. Question marked as 'No answer'. Number of project proposals submitted (pipeline) and ongoing, by biennium Biennium submitted (pipeline) ongoing Amount of funds raised, by biennium You can find the amount of funds raised for the ongoing projects in the corresponding SFAs. Sum these amounts and give the total in the below table. Biennium Total amount 8-9 DZD Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above: Programme and Project Sheets and Standard Financial Annexes No answer required National contribution to the target According to the information provided above, do you think that you are mobilizing enough resources from international financial institutions, facilities and funds through successfully submitted project proposals? No If no, do you plan to increase the country s efforts in presenting project proposals to international financial institutions, facilities and funds? Yes Qualitative assessment

31 Identify the reasons for the increasing or decreasing trend of project proposals successfully submitted to international financial institutions, facilities and funds (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Reasons for increasing Not important Important Very Important Easier and more transparent application procedures Increased capacities of national stakeholders to prepare applications Major natural hazards occurred at the national level considerably increased the level of resources made available by the international community Access to funding is increasingly facilitated by third parties such as the private sector Existence of a financing strategy (IFS or others) Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Reasons for decreasing Not important Important Very Important Financing opportunities are not publicised enough, lack of access to necessary information Complicated application procedures, the level of complexity being worsened by the different requirements of the various donors Limited financial resources are made available for DLDD-related programmes/projects, and lack of DLDD-specific allocations within donors portfolio. Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcome 5.5 Operational Objective 5: Financing and technology transfer Performance indicator CONS-O-8 for Outcome 5.5 Amount of financial resources and type of incentives which have enabled access to technology by affected country Parties. Understanding of the indicator The indicator measures whether access to technology is facilitated by means of financial resources or economic and policy incentives. The indicator will inform to what extent an enabling environment for technology transfer has been created at the national level and whether sufficient resources are dedicated to technology transfer. Subregional and regional reporting entities will complement the information provided by affected country Parties by reporting on financial resources and type of incentives which have enabled access to technology at the subregional and regional level.

32 Data needed Budgets of relevant programmes and projects Information on policy/regulatory, financial and fiscal incentives. Incentives facilitating access to technology shall be those established and implemented at the national level, not necessarily within the framework of DLDD-related cooperation. Data sources (indicative only) Financial documents of programmes and projects submitted as PPSs to the UNCCD as part of the reporting exercise. National policy, regulatory and economic/financial documents. Check the glossary for technical support, incentive, PPS Check the programmes and projects financial documents (budgets) and extract amounts allocated to: () technical support material aid (equipment, hardware and software, machineries, etc); and () technical support knowledge aid (technical assistance and advisory services). Add these amounts to provide totals in the table below. Refer to the programmes and projects submitted as PPSs to the UNCCD and their relating budgets Overall targets A steady growth in the financial resources allocated to facilitate access to technology by affected country Parties is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy. A steady growth in the number of economic and policy incentives reported upon is recorded along the implementation period of The Strategy. Estimate of amounts allocated to facilitate technology transfer Check the programmes and projects financial documents (budgets) and extract amounts allocated to: () technical support material aid (equipment, hardware and software, machineries, etc); and () technical support knowledge aid (technical assistance and advisory services). Add these amounts to provide totals in the table below. Refer to the programmes and projects submitted as PPSs to the UNCCD and their relating budgets Year Technical support material aid Technical support knowledge aid 8 DZD96 DZD DZD 75 DZD Has your country established incentives intended to facilitate access to technology? Yes If yes, specify which types of incentives (more than one box can be ticked) Policy or regulatory incentives (for example, related to market requirements and regulations,

33 import/export, foreign investment, research & development support, etc) Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc) Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. POINT FOCAL Attachments: none National contribution to the target According to the information provided above, do you think that enough resources are allocated through DLDD-related programmes and projects to facilitate access to technology by your country? Yes If your country has no incentives in place or if existing incentives to facilitate the creation of an enabling environment for technology transfer do not prove to be effective, are you planning to enforce additional measures? If yes, when? Qualitative assessment If existing incentives do not prove to be effective, identify possible reasons (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Not important Important Very Important Policy or regulatory incentives are not enforced There are not enough resources to apply financial or fiscal incentives The national financial and credit systems (banks, credit agencies, etc) are not supportive Other Other (specify) (max 3 words) Identify the reasons for the increasing or decreasing trend of financial resources allocated through DLDD-related programmes and projects to facilitate access to technology (tick as many boxes as necessary and rate the level of importance). Reasons for increasing Not important Important Very Important X Access facilitated by the spreading of IT X More appropriate technologies available X Appropriateness of government incentives X Other

34 Other (specify) (max 3 words) Reasons for decreasing Not important Important Very Important X X Technology sustainability is poor; technologies do not represent viable investments Lack of fixed infrastructure for accessing technologies (those created on an ad hoc basis disappear once the support ends) X X Lack of capacities for operation and maintenance of technologies X X Lack of enabling policy and regulatory environments Other Other (specify) (max 3 words)

35 Standard Financial Annex D. Standard Financial Annex The CRIC has recommended that financial reporting be based on a standard financial reporting format to be used by affected country Parties and their development partners. It also indicated that emphasis in reports should be put on financial matters and also on an analysis of the impact of the activities undertaken (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5). The purpose of the Standard Financial Annex (SFA) is to consolidate information on resources mobilized by affected country Parties and their development partners under the framework of relevant strategies and action programmes. It facilitates the aggregation of data on financial commitments, financial flows and resources available by all relevant funding sources for activities related to the implementation of the Convention. It also helps minimize double counting in financial statistics (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.4). The SFA is to be used by each country Party and other reporting entities to list all financial commitments they have made during the reporting period in support of institutions, programmes, projects, as well as other relevant initiatives undertaken at national or international level for the implementation of the Convention. More specifically, for each relevant financial commitment or allocation made in the reporting period, the SFA requires a minimum set of data grouped as follows: Identification, i.e. data required to identify the reporting entity, the funding source and the activity financed; Basic data, i.e. data specifying the amount and type of financial commitment made, as well as the recipient country, region, and/or organization, and the funding period, if applicable; (c) Classification, i.e. categorization of the funded activity according to the Rio Markers for desertification, and the UNCCD Relevant Activity Codes (RACs). The compilation of the SFA is guided by means of a template, which responds to the recommendations of CRIC 7, and builds on the GM methodological guide for financial reporting presented to CRIC 6 as part of the report of the intergovernmental Ad Hoc Working Group to improve the procedures for communication of information. Within the template, shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts, while white areas are for reporting purposes and need to be filled in by the reporting entities with relevant data or narrative information. Decision 3/COP.9, paragraph 8, invites country Parties and other reporting entities to refer to common terminology and definitions. Therefore, these guidelines should be read in conjunction with the comprehensive glossary presented in a separate document.

36 Programme and Project Sheets E. Programme and Project Sheet Programme and Project Sheets (PPS) are used to provide more detailed information on programmes or projects undertaken or completed in the reporting period. This includes programmes and projects in the pipeline, as well as final proposals submitted for funding to internal or external funding sources. All country Parties and other reporting entities involved in the financing, coordination or implementation of relevant programmes and projects are requested to prepare a PPS for each of them, and to attach them to their official report to the UNCCD. The compilation of the PPS is guided by means of a template. These templates are intended to collect a minimum set of qualitative and quantitative data to facilitate the analysis of funding and investment flows, and the production of better financial statistics related to UNCCD implementation (ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.4), with a view to enabling the CRIC to undertake an objective review of progress in the implementation of the Convention and The Strategy. The PPS also facilitate the computation of certain performance and impact indicators. A distinctive feature of the PPS is that it allows country Parties and other reporting entities to specify which strategic and operational objectives of The Strategy are targeted by each programme or project. In addition, it allows for individual programme or project components to be categorized using the Rio Markers for desertification and Relevant Activity Codes (RACs). Furthermore, the PPS can be used to indicate whether the objectives of other Rio Conventions (i.e. the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC) are also addressed by the programme or project. This is done through the use of the biodiversity and climate change Rio Markers, respectively. The PPS offers an opportunity to increase the visibility of relevant programmes and projects, thereby creating the conditions for a better sharing of experiences and lessons, as well as the transfer of knowledge in general. It also favours collaboration and networking by facilitating the identification of potential synergies. Lastly, the PPS also allows country Parties and other reporting entities to provide a narrative description of the expected or achieved results. This information will facilitate the qualitative assessment of progress in the implementation of The Strategy, including on returns on investment. The CRIC will use the analysis of financial information originating from the PPS to assess results, performance and impacts. To minimize the reporting burden and avoid discrepancies in the information annexed to the reports of different entities, it is recommended that project partners identify the most suitable ways to coordinate among themselves the preparation of PPS to ensure that consistent data are reported for the same projects. It would also be advisable to compile just one PPS for large umbrella programmes, instead of separate PPS for each small project stemming from them. In the PPS template, shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts, while white areas are for reporting purposes and need to be filled in by country Parties and other reporting entities with relevant data or narrative information. Programme/Project # Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique en centralisé :"Travaux de mise en valeur et développement de la steppe (4éme et 5éme phase)" Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique en centralisé :"Travaux de mise en valeur et développement de la steppe (4éme et 5éme phase)" Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Regional Institutions Other

37 haut commissariat de développement de la steppe (HCDS) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 8 WILAYAS STEPPIQUES, wilayas agropastorales,3 wilayas présahariennes Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme POPULATIONS?ELUS LOCAUX,INSTITUTIONS LOCALES DU MINISTERE DE L'AGRICULTURE Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//)

38 7/7/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

39 Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vie des populations,preservation des ressources naturelle et amelioration des revenus des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

40 Programme/Project # (Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique)HCDS: "Etude de l'impact des ouvrages de dérivation des eaux de crue sur les sols" Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable (Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique)HCDS: "Etude de l'impact des ouvrages de dérivation des eaux de crue sur les sols" Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe(hcds) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 8WILAYAS STEPPIQUES,WILAYAS AGRO-PASTORALES, 3 WILAYA PRE SAHARIENNES Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locals du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

41 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

42 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 38 Agricultural research 366 Agricultural extension Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Knowledge, Science and Technology Monitoring and Research.. Bio-physical Research and Science.. Indicators. Monitoring.. Soil Observations 3 Resource Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3. Natural Resource Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). dispositioon d'un outil de décision et de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

43 Programme/Project #3 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS: "Encadrement pour la mise en défens des parcours (3ème phase)" Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS: "Encadrement pour la mise en défens des parcours (3ème phase)" Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Haut commissariat d développement de la steppe en algerie Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit DJELFA Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locals du ministére de l'agriculture,élus locaux,populations Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

44 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/3/ Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

45 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). prservation des ressources naturelles,renforcement des capacités des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

46 Programme/Project #4 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS: Mise en défens sur 8 Ha à travers la wilaya de Laghouat Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS: Mise en défens sur 8 Ha à travers la wilaya de Laghouat Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 8 Hectares Administrative Unit Laghouat Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

47 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) /4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/3/ Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

48 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 33 Agricultural land resources 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 36 Food crop production Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 67 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3. Natural Resource Management. Knowledge, Science and Technology Monitoring and Research.. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices.. Bio-physical Research and Science Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities.. Capacity-Building..9 Project Development..4 Action Programmes Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). préservation des ressources natureles,amélioration des revenus des populations, Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents.

49 ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

50 Programme/Project #5 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS : Equipement du bloc administratif et de vulgarisation Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS : Equipement du bloc administratif et de vulgarisation Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit DJELFA Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,élus loacaux,populations Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

51 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

52 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 6 Social/ welfare services 366 Agricultural extension Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). renforcement des capacités locales Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

53 Programme/Project #6 Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS :Equipement du laboratoire. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Complémentaire à la Croissance Economique HCDS :Equipement du laboratoire. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit DJELFA Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries

54 Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

55 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 4 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Knowledge, Science and Technology.. Bio-physical Research and Science Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities.. Capacity-Building..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development.. Resource Management Planning Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). renforcement des capacités locales Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

56 Programme/Project #7 Programme Hauts Plateaux (HCDS): Développement de la steppe 5 opérations diverses de la wilaya de Djelfa (ère tranche). Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Hauts Plateaux (HCDS): Développement de la steppe 5 opérations diverses de la wilaya de Djelfa (ère tranche). Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commisariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit DJELFA Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

57 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

58 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 6 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 366 Agricultural extension Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning 3 Resource Management. Monitoring.. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices.. Soil Observations Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditiond de vie des populations et amélioration de revenus des beneficiaires Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

59 Programme/Project #8 Programme Haut Plateaux(HCDS): Développement des zones pastorales dans localités au profit de 6 communes de la wilaya de M'SILA (ère tranche). Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux(HCDS): Développement des zones pastorales dans localités au profit de 6 communes de la wilaya de M'SILA (ère tranche). Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit M'SILA Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Eleveurs, elus locaux communaux,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

60 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives

61 Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 3 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Advocacy and Awareness Raising 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vie des population et amélioration des revenus et gestion durable des ressources naturelles Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

62 Programme/Project #9 Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Développement de la steppe (5 opérations diverses) pour la wilaya de Djelfa (ème tranche). Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Développement de la steppe (5 opérations diverses) pour la wilaya de Djelfa (ème tranche). Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Djelfa Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme

63 Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

64 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 36 Food crop production 3 AGRICULTURE 33 Agricultural land resources 3 Agricultural development 366 Agricultural extension Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Amélioration des conditions de vie des population,preservation de ressources naturelles

65 Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

66 Programme/Project # Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Développement des zones pastorales dans localités au profit de 6 communes pour la wilaya de M'Sila (ème tranche) Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Développement des zones pastorales dans localités au profit de 6 communes pour la wilaya de M'Sila (ème tranche) Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other hautcommissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit M'SILA Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

67 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

68 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 34 Agricultural water resources 36 Food crop production 366 Agricultural extension Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 3 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Advocacy and Awareness Raising.. Resource Management Planning.. Capacity-Building Capacity Development and Planning 3 Resource Management 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles, amélioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministere de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

69 Programme/Project # Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS : Acquisition de 8 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Saîda (ère tranche) Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS : Acquisition de 8 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Saîda (ère tranche) Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Question marked as 'No answer'. Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit SAIDA Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme

70 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use 8 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

71 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 AGRICULTURE 34 Agricultural water resources 3 Agricultural development 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4 Mitigation and Recovery 4.. Adaptation to climate change Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministre de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

72 Programme/Project # Programme Hauts Plateaux HCDS:Acquisition de 5 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Sétif. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Hauts Plateaux HCDS:Acquisition de 5 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Sétif. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développemet de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Sétif Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use 5

73 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

74 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning 4 Mitigation and Recovery 4. Mitigation/Recovery 4.. Adaptation to climate change 4..3 Environment Restoration.. Public Awareness Campaigns..5 Synergies Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vie des ménages Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

75 Programme/Project #3 Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS :Acquisition de 4 kits solaires pour la wilaya d'el Bayadh (ère tranche). Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS :Acquisition de 4 kits solaires pour la wilaya d'el Bayadh (ère tranche). Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other HAUT COMMISSARIAT DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA STEPPE Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit El Bayadh Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural,les élus locaux,populations pasteurs nomade Beneficiaries

76 Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use 4 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/3/ Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other % GOUVERNEMENT ALGERIEN Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

77 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3..4 Other Production Systems 3..5 Production Support 3. Production Systems Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities..3 Resource Mobilization.. Community Development Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amelioration des conditions de vie des populations rurales pasteurs et nomades Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments:

78 none

79 Programme/Project #4 Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS :Acquisition de 53 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Bouira. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS :Acquisition de 53 kits solaires pour la wilaya de Bouira. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de la Steppe (HCDS) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Implementing agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit BOUIRA Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme élus locaux,ménages,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

80 53 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/3/ Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use 8 Algerian Dinar UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Operational objectives

81 Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 8 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vies des populations nomades Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

82 Programme/Project #5 NF ,74. Actualisation et extension de la carte de sensibilité à la désertification par télédétection ~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable NF ,74. Actualisation et extension de la carte de sensibilité à la désertification par télédétection Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Hectares Administrative Unit Wilayas de la zone steppique Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme conservation des forêts de Wilayas Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

83 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF ,74. Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/4/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) //9 Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives

84 Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Monitoring and Research. Knowledge, Science and Technology. Monitoring.. Indicators.. Soil Observations Capacity Development and Planning.. Resource Management Planning. Enabling Activities..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development Question marked as 'No answer'. Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts

85 Attachments: none

86 Programme/Project #6 Recensement et Cartographie des Nappes Alfatières Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Recensement et Cartographie des Nappes Alfatières Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale de forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Hectares Administrative Unit wilayas de la steppe Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales de la zone steppique et élus locaux notamment les institutions locales du minstére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

87 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) /6/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 5//9 Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives

88 Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Monitoring and Research Capacity Development and Planning.. Resource Management Planning.. Capacity-Building..3 Consultative platforms.. Bio-physical Research and Science Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Disposition d'un outil de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

89 Programme/Project #7 Lutte contre parasites et maladies de forêts Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Lutte contre parasites et maladies de forêts Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 3 Hectares Administrative Unit wilayas forestiéres Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Conservations des forêts de wilayas Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

90 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/3/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 7/6/9 Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

91 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 FORESTRY 3 Forestry development Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 388 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). preservation de la forêt Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Diretion generale des forêts Attachments: none

92 Programme/Project #8 Etude sur la réhabilitation de l'arganier Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Etude sur la réhabilitation de l'arganier Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 7 Hectares Administrative Unit TINDOUF Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Administrations locales de la wilaya de tindouf Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code

93 Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Pipeline Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives

94 Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 Forestry development 38 Forestry research Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Monitoring and Research. Knowledge, Science and Technology Capacity Development and Planning.. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development 3 Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Outil de planification,de suivi et de gestion Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

95 Programme/Project #9 Projet Emploi Rural II Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Projet Emploi Rural II Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts à travers les conservation ds forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 6 wilayas: ain defla,bouira,tiaret,medea,tissemsilt,chlef Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme conservation des forêts et elus locaux des wilayas de chlef,ain defla,medea,tiaret,tissemsilt,bouira Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

96 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 3//7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/3/ Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives

97 Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3.. Air and Climate Protection 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Capacity Development and Planning. Advocacy and Awareness Raising.. Public Awareness Campaigns 5 Emergency Response 5.8 Reforestation/Afforestation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). création d'emplois,amélioration des conditions de vie des populations,amélioration des revenus des beneficiaireset préservation des ressources naturelles

98 Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

99 Programme/Project # projet de Développement rural des monts de Traras et de Sbaa Chioukh ( W.de Tlemcen );Projet pluriannuel Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable projet de Développement rural des monts de Traras et de Sbaa Chioukh ( W.de Tlemcen );Projet pluriannuel Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 3 Hectares Administrative Unit tlemcen Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales de la wilaya,élus locaux,instituts techniques,asociations,populations Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

100 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) //8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) //5 Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

101 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 34 Agricultural water resources 35 Agricultural inputs 36 Food crop production 366 Agricultural extension 38 Agricultural education/training 39 Agricultural services 36 Fuelwood/charcoal 3 Forestry development Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Monitoring and Research.. Soil Observations.. Indicators Capacity Development and Planning. Advocacy and Awareness Raising.. Public Awareness Campaigns.. Capacity-Building.. Community Development.. Resource Management Planning Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words).

102 Amélioration des conditions de vie des populations,amélioration des revenus des beneficiares et préservation des ressources naturelles Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

103 Programme/Project # Projet Pilote de developpement de de l'agriculture de montagne dans le bassin versant de l'oued SAF SAF Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Projet Pilote de developpement de de l'agriculture de montagne dans le bassin versant de l'oued SAF SAF Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. associations de la wilaya d skikda et instituts techniques à travers leurs stations locales Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 34 Hectares Administrative Unit Commune de la wilaya de skikd et de la wikaya de constantine Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales, instituts,élus locaux techniques,associations,populations Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

104 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) ND Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/5/3 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/5/3 Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

105 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 36 Food crop production 363 Livestock 366 Agricultural extension 38 Agricultural education/training Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 33 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning.. Public Awareness Campaigns.. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices 3 Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3. Production Systems 3.. Agriculture 3..3 Livestock Systems Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max

106 words). Amelioration des conditions de vie des populations, amélioration des revenus ds beneficiaire et préservation des ressources naturelles Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

107 Programme/Project # Projet Pilote de developpement des zones montagneuses du nord de la wilaya de MSILA /projet pluriannuel Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Projet Pilote de developpement des zones montagneuses du nord de la wilaya de MSILA /projet pluriannuel Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other direction generale des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. institutions locales,associations,élus locaux,instituts techniques à travers leurs stations,populations Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 5 Hectares Administrative Unit 5 communes de la wilayas de m'sila Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations,élus locaux,institutions locales,associations, Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

108 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) ND Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5//5 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 5//5 Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

109 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 34 Agricultural water resources 36 Food crop production 363 Livestock 366 Agricultural extension 39 Agricultural services Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Monitoring and Research.. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices.. Bio-physical Research and Science.. Indicators.. Soil Observations Capacity Development and Planning.. Public Awareness Campaigns. Enabling Activities.. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning.. Community Development..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development 3 Resource Management 3.. Agriculture 3..3 Livestock Systems

110 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Amélioration e vie des poplations,amelioration ds revenuset preservation des ressources naturelles Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

111 Programme/Project #3 programme décentralisé de développement forestier et de préservation des resources naturelles 8 Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable programme décentralisé de développement forestier et de préservation des resources naturelles 8 Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other Direction generale des forêts à travers les conservation des forêts Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 48 wilayas d'algerie Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

112 Question marked as 'No answer'. Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/3/ Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

113 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. )aménagement anti érosif,)mobilisation de la ressource en eau,3)desenclavement,4)amélioration des parcours et plantations pastorale,5)énergie solaire +électrique Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management.. Community Development 5. Land Reclamation and/or Rehabilitation 5.7 Reconstruction of Water Management Systems and Infrastruture 5.8 Reforestation/Afforestation Question marked as 'No answer'. Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words).

114 Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generae des forêts Attachments: none

115 Programme/Project #4 programme decentralisé 9 :de preservation des ressources naturelles,de lutte contre la désertification de protection de bassins versants et de reboisements~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable programme decentralisé 9 :de preservation des ressources naturelles,de lutte contre la désertification de protection de bassins versants et de reboisements Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other 48 conservations des forêts de wilaya Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 48 wilayas de l'algerie Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme

116 Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/6/9 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) // Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

117 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. )aménagement anti érosif et reboisement,)mobilisation de la ressource en eau,3)desenclavement,4)amélioration des parcours et plantations pastorale,5)arboriculture fruitiére, Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Monitoring and Research.. Indicators.. Soil Observations.. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices Capacity Development and Planning. Advocacy and Awareness Raising.. Public Awareness Campaigns.. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3.. Air and Climate Protection 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation

118 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Preservation des ressources natureles et amélioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts Attachments: none

119 Programme/Project #5 SCHEMA NATIONAL DE CONSERVATION DES SOLS ET DE LUTTE CONTRE LA DESERTIFICATION Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable SCHEMA NATIONAL DE CONSERVATION DES SOLS ET DE LUTTE CONTRE LA DESERTIFICATION Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other ministére de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement en algerie Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 34 Hectares Administrative Unit TERRITOIRE D'ALGERIE Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

120 Question marked as 'No answer'. Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) //8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/6/ Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives

121 Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). outil d'aide à la décision et de planification et d'évaluation Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts,minstére de l'aménagement du territotre et de l'environnement en algerie Attachments: none

122 Programme/Project #6 etude de schémas directeur de développement des 8 massifs montagneux en algerie Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable etude de schémas directeur de développement des 8 massifs montagneux en algerie Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Other ministére de l'amenagemen du territoire et de l'environnement en algerie Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 5 Hectares Administrative Unit WILAYAS D'ALGERIE Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code

123 Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) /6/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/6/ Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

124 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). outils d'aide à la décision et palnification de programmes d'action Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. direction generale des forêts,ministére de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'evironnement en algerie Attachments: none

125 Programme/Project #7 Programme Haut Plateaux) HCDS:Acquisition de 5 kits solaires pour la wilaya de M'sila (ère tranche) Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Haut Plateaux) HCDS:Acquisition de 5 kits solaires pour la wilaya de M'sila (ère tranche) Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Haut commissariat de développemet de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit m'sila Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations,élus locaux,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

126 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

127 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 3 AGRICULTURE 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy 3 Agricultural development 34 Agricultural water resources Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3.. Air and Climate Protection Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Amélioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développment rural Attachments: none

128 Programme/Project #8 Projets de proximite de lutte contre la déserification financés dans le cadre du fonds de lutte contre la désertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe en 8 Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Projets de proximite de lutte contre la déserification financés dans le cadre du fonds de lutte contre la désertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe en 8 Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Direction générale des forêts à travers les conservations des forêts de 5 wilayas haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 5 wilayas steppiques et des hauts plateaux Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme

129 Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Question marked as 'No answer'. Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/3/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD

130 Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 44 River development 45 Water resources protection 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 36 Food crop production 363 Livestock 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. )aménagement anti érosif,)mobilisation de la ressource en eau,3)desenclavement,4)amélioration des parcours et plantations pastorale,5)énergie solaire +électrique Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation

131 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management.. Community Development 5. Land Reclamation and/or Rehabilitation 5.7 Reconstruction of Water Management Systems and Infrastruture 5.8 Reforestation/Afforestation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources en eau,amelioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

132 Programme/Project #9 Programme 9 :Projets de proximité de lutte contre la déserification financés dans le cadre du fonds de lutte contre la desertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme 9 :Projets de proximité de lutte contre la déserification financés dans le cadre du fonds de lutte contre la desertification et de développement du pastoralisme et de la steppe Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other Direction générale des forêts à travers les Conservations des forêts de wilaya Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 9 wilayas des hauts plateaux et steppique de l'algérie Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales et notamment celles du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural,élus locaux,populations, associations Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

133 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) /3/9 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/3/ Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

134 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. 4 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION 45 Water resources protection 44 River development 33 Power generation/renewable sources 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 367 Solar energy 3 AGRICULTURE 34 Agricultural water resources 36 Food crop production 363 Livestock Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. )aménagement anti érosif,)mobilisation de la ressource en eau,3)desenclavement,4)amélioration des parcours et plantations pastorale,5)énergie solaire +électrique Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 93 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Air and Climate Protection 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 5. Land Reclamation and/or Rehabilitation 5 Emergency Response 5.8 Reforestation/Afforestation

135 Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Preservation des ressources naturelles,amélioration des conditions de vie des popultions,augmentation des unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

136 Programme/Project #3 programme 8:projets de proximités de développement rural intégrés financés dans le cadre du fonds de développement rural et mise en valeur des terres (FDRMVTC) Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable programme 8:projets de proximités de développement rural intégrés financés dans le cadre du fonds de développement rural et mise en valeur des terres (FDRMVTC) Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other conservations des forêts des 48 wilayas de l'algerie direction des services agricoles des 48 wilayas d'algérie Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. associations de développement rural,instituts techniques à travers leurs stations, Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 48 wilayas de l'algerie Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales notamment celles du minstére de l'agriculture et du développement rural,élus locaux,associations,populations Question marked as 'No answer'.

137 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Question marked as 'No answer'. Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/3/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

138 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Basic health Basic health care 3 Basic health infrastructure 4 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION 45 Water resources protection 43 Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation 44 River development 6 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES 64 Low-cost housing 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 34 Agricultural water resources 36 Food crop production 366 Agricultural extension 38 Agricultural education/training Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. )aménagement anti érosif,)mobilisation de la ressource en eau,3)desenclavement,4)amélioration des parcours et plantations pastorale,5)énergie solaire +électrique,6)diversification d'actiités économiques individuelles(arboriculture fruitiére,unités d'élevages etc...),formation et études Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions)

139 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning. Advocacy and Awareness Raising.. Public Awareness Campaigns. Enabling Activities.. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning.. Community Development..7 Mainstreaming 3 Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3. Natural Resource Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles,amélioration des conditions de vie des populations,diversification des activités economiques individuelles,amélioration des revenus Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

140 Programme/Project #3 Programme 9:Projets de proximités de développement rural intégrés financés dans le cadre du FDRMVTC Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme 9:Projets de proximités de développement rural intégrés financés dans le cadre du FDRMVTC Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other Direction générale des forêts à travers les 48 conservations des forêts de wilaya Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. instituts techniques,associations de développement rural Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit 48 wilayas de l'algérie Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations rurales,associations,élus locaux et institutions sectorielles locales Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code

141 Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 7/3/9 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

142 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. HEALTH Basic health 3 Basic health infrastructure Basic health care 45 Water resources protection 4 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION 43 Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation 44 River development 64 Low-cost housing 6 OTHER SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES 3 ENERGY GENERATION AND SUPPLY 33 Power generation/renewable sources 367 Solar energy 3 AGRICULTURE 3 Agricultural development 33 Agricultural land resources 34 Agricultural water resources 366 Agricultural extension 38 Agricultural education/training 3 FORESTRY Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. )aménagement anti érosif,)mobilisation de la ressource en eau,3)desenclavement,4)amélioration des parcours et plantations pastorale,5)énergie solaire +électrique,6)diversification d'actiités économiques individuelles(arboriculture fruitiére,unités d'élevages etc...),formation et études Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 45 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning. Advocacy and Awareness Raising.. Public Awareness Campaigns. Enabling Activities

143 .. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning.. Social Development.. Community Development 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..3 Forest/Scrub Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Preservation des ressources naturelles,amélioration desconditions de vie des populations rurales, diversification des activités économiques,amélioration des revenus Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture te du développement rural Attachments: none

144 Programme/Project #3 CDARS (Programme Sud): Etude de délimitation des périmétres agricoles dans la wilaya de Béchar. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable CDARS (Programme Sud): Etude de délimitation des périmétres agricoles dans la wilaya de Béchar. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other Commissariat de développement de l'agriculture des régiona sahariennes(cdars) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Béchar Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

145 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/6/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

146 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 3 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Enabling Activities Capacity Development and Planning..9 Project Development..4 Action Programmes..3 Resource Mobilization.. Resource Management Planning Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). disposition d'un outil 'aide à la décision et de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Attachments: none

147 Programme/Project #33 programme sud :Etude agro pédologique à travers la wilaya d'illizi Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable programme sud :Etude agro pédologique à travers la wilaya d'illizi Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Commissariat de développement de l'agriculture des régions sahariennes Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

148 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

149 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 55 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning.. Resource Management Planning..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). disposition d'un outil d'aide à la décision et de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

150 Programme/Project #34 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR: Etude de l'évaluation des travaux complémentaire portant sur les fermes de gestion de l'éspace pastorale Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: MADR: Etude de l'évaluation des travaux complémentaire portant sur les fermes de gestion de l'éspace pastorale Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other HAUT COMMISARIAT DE DVELOPPEMENT DE LA STEPPE Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit LES WILAYAS STEPPIQUES,LES WILAYAS AGROPASTORALES Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

151 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/5/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components

152 Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Advocacy and Awareness Raising Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities.. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning..3 Resource Mobilization..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). disposition d'un outil d'aide à la décision et de palnification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

153 Programme/Project #35 Programme Centralisé:MADR Projet de coopération de développement rural intégré avec la communauté européenne Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Centralisé:MADR Projet de coopération de développement rural intégré avec la communauté européenne Question marked as 'No answer'. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

154 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/3/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

155 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 65 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions). Advocacy and Awareness Raising. Enabling Activities.. Resource Management Planning.. Community Development..5 Integrated Financing Strategies..7 Mainstreaming.. Capacity-Building.. Public Awareness Campaigns Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). PRESERVATION DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES?AMLIORATION DES CONDITIOND DE VIE DES POPULATIONS Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

156 Programme/Project #36 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme Haut Plateaux): (8 opérations) Eléctrification agricole à travers les wilayas de djelfa,naama,khenchela,elbayadh sur un volume de 98 km~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme Haut Plateaux): (8 opérations) Eléctrification agricole à travers les wilayas de djelfa,naama,khenchela,elbayadh sur un volume de 98 km Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit djelfa,naama,khenchela,el bayadh Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

157 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF ///3/4//4/5 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/7/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

158 Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 45 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions).. Social Development.. Services and Infrastructure.. Capacity-Building Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditiond de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

159 Programme/Project #37 I) Programme Centralisé:MADR(Programme SUD): MADR(Programme SUD): Electrification agricole sur 94,6Kms à travers la wilaya d'ouargla (tranche I) el oued tamanrasset,biskra,bechar,laghouat.~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:MADR(Programme SUD): MADR(Programme SUD): Electrification agricole sur 94,6Kms à travers la wilaya d'ouargla (tranche I) el oued tamanrasset,biskra,bechar,laghouat. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other haut commissariat e développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit wilaya de ouargla Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme

160 Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF //3/4/5/6/7/8/9/5/6/7/8/9///3/6 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) /3/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the

161 list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 935 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning.. Capacity-Building.. Services and Infrastructure.. Social Development Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministérede l'agriculture et du bdéveloppement rural Attachments: none

162 Programme/Project #38 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme SUD): Etude d'aménagement de parcours à travers la wilaya d'el Oued Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme SUD): Etude d'aménagement de parcours à travers la wilaya d'el Oued Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit el oued Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Question marked as 'No answer'.

163 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 9/7/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

164 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions).. Capacity-Building..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development.. Bio-physical Research and Science. Knowledge, Science and Technology.. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices..4 Socio-Economic Research and Science Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). disposition d'aide de décision et de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

165 Programme/Project #39 I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme SUD): Etude de systéme de drainage de la palmerais de chergga (wilaya d'ouargla) Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: MADR(Programme SUD): Etude de systéme de drainage de la palmerais de chergga (wilaya d'ouargla) Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit ouargla Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

166 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 9/7/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

167 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions).. Traditional Knowledge and Best Practices. Knowledge, Science and Technology.. Indicators.. Soil Observations.. Capacity-Building.. Resource Management Planning..4 Action Programmes..9 Project Development Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). disposition d'un outil d'aide à la décision et de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agruiculturet du développement rural Attachments: none

168 Programme/Project #4 I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Plantation pastorale sur 6 HA à travers la wilaya de Saîda (ère tranche). Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Plantation pastorale sur 6 HA à travers la wilaya de Saîda (ère tranche). Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit saida Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations,eluslocaux,institutions locales du ministére d e l'agriculture Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

169 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

170 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 398 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). preservation des ressources naturelles,amelioration de ldes unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

171 Programme/Project #4 I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Mise en défens sur 8 HA dans la wilaya de Tlemcen. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Mise en défens sur 8 HA dans la wilaya de Tlemcen. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size 8 Hectares Administrative Unit telmcen Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations et pasteurs,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

172 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 8/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components

173 Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 4947 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3.. Agriculture 3..3 Livestock Systems Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). preservation des ressources naturelles,amelioration des unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

174 Programme/Project #4 I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Plantation pastorale (5 opérations))-sur 7 HA à travers la wilaya d'el Bayadh (ère tranche)).à travers 8 communes de la wilaya de Tiaret.3)la wilaya de M'sila (ère tranche).4)à travers la wilaya de Sétif. wilaya de Djelfa Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé: HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Plantation pastorale (5 opérations))-sur 7 HA à travers la wilaya d'el Bayadh (ère tranche)).à travers 8 communes de la wilaya de Tiaret.3)la wilaya de M'sila (ère tranche).4)à travers la wilaya de Sétif. wilaya de Djelfa Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit elbayadh,tiaret,m'sila,sétif Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their

175 involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /7/8//6 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD

176 Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 563 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3.. Agriculture 3..3 Livestock Systems Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). gpreservation des ressources naturelles,et augmentation de l'apport en unités fourragéres Sources of information

177 Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

178 Programme/Project #43 I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):5 opérations Acquisition de kits solaires de 85 la wilaya de Khenchela,de 3 wilaya Tébessa,de 68 au profit de 9 communes wilaya de Tiaret, de37 au profit de 4 communes de la wilaya de tlemcen,de 5 wilaya de SBA~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):5 opérations Acquisition de kits solaires de 85 la wilaya de Khenchela,de 3 wilaya Tébessa,de 68 au profit de 9 communes wilaya de Tiaret, de37 au profit de 4 communes de la wilaya de tlemcen,de 5 wilaya de SBA Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe(hcds) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit khenchela,tebessa,tiaret,sba,,tlemcen Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme population nomades,élus locaux,institutions locals du ministére de l'agriculture

179 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /7/8//9/ Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see

180 footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4 Mitigation and Recovery 4. Mitigation/Recovery 4.. Adaptation to climate change Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vie des nomades Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement Attachments: none

181 Programme/Project #44 I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):Equipement des puits en énergie solaire ou en éolienne (6 unités) pour la wilaya de Naâma. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):Equipement des puits en énergie solaire ou en éolienne (6 unités) pour la wilaya de Naâma. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commisariat de développement de la steppe(hcds) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit naama Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme population nomades,élus locaux,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Beneficiaries

182 Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

183 Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4..6 Water delivery 4 Mitigation and Recovery 4. Mitigation/Recovery Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Amélioration des conditions de vie des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

184 Programme/Project #45 Programme/Projet / Programme Centralisé: opérations HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):Lutte contre la dynamique des CHOTTS (ère tranche+éme tranche) dans la wilaya d'oum El Bouaghi Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme/Projet / Programme Centralisé: opérations HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux):Lutte contre la dynamique des CHOTTS (ère tranche+éme tranche) dans la wilaya d'oum El Bouaghi Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Haut commissariar d développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit oum el bouaghi Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales notamment celles du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

185 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /6 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

186 Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..7 Water Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du dévelopement rural Attachments: none

187 Programme/Project #46 Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations de Mise en défens sur HA à travers la wilaya d'el Bayadh,3 HA dans la wilaya de Tiaret,dans la wilaya de SBA,6HA wilaya de bouira,54 HA,8HA dans la wilaya de Tlemcen,dans la wilaya de djelfa~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations de Mise en défens sur HA à travers la wilaya d'el Bayadh,3 HA dans la wilaya de Tiaret,dans la wilaya de SBA,6HA wilaya de bouira,54 HA,8HA dans la wilaya de Tlemcen,dans la wilaya de djelfa Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Haut commissariat de développement de la steppe(hcds) Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit el bayadh,medea,tiaret,djelfa,tlemcen,sba, Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme élveurs,populations,élus locaux,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture

188 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /5/8/9/3/35/47/48/5/55/68 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 9/5/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see

189 footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 958 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3..3 Livestock Systems 3. Production Systems 3..5 Production Support Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles,et amélioration de l'apport d'unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

190 Programme/Project #47 I) Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux): pérations: Acquisition de kits solaires de 6 pour wilaya d'oum El Bouaghi,de 65 wialya de médéa,de 8 Wilaya de saida,3 wilaya de tebessa,5 wilaya de SBA,de68 Wilaya de tiaret,de 3 wilaya de souk ahras,de 37 wilaya de tlemcen,~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux): pérations: Acquisition de kits solaires de 6 pour wilaya d'oum El Bouaghi,de 65 wialya de médéa,de 8 Wilaya de saida,3 wilaya de tebessa,5 wilaya de SBA,de68 Wilaya de tiaret,de 3 wilaya de souk ahras,de 37 wilaya de tlemcen, Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit oum el bouaghi,souk ahras,tiaret,médéa,sba,tlemcen,tebessa,saida Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations nomades,élus locaux,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture

191 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF //34/36/37/38/4/43/46/49/5/5349 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 3//7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see

192 footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 9 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 4 Mitigation and Recovery 4.. Adaptation to climate change 4. Mitigation/Recovery Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Amélioration des conditions de vie des popltions nomades Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

193 Programme/Project #48 Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux): pérations: Acquisition de kits solaires de 4 pour wilaya d'el Bayadh,de 5 wilaya de m'sila,de 65 Wilaya de Médéa,de 85 wilaya de Khenchela~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux): pérations: Acquisition de kits solaires de 4 pour wilaya d'el Bayadh,de 5 wilaya de m'sila,de 65 Wilaya de Médéa,de 85 wilaya de Khenchela Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit el bayadh,médéa,khenchela,msila Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme populations nomades, élus locaux,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture Beneficiaries

194 Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /5/53/58/7 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 3//7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

195 Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 56 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 4. Mitigation/Recovery 4.. Adaptation to climate change 4 Mitigation and Recovery Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities.. Services and Infrastructure.. Social Development.. Capacity-Building Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Amélioration des conditions d vie des poplations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture etd udéveloppement rural Attachments: none

196 Programme/Project #49 Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux):8 pérations:plantation pastorale dans la wilaya de Djelfa,et à travers 8 communes de la wilaya de Tiaret,sur 7 Ha à travers 8 communes de la wilaya d'el Bayedh, wilaya de Djelfa,sur 6 Ha à travers la wilaya de Saida,wilaya de khenchela~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux):8 pérations:plantation pastorale dans la wilaya de Djelfa,et à travers 8 communes de la wilaya de Tiaret,sur 7 Ha à travers 8 communes de la wilaya d'el Bayedh, wilaya de Djelfa,sur 6 Ha à travers la wilaya de Saida,wilaya de khenchela Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other HAUT COMMISSARIAT DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA STEPPE Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Djelfa,msila,saida,khenchela,tiaret,elbayadh Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme

197 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /4/45/4/64/66 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 6/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link :

198 //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 5598 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3..3 Livestock Systems 3.. Agriculture Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles,amélioration de l'apport en unités fourrageres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. minsitére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

199 Programme/Project #5 Equipement de puits 33 unités pour la wilaya de Tébéssa (ère tranche). Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Equipement de puits 33 unités pour la wilaya de Tébéssa (ère tranche). Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Tebessa Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme beneficiaires, Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

200 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /5 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Completed Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 9/5/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3//9 Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

201 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). amélioration des conditions de vies des populations Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Attachments: none

202 Programme/Project #5 I) Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Etude et amènagement des parcours steppiques de la wilaya de M'SILA. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:Programme Haut Plateaux HCDS: Etude et amènagement des parcours steppiques de la wilaya de M'SILA. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit msila Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales,populations,éleveurs,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

203 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 9/5/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components

204 Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities.. Resource Management Planning..4 Action Programmes 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3 Resource Management 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3..6 Land Conservation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Disposition d'un outil d'aide à la décision et de planification Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

205 Programme/Project #5 Programme centralisé hauts plateaux :Mise en défens sur 5 4 HA à travers la wilaya de Médéa. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Programme centralisé hauts plateaux :Mise en défens sur 5 4 HA à travers la wilaya de Médéa. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit médéa Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme eléveurs,populations,institutions locales du minstre de l'agriculture etdu développement rural,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

206 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/6/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components

207 Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 7898 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles et augmentation de l'apport en unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

208 Programme/Project #53 Réalisation d'une pépinière pastorale à Tissemsilt Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Réalisation d'une pépinière pastorale à Tissemsilt Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit tissemsilt Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

209 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 8/3/9 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components

210 Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Capacity Development and Planning. Enabling Activities.. Resource Management Planning Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). disponibilités des plants pastoraux Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. Attachments: none

211 Programme/Project #54 I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Préservation et développement du parcours steppiques pour la wilaya de Khenchela(ème tranche) Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:HCDS(Programme Haut Plateaux): Préservation et développement du parcours steppiques pour la wilaya de Khenchela(ème tranche) Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit khenchela Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locals du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural,élus locaux,populations Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

212 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /67 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) /5/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

213 Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 4 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). préservation des ressources naturelles,et augmentation de l'apport en unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. minstére de l'agriculture et du dévelppement rural Attachments: none

214 Programme/Project #55 Plantation rustique et pastorale : sur 3 95Ha à travers la wilaya de Bouira (ème tranche),à travers de la wilaya de M'sila,: 555 ha et 89 unités (ère tranche)à travers la wilaya de Souk Ahras,à travers d la wilaya de setif~~~ Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Plantation rustique et pastorale : sur 3 95Ha à travers la wilaya de Bouira (ème tranche),à travers de la wilaya de M'sila,: 555 ha et 89 unités (ère tranche)à travers la wilaya de Souk Ahras,à travers d la wilaya de setif Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariat de développemnt de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit bouira;msila,souk ahras,setif Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture et du développement ruralpopulations,éleveurs,élus locaux,

215 Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /44/45/6/63 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 3/4/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link :

216 //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 7789 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3..6 Land Conservation Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Preservation des ressources naturelles,apport en unités fourragéres Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministere de l'agriculture du développement rural Attachments: none

217 Programme/Project #56 I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS Amélioration des conditions d'élevage dans les parcours sahariens. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS Amélioration des conditions d'élevage dans les parcours sahariens. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other COMMISSARIAT DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'AGRICULTURE DES REGIONS SAHARIENNES Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit OUARGLA-ADRAR-GHARDAIA-EL OUED -BISKRA-BECHAR-TAMANRASSET-ILLIZI-TINDOUF Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,populations,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

218 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components

219 Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3..5 Pasture and Range Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). augmentation de l'apport en unités fourragéres et préservation des ressources naturelles Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

220 Programme/Project #57 Réaménagement des palmeraies de TIDIKELT Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable Réaménagement des palmeraies de TIDIKELT Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other haut commissariet de dévelopement de la steppe Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit Réaménagement des palmeraies de TIDIKELT Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme agriculteurs;elus locaux,institutions locales du minstére de l'agriculture Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

221 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) NF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html.

222 Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 3.. Agriculture Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Preservation des ressources naturelles,et augmentation de la productivité Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

223 Programme/Project #58 I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations Développement oasien et préservation des ressources naturelles en zones sud de la wilaya de Khenchela (ère tranche).et éme tranche Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations Développement oasien et préservation des ressources naturelles en zones sud de la wilaya de Khenchela (ère tranche).et éme tranche Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other commissariat de développement de l'agriculture des régions sahariennes Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit khenchela Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,populations,élus locaux Beneficiaries

224 Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF / Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link :

225 //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 55 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

226 Programme/Project #59 I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations ;Réhabilitation palmeraie de Negrine pour la wilaya de Tébéssa Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable I) Programme Centralisé:CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): opérations ;Réhabilitation palmeraie de Negrine pour la wilaya de Tébéssa Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Other ministere de l'agticultur et du développement rural Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Question marked as 'No answer'. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Africa Northern Africa Algeria Question marked as 'No answer'. Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit tebessa Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme agriculteurs,institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,élus locaux Question marked as 'No answer'. Beneficiaries

227 Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF /4 Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 4/9/8 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD 3 UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

228 Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Question marked as 'No answer'. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use 6 Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3..4 Other Resource Conservation 3. Natural Resource Management 3 Resource Management 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management Question marked as 'No answer'. Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

229 Programme/Project #6 CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): Etude et aménagement de la palmerais de Maghrar pour la wilaya de Naâma. Title Enter the Programme/Project title, and sub-title if applicable CDARS (Programme Haut Plateaux): Etude et aménagement de la palmerais de Maghrar pour la wilaya de Naâma. Organization(s) Enter the full name and acronym of the reporting organization Algeria - CCD Focal Point - Ministère de l'agriculture Algeria - Central Government Institutions Algeria - Regional Institutions Other commissarieat de développement de l'agriculture des régions sahariennes Role of the Organization(s) in the Programme/Project Indicate the role of the reporting organization in the Programme /Project (e.g. funding agency, implementing agency, etc.) Executing Agency Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) Enter the name(s) of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Non-Governmental Organizations, research institutions and-or Science & Technology Institutions (STIs) involved in the Programme/Project. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-3. Beneficiary Country(ies) or Sub Region(s) Enter the name of the Country(ies), Subregion(s) and/or Region(s) benefiting from the Programme/Project. Indicate Global in the absence of a specific geographical focus Target Area size / administrative unit Indicate the total area expressed in number of hectares (numeric field. Do not use. Also indicate the administrative unit targeted in the project area, if known, by the Programme/Project Area Size Administrative Unit naama Target Group Enter the different stakeholders, such as individuals, groups, or organizations, positively affected through their involvement in the implementation of an initiative/project/programme institutions locales du ministére de l'agriculture,agriculteurs,élus locaux Beneficiaries Enter the total number of people benefitting from the Programme/Project, if known (numeric field. Do not use

230 Identification Code Enter the Programme/Project identification code (ID) or number, given by the relevant extending agency (if applicable) SF Status Indicate the status of the Programme/Project at the time of completing this form. Ongoing Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project started or is due to start, if known (e.g. 5//) 5/4/7 Completion date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date at which the Programme/Project was completed or is due to be completed, if known (e.g. 5//) 3// Programme/Project co-financing Source Provide the full name and acronym of all co-financing organisations Other Currency, Amount For each co-financing, indicate the currency denomination used (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount of funding provided by each co-financing organisation (numeric field. Do not use UN Conventions Rio Markers Assign the appropriate Rio Marker to the Programme/Project (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) UNCCD UNFCCC adaptation UNFCCC mitigation CBD Strategic objectives Indicate which strategic objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project Operational objectives Indicate which operational objective of the UNCCD -Year Strategy is addressed by the Programme/Project

231 Programme/Project Objectives Indicate the objectives pursued by the Programme/Project, as specified in the related documentation, choosing from the list of purpose codes provided in document (add Quick Reference Guide document title and reference code (please see footnotes above). The OECD list of purpose is also available at the following link : //,3343,en_649_34447_9435,.html. Programme/Project Components Programme/Project Components Indicate the specific Programme/Project components, if known, as specified in the related documentation. Note: This information should be taken into account in the computation of performance indicator no. CONS-O-8. Currency, Amount Indicate the currency denomination (e.g. EUR, USD, YEN, etc.) Indicate the amount allocated to each Programme/Project component (numeric field. Do not use Algerian Dinar Rio Marker for desertification Assign the appropriate Rio Marker for desertification to each Programme/Project component (refer to the Rio Markers guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) Indicate all the Relevant Activity Codes (RACs) that may apply to the Programme/Project components (refer to the RACs guidance note for more information, examples and instructions) 3 Resource Management 3. Natural Resource Management 3.. Biodiversity Conservation 3..6 Land Conservation 3..8 Sustainable Land Management 4 Mitigation and Recovery 4. Mitigation/Recovery 4.. Adaptation to climate change Expected or achieved results Provide information on the results achieved or expected from the implementation of the Programme/Project (max words). Préservation des ressources naturelles et augmentation de la productivité Sources of information Specify the sources used to extract the information provided above (add as many rows as necessary). If reporting online, you may also upload relevant documents. ministére de l'agriculture et du développement rural Attachments: none

232 Additional Information F. Additional information The section on additional information is meant to provide an instrument of flexibility in the reporting exercise as well as to enrich the knowledge base of the CRIC on concrete issues faced by affected country Parties and consequently to make more targeted and specific recommendations to the COP. It allows affected country Parties to comment or report upon issues that are not covered elsewhere but that are nevertheless of importance at the national level or within the framework of the implementation of The Strategy and the Convention. The additional information section allows feedback to be received on the reporting process and on the implementation of NAPs as well as lessons learnt, problems, constraints and bottlenecks faced in terms of human and financial resources. It is also meant to accommodate ad hoc COP requests for reporting on specific topics or new reporting requirements deriving from COP deliberations that may supersede existing ones and imply changes in implementation. The proposed template for reporting is adjusted to the mandate of affected country Parties within the framework of the Convention, as requested by decision 3/COP.9, paragraph 7. Reporting process-related issues Financial resources Could your country count on sufficient financial resources to meet UNCCD reporting obligations? Provide an estimate of the amount invested from your country s national budget into the UNCCD reporting process. Algerian Dinar Question marked as 'No answer'. Human resources How many people were involved in your country in the UNCCD reporting process? Number of people Estimate the total number of person/day dedicated by these persons to the UNCCD reporting process: Number of person/day Knowledge Could your country count on sufficient technical and scientific knowledge to meet UNCCD reporting obligations? Yes Coordination Was coordination with the relevant implementing agencies satisfactory in order to apply for necessary funds? No Was coordination at the national level with the relevant line ministries satisfactory in order to comprehensively and coherently report? Yes Question marked as 'No answer'. Participation and consultation Was a participatory or consultative approach applied to involve all relevant stakeholders in the reporting process?

233 Question marked as 'No answer'. Validation meeting Was a validation meeting held as a tool to integrate stakeholders in the reporting process? Subregional and regional processes Did your country actively contribute to the subregional and regional reporting processes? Yes PRAIS portal If you are reporting online, did you receive sufficient training on access and utilization of the PRAIS portal? No

234 Accommodation of specific requests within COP decisions Report on specific COP requests iterative process on indicators Decision 3/COP.9, paragraphs, 3 and 4, envisages an iterative process to refine the set of performance indicators provisionally adopted by the same decision. As a tool to implement this iterative process, affected country Parties can provide here their suggestions and recommendations for improvement. Tick the cells only when you have experienced difficulties in reporting on one, or more, indicator(s). Indicate against which of the e-smart criteria the indicator(s) needs to be improved. economic Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound CONS-O- X X X X CONS-O-3 X X X X CONS-O-4 X X X CONS-O-5 X X CONS-O-7 X X CONS-O-8 X X CONS-O-9 X X CONS-O- X X CONS-O- X X CONS-O-3 X X CONS-O-4 X X CONS-O-6 X X CONS-O-7 X X CONS-O-8 X X

235 Reporting on the implementation of NAP Which is the percentage of activities included in the NAP that are currently implemented? 9-% Human resources Lessons learnt (report on the most important only) -Les délais trés courts pour l'élaboration de ce rapport, période non adéquate(congé)juillet/septembre et nouvelle méthode et nouveaux indicateurs Pour le prochain rapport et notamment en ce qui concerne les indicateurs d'impacts s'y prendre bien à l'avance,au moins se préparer durant l'année Problems, constraints and bottlenecks currently faced by your country (report on the most important only) insuffisance en matiére de renforcement des capacités Financial resources Question marked as 'No answer'. Lessons learnt (report on the most important only) Question marked as 'No answer'. Problems, constraints and bottlenecks currently faced by your country (report on the most important only) aucun

236 Any other country-specific issues Question marked as 'No answer'. Has your country any specific issue to bring to the attention of the Conference of the Parties? If yes, please specify under which of the following broad categories it can be classified. Category DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research Other (specify) (max 3 words) -insuffisance dans le suivi évauation/recherche de la DDTS et de la gestion durable des terres; -Réseautage; Narrative description

237 Best Practices G. Best practices According to decision 3/COP. 9, Annex V, UNCCD best practices shall be collected according to seven themes:. SLM technologies, including adaptation;. Capacity building and awareness raising; 3. DLDD and SLM monitoring and assessment/research; 4. Knowledge management and decision support; 5. Policy, legislative, institutional framework; 6. Funding/resource mobilization; 7. Participation, collaboration and networking. While themes to 7 represent different elements of the enabling environment needed for the implementation and dissemination/upscaling of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies (indirect impact), theme comprises all actions on the ground that have a direct impact on desertification, land degradation and drought mitigation. In particular, as specified in document ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.5, paragraph, theme SLM technologies, including adaptation refers to SLM technologies that directly contribute to the prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation of desertification and land degradation on cropland, grazing land and woodland, with the aim of improving the livelihoods of affected populations and conserving ecosystem services. Successful implementation of SLM technologies is the base for achieving strategic objectives, and 3 of The Strategy. Theme also integrates five of the strategic areas defined by decision 8/COP.4, namely: (a) sustainable land use management, including water, soil and vegetation in affected areas; (b) sustainable use and management of rangelands; (c) development of sustainable agricultural and ranching production systems; (d) development of new and renewable energy sources; and (e) launching of reforestation/afforestation programmes/ intensification of soil conservation programmes. ICCD/CRIC(8)/5/Add.5 provides definitions for practice, good practice and best practice. These definitions are included in the common glossary that shall be referred to by Parties and other reporting entities while reporting to UNCCD, according to decision 3/COP.9, paragraph 8. The template for reporting is based on the general structure for the documentation of best practices contained in ICCD/CRIC(8) /5/Add.5, paragraphs 4 to 43; it is tailored to the documentation of best practices related to theme SLM technologies, including adaptation.

238 Submission Form Submission Form Name of the Reporting Officer * Date of Submission * // 9:5:3 PM Signature Name of the Authorizing Officer Date of Authorization Signature PRAIS