Marketing Your University June 19, 2018

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1 Marketing Your University June 19, 2018 Robert Drouhard, Customer Success Manager Lisa Hannah, Marketing Strategist & Katherine Hall, Marketing Associate 6/28/18 1


3 WHAT WE LL COVER TODAY Pre-workshop survey results A marketing mindset Planning ahead Awareness and engagement BlueVolt tools Customer examples Templates 6/28/18 3

4 PRE-WORKSHOP SURVEY RESULTS 57% of you are actively marketing: s to remind users, managers to access content or when new content is available Pop-up reminders Newsletters Social platforms (internal and external - Facebook, LinkedIn) signature block Piggyback on existing promotion channels Working with the sales and channel sales teams but majority of you give these efforts a poor rating 6/28/18 4

5 PRE-WORKSHOP SURVEY RESULTS Biggest concerns with marketing today: Expanding reach to broader audiences and with more frequency Establishing a structure Confidence that marketing efforts will drive traffic to the university Confidence that what is being provided is what users want and will chose to interact Quality and quantity of content Engagement when users have short attention spans 6/28/18 5

6 PRE-WORKSHOP SURVEY RESULTS Want to takeaway from this session: ühow to market courses ühow to leverage internal marketing teams ünew ways to get higher participation that don t rely on promotional giveaways ücost effective, efficient ways to promote the university to drive awareness and traffic üautomated ways to promote the university ühow to reach new users and engage them quickly üideas from peers 6/28/18 6


8 Offer a Compelling Solution 6 MARKETING BEST PRACTICES Create a Marketing Plan and Strategy Know your Audience Set Goals and Relevant Metrics Create Awareness Build Engagement 6/28/18 8


10 A MARKETING PLAN A simple, living document to keep everyone aligned Created in advance of a university or course launch Format in PPT, Word, Excel for use by your team and to share internally Include: Goals and associated metrics Key strategies Target audiences Tactics for content, communications, engagement, promotions Calendar Budget 6/28/18 10

11 KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Audience characteristics determine the marketing approach Demographics Platform preferences: mobile devices vs. desktops Information delivery preferences: , text message, social messaging Formats that resonate: text, graphics, video, audio Where do they look for information: intranet, company newsletters, colleagues, lunchroom Use messaging that highlights the value from the audience s perspective and in their language Simple surveys can provide a wealth of information (test assumptions, clarify unknowns) 6/28/18 11

12 SAMPLE GOALS AND METRICS Engagement Enrollments Completions Courses per Learner Mandatory vs. Optional Quality and Comprehension Learner Feedback Completion Rates Professional Development Time to Productivity Promotions Attrition Rate Business Outcomes Sales Volume Sales Velocity Market Readiness Channel Mindshare Safety Incidents 6/28/18 12

13 CREATE AWARENESS 6/28/18 13

14 CREATE AWARENESS - COMMUNICATION Remember the Rule of 7 Integrate promotion into all existing communications programs Weekly or monthly calls and newsletters, company wide s Intranet, including internal social platforms Featured blocks and banners Focus on content type and quality Is it compelling? Is it visually appealing? Is the call to action prominent? Partner with your leadership team Leverage in course introductions and launches 6/28/18 14

15 CREATE AWARENESS - MARKETING Integration with marketing programs Nurture program (automation) sequenced s with specific calls to action Pre-launch, and on a regular schedule post-launch to stay top of mind Frequency break up communications into bite size pieces content snackables 6/28/18 15

16 CUSTOMER EXAMPLE 6/28/18 16

17 CREATE AWARENESS: USE BLUEVOLT TOOLS Use Course-centric s Use BlueVolt Course er feature to reach people who took a related course Send follow-up s with enrollees of a course Consolidate Training Register for ILT through BlueVolt, use pre-requisite training through BlueVolt Bring webinars into BlueVolt Broaden use of the BlueVolt Calendar Widget Use for company events, in addition to training to build awareness 6/28/18 17

18 CUSTOMER EXAMPLES Course er 6/28/18 18

19 CUSTOMER EXAMPLES Leverage the University Homepage: add a featured course banner 6/28/18 19

20 CUSTOMER EXAMPLES Featured blocks to drive enrollment and awareness 6/28/18 20

21 CUSTOMER EXAMPLE'S Calendar Widget 6/28/18 21

22 BUILD ENGAGEMENT 6/28/18 22

23 ENGAGEMENT Incentives (tied to promotional giveaways) Have a strategy for BlueBucks beyond initial funding Gift cards, prizes, swag Product samples Create a certification program for external partners Incentives (without promotional giveaways) Recognize internal subject matter experts based tied to learning objectives Offer Badging (within BlueVolt system) Integrate with existing reward systems Training Tracks instead of standalone courses Integrate with Human Capital Systems and Performance Reviews 6/28/18 23

24 CUSTOMER EXAMPLES Monthly product spotlight with SPIFF. Have to complete the course to qualify for the SPIFF. 6/28/18 24


26 EXPANDING YOUR REACH Auto-enrollment Links Take the learner directly to the course landing page and enroll them Customizable enrollment and university experience based on audience profile Offer Self-registration Settings enable control over content access New Users Report will show who self-registered Identify anyone for re-grouping or follow-up 6/28/18 26


28 INTERNAL MARKETING RESOURCES Sync calendars and plans New product introductions Incorporate new course availability Cross-promotion Leverage existing marketing resources: writers, creatives Ask for personas and messaging Access to marketing/ automation programs (Marketo, HubSpot, etc.) 6/28/18 28

29 WORKING SESSION - TEMPLATES Marketing Plan Marketing Calendar Launch Planning 6/28/18 29

30 MARKETING PLAN 6/28/18 30

31 Quarterly Marketing Calendar Template- By Audience July August September Content: Course or University Communications ( , newsletters) Incentives Partners (internal and external) Digital Social Events BlueVolt Platform

32 Launch Template Launch Objectives Key Messages Course or University Features/Benefits Description Owner Due Date Target Markets Course Description Marketing Programs Campaigns Digital Placements Promotions/Incentives Partner Programs Press Collateral Sales Training 6/28/18 32

33 WRAP UP Marketing is ongoing not set it and forget it Calibrate based on results, experiment and learn Think like a marketer your courses are your product Work with your internal marketing teams Leverage your BlueVolt Customer Success Manager! See you this afternoon 6/28/18 33