Despatch Advice Message

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1 essage Implementation Guideline based on the EANO 1997 Guideline using UN/EDIFAT Directories D.96A Despatch Advice essage Version 7.0 opyright 2008 evision Page 1

2 Notes: 1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The segment or segment group tag is followed by the Segment Description, the Base Status ()andatory / ()onditional indicator, the User Status, and the maximum number of occurrences. 2.1 ()andatory data elements in EDIFAT segments retain their status in EANO, but reflected in this document with (R)equired implying andatory. 2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a ()onditional EDIFAT status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations: REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent. ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended. DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as defined by the relevant explanatory note. OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the discretion of the user. NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted. opyright 2008 evision Page 2

3 DESADV Despatch Advice essage Introduction: A message specifying detailsfor goods despatched or ready for despatch under agreed conditions. Interchange Header: Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat UNA Service String Advice 1 UNB Interchange Header 1 Heading Section: Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat UNH essage Header 1 BG Beginning of essage 1 DT Date/Time/Period 35 Segment Group: Reference 10 RFF Reference 1 Segment Group: and Address 2 NAD and Address Detail Section: Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat Segment Group: onsignment Packing Sequence 9999 PS onsignment Packing Sequence 1 Segment Group: Package Group 9999 PA Package 1 Segment Group: Package Identification 1000 PI Package Identification 1 Segment Group: Goods Identity 99 GIN Goods Identity Number 1 Segment Group: Line Item 9999 LIN Line Item 1 PIA Additional Product Id 10 QTY Quantity 10 Segment Group: Reference 10 RFF Reference 1 Segment Group: Location 100 LO Place/Location Identification 1 QTY Quantity 10 opyright 2008 evision Page 3

4 Summary Section: Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat NT ontrol Total 1 UNT essage Trailer 1 Interchange Trailer: Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat UNE Functional Group Trailer 1 UNZ Interchange Trailer 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 4

5 Segment: UNA Service Advice String Position: 0001 Group: Level: 0 Usage: Optional ax Use: 1 Purpose: To define the characters selected for use as delimiters in the rest of the interchange that follows. Example: UNA:+.? ' omponent Summary OPONENT DATA ELEENT an..1 SEPARATOR DATA ELEENT SEPARATOR an..1 DEIAL ARK an..1 RELEASE INDIATOR an..1 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE an..1 SEGENT TERINATOR an..1 opyright 2008 evision Page 5

6 Segment: UNB Interchange Header Position: 0002 Group: Level: 0 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: To start, identify and specify an interchange. Example: UNB+UNOA:3+YOUREDIADD:ZZ :ZZ : ' Summary omponent S001 SYNTAX IDENTIFIER Identification of the agency controlling the syntax and indication of syntax level Syntax identifier oded identification of the agency controlling a syntax and syntax level used in an interchange Syntax version number Version number of the syntax identified in the syntax identifier (0001). S002 INTERHANGE SENDER Identification of the sender of the interchange Sender Identification or coded representation of the sender of a data interchange. Supplier EDI GLN 0007 Partner Identification ode Qualifier Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers of interchanging partners. ZZ S003 INTERHANGE REIIPIENT Identification of the recipient of the interchange Recipient Identification or coded representation of the recipient of a data interchange. Spotlight/Anaconda EDI GLN Spotlight GLNs: Australia New Zealand Singapore Hong Kong Anaconda GLN: an..1 an..1 an..1 an..4 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 6

7 Partner Identification ode Qualifier Qualifier referring to the source of codes for the identifiers of interchanging partners. ZZ S004 DATE/TIE OF PREPARATION Date/time of preparation of the interchange Date Of Preparation Local date when an interchange or a functional group was prepared. YYDD 0019 Time of preparation Local time of day when an interchange or a functional group was prepared. HH 0020 INTERHANGE ONTROL REFERENE Unique reference assigned by the sender to an interchange TEST INDIATOR 1 indicates test essage, blank indicates production message. 5 5 an..4 an..14 an..1 opyright 2008 evision Page 7

8 Segment: UNH essage Header Position: 0010 Group: Level: 0 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Despatch Advice message is DESADV. Example: UNH DESADV:D:96A:UN:EAN008 Summary omponent 0062 ESSAGE REFERENE NUBER Unique message reference assigned by the sender. Senders unique message reference. Sequence number of the messages in the interchange. DE 0062 in the UNT will be exactly the same. Sender generated. S009 ESSAGE IDENTIFIER Identification of the type, version etc. of the message being interchanged essage type identifier ode identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency. DESADV 0052 essage type version number D 0054 essage type release number 96A 0051 ontrolling agency UN 0057 Association assigned code EAN008 an..14 an..6 an..6 an..2 an..6 opyright 2008 evision Page 8

9 Segment: BG Beginning of essage Position: 0020 Group: Level: 0 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the despatch advice by means of its name and number and when necessary its function. Example: BG ' Summary omponent /U 002 DOUENT/ESSAGE Identification of a type of document/message by code or name. ode preferred. /U 1001 Document/message name, coded Document/message identifier expressed in code Despatch Advice /U 1004 DOUENT/ESSAGE NUBER Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer. Despatch Advice Number /U 1225 ESSAGE FUNTION, ODED ode indicating the function of the message. 9 - original 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 9

10 Segment: DT Date/Time/Period Position: 0030 Group: Level: 1 Usage: andatory ax Use: 35 Purpose: A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. Example: DT+11: :102 DT+17: :102 DT+137: :102 - Despatch date time - Estimated delivery date - Document date time Summary omponent 507 DATE/TIE/PERIOD Date and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type 2005 Date/time/period qualifier 137 document time 11 dispatch date time 17 estimated delivery date 2380 Date/time/period The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified 2379 Date/time/period format qualifier Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time or of a period YYDD 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 10

11 Group: RFF Segment Group 1: Reference Position: 0080 Group: Level: 1 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 10 Purpose: A group of segments for giving references and where necessary, their dates, relating to the whole message e.g. contract number, import/export license number, reservation number. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat 0090 RFF Reference 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 11

12 Segment: RFF Reference Position: 0090 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 1 (Reference) onditional (Optional) Level: 1 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: ontains a reference to the purchase order. Notes: Dependency rule: ust be used if not used within LIN loop. Each DESADV must refer back to a previous document, usually the purchase order(s). Example: RFF+ON: Summary omponent 506 REFERENE Identification of a reference 1153 Reference qualifier ode giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. ON order number IV Invoice Number /U 1154 Reference number Purchase order number Invoice number 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 12

13 Group: NAD Segment Group 2: and Address Position: 0110 Group: Level: 1 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 99 Purpose: A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat 0120 NAD and Address 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 13

14 Segment: NAD and Address Position: 0120 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 2 ( and Address) onditional (Optional) Level: 1 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties (ship to and supplier information). Example: NAD+SU+00905::92 NAD+ST+340::92 Summary omponent 3035 PARTY QUALIFIER ode giving specific meaning to a party. SU supplier number ST ship to stored code (Blank Ship To or No ST Segment Indicates Direct To Store) 082 PARTY IDENTIFIATION DETAILS Identification of a transaction party by code Party id, identification ode identifying a party involved in a transaction. Supplier Number or Ship To Store ode N/U 1131 ode list qualifier Identification of a code list. /U 3055 ode list responsible agency, coded ode identifying the agency responsible for a code list opyright 2008 evision Page 14

15 Group: PS Segment Group 10: onsignment Packing Sequence Position: Group: Level: 1 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 9999 Purpose: A group of segments providing details of all package levels and of the individual despatched items contained in the consignment. This segment group provides the capability to give the hierarchical packing relationships. The group defines a logical topdown order structure. The lowest level package information of the hierarchy is followed by the detail product information. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat PS onsignment Packing Sequence 1 Segment Group 15: Line Item opyright 2008 evision Page 15

16 Segment: PS onsignment Packing Sequence Position: 0380 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 10 (onsignment Packing Sequence) onditional (Optional) Level: 1 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment identifying the sequence in which packing of the consignment occurs, e.g. boxes loaded onto a pallet. omponent 7164 HIERARHIAL ID. NUBER A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a level within a hierarchical structure. R 7166 HIERARHIAL PARENT ID Identification number of the next higher hierarchical data segment in a hierarchical structure PAKAGING LEVEL, ODED Indication of level of packaging specified. 1 Inner (arton Level) 2 Intermediate (Pallet / Tare Level) an..12 an..12 opyright 2008 evision Page 16

17 Group: PA Segment Group 11: Package Position: 0400 Group: Segment Group 10 (onsignment Packing Sequence) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 9999 Purpose: A group of segments identifying packaging, physical dimensions, marks and numbers, quantities, date and time information, handling information and information about packing at this level. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat PA Package 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 17

18 Segment: PA Package Position: 0410 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 11 (Package) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment specifying the number and type of the packages/physical units and the physical type of packaging for the despatched goods. omments: Notes: Segment Notes. This PA segment can be used to identify the total number of packages per hierarchial level identified in the PS segment, in a shipment. The contents of each package is subsequently described in the following LIN segment. Example : PA+10++PK' Summary omponent 7224 NUBER OF PAKAGES Number of individual parts of a shipment either unpacked, or packed in such a way that they cannot be divided without first undoing the packing. n..8 N/U 531 PAKAGING DETAILS Packaging level and details, terms and conditions. N/U 7075 Packaging level, coded N/U 7233 Packaging related information, coded ode giving packaging, handling and marking related information. N/U 7073 Packaging terms and conditions, coded ode identifying packaging terms and conditions. 202 PAKAGE TYPE Type of package by name or by code from a specified source. R 7065 Type of packages identification an..17 oded description of the form in which goods are presented. 09 Returnable pallet (EAN ode) BG Bag T arton PK Package SL Slipsheet N/U 1131 ode list qualifier Identification of a code list. opyright 2008 evision Page 18

19 3055 ode list responsible agency, coded ode identifying the agency responsible for a code list. 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) 7064 Type of packages Description of the form in which goods are presented. N/U 402 PAKAGE TYPE IDENTIFIATION Identification of the form in which goods are described N/U 7077 Item description type, coded ode indicating the format of a description. N/U 7064 Type of packages Description of the form in which goods are presented. N/U 7143 Item number type, coded Identification of the type of item number. N/U 7064 Type of packages Description of the form in which goods are presented. N/U 7143 Item number type, coded Identification of the type of item number. N/U 532 RETURNABLE PAKAGE DETAILS Indication of responsibility for payment and load contents of returnable packages. N/U 8395 Returnable package freight payment responsibility, coded To indicate responsibility for payment of return freight charges for packaging that is returnable. N/U 8393 Returnable package load contents, coded To indicate the composition of goods loaded into a returnable package. 5 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 19

20 Group: PI Segment Group 13: Package Identification Position: 0470 Group: Segment Group 11 (Package) onditional (Optional) Level: 3 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 1000 Purpose: A group of segments specifying markings, labels, and packing numbers. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat PI Package Identification 1 Segment Group 14: Goods Identity Number 99 opyright 2008 evision Page 20

21 Segment: PI Package Identification Position: 0480 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 13 (Package Identification) onditional (Optional) Level: 3 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment specifying markings and/or labels used on individual physical units (packages) described in the PA segment. omments: Notes: Segment Notes. This PI segment is used to provide markings and labels information relevant to the packaging unit and level identified in the PA segment. Example: PI+33E' Summary omponent 4233 ARKING INSTRUTIONS, ODED ode indicating instructions on how specified packages or physical units should be marked. 33E - arked with serial shipping container code (EAN ode) N/U 210 ARKS & LABELS Shipping marks on packages in free text; one to ten lines. N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 arks and numbers identifying individual packages. N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 7102 Shipping marks 5 N/U 8275 ONTAINER/PAKAGE STATUS, ODED ode to identify whether goods of separate description or comprising separate consignments are contained in the same external packaging or to indicate that a container or similar unit load device is empty. opyright 2008 evision Page 21

22 N/U 827 TYPE OF ARKING Specification of the type of marking that reflects the method that was used and the conventions adhered to for marking (e.g. of packages). N/U 7511 Type of marking, coded To specify the type of marking that reflects the method and the conventions adhered to for marking. N/U 1131 ode list qualifier Identification of a code list. N/U 3005 ode list responsible agency, coded ode identifying the agency responsible for a code list. opyright 2008 evision Page 22

23 Group: GIN Segment Group 14: Goods Identity Number Position: 0520 Group: Segment Group 13 (Package Identification) onditional (Optional) Level: 4 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 99 Purpose: A group of segments giving package identification numbers and, where relevant, delivery limitation information. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat GIN Goods Identity Number 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 23

24 Segment: GIN Goods Identity Number Position: 0530 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 14 (Goods Identity Number) onditional (Optional) Level: 4 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment providing the identity numbers of packages being despatched. omments: Notes: Segment Notes. This segment is used to provide identification numbers relevant to the packaging unit and level identified in the PA segment. In EANO it is recommended to use the Serial Shipping ontainer ode (SS) for unique identification of individual transport packages. Example : GIN+BJ : ' Summary omponent 7405 IDENTITY NUBER QUALIFIER ode specifying the type/source of identity number. BJ Serial shipping container code Serial code uniquely identifying a shipping container. BN Serial number Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of a number of identical items. ay be used to identify specific serial number of the transport unit BX Batch number Unique number affixed by manufacturer to a batch of products produced under similar conditions. ay be used to identify specific batch number of the transport unit EU EAN / UP number (EAN ode) 208 IDENTITY NUBER RANGE Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range Identity number 5 A value given to an object for identification purposes. EAN-14 trade unit number, SS # (n18) 7402 Identity number 5 N/U 208 IDENTITY NUBER RANGE Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range. opyright 2008 evision Page 24

25 7402 Identity number 5 A value given to an object for identification purposes. EAN-14 trade unit number, SS # (n18) 7402 Identity number 5 N/U 208 IDENTITY NUBER RANGE Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range Identity number 5 A value given to an object for identification purposes. EAN-14 trade unit number, SS # (n18) 7402 Identity number 5 N/U 208 IDENTITY NUBER RANGE Goods item identification numbers, start and end of consecutively numbered range Identity number 5 A value given to an object for identification purposes. EAN-14 trade unit number, SS # (n18) 7402 Identity number 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 25

26 Group: LIN Segment Group 25: Line Item Position: 0930 Group: Level: 1 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: Purpose: A group of segments providing details of the individual ordered items. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat 0940 LIN Line Item PIA Additional Product Id QTY Quantity R Segment Group: Reference 1400 Segment Group: Place/Location Identification opyright 2008 evision Page 26

27 Segment: LIN Line Item Position: 0940 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 25 (Line Item) onditional (Optional) Level: 1 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment identifying the line item by the line number and configuration level, and additionally, identifying the product or service ordered. Other product identification numbers e.g. Buyer product number, etc. can be specified within the following PIA segment. omments: Notes: This segment is used to identify the item being ordered. Example: LIN :EN Summary omponent /U 1082 LINE ITE NUBER Serial number designating each separate item within a series of articles. Application generated number of the count of the order lines. D 212 ITE NUBER IDENTIFIATION Goods identification for a specified source. /U 7140 Item number Item Number EAN-13, EAN-8 or UP-A /U 7143 Item number type, coded EN - International Article Numbering Association SA - Suppliers Article Number (If EAN Is Not Known) n..6 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 27

28 Segment: PIA Additional Product Id Position: 0950 Group: Segment Group 25 (Line Item) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 25 Purpose: A segment providing either additional identification to the product specified in the LIN segment (e.g. Harmonized System number), or provides any substitute product identification. Example: PIA :VN::ZZZ PIA+5+SK22524:IN::ZZZ PIA+1+DESRIPTION OF ITE:IN::ZZZ Summary omponent 4347 PRODUT ID. FUNTION QUALIFIER 5 - Product identification 1- Additional identification 212 ITE NUBER IDENTIFIATION Goods identification for a specified source. /U 7140 Item number A number allocated to a group or item. /U 7143 Item number type, coded Identification of the type of item number. VN - Supplier s/vendor s Item Number/ode IN - Buyer s (Spotlight) Item Number ode N/U 1131 ode list qualifier Identification of a code list ode list responsible agency, coded ZZZ - utually Defined 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 28

29 Segment: QTY Quantity Position: 0980 Group: Segment Group 25 (Line Item) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 10 Purpose: A segment identifying the product quantities e.g. ordered quantity. omments: Notes: This segment is used to specify the total quantity ordered for the current line identified in the LIN segment. If split deliveries are being used, the quantities for the split delivery are specified in segment group 33. The totals for all quantities expressed in the QTY's at segment group level must equal the value in this QTY segment. Example: QTY+21:67:PK' Summary omponent 186 QUANTITY DETAILS Quantity information in a transaction, qualified when relevant Quantity qualifier ode giving specific meaning to a quantity. 12 Quantity dispatched by the seller Quantity n..15 Numeric value of a quantity. Total Quantity Of Previous LIN Item R 6411 easure unit Qualifier opyright 2008 evision Page 29

30 Group: RFF Segment Group 1: Reference Position: 1080 Group: Segment Group 25 (Line Item) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: onditional (Optional) ax Use: 10 Purpose: A group of segments for giving references and where necessary, their dates, relating to the whole message e.g. contract number, import/export license number, reservation number. Notes: Dependency rule: ust be used if not used in header to refer back to originating document. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat 1090 RFF Reference 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 30

31 Segment: RFF Reference Position: 1090 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 25 (Line Item) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: ontains a reference to the purchase order. Notes: Dependency rule: ust be used if not used in header to refer back to originating document. Example: RFF+ON: Summary omponent 506 REFERENE Identification of a reference 1153 Reference qualifier ode giving specific meaning to a reference segment or a reference number. ON order number IV Invoice Number Dependency rule: Usually used with 1153 = ON to reference the purchase order this item is from. If there is only one order covered by this DESADV then it may be quoted in the header. /U 1154 Reference number Purchase order number Invoice number 5 opyright 2008 evision Page 31

32 Group: LO Segment Group 33: Place/Location Identification Position: 1400 Group: Segment Group 25 (Line Item) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: andatory ax Use: 9999 (per LIN segment) Purpose: A group of segments specifying destination and quantity details for consignments involving multidestination deliveries. Segment Summary Pos No Seg ID Req Des ax Use Group Repeat 1400 LO Place/Location Identification 1 opyright 2008 evision Page 32

33 Segment: LO Place/Location Identification Position: 1410 (Trigger Segment) Group: Segment Group 33 (Place/Location Identification) onditional (Optional) Level: 2 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment indicating the location to which part of the consignment is to be delivered. omments: Notes: This segment is used to identify the location of delivery for a split delivery order. Example: LO+7+340::92 Summary omponent 3227 PLAE/LOATION QUALIFIER ode identifying the function of a location. 7 - Place of delivery /U 517 LOATION IDENTIFIATION Identification of a location by code or name. /U 3225 Place/location identification Identification of the name of place/location, other than 3164 ity name. Spotlight Store ode 3055 ode list responsible agency, coded ode identifying the agency responsible for a code list Assigned By Buyer an..25 opyright 2008 evision Page 33

34 Segment: NT ontrol Total Position: 2110 Group: Level: 1 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A segment by which control totals may be provided by the sender for checking by the receiver. omments: Notes: This segment is used to provide message control totals. Example: NT+2:4' There are four LIN segments in the current message. Summary omponent 270 ONTROL ontrol total for checking integrity of a message or part of a message ontrol qualifier Determines the source data elements in the message which forms the basis for 6066 ontrol value. 2 -Total Number of LIN Segments In This essage 6066 ontrol value Value obtained from summing the values specified by the ontrol Qualifier throughout the message (Hash total). Actual LIN Segment ount n..18 opyright 2008 evision Page 34

35 Segment: UNT essage Trailer Position: 2160 Group: Level: 0 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference number of the message. omments: Notes: The UNT segment is a mandatory UN/EDIFAT segment. It must always be the last segment in the message. Example: UNT+48+E000001' Summary omponent 0074 NUBER OF SEGENTS IN A ESSAGE ontrol count of number of segments in a message ESSAGE REFERENE NUBER Unique message reference assigned by the sender. The message reference number detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNH segment. n..6 an..14 opyright 2008 evision Page 35

36 Segment: UNZ Interchange Trailer Position: 2160 Group: Level: 0 Usage: andatory ax Use: 1 Purpose: This is the last segment in the interchange. Example: UNZ Summary omponent 0036 INTERHANGE ONTROL OUNT Total number of messages in this interchange INTERHANGE ONTROL REFERENE Unique message reference assigned by the sender. The message reference number detailed here should equal the one specified in the UNB segment. n..6 an..14 opyright 2008 evision Page 36