Rethinking Business Strategy: A data and customer-centric approach Presented by StrategiK Insight

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1 Rethinking Business Strategy: A data and customer-centric approach Presented by StrategiK Insight This Presentation and the ideas contained therein is the property of StrategiK Insight. No part may be reproduced, circulated or transferred without the express prior verbal and written approval of StrategiK Insight Nig. LTD.

2 Sales and Marketing Strategies - Why Are They Critical?

3 Sales and marketing strategies are the bedrock for launching and sustaining blockbuster brands However, historically, marketers have operated on the forces of mass marketing and me-too tactics and concepts Leveraging Gut-fill, seasoned experience, operational efficiency, product excellence, excessive and aggressive promotional campaigns tactics to succeed Marketing trends are rapidly changing as the critical mass effect is fast eroding while competition and consumer consciousness is on the rise The above trend therefore calls for a shift to sales and marketing approaches that are more effective in fiercely competitive markets Marketing strategies in fiercely competitive markets are crafted via consumer insight driven information that illuminates critical customer intimacy, acquisition and retention factors

4 What is Consumer Insight? Why is Consumer Insight a Precursor to Market Leadership Strategies?

5 Transition Consumer Insight provides an encompassed platform for synthesizing and deploying optimized customer intimacy, tactics and strategies In fiercely competitive markets, customer acquisition and retention success rates are hinged on the art and velocity of transitioning from Consumer Insight Driven 4 Rs Marketing Mix Traditional 4 Ps Marketing Mix Price Product Promotion Place Relationships Retention Referrals Recovery : Enables consumer intimacy via effective communication, building trust & commitment and understanding customer needs Retention: Referrals: Recovery: Ascertains steady state via targeted incentives, rewards, loyalty programs for specific segments Ensures up-selling via value selling, Communication Facilitates strong win-back programs, product and service development 5 1. James G. Barnes book "Secrets of Customer Relationship Management" McGraw Hill copyright 2000, page 22-23

6 What are the insight levers required to facilitate 4 Rs?

7 Consumer insights bridges the gap between conceptualizing an opportunity to implementing an actionable strategy WHERE TO COMPETE HOW TO LEAD AND DOMINATE Size the Market Forecast the Opportunity Decide to Proceed Segmentation and Valuation Product Positioning Campaign Effectiveness Promotion Mix Optimization Sales Force Size and Structure Targeting and Messaging Product Attributes Evaluate Effectiveness and ROI CONCEPTUALIZE OPPORTUNITY STRATEGIC GOAL

8 Are surveyed insight aspiration of marketers aligned to Consumer Insight 4 Rs?

9 A survey to capture Consumer Insight needs of sales and marketing executives indicate significant alignment Customer Intimacy and Delivery of Intimacy Highlights Seem to be the Critical Consumer Insights Needs 9

10 Robust information from the aforementioned insight points can be derived from integrated data sources Primary Market Research Robust Data We are experts in assembling insights for identified business issues by leveraging information from these three data levers Syndicated Data Sources Secondary Data 10

11 Our 360 o approach assures derivation, implementation and refinement of the desired insights and strategy outcomes Start Define and Clearly State the Problem and Intended Insights Collect the Relevant Data and Information Reliable, Dependable and Actionable Recommendations Analyze Data and Information Via Novel Tools and Technique 11

12 How Can We Help Your Team? 12