Executive Summary of Research and Strategic Marketing Recommendations For The Expansion of Passenger Rail Service Along the Corridor

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1 Maine State Library Maine State Documents Transportation Documents Transportation Executive Summary of Research and Strategic Marketing Recommendations For The Expansion of Passenger Rai Service Aong the Corridor Maine Department of Transportation Swardick Marketing Group Foow this and additiona works at: Recommended Citation Maine Department of Transportation and Swardick Marketing Group, "Executive Summary of Research and Strategic Marketing Recommendations For The Expansion of Passenger Rai Service Aong the Corridor" (2003). Transportation Documents. Paper This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Transportation at Maine State Documents. It has been accepted for incusion in Transportation Documents by an authorized administrator of Maine State Documents. For more information, pease contact

2 LIBRARY USE ONLY Executive Summary of Research and Strategic Marketing Recommendations For The Expansion of Passenger Rai Service Aong the Corridor Presented to: The Maine Department of Transportation Office of Passenger Transportation I.. L L Presented by: Swardick Marketing Group Seven Custom House Street Portand, ME Juy 25, 2003 JUL

3 r I.. r Tabe of Contents I. Background Page 3 II. Research Methodoogy Page 5 III. Research Findings Page 7 IV. Strategic Impications Page 18 v. Strategic Recommendations Page 19 VI. Concusion Page 22 L 2

4 I. Background The Maine Department of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation recognizes that rai transportation is a key component of the continued deveopment of the passenger transportation infrastructure in Maine. Looking towards the future, the strategic vaue of rai service to points north of Portand is beieved to be significant not ony in contributing to the quaity of ife of Maine peope, but aso as a vehice of economic deveopment. Considering the anticipated increases of popuation density, commerce and traffic aong the Interstate 295, Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 1 corridor between Portand and Brunswick, Maine, it is reasonabe to theorize that the demand for passenger transportation, incuding rai, is ikey to grow in that area. Thus, the expansion of passenger rai service aong the I-295, I-95 and U.S. Rt. 1 corridor is incuded in the Strategic Passenger Transportation Pan for the State of Maine, which was deveoped by the Maine Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Department of Economic and Community Deveopment. Moreover, the expansion northward is a ogica next step after the estabishment of Amtrak rai service to Portand. In continuing to execute the Strategic Passenger Transportation Pan on behaf of the peope of the state, The Department and the Northern New Engand Passenger Rai Authority are now deveoping a business pan for the expansion of rai service north of Portand. Incuded in the deveopment process has been the measurement of vehice traffic aong the subject corridor and reated projections of traffic growth as we as other reevant data. As part of the comprehensive approach to the deveopment of the business pan, The Department conducted quantitative consumer research to: 1) Evauate consumer attitudes as one part of exporing the feasibiity of Amtrak rai service from Portand to Brunswick, with a stop in Freeport. 2) Evauate the interest eve and potentia for commuter rai service between Exit 16 - Yarmouth and Portand. This research project was competed in Apri and May, 2003 and measured specific items in three categories:. Genera - Pubic Transportation Perceptions of current and anticipated eves of congestion on roads and highways in Southern Maine Use of pubic transportation in Maine during the past six months Ratings of the eve and quaity of pubic transportation avaiabe in Maine Importance of the State in panning for the provision of more pubic transportation Desired improvements to Maine's pubic transportation system Awareness and use of passenger rai service in Maine Satisfaction eves with passenger rai service (of those who have used it) Evauation of and support for the current passenger rai service Media use/information sources 3

5 .... Amtrak Passenger Rai Service: Support eves for extending passenger rai service to other Maine communities north of Portand Perceived effect of the extended passenger rai service on the economic deveopment and quaity of ife in the communities north of Portand Importance of having the State continue to support passenger rai service Commuter Passenger Rai Service: Perceptions of rush-hour congestion on 1-295/1-95 Current commuting information Support for commuter rai, Yarmouth to Portand Likeihood of using commuter rai and what price wiing to pay Perceived effect of the commuter service on the quaity of ife in the communities surveyed Importance of continued state support Section II of this report summarizes the research methodoogy. L L 4

6 ... r, f II. Research Methodoogy As stated previousy, the purpose of the research project's deveopment and execution was to: 1) Evauate consumer attitudes as one part of exporing the feasibiity of Amtrak rai service from Portand to Brunswick, with a stop in Freeport. 2) Evauate the interest eve and potentia for commuter rai service between Exit 16 - Yarmouth and Portand. To achieve these research objectives, a quantitative study was used consisting of two comprehensive teephone surveys. One to address a compete series of questions pertaining to the expansion of Amtrak passenger rai service from Portand to Brunswick, with a stop in Freeport. This survey is referred to as the 'Amtrak' survey. The second was deveoped to address a compete series of questions pertaining to commuter rai service between Exit 16- Yarmouth and Portand. This survey is referred to as the 'Commuter' survey. Respondents to both surveys were asked severa questions about genera pubic transportation in Maine. And, the respondents of the Commuter survey were asked questions reating to Amtrak passenger rai service. For the 'Amtrak' survey, a random sampe of 300 adut residents of Centra- and Mid Coast Maine was interviewed. This random sampe was comprised of residents of most of Androscoggin County, the towns of Brunswick and Freeport in Cumberand County, Southern Kennebec County (incuding Augusta), Lincon County, Sagadahoc County, and towns in Southern Knox County. Simiary, a random sampe of 250 residents of Yarmouth and contiguous towris was interviewed for the 'Commuter' survey, a of whom identified themseves as currenty being commuters from the reevant towns into Greater Portand. This sampe was comprised of residents of the towns of Cumberand, Durham, Freeport, North Yarmouth, Powna and Yarmouth. A map showing the genera survey areas appears in Figure II-A on the foowing page. These sampe sizes among the tota popuation of the survey areas provide the foowing confidence eves and margin of error: 1 ~ The tota resuts of the 'Amtrak' survey command statistica vaidity at the 95% confidence eve with a margin of error of %. ~ The tota resuts of the 'Commuter' survey command statistica vaidity at the 95% confidence eve with a margin of error of % \. 5

7 r r Sourhcm Maine Coast MDOT/OPT RAIL EXPANSION SURVEY AREAS (REPRESENTATIVE) t ' ' Figure II - A: Map of Survey Areas (Representative) 6

8 II. Research Findings The compete resuts of the research project are summarized in Report to the Maine Department of Transportation and Swardick Marketing Group I Market Research on Pubic Transportation Issues- June 2003 by Strategic Marketing Services (a division of Pan Atantic Consutants) of Portand, Maine. (Strategic Marketing Services was engaged by Swardick Marketing Group to perform the research portion of the project.) The resuts of the research were presented to the Department on June 13, Beow is the Executive Summary from that report in its entirety for the convenience of the reader: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, from "Report to the Maine Department of Transportation and Swardick Marketing Group I Market Research on Pubic Transportation Issues"- June 2003 'AMTRAK' SURVEY: The foowing summarizes the responses to questions pertaining to the expansion of Amtrak passenger rai service from Portand to Brunswick, with a stop in Freeport, as we as genera questions reating to pubic transportation in Maine. Resuts from Pubic Transportation Questions: (Asked as part of the 'Amtrak' survey) On average, respondents rate the current eve of congestion on the roads and highways of Cumberand and York counties as "somewhat high". They aso fee the eve of congestion wi increase in the next 20 years. Whie 20% of respondents fee the current eve of congestion is "very high" on the roads and highways in Cumberand and York Counties, 43% woud rate it as "somewhat high" and 23.3% fee it is "norma". When asked what the eve of congestion on these same roads and highways wi be 20 years from now, 53.7% of respondents said it wi be "very high", 27.3% fee it wi be "somewhat high" and 9.0% fee it wi be "norma". Respondents fee that the current eve of congestion on the roads and highways in Maine's other Southern Counties is somewhat norma, but predict an increase in congestion in the next 20 years. Forty-three percent (43.0%) of respondents fee the current eve of congestion is "norma" on the roads and highways in Androscoggin, Knox, Lincon, and Sagadahoc Counties, whie thirty-seven percent (37.0%) fee the eve of congestion is high (9.0% - "very high" and 28.0% - "somewhat high"). When asked what the eve of congestion on these roads and highways wi be 20 years from now, 64.7% of respondents said it wi be (27.7% - "very high" and 37.0% - "somewhat high"), whie 23.7% fee it wi be "norma".. 7

9 A majority of respondents have not used any form of pubic transportation in Maine in the past six months. Seventy-seven percent (76.7%) of respondents have not used Maine pubic transportation in the past six months, whie 22.7% have used pubic transportation in Maine. Approximatey one in five respondents rate the eve of pubic transportation avaiabe to Mainers as "good" or "exceent", whie 34.0% rate the guaity of pubic transportation as "good" or "exceent". Amost forty-percent (38.3%) of respondents indicated that the eve of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine is poor (8.0% - "very poor" and 30.3% - "poor"). Thirty-one percent of respondents rate the eve of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine as "fair" and 21.7% rate the eve of pubic transportation as "good" (19.7%) or "exceent" (2.0%). Approximatey eighteen percent (17.6%) of respondents indicated that the quaity of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine is poor (3.3% - "very poor" and 14.3% - "poor"). Twenty-four percent (24.3%) of respondents woud rate the quaity of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine as "fair" and 34.0% rate the eve of pubic transportation as "good" (31. 7%) or "exceent" (2.3%). Amost one fourth of respondents are unsure about the quaity of pubic transportation in Maine. Amost nine in ten respondents fee it is important for the state to pan for and provide more pubic transportation to Mainers with the most important benefit of pubic transportation being cited as the reduction of congestion I the fact that it is good for the environment. Eighty-seven percent of those surveyed (87.3%) fee it is important (36.0% - "somewhat" and 51.3% - "very") for the State to pan for and provide more pubic transportation to the residents of Maine, whie the remainder do not fee it is important or are unsure. Thirty-eight percent of respondents (38.2%) fee the most important benefit of pubic transportation is that it "is good for the environment I reduces congestion", 32.8% fee it "eevates the quaity of ife in Maine", and 23.3% fee it "aids economic deveopment". The top three desired improvements to Maine's pubic transportation system cited by respondents were: extending rai service, improving and expanding bus service, and providing more service in genera. Unprompted, fifteen percent of those surveyed indicated that their top desired improvement to Maine's pubic transportation system is to "extend rai service to Northern and Centra Maine". Thirteen percent (13.3%) stated that they woud ike "more buses, more stops, and expanded routes", whie 12.3% woud ike "more service in genera". '. 8

10 Resuts from Amtrak Questions: (Asked as part of the 'Amtrak' survey) Nine out of ten respondents are aware of passenger rai service in Maine and 55% of these respondents named Amtrak as the organization that provides this service. Ninety-one percent (90.7%) of respondents indicated that they are aware of passenger rai service in Maine, whie 9.3% are not. Of those who are aware of the passenger rai service, approximatey two-thirds (67.6%) report that they know the name of the organization, whie 32.4% do not. Of the respondents who are aware of passenger rai service and know the name of the organization that provides it, 81.5% named "Amtrak" as the organization providing rai service, 17.4% cited "Downeaster", and two respondents named "Northern New Engand Passenger Rai Authority". No respondents cited the "Maine Department of Transportation". Approximatey one out of five respondents surveyed has used the passenger rai service from Portand to Boston. The majority of these respondents have used this service between 1 and 3 times since its inception. Of the respondents who are aware of passenger rai service in Maine, 23.5% have used the service. Thus, 21.5% of the entire sampe has used the passenger rai service from Portand to Boston. Eighty-six percent (85.9%) of those who are aware of passenger rai service and have used it, have used the service between 1 and 3 times. Eight percent (7.8%) of these respondents have used the service between 4 and 6 times, and 6.3% have used the service "monthy". The top three reasons for not using passenger rai service are that the opportunity has not come up to use the service, that it is not convenient, and that the respondent does not trave to Boston. Approximatey one-haf (51.0%) of those respondents who have not us~d the passenger rai service said that the "opportunity has not come up", 8.7% fee the train is "not convenient", and 6.7% report that they "don't trave to Boston". 9

11 Respondents who have traveed on the passenger rai service between Portand and Boston give high ratings to the service on most aspects. "Comfort" received the highest average rating and "convenience" received the owest average rating. On a scae from 1 to 5, where 1 is "very poor" and 5 is "exceent", respondents who have used the passenger rai service gave "comfort" an average rating of 4.61, "price/vaue for money" was rated 4.42, and "being on schedue" was rated "Amenities on board" was given an average rating of 4.23 and "convenience" was given an average rating of No aspect of the rai service received an average rating of "poor" or "very poor''. Of the respondents who are aware of the Portand to Boston passenger rai service, more than three-fourths fee the service has been successfu. Seventy-six percent (76.1%) of respondents rate the "overa success" of the service as successfu (34.9% - "somewhat successfu" and 41.2% - "very successfu"). Five percent (4.7%) rate the "overa success" of the service as unsuccessfu (2.9% - "somewhat unsuccessfu" and 1.8% - "very unsuccessfu"). Seventeen percent (16.5%) of respondents were unsure how they woud rate the "overa success" of the passenger rai service. The top answers of the imited number of respondents who fee the service has not been successfu are cutbacks ("heard they cut back"- N = 4) and ack of use ("peope don't use it that often" - N = 3). There is very high support for the current passenger rai service from Portand to Boston. Eighty-eight percent (88.3%) of respondents support ("somewhat" or "strongy") the current passenger rai service. Of the respondents who are opposed to the passenger rai service between Portand and Boston, the top two reasons given why were: "not a good use of money" and "needs to be privatey funded". There is very high support for extending passenger rai service to other Maine communities north of Portand. Supporters fee this service wi reduce traffic, be convenient, and wi provide an easy aternative to driving. Eighty-nine percent (89.0%) of respondents support ("somewhat" or "strongy") extending passenger rai service to other Maine communities north of Portand. Of the respondents who support the passenger rai service between Portand and Boston, the top three reasons why are: "reduction of cars on the road" (18% ), "convenience" (13.9%), and "easier than/aternative to driving" (11.2%). Of the respondents who are opposed to the passenger rai service between Portand and Boston, the top three reasons why they are opposed are: "not a good use of tax money", "not enough peope woud support it", and "there are aready buses that go there". 10

12 ,. ( A arge majority of respondents fee that extending passenger rai service north of Portand wi have a positive effect on both the economic deveopment of and the quaity of ife in Greater Centra and Mid Coast Maine. Amost nine out of ten respondents (88.0%) stated that having this passenger rai service woud have a positive (40.0% - "somewhat positive" and 48.0% - "very positive") effect on economic deveopment in the Greater Centra Maine and Mid Coast area. Eighty-three percent (83.0%) of those surveyed stated that having this passenger rai service woud have a positive (44.0% -"somewhat positive" and 39.0% -"very positive") effect on the quaity of ife in the Greater Centra Maine and Mid Coast area. Respondents fee it is very important for the state to continue to support passenger rai service for the citizens of Maine. Nine out of ten respondents (90.6%) fee it is important (31.3% - "somewhat important" and 59.3% - "very important") for the state to continue to support passenger rai service for the citizens of Maine. Respondents prefer to get information about passenger rai service primariy from newspapers, the Internet, and teevision. One-third (33.0%) of respondents woud ike to get information about passenger rai service from newspapers, 32.3% from the Internet, and 17.3% from teevision. 11

13 COMMUTER SURVEY The foowing summarizes the responses to questions pertaining to commuter rai service between Exit 16 - Yarmouth and Portand, as we as genera questions reating to pubic transportation in Maine. Resuts from Pubic Transportation Questions: (Asked as part of the 'Commuter' survey) r On average, respondents rate the current eve of congestion on the roads and highways of Cumberand and York counties as "somewhat high" to "norma", but fee the eve of congestion wi increase in the next 20 years. Whie 10% of respondents fee the current eve of congestion is "very high" on the roads and highways in Cumberand and York Counties, 47.2% woud rate it as "somewhat high" and 40.4% fee it is "norma". When asked what the eve of congestion on these roads and highways wi be in 20 years from now, 48.4% of respondents fee it wi be "very high", 34.8% fee it wi be "somewhat high" and 15.2% fee it wi be "norma". A majority of respondents have not used any form of pubic transportation in Maine in the past six months. Seventy-seven percent (77.2%) of respondents have not used Maine pubic transportation in the past six months, whie 22.8% have used pubic transportation in Maine. Residents of Powna reported the owest use of pubic transportation (16.7% of residents have used pubic transportation in the past six months, whie 83.3% have not), whie Freeport residents comprised the highest proportion of users (27.4% have used pubic transportation recenty, whie 72.6% have not). Approximatey three in ten respondents rate the eve of pubic transportation avaiabe to Mainers as "good" or "exceent", whie 42% rate the guaity of pubic transportation as "good" or "exceent". Cose to thirty percent (28.8%) of respondents rate the eve of pubic transportation as "good" (27.6%) or "exceent" (1.2%). Over one-fourth (27.2%) of respondents indicated that the eve of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine is poor (3.6% - "very poor" and 23.6% - "poor"). Thirty-four percent (34.4%) of respondents rate the eve of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine as "fair". Forty-two percent ( 41.6%) rate the eve of pubic transportation as "good" (38.4%) or "exceent" (3.2%). Seven percent (6.8%) of respondents indicated that the quaity of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine is poor (1.2% -"very poor" and 5.6% - "poor"). Twenty-two percent (22.4%) of respondents rate the quaity of pubic transportation avaiabe to peope in Maine as "fair". Amost three in ten respondents are unsure about the quaity of pubic transportation in Maine. L 12

14 I ' Approximatey nine in ten respondents fee it is important for the state to pan for and provide more pubic transportation to Mainers with the most important benefit of pubic transportation being environmenta/ reduction of congestion. Ninety percent of those surveyed (89.6%) fee it is important ( 4 7.2% - "somewhat" and 42.4% - "very") for the state to pan for and provide more pubic transportation to the residents of Maine. Fifty-seven percent of respondents (57.1%) fee the most important benefit of pubic transportation is that it "is good for the environment I reduces congestion", 22.8% fee it "eevates the quaity of ife in Maine", and 15.2% fee it "aids economic deveopment". The top three desired improvements to Maine's pubic transportation system cited by respondents were: extending rai service, improving and expanding bus service, and providing more service in genera. Eighteen percent (17.6%) of respondents stated that they woud ike "more buses, more stops, and expanded routes". Thirteen percent (12.8%) of those surveyed indicated that they woud ike pubic transportation to "cover wider areas" and 11.6% suggest "extending rai service to Northern and Centra Maine". Resuts from Amtrak Questions: (Asked as part of the 'Commuter' survey) Amost a of those surveyed are aware of passenger rai service in Maine and 63% of these respondents named Amtrak as the organization that provides this service. Ninety-nine percent (98.8%) of respondents indicated that they are aware of passenger rai service in Maine, whie 1.2% are not. Of those who are aware of the passenger rai service, more than three-fourths (76.9%) report that they know the name of the organization that provides the service, whie 23.1% do not. Of the respondents who are aware of passenger rai service and know the name of the organization that provides it, 82.1 % named "Amtrak" as the organization providing rai service, 16.8% cited "Downeaster", and two respondents named "Northern New Engand Passenger Rai Authority". No respondents cited the "Maine Department of Transportation". More than a quarter of respondents surveyed have used the passenger rai service from Portand to Boston. The majority of these respondents have used this service between 1 and 3 times since its inception. Of the respondents who are aware of passenger rai service in Maine, 27.1% have used the service. Thus, 26.8% of the entire sampe has used the passenger rai service from Portand to Boston at east once. L 13

15 r Sixty-nine percent (68.7%) of those who are aware of passenger rai service and have used it, have used the service between 1 and 3 times. Tweve percent (11.9%) of these respondents have used the service between 4 and 6 times, and 9% have used it between 7 and 11 times. The top three reasons given for not having used passenger rai service are: that the opportunity has not come up to use the service, that the respondent does not trave to Boston, and that it is easier to drive. Sixty-two percent (61. 7%) of those respondents who have not used the passenger rai service cite that the "opportunity has not come up", 12.2% report that they "don't trave to Boston", and 10% fee it is "easier to drive or prefer to drive". Respondents who have traveed on the passenger rai service from Portand to Boston give high ratings to most aspects of the service. "Comfort" received the highest average rating and "convenience" received the owest average rating. On a scae from 1 to 5, where 1 is "very poor" and 5 is "exceent", respondents who have used the passenger rai service gave "comfort" an average rating of 4.70, "amenities on board" was given an average rating of 4.56, and "being on schedue" was rated "Price/vaue for money" was rated 4.24, and "convenience" was given an average rating of A aspects of the rai service received an average rating of "good" or higher. Of the respondents who are aware of the Portand to Boston passenger rai service, seven in ten fee the service has been successfu. Seventy percent (70.0%) of respondents rate the "overa success" of the service as successfu (29.1% - "somewhat successfu" and 40.9% - "very successfu"). Three percent (2.8%) rate the "overa success" of the service as unsuccessfu (0.4% - "somewhat unsuccessfu" and 2.4% - "very unsuccessfu"). One-quarter (24.7%) of respondents were unsure how they woud rate the "overa success" of the passenger rai service. The top answers of respondents who fee the service has not been successfu are financia - "heard they are osing money" (N = 4) and "peope don't use it that often" (N = 3). There is strong support for the current passenger rai service from Portand to Boston. Eighty percent (79.6%) of respondents support ("somewhat" or "strongy") the current passenger rai service. Of the respondents who are opposed to the passenger rai service between Portand and Boston, the top reason why was financia: "not a good use of taxes/waste of money" (N = 6). 14

16 .. Resuts from Commuter Questions: (Asked as part of the 'Commuter' survey) On average, respondents rate the current eve of congestion on 1-95 and during rush hours around Portand as "somewhat high" and they aso fee that the eve of congestion wi increase in the next 20 years. Whie 25.2% of respondents fee the current eve of congestion is "very high" on 1-95 and 1-295, 58% woud rate it as "somewhat high" and 14.4% fee it is "norma". When asked what the eve of congestion on these highways wi be 20 years from now, 67.6% of respondents project it to be "very high", 27.6% fee it wi be "somewhat high" (95.2% very highhigh)and 4.0% fee it wi be "norma". The majority of respondents drive aone when commuting to work. Eighty-eight percent (88.4%) of respondents drive aone to work, whie 9.6% carpoo. Five respondents indicated that they trave to the same job with a famiy member. Over one-third of respondents pay for their own parking whie at work. These respondents pay an average of $45.02 per month for parking. Whie thirty-seven percent (36.8%) of respondents pay for their own parking, 63.2% indicated that they do not park in a pace that costs money. Twenty-seven percent (27.2%) of those who must pay to park indicate that their empoyer pays for their parking in fu, whie the remaining pay between $6 and $80 per month. Of those who pay for parking, the average cost per month is $ There is strong support for the proposed commuter rai service from Yarmouth to Portand. Supporters of this proposa primariy fee that it woud hep reduce traffic, whie those opposed are concerned that not enough peope wi use the service. Neary eight in ten respondents (79.6%) support ("somewhat" % or "strongy" %) commuter rai service from Yarmouth to Portand, whie 11.6% oppose this idea. The top three reasons given in support of this service were: "woud cut down on traffic" (22.1%), "woudn't have to drive/ aternative to driving" (18.1%), and "many peope woud use it/ there is a need for it" (13.6%). Of the imited number opposed to commuter rai service, 55.2% are concerned that "not enough peope wi use the service" and 31.0% "don't want to spend tax money on it". Twenty-one percent (20.7%) of these respondents do not support the proposa because there wi be "no service in this area". 15

17 .. r r I Approximatey one-haf of those surveyed report that they are ikey to use the proposed commuter rai service. Many of those unikey to use the service fee that the train station is inconvenient or they need a vehice for their work. Fifty-one percent of respondents (50.8%) are ikey (32.8% -"somewhat ikey" and 18.0% - "very ikey") to use the proposed commuter rai, whie 44.0% are unikey (26.0% "not at a" and 18.0% "not very"). The top three reasons given in opposition of the commuter rai are: "not convenient/station is too far away" (43.6%), "trave for job/ need car at work" (19.1%), and "prefer to drive" (15.5%). A higher proportion of Yarmouth (36.2%) and Freeport (26.0%) residents report that they are ikey to use the service compared to respondents from Powna (0.8%) and Durham (6.3). The majority of respondents who are ikey to use the commuter rai service woud use it daiy and they woud be wiing to pay an average of $47 a month for it, athough a arge percentage were unsure how much they woud be prepared to pay. Sixty-one percent (61.4%) of respondents report that they woud use this service "daiy" and 20.5% woud use it "weeky". Six percent (5.5%) woud use the service 2 to 4 times a week, 7.1% woud use it "monthy", and 1.6% woud use it "a few times per year". Of those who are ikey to use the commuter rai, 60.6% are unsure how much they woud be wiing to pay per month for this service, athough when prompted with the amount of $60, 44.2% of these respondents stated that they woud be wiing to pay $60 per month. Twenty-one percent (21.3%) of respondents woud pay between $30 and $60 a month for this service, 9.4% woud pay more than $60, and 8.7% woud pay $30 or ess. The top three train depot amenities desired by ikey commuter rai users are parking avaiabiity, shetered waiting areas, and a coffee/ snack/ newspaper vendor. t One-haf (49.6%) of ikey commuter rai users stated that they woud ike "parking avaiabiity" at the train depot in Yarmouth, 43.3% woud ike a "shetered waiting area", 33.9% woud ike a "coffee/ snack/ newspaper vendor". Amost three-fourths of respondents fee that commuter rai service woud have a positive impact on the community's quaity of ife and a majority of respondents fee it is important for the state to begin to provide this service to Maine residents. L Seventy-three percent (73.2%) of those surveyed fee that commuter rai woud have a positive (49.6% - "somewhat" and 23.6% "very") impact on the quaity of ife of their community, whie 4.8% fee it wi have a negative impact and 15.6% are unsure.. 16

18 f Eighty-four percent (84.0%) of respondents fee it is important ( 44.4% - "somewhat" and 39.6% - "very") for the state to begin to provide commuter rai service, whie 12.0% do not fee it is important. Respondents woud prefer to get information about commuter rai service primariy from newspapers, the Internet, and teevision. The top three sources respondents woud ike to get commuter services information from are: newspapers (53.6%), the Internet (25.2%), and teevision (12.8%). From these findings, Swardick Marketing Group sees strategic impications for the Department of Transportation - Office of Passenger Transportation in its ongoing roe as the panner, faciitator and provider of safe, convenient and strategic pubic transportation for the peope of Maine. In the foowing section, we present our view of these strategic impications. 17

19 ( r r IV. Strategic Impications In the vouminous findings outined above together with earning from the actua experience and performance of the existing Amtrak passenger rai service, there exist the buiding bocks of strategy reating to the expansion of passenger rai service in Maine. That is to say that the foowing facts serve as a foundation upon which definitive pans can be buit. These facts are: Peope see congestion as an issue, and expect it to become worse. Most peope beieve that it is important for the State to pan and provide for more and better pubic transportation. Extending rai service is the most desired improvement. There is high awareness of the existing rai service. The existing rai service is seen as successfu. Post-introduction traffic eves on the existing rai service show that ongoing marketing support is necessary. We beieve there is a need to activey market rai service to Maine in the greater Boston area (given post-introductory period traffic eves), as we beieve that this is where the greatest opportunity for passenger and revenue growth exists*. Peope support expanding rai service north of Portand. Peope support the creation of commuter rai service, say they woud use it and fee it woud improve the quaity of ife in the area. *The greater popuation of the Boston market area provides a arge poo of potentia customers. This, pus the fact that a natura traffic pattern aready exists for residents of that area to visit Southern and Coasta Maine as tourists suggests that this target market woud be receptive to marketing messages promoting trave by passenger rai to Maine. Based upon these strategic impications, we have deveoped a point-of-view that is expressed in the foowing strategic recommendations that we offer for the Department's consideration. We hope that these may serve as thought-starters, and the basis for an ongoing discussion that we woud enjoy faciitating. 18

20 V. Strategic Recommendations A. "Inform Maine Peope About Rai Service Poicy"-- Make MDOT/OPT's Support of Rai More Visibe Whie the department obviousy does support passenger rai transportation, opportunities shoud be sought out and created to et Maine peope know that the Department not ony views passenger rai service as important but: Payed a critica roe in estabishing and supporting the successfu Amtrak rai service between Boston and Portand Is panning for the expansion of rai service to points north of Portand Is panning the creation of the state's first modem commuter rai service Has an overa strategic pan that incudes faciitation of passenger rai service to additiona points in Maine, such as Rockand The majority of Maine peope who support rai shoud know that the Department is aigned with their point-of-view and is activey pursuing the expansion of rai service. By keeping the pubic informed and aware of its poicy on passenger rai transportation, the Department is actuay empowering the pubic to participate in pubic transportation poicy-making. Further, this approach ensures that the diaogue incudes the majority of Mainers, and not just those whose opposing sef-interests motivate their participation. Keeping the pubic informed strengthens the Department's credibiity as an organization acting on behaf of the taxpayers, because the taxpayers are incuded in the process through the sharing of information. B. "Share The Strategic Pan" - Let Maine Peope See What Is Panned For The Future Athough the Department's strategic pans have certainy not been kept from the pubic (anyone can go on the Internet and read them), awareness of those pans coud be improved. The fact that Maine peope expect congestion on their roads and highways to increase demands that the Department be proactive in sharing its strategic pan for aeviating congestion through the deveopment of aternative modes of transportation. The bottom ine is that a Department that is seen as being thoughtfu, professiona and forwardooking is going to enjoy greater support and respect than if it is seen as being reactive and "just keeping pace" with deveopments as they occur. The degree of support that taxpayers wi give to investments in an improved pubic transportation infrastructure, incuding the expansion of rai service, wi be greaty enhanced if the taxpayers see the "big picture" of what the vision is for the pubic transportation system, and how it benefits them. L 19

21 f C. "Te Mainers 'We Listened"'- When Rai Expansion Begins, Let Peope Know It Is Being Done At Their Request The research proves that peope support the expansion of rai, think it is the most important pubic transportation improvement that shoud be made, and fee that it is very important that the State support and provide such service. With a of that now estabished as fact, when it begins to become reaity, it wi be important to communicate that it is happening because the peope wanted it to happen. It coud be said that peope tend to ook to the Department of Transportation as a service provider - and as such, they want to be heard when they have a need. To acknowedge that you have istened to customers and acted to fufi their needs is a powerfu way to create very satisfied customers. Further, the fact that Mainers beieve that expanded passenger rai service wi have distinct benefits in the areas of quaity of ife, the environment and economic deveopment is something that can be reinforced through communications so that awareness of those expected benefits is high. D. "Continue To Buid The Success Of Existing Rai Service"- Working in Partnership With NNEPRA, The Maine Office of Tourism and the Department of Economic and Community Deveopment, Expand the Market Base for the Downeaster, and promote intermoda connections. As a foow-up to the introductory period of the Downeaster, during which the "novety" of the new service and the significant media coverage of it served to fue initiay strong traffic, it is necessary that the market base for the Downeaster be expanded. To date, virtuay no marketing for the service to Maine has been done in the greater Boston area, which is a proven source of visitors to Maine. Sufficient marketing must be done in the Boston area to assure the creation of a ong-term pattern of traffic that is sustainabe. One part of doing this is to promote the avaiabiity (and where necessary, create the avaiabiity) of intermoda connections designed to aow a visitor to Maine to quicky and easiy connect from the train to, for instance, downtown Portand (in which case, the Portand Exporer aready exists) or to Freeport. In this area, the support and invovement of the Maine Office of Tourism is key, as there is an opportunity to promote the rai service to main through the Spring and Summer tourism campaign, as we as in the fufiment materias that are maied to potentia Maine visitors. And, in as much as the success of rai service is a key to economic deveopment, the Department of Economic and Community Deveopment coud provide additiona support as a contribution to the marketing efforts. 20

22 r r f E. "Create A Set Of Integrated Marketing Programs Supporting Existing and New Rai Service"- Reach Into The Communities to Weave A Strong Fabric of Support for and Use of Rai. In support of the existing rai service, and upon the creation of the expanded Amtrak or creation of commuter rai, it woud be highy beneficia and effective to reach into the communities that are served and estabish a series of traffic-generating programs. Such programs coud incude (for exampe): ~ "Empoyer Program" - Working in partnership with the argest empoyers in the communities served, estabish a workpace communication program through which compete information about rai service is shared. In addition, create empoyer sponsored on-site events that create a high-eve of awareness and a sense of excitement about the avaiabiity of rai. Lasty, as a benefit to the empoyees, offer a discounted program for mutipe purchase supporting frequent use of the rai service. ~ "Park & Ride Program" - Empoy temporary roadside signs that communicate to drivers during a defined period that rai service exists as a convenient aternative to driving. At the same time, communicate to commuters that ampe parking is avaiabe, and that "Commuter Books" of tickets are avaiabe at an attractive price (ess than what they pay for parking in Portand). ~ "Ticket Book Program"- To deveop frequent trave, offer books of tickets vaid for trave during a defined period at an attractive discount versus purchasing the same number of tickets individuay. ~ "Partner Lounge Program" - For the convenience of business traveers, estabish agreements with certain hotes or inns in or near the stations, where traveers coud go and reax comfortaby prior to a schedued pick-up by a van service or bus that woud transport them to the train station. 21

23 r f VI. Concusion Five strategic recommendations form the framework for a pan of action that we beieve woud enhance the abiity of the Maine Department of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation to accompish its goas reating to rai service: 1. "Inform Maine Peope About Rai Service Poicy" 2. "Share the Strategic Pan" 3. "Te Mainers 'We Listened'" 4. "Continue to Buid the Success of Existing Rai Service" 5. "Create A Set Of Integrated Marketing Programs Supporting Existing and New Rai Service" Ony good can come from increasing the eve of communication with taxpayers, as in so doing, the work of the Department, its pans and the basis for its actions, are a shared with the great majority of peope who typicay do not attend hearings or pursue such information. Support of existing rai service assures that its success wi continue, and wi be a foundation upon which the expansion of rai northward and the creation of commuter rai service can be buit. And, an aggressive program of support for the expansion of service is necessary. In the end, these strategies coud be summarized as one overa poicy recommendation, that being: To undertake a proactive communications program that reaches out to Maine citizens as an additiona service of the Department, to keep them informed and therefore invoved in a that the Department is doing in the panning and support of rai service; and to act as an active partner in the marketing of rai service in order to assure its success. Thinking more broady, the fact that the Department is activey preparing for the expansion of rai service (something that peope want and support) provides the opportunity for passenger rai to be presented as an exampe of how the Department is panning and engineering for Maine's future. With the high eves of support and expectation for the State to be invoved in providing more and better pubic transportation, the Department shoud answer that demand by communicating its pans. We beieve that, as a resut, the Department wi be seen as the entity responsibe for researching, panning, engineering and faciitating or buiding the pubic transportation system that wi ensure that Mainers continue to enjoy a great quaity of ife in a beautifu and thriving state. This communication of the strategic pans that are in pace coud be accompished through a carefuy panned and executed pubic information and communications program. We 22

24 fee this woud benefit the Department, as it woud be seen much more as the highy professiona organization that it is. This, in turn, shoud enhance the department's abiity to fufi its mission, by eevating the eve of discussion to revove around quaity of ife, environmenta and economic deveopment goas. With these things estabished as the widey known and accepted goas of the Department's work, debate on issues wi occur in that frame of reference. And finay, as a partner in the marketing of rai service, the Department wi be in a position to foow-through on its strategic panning and assure that the vision it defined wi become reaity. 23

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