Brand Guidelines. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 1

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1 Brand Guidelines Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 1

2 Overview Chapelstreet Church has been a part of the Geneva community for over 120 years. What started as a few faithful people has now grown to thousands gathering together in church services and in homes each week. We continue to be a place that gives everyone an opportunity to experience grace, grow in faith, and make an impact right where they are. A brand style guide has been created to provide essential standards and guidelines for Chapelstreet Church communication and design. These guidelines help protect consistent representation of the brand identity through all mediums used to communicate. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 2

3 Brand message Our purpose statement An opportunity to experience grace, grow in faith, and make an impact for where you are. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 3

4 Brand message Built on promises The Chapelstreet Church brand is a living entity that has been built on and continues to build on three foundational brand promises. The brand promises are more than a mission statement or a list of values. The brand promises capture who we ve always been, who we are, and the future of our brand that we will protect. The brand promises communicate the internal brand experience as well as the value for those who engage with the brand externally. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 4

5 Brand message Brand Promise 1 Uncomfortable Grace By embracing people where they are and challenging them never to accept staying the same. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 5

6 Brand message Living our promise of uncomfortable grace We choose to extend grace to those who don t feel deserving or worthy. We challenge them to not stay the same. We envision new possibilities that God has for their lives. We re convinced that the grace we show will greatly impact the way people view God. So, uncomfortable grace means it doesn t have to make sense to make room for people who don t feel worthy and a high level of acceptance is a direct reflection of our high priority on scripture. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 6

7 Brand message Brand Promise 2 Impact Beyond By going beyond the expected to impact our neighbors, our community, and the world beyond our church walls. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 7

8 Brand message Living our promise of impact beyond The church is bigger than just a weekend worship experience. That s why we re intentionally finding daily and practical opportunities to impact our neighbors, our community, and the world beyond our church walls. Every immediate need always presents an opportunity to meet another need beyond what s expected. So Impact Beyond means that we take the church to people with buildings, groups, and outreach opportunities. Our impact is really about living with an awareness to take what God has done for us and use our lives as an opportunity to impact another life. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 8

9 Brand Promise 3 Faith Drives Growth By staying committed to God s Word, prayer, and the right relationships to keep us moving past our own comfort. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 9

10 Living our promise of faith drives growth Our growth strategy has always been simple: seeking God is our strategy. Our growth has to start individually by building our faith through seeking God s Word and being in a fellowship that challenges us to grow. The brand promise is rooted in our commitment to pray through our decisions before we act on them. And it s our promise to let faith drive growth that continues to remind us that we need to be willing to step past our comfort zone and take risks to make a God-sized impact. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 10

11 Brand message Our Slogan For where you are For where you are captures our vision to be a family of neighborhood churches making an impact in our neighborhoods, on our streets, and in our homes wherever you are. For where you are also communicates that it doesn t matter how you come in, what stage of life you re in, or where you are; you can experience grace, grow in faith, and make an impact right where you are. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 11

12 The slogan Using The Slogan On Social Media To protect consistency, use the primary hashtag #ForWhereYouAre in camel case instead of all lowercase (e.g., #forwhereyouare). The camel case version allows for faster legibility. Unacceptable hashtags for Chapelstreet Church communication: #WhereYouAre #RightWhereYouAre Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 12

13 The logo The Chapelstreet Church logo is the most immediate representation of the brand. Following the logo guidelines consistently creates a valuable asset for the brand. The primary Chapelstreet Church logo should be displayed with the icon and wordmark combined horizontally. The relationship between the icon and wordmark must not be altered in any way. The icon should not be removed from the logo unless it is an approved alternative use. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 13

14 The logo Clear space is designed to maximize the visual impact of the logo. No other text or graphic elements except the logo can be present in the clear space as shown here. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 14

15 The logo Acceptable logo applications The primary logo is designed to be used on a white background. The primary logo with white text or all white logo should be used over photos. When using the logo placed on solid backgrounds, only use the primary brand colors Pantone 289C and 319C as your primary backgrounds with the approved logo version shown on the next pages. Using the primary logo on these backgrounds protects the true relationship of the colors in the logo. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 15

16 Primary logos Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 16

17 The logo When the logo has the slogan attached to it, only use it as shown. The relationship between the logo and slogan should not be adjusted. The slogan / logo combo is not the primary logo. When possible, keep the logo and slogan as separate elements. Consider using the slogan and logo together when you have limited options and it s beneficial to see the slogan attached to the name (e.g., on a one-sided banner, one-sided print piece, brand t-shirt with one screen on the front). When using the slogan with the logo, the slogan should appear in 80% black with the primary logo on white. On solid brand colors, only use the 1-color logo in yellow Pantone 7548 on dark blue Pantone 389C or with the slogan also in white. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 17

18 The slogan logo The slogan should always appear as shown unless used as body content, digitally or printed. The slogan is set in the typeface Acherus Grotesque Medium, with the kerning (space between letters) set at 210. Only reset the type as shown, and never set the slogan in any other typeface. The secondary stacked version should be used when it stands alone as a design element on the front of publications or apparel. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 18

19 Brand colors Our Brand Colors The Chapelstreet Church brand colors help express the tone of the brand, which is relational, dynamic, approachable, and inspiring. Consistent use of these colors is vital to the brand. The acceptable color palette and color formulas are specified in this document for all communication materials, digitally and printed. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 19

20 Brand colors Primary Brand Color Pantone 319C CMYK: 65/0/22/0 RGB: 37/203/211 HEX: 25cbd3 Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 20

21 Brand colors Secondary Colors Pantone 2736C Pantone 638C Pantone 7548C Pantone 289C CMYK: 96/93/0/0 RGB: 29/36/171 HEX: 1d24ab CMYK: 73/11/7/0 RGB: 0/173/217 HEX: 00add9 CMYK: 0/22/100/0 RGB: 255/198/0 HEX: ffc600 CMYK: 98/85/45/51 RGB: 14/34/64 HEX: 0e2240 Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 21

22 Brand colors Approved Gradients Pantone 289C + Pantone 2736C Pantone 7548C + Pantone 638C Pantone 2736C + Pantone 638C Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 22

23 Brand fonts Our Fonts Typography is another vital identifier for the brand in communication across the web, print, and video pieces. The typography reflects the tone of the brand and should be used consistently to build the brand identity. Acherus Grotesque Bold and Regular should be used for headlines, sub-headlines and display purposes. Quincy Regular should be the default typeface used when setting longer body text on all Chapelstreet Church communications and in any media. Acherus Grotesque Regular is also the secondary body text font only to be used on shorter statements. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 23

24 Brand fonts Headlines for posters and large type should never be set smaller than 12 pt. Headline leading and kerning can be determined by: kerning: font size x 0 leading: font size x 1.2 suggested for font sizes (12 pt - 80 pt) Body content type set in Quincy should never be set smaller than 6 pt. Leading and kerning can be determined by: kerning: font size x 1.7 leading: font size x 1.6 suggested for font sizes (6 pt - 12 pt) Body content type set in Acherus Grotesque Regular should never be set smaller than 10 pt. Leading and kerning can be determined by: kerning: font size x 1.7 leading: font size x 1.3 suggested for font sizes (10 pt - 24 pt) Acherus Bold AaBbCcDdEeFGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz ?(*)&%$ Quincy Regular AaBbCcDdEeFGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTt UuVvWwXxYyZz ?(*)&%$ Acherus Regular AaBbCcDdEeFGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz ?(*)&%$ Acherus Regular AaBbCcDdEeFGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz ?(*)&%$ Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 24

25 Brand fonts Typography Applied Sample with Acherus Grotesque Bold headline and Quincy Regular body content Sample with Acherus Grotesque Bold headline and Acherus Grotesque Regular shorter body content Sample with Acherus Grotesque Bold headline, Acherus Grotesque Regular shorter body content, Acherus Grotesque Regular sub-headline, and Quincy body content Insert headline here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare at urna id finibus. Integer quis metus condimentum lacus viverra pulvinar. Sed laoreet gravida ex bibendum rutrum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam suscipit nulla vel ex ornare, eu dictum augue eleifend. Suspendisse eros ligula, pretium ut quam id, aliquam gravida elit. Maecenas suscipit a ex at blandit. In non consectetur magna, eget feugiat ligula. Mauris tincidunt pulvinar quam, eget viverra eros molestie et. Praesent velit velit, tincidunt et iaculis et, tempus id lectus. Donec at sapien id risus tempor scelerisque id et lorem. Sed rhoncus, neque eu feugiat pulvinar, est ligula porta neque, ut aliquet eros arcu sed sem. Integer molestie, nibh et mollis laoreet, nibh turpis elementum leo, et tristique metus nisi ut leo. Phasellus faucibus nunc a pharetra venenatis. Insert headline here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare at urna id finibus. Integer quis metus condimentum lacus viverra pulvinar. Sed laoreet gravida ex bibendum rutrum. Insert headline here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare at urna id finibus. Integer quis metus condimentum lacus viverra pulvinar. Sed laoreet gravida ex bibendum rutrum. Insert headline here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare at urna id finibus. Integer quis metus condimentum lacus viverra pulvinar. Sed laoreet gravida ex bibendum rutrum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam suscipit nulla vel ex ornare, eu dictum augue eleifend. Suspendisse eros ligula, pretium ut quam id, aliquam gravida elit. Maecenas suscipit a ex at blandit. In non consectetur magna, eget feugiat ligula. Mauris tincidunt pulvinar quam, eget viverra eros molestie et. Praesent velit velit, tincidunt et iaculis et, tempus id lectus. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 25

26 Sub brand logos Sub-Brand Ministries Core Ministry sub-brand logos are to be used with one color. For new ministries or initiatives needing logos, use Acherus Extra Bold as shown in the following pages for the name with the icon as shown. The relationship between the sub-ministry and the icon should never be altered. Never use the primary Chapelstreet logo and a core sub-brand ministry logo at the same time. Follow the kerning and leading rules in the following pages. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 26

27 Sub brand logos Core Sub-brands These five sub-brands are the only sub-brands that should have the icon attached to their name. These main sub-brand logos should always be used when the collateral is focused on the specific ministry. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 27

28 Core Sub-brand Colors Each of the five core sub-brands has been assigned a color from one of the five brand colors. The primary brand identity for Chapelstreet Church is protected by only using one-color logos with each of these sub-brands. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 28

29 Sub brand logos Additional Sub-brands and Wayfinding The examples here show the acceptable way to consistently represent additional sub-brands. The examples also show how to use age-specific wordmark identifiers in a relationship with the Chapelstreet Church logo. The sub-brand text should be set in Acherus Grotesque Extra Bold, with the kerning set to a value of zero. If the ministry name is more than one word, the words must be stacked with one word per line of text. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 29

30 Brand applied The brand applied The following design layouts will help establish a consistent visual presence for the Chapelstreet Church brand. The layouts are intended to guide design standards for digital and print applications. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 30

31 Brand applied Wayfinding The examples here show the acceptable way to consistently represent additional sub-brands. For the five core sub-brands, use photo backgrounds or the assigned sub-brand color. For all additional ministries and sub-brands, use photography or the main Chapelstreet Church backgrounds. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 31

32 Brand applied Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 32

33 Brand applied Mailers The mailer examples show the acceptable way to consistently represent the Chapelstreet Church brand with a variety of layout designs. The mailer design rules can be translated to other print design. Protecting the relationships of the text, colors, and layouts will add to the memorability of the brand. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 33

34 Brand applied Keep the subject to the right of the stylized slogan. When the slogan is used as the headline, do not put it on the print piece anywhere else. Use this for generic layouts where the primary Chapelstreet Church logo or sub-brand logo is the main object. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 34

35 Brand Applied When the photo is dark enough for the white headline to remain visible, you can remove the gradient shading shown on the previous samples. When using stories, follow this layout with the right justified photo, and overlay pull-quote. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 35

36 Brand Applied Have all body content align with a central theme from the headline. Put the call to action in the brand Pantone 319C. The variation here includes a second call to action inside of the main body content. For the secondary call to action, use the brand Pantone 7548C. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 36

37 2017 Chapelstreet Church. All rights reserved. Prepared by Circlefifty Creative, LLC. Chapelstreet Church Brand Standard 37