VOCATIONAL EDUCATION and TRAINING Marymount College VET Student Induction

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1 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION and TRAINING 2016 Marymount Coege VET Student Induction

2 AGENDA Introduction of staff and subjects Careers Centre information LUI numbers QCE Assessment poicy Statements of Attainment Compaints and Appeas procedure RPL Credit Transfer Website Nuts and bots TAFE presentation Sign off Sausage sizze & soft drink

3 VET STAFF Assistant Principa (Senior Curricuum) Mr Shaw Head of VET / Careers Mr Hamiton VET Teachers Ms Andersen, Mrs Organ, Ms Horn, Mr Rezo, Mr Grant, Mr Turner, Mr West, Mr Symons VET / Careers Officers Leesa Lutze and Petrina James

4 VET SUBJECTS Cert I in Business x 53 Cert I in Construction (TAFE) x 11 Cert II in Business x 16 Cert II in Eectrotechnogy (TAFE) x 12 Cert II in Engineering (TAFE) x 4 Cert II Sport and Recreation / Cert III Fitness (TAFE) x 18 Cert III in Chidren s Services (Cairns Training Academy) x 18 Dipoma of Business (Careers Austraia) x 16 Schoo-based Traineeships and Apprenticeships x 68

5 CAREERS CENTRE INFORMATION Open each day between 8am 4pm. Careers Centre staff are there to hep you through your journey but they are not there to do your work for you. TAFE/University information is avaiabe.




9 USI NUMBER (Unique Student Identifier) Each of you needs a USI number. You wi not receive a certificate without a USI. These can be done today or in cass ASAP. Careers Centre needs to receive the confirmation emai

10 Student Information for the Unique Student Identifier USI...bringing your skis together From 1 January 2015 if you are undertaking nationay recognised training deivered by a registered training organisation you wi need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This incudes studying at TAFE or with a private training organisation, competing an apprenticeship or ski set, certificate or dipoma course. A USI gives you access to your onine USI account which is made up of ten numbers and etters. It wi ook something ike this: 3AW88YH9U5. A USI account wi contain a your nationay recognised training records and resuts from 1 January 2015 onwards. Your resuts from 2015 wi be avaiabe in your USI account in When appying for a job or enroing in further study, you wi often need to provide your training records and resuts. One of the main benefits of the USI is that you wi have easy access to your training records and resuts throughout your ife. You can access your USI account onine from a computer, tabet or smart phone anywhere and anytime. You are a continuing student if you are a student who has aready started your course in a previous year (and not yet competed it) and wi continue studying after 1 January Once you create your USI you wi need to give your USI to each training organisation you study with so your training outcomes can be inked and you wi be abe to: view and update your detais in your USI account; give your training organisation permission to view and/or update your USI account; give your training organisation view access to your transcript; contro access to your transcript; and view onine and downoad your training records and resuts in the form of a transcript which wi hep you with job appications and enroment in further training. If you are an internationa, overseas or an offshore student pease visit usi.gov.au for more information. Do you need a USI? You wi need a USI when you enro or re-enro in training from 1 January 2015 if you are a: student enroing in nationay recognised training for the first time, for exampe if you are studying at TAFE or with a private training organisation, competing an apprenticeship or ski set, certificate or dipoma course; schoo student competing nationay recognised training; or student continuing with nationay recognised training.

11 How to get a USI It is free and easy for you to create your own USI onine. Whie you may create your own USI, training organisations are aso abe to create a USI for you. Training organisations shoud do this as part of the enroment process when you begin studying. Where this service is provided, training organisations wi et you know. Steps to create your USI The foowing steps show how you can create a USI: Step 1 Have at east one and preferaby two forms of ID ready from the ist beow: Driver s Licence Medicare Card Austraian Passport Visa (with Non-Austraian Passport) for internationa students Birth Certificate (Austraian) Certificate Of Registration By Descent Citizenship Certificate Immi Card If you do not have proof of ID from the ist above, you can contact your training organisation about the other forms of ID they can accept to hep you get a USI. Step 2 Have your persona contact detais ready (e.g. emai address, or mobie number, or address). Step 3 Visit the USI website at: usi.gov.au. Step 4 Seect the Create a USI ink and foow the steps. Step 5 Agree to the Terms and Conditions. Step 6 Foow the instructions to create a USI it shoud ony take a few minutes. Upon competion, the USI wi be dispayed on the screen. It wi aso be sent to your preferred method of contact. Step 7 You shoud then write down the USI and keep it somewhere handy and safe. IMPORTANT: To make sure we keep a of your training records together, the USI wi be inked to your name as it appears on the form of ID you used to create the USI. The persona detais entered when you create a USI must match exacty with those on your form of ID. For more information pease visit: usi.gov.au Or contact us at Emai: usi@industry.gov.au Phone: Skiing Austraia Information ine To view this document onine pease visit: usi.gov.au 23 September 2014 usi.gov.au

12 IMPORTANT POINTS Does the Careers Centre have your correct contact detais (as we as SAO)? Your teacher wi indicate to the AC > Head of VET > APA if you are not performing we enough in your particuar subject area. You have chosen a pathway toward your future which paces you ahead of other students.

13 THE QUEENSLAND CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (QCE) Certificate I 2 points Certificate II 4 points Certificate III/IV Dipoma Party finished certificates 5 8 points 25% of tota points 50% of tota points 75% of tota points

14 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT Assessment is designed to be vaid, reiabe, fexibe and fair. Demonstrate the necessary underpinning knowedge and is cosey inked to the requirements of the reevant industry. Appy this knowedge in a practica way in a workpace setting to industry standard. You wi be given a number of opportunities to prove you are competent.

15 COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT Evidence (assessment) wi be coected over the period of the course. Resuts recorded on a VET Competion Checkist. You have access to your resuts at a times by asking your teacher. Resuts are not graded. In schoo based reporting you wi be graded on effort, behavior and attitude.

16 CERTIFICATES AND STATEMENTS OF ATTAINMENT On competion of the course you wi be issued with a nationay recognised certificate. If you eave the subject or Marymount Coege prior to competing the course you wi be issued with a nationay recognised statement of attainment. Aso, if you change address immediatey after schoo we must be advised. Keep these certificates in a safe pace (saving eectronicay is a reay good idea).



19 COMPLAINTS, GRIEVANCES AND APPEALS Compaint: an expression of dissatisfaction Grievance: the cause for compaint (may be an outcome, person or persons) Appea: to appy for reconsideration of a decision or outcome.

20 COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS Most probems can be resoved informay. See your teacher/ac/head of VET first If a more forma process is required, you must put your concern in writing. A decision wi then be made as to the next step. The fu process can be found on the Coege Website.

21 COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS PROCEDURES FORMAL COMPLAINT: Must be written (form avaiabe from Head of VET/ Careers). Heard by the Schoo VET committee within 21 days. Compainant has the opportunity to present case to the committee. The decision in writing wi be given within 5 days. Register of Compaints and Appeas wi be kept. INFORMAL COMPLAINT: Teacher HOD of subject area Head of VET/Careers APA Senior Curricuum

22 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) Recognises what you have aready earned from: Other subjects Activities you undertake outside of schoo Vountary work Work experience Industry pacement Part-time work

23 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) If you beieve you meet the requirements for RPL: Subject teacher wi refer you to the Head of VET/ Careers. You wi receive an RPL Appication Form (avaiabe onine). You wi need to provide evidence to support the appication. The VET staff wi make a prompt decision and notify you. Student records wi be updated.

24 CREDIT TRANSFER A student gets a credit transfer when they provide the schoo with a statement of attainment or competencies or certificate studies from another registered training organisation. The schoo wi recognise these quaifications after verifying their authenticity. Credit transfer: some courses offer the same competencies.


26 Reminders: Wear your uniform correcty and proudy to work. Inform the Careers Centre of ALL changes to your training/ work days/canceations/change of subject (eg: excursions ) Let your trainer and Careers Centre if you can t attend (eg: sick) When at work/training use your best manners and behaviour. You re are representing Marymount Coege. Study periods are spent in the Careers Centre or ibrary. Sign in at the Careers Centre first. Compete every competency/unit aong the way and you wi receive the Certificate. Spot checks wi be made to check attendance.