Subject : NHS Lanarkshire Workforce Equality Monitoring

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1 Subject : NHS Lanarkshire Workforce Equality Monitoring Date : March 2014 Meeting : Equality & Diversity Steering Group 1. Purpose The aim of this report is to inform the Equality & Diversity Steering Group of the current NHS Lanarkshire (NHSL) workforce profile based on protected characteristics and the current equality monitoring of this data. 2. Background An initial equality and monitoring report was presented at the Equality & Diversity Steering Group in October 2012 following release of, the Equality Act (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 and the PIN Policy Embracing Equality, Diversity & Human Rights in NHS Scotland. The PIN policy supports monitoring of the protected characteristics of age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex and sexual orientation, as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (Appendix I). It also entails an extensive list of areas for monitoring (Appendix II) during recruitment, employment and termination of employment. This report highlights the data that is currently available for equality monitoring in NHSL and where there are gaps in intelligence. Data has been sourced from April 2012 to March For a direct comparison to the 2011 to 2012 data please refer to the previous report. 3. Workforce Profile In this equality monitoring exercise, consideration has been given to the protected characteristics of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and disability in relation to recruitment, training, disciplinary and grievance. Analysis of the remaining protected characteristics has not yet been undertaken e.g. gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity. As at 31 st March 2013, NHSL employs WTE (11510 head count) staff. This shows an increase of WTE / 175 headcount since March The workforce consists of 84% female and 16% male staff and 68% of the workforce are 40 years old or older all consistent with 2012 data. Information on gender and age is available for all staff but limited information is available regarding the protected characteristics of ethnicity (68%), disability (19%), religion (45%) and sexual orientation (42%). The PIN Policy suggests that to be useful, data must be available for the majority of staff therefore, albeit figures have increased slightly since the March 2012 report, this still limits Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 1

2 NHSL s ability to fully identify inequalities. A proportion of staff (approximately 8-16%) has previously provided equality monitoring data but has declined to provide information on certain protected characteristics. As new staff are recruited to NHSL, they must complete an equality monitoring form, although they can decline to provide specific details. With a current turnover of 6.79% of staff per annum, it is anticipated that through current recruitment NHSL data on protected characteristics will increase, however in the last 12 months due to failure to fully complete engagement forms, only an additional 3% of data has been obtained therefore it still could take up to 10 years to establish a complete data set for all staff. The new Electronic Employee Support System (EESS), once implemented, will provide the facility for staff to directly update their personal data electronically. This may reduce the time required to obtain a more complete data set. 3.1 Gender 84% of the NHSL workforce is female. The same proportion of female staff take up training opportunities (84%) but a slightly lower percentage account for grievances (80%) and (85%) are involved in disciplinary proceedings. In the last 12 months NHSL has had applicants for non-medical posts. Approximately 82% (12026) of applicants and 84% (1039) of those offered posts have been female. Males account for 17% (2523) of applicants and 14% (173) of post offered. Gender was not recorded for 2% of those offered posts. Recruitment by Gender blank F M Applied % Interviewed % Offered % Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 2

3 In a sample of 153 Medical consultant applications, 34% were female and 66% were male; an increase of 16% since March 2012 Report. Of the 39 offered posts, 54% were male and 46% female. This reflects a drop of 6% female applicants and consequently demonstrates an increase of posts offered to males. Recruitment Consultant by Gender 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Applied % Interview % Offered % 10% 0% F M Some data is available for Speciality Doctor Recruitment but as the sample size is very small, further analysis is not valid. Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 3

4 The table below shows that the female proportion of the NHSL workforce by staff group ranges from 47% (Medical and Dental) to 94% (Medical and Dental Support). Compared to NHS Scotland (Source: ISD, June 2013), NHSL has a 3.64% higher proportion of female staff. The main staff groups showing variation to the national position are: Healthcare Science NHSL has 8.62% higher percentage of females in this staff group. Support Services, NHSL has 7.29%higher percentage of females in this staff group. NHS Lanarkshire NHS Scotland Variance Job Family Female Male Female Male Female Male ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 89.30% 10.70% 83.46% 16.54% 5.84% -5.84% ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSION 90.48% 9.52% 90.05% 9.95% 0.43% -0.43% HEALTHCARE SCIENCES 75.29% 24.71% 66.67% 33.33% 8.62% -8.62% MEDICAL AND DENTAL 46.55% 53.45% 49.46% 50.54% -2.91% 2.91% MEDICAL AND DENTAL SUPPORT 93.67% 6.33% 89.82% 10.18% 3.85% -3.85% NURSING/MIDWIFERY 90.92% 9.08% 89.32% 10.68% 1.61% -1.61% OTHER THERAPEUTIC 83.50% 16.50% 82.19% 17.81% 1.30% -1.30% PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CARE 82.30% 17.70% 80.66% 19.34% 1.64% -1.64% SUPPORT SERVICES 67.38% 32.62% 60.09% 39.91% 7.29% -7.29% Grand Total 83.65% 16.35% 80.01% 19.99% 3.64% -3.64% Although, a significantly higher proportion of the NHSL workforce are female, from the data available, gender does not appear to have an influence on incidence of training, grievance, disciplinary or recruitment. This is comparable to the March 2012 position. The number of females promoted in the reference period (284 /83%) is in line with the female workforce (84%). The relevance of this is probably insignificant in view of the small number of promotions Age 68% of the NHSL workforce are over 40 years. The percentage of staff undertaking training by age Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 4

5 matches closely the age profile of the staff suggesting there are equal opportunities for training regardless of age. Current Workforce Training by Age % % Training % Current Workforce % When comparing percentages of grievances related to the workforce the years age group is disproportionately high and accounts for 18% of the workforce but accounts for 26% of grievances. The 60+ year age group is also disproportionately high accounting for 15% of grievances but only 6% of the workforce. It would also appear that the percentage of grievances is low for years age group accounting for 11% of the workforce and 5% of grievances. Further analysis indicates that the most common reason for grievance cases was dignity at work (36%). Disciplinaries are highest in the years age group; accounting for 27% of all disciplinaries compared to 18% of the workforce. The years age group only make up 6% of the workforce however account for 15% of all disciplinaries. Analysis for the reasons for disciplinary proceedings identified high numbers in drug errors and sickness absences cases with 4 cases each. There is a slight reduction in the total number of grievances since the previous report and a significant decrease in disciplinaries. Current Workforce Grievance & Disciplinary by Age % % % Disciplinary % Grievance % Current Workforce % The proportion of staff applying for posts is fairly evenly matched to those being interviewed and offered posts except for the year age group who have a higher percentage applying (21%) Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 5

6 than being interviewed and offered (17%). This is comparable to the 2012 data. Recruitment by Age 2012/ % % % Applied Interviewed Offered In consultant recruitment, the proportion of staff applying for posts is fairly consistent to those being interviewed and offered posts except for the years age group who have a slightly higher percentage of posts being offered (44%) to those applying (27%) and being interviewed (32%). This is comparable to the previous report. Recruitment Consultant by Age Applied % Interview % Offered % Staff promotions have been identified by comparing staff band data at April 2012 to March This focussed on staff on Agenda for Change pay scales only. In this reference period, 345 Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 6

7 promotions were identified and included in the sample, compared to 305 as at March Current Workforce Promotion by Age % 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% % 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% Promotions % Current Workforce % The number of promotions for staff years of age (26 / 8%) is disproportionate to the percentage of the workforce in this age range (12%). This also applies to the year olds who account for (50 / 14%) of promotions and (18%) of the workforce, this is comparable to March 2012 position. The years age group had (45 / 13%) promotions compared to only accounting for 8% of the workforce; this is also similar to the March 2012 position. The data included in the sample for redeployment looks at all staff on the redeployment register from April 2012 to March 2013 including senior managers. This amounted to 192 staff, compared to 219 at March This identifies that the workforce between years account for 8% (15 staff) of the workforce on Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 7

8 the redeployment register; a significant increase since the previous report, whilst only accounting for 3% of the NHSL workforce. Further investigation identifies this is due to recruitment initiatives such as Modern Apprenticeships. The years of age account for 22% (42 staff) of staff of the redeployment register but only account for 18% of the workforce, this is consistent with the previous report. Current Workforce Redeployment by Age 25.00% % % Redeployment % Current Workforce % The significance of findings relating to the other protected characteristics (disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity and religion) and redeployment is restricted by the limited availability of data. 3.3 Ethnicity The 2011 census indicated that 93.5% of North and 91.5% of South Lanarkshire residents were born Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 8

9 in Scotland. In each council, the non-white ethnic population accounted for only about 2% of residents (increase of 1% since 2001 census). As data on the ethnicity of 33% of the current NHSL workforce is not available, it is not possible to determine if NHSL has a workforce representative of the ethnicity of the community. It should be noted that of the 33% with no ethnicity data, 10% of staff have opted to withhold this data. Ethnicity of NHSL Workforce at 31 st March 2013 Ethnicity Staff in Post % African % Any Mixed Background % Bangladeshi % Caribbean % Chinese % Don`t Know 2, % Indian % Other Asian % Other Black % Other Ethnic Background % Other White % Pakistani % Prefer not to answer 1, % White British % White Irish % White Scottish 6, % Grand Total 11, Consequently, the potential to determine fairness in training, grievance, disciplinary, etc. by ethnicity is compromised. Current Workforce by Ethnicity Current Workforce % When comparing grievances to ethnicity, (38% / 23 grievances) occur in the not known & declined to comment groups (groups account for 33% of the workforce). This shows a significant decrease from the March 2012 data (64% / 42 grievances). In the previous report there appeared to be a high Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 9

10 percentage of grievances occurring in the not known & declined to comment groups however this is not repeated in this years analysis which suggests there is no association between grievances and not known & declined to comment groups. Current Workforce Grievance & Disciplinary by Ethnicity Disciplinary % Grievance % Current Workforce % In recruitment during this period, there were applicants and 1238 offers; consequently the conversion rate was 8% of applications to offer. 85% of those that applied were white Scottish, with 85% applying, 86% being interviewed and 90% being offered posts. The proportion of applicants to offers by ethnic group is comparable except in African (1%), Indian (2%) and Other Asian (1%) groups. This is consistent with the previous report. Recruitment by Ethnicity 2012/ % 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% Applied % Interviewed % Offered % In consultant recruitment from applicants to offers, White Scots exceed this with a conversion rate of 46%. There are small numbers from other ethnic groups, the conversion rate for Pakistani (0%) Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 10

11 as previous report but for Indian it is now (13%) as opposed to (23%) in previous report. Recruitment Consultant by Ethnicity % % % % % African Any Mixed Bangladeshi Caribbean Chinese Don`t Know Indian Other Asian Other Black Other Ethnic Other White Pakistani Prefer not to White British White Irish White Scottish Applied % Interviewed % Offered % Although there may be explanations for lower recruitment of certain ethnic groups (e.g. recruitment legislation) this is not clear from the analysis. 3.4 Religion Religion is unknown for 55% of the current workforce which therefore challenges the value of any further comparison (14% declined to comment). Religion of NHSL workforce as 31 st March 2013 Religion Staff in Post % Buddhist % Christian - other % Church of Scotland 1, % Don't Know 4, % Hindu % Jewish % Muslim % No religion 1, % Other % Prefer not to answer 1, % Roman Catholic 1, % Sikh % Grand Total 11, Although in the previous report there were some outliers in relation to discipline and grievance, the pattern has not been repeated in this analysis. The main outlier on this occasion would appear to be Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 11

12 the level of grievances for those who have not disclosed religion. This however is probably of no significance, although this will continue to be reported. Religion Training, Grievance, Disciplinary Current Workforce % Training % Disciplinary % Grievance % There appears to be good correlation between the religion of those applying, being interviewed and offered posts. Recruitment by Religion % % % % blank Buddhist Christian - Other Church of Scotland Declined Declined to Comment Hindu islam Jewish Muslim No religion Not Known Other Roman Catholic Sikh Applied % Interviewed % Offered % In consultant recruitment, the conversion rate from applicants to those offered posts is 25%. 16% of Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 12

13 applicants indicted a religion of Church of Scotland compared to 26% of those offered post (conversion rate 42%), a slight increase from March 2012 position (40%). 17% of applicants indicated no religion at application compared to 28% who were offered posts (conversion rate of 42%), similarly applicants indicating a religion of Roman Catholic made up 11% of applicants but were offered 15% of posts (35% conversion rate), a decrease of 10% from March 2012 position. Groups which have a lower conversion rate than 29% are Hindu (21%), Muslim (10%), Christian Other (10%), Other (8%) and Sikh (0%). This represents a small sample and consequently some of the religious groups are of low numbers therefore the validity of further analysis is questionable. Recruitment Consultants by Religion % % % Applied % Interviewed % Offered % 3.5 Sexual Orientation Data on sexual orientation is only available for 42% of the workforce which brings into challenge any further analysis. Sexual Orientation of NHSL Workforce at 31 st March 2013 Sexual Orientation Staff in Post % Bisexual % Don't Know 5, % Gay % Heterosexual 4, % Lesbian % Other % Prefer not to answer 1, % Grand Total 11, % of the workforce has declined to provide this data and for the remaining 48% no data is Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 13

14 available, no change from the March 2012 position. Sexual Orientation Training, Grievance, Disciplinary Current Workforce % Training % Disciplinaries % Grievance % On application, 38% declined to provide data on sexual orientation but this reduced to 2% when offered a post. Heterosexuals account for 56% of applicants but 92% of those offered posts. Recruitment by Sexual Orientation 2012/ Applied % Interviewd % Offered % 94% / 95% of consultant that applied, were interviewed and were offered jobs indicated they were heterosexual. Of the 9 candidates (6%) that opted not to disclose their sexual orientation when they applied, 2 obtained posts (5%); this is in line with 25% of applicants being offered posts. No Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 14

15 significant change from March 2012 position. Recruitment Consultant by Sexual Orientation Applied % Interviewed % Offered % 3.6 Disability Very little is known about the workforce who have a disability. Data is only available for 19% of the workforce, an increase of 5% from March 2012 position and a further 6% have declined to comment. The data available confirms that 36 staff (0.31%) have a disability Don`t Know No Prefer not to answer Yes Training % Current Workforce % In the reference period, 341 applicants indicated they had a disability and 17 of those were offered a post, this is comparable to the March 2012 position of 5% conversion rate, but is lower than the Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 15

16 general conversion rate of 8%. None of the 153 consultants who applied for posts had a disability. Recruitment Disability 2012/ No Yes 2 Applied % Interviewed % Offered % 4. Discussion NHSL currently has robust data regarding gender and age however, data on the protected characteristics of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and disability is limited; only covering 21-67% of the workforce. A further 8-16% of the workforce have completed equality monitoring but declined to provide data on certain protected characteristics. Natural turnover and revised data collection will result in a greater equality data building up over time but could take approximately 10 years to provide data for all staff. This time period may reduce when staff can directly enter their own data electronically with the introduction of EESS. 5. Conclusion The Equality & Diversity Steering Group is asked to note the content of this report and support further work being undertaken to provide a more detailed analysis. Appendix I : The protected characteristics as per Equality Act 2010 The following characteristics are protected characteristics Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 16

17 age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation. Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 17

18 Appendix II : Monitoring as per Embracing Equality, Diversity & human Rights in NHS Scotland PIN Policy Recruitment (including redeployment) During Employment Termination of employment Applicants for employment (internally and externally) Those who are successful (or not) in the short-listing process Those who are successful (or not) at each subsequent stage of the selection process Workers in post by job, location and band/grade Applicants for training Workers who receive training Time spent at a particular band/grade Workers who benefit (or not) via PDPR/Appraisal procedures (e.g. gateway progression with KSF or PRP with Executive & Senior Management Cohort) Requests for flexible working Allocation of discretionary points in the case of medical/dental staff Pay Occupational segregation Workers involved in grievance/dignity at work procedures Workers subject to formal procedures relating to conduct, capability or sickness absence Workers displaced as a result of organisational change Dismissals Retirement Resignation (including exit interview information) Termination for other reasons Sandilands, Kay - Head of Workforce Modernisation 18