S T E P # 1 : F I N D I N G Y O U R D R E A M C L I E N T S

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1 S T E P # 1 : F I N D I N G Y O U R D R E A M C L I E N T S A few ways to find your ideal clients online: #1: Ask your current clients where they hang out online. #2: Put your detective hat on and do some research. Where are your competitors active? #3: Look for potential partners that service aligned audiences. Ex. You are a realtor so you might be looking for interior designers in your area who have established followings. Hint: Pay attention to what your competitors and aligned partners are doing right and wrong on social media. Take note of where they are active and whether or not they are thriving there. Need more resources? Catch links to other tutorial videos to support your research over on the blog. Great, you did your research. Now let's get it down on paper. On which social networks are your ideal clients hanging out on? Notes:

2 S T E P # 2 : F I N D Y O U R D R E A M C L I E N T S Answer these questions about your ideal client. #1: What is their biggest challenge as it pertains to my products, programs or services? #2: What is their ideal solution to overcome those challenges? #3: How can my business solve that problem? #4: What topics about my industry are they interested in learning more about? #5: How are they using social media? #6: What other social media pages and blogs do they follow?

3 S T E P # 1 : F I N D Y O U R D R E A M C L I E N T S Time to put your detective hat on. Use this worksheet to list your competitors and other businesses who serve your same target market. Remember that you can utilize the Google search engine to type in keywords related to your industry, products or services or use social media to search for other providers who service your ideal clients. NOTE: You only need to list 5-10 competitors or businesses with aligned audiences in order to collect enough data. COMPETITOR WEB/ SOCIAL LINKS NOTES

4 STEP#2: ALL ABOUT YOUR GOALS It all starts with picking your BIG picture goal and getting really clear on why you are on social media in the first place. For most of us, that BIG picture goal is to get more leads and make more sales. My big picture goal is Make more sales. Outlining Your Short-Term Goals Short-term goals will always lead to your big picture goal and they usually fall into one of these four different categories. **Tip: Start small and keep it realistic. Remember, you can always revisit your goal after 30 days and aim higher. - More Followers - More Traffic - More Subscribers - More Sales Each of these goals leads to the next, so it s important that you also set a realistic time frame to reach each of the goals you outline. Goal #1: Grow my followers from to. Goal #2: Drive more traffic from social media. My current traffic is and I want to get to. Goal #3: Grow my list from subscribers to. Goal #4: Drive more sales. My sales goals from social media for the next 30 days are.

5 STEP #2: ALL ABOUT YOUR GOALS Awesome! You are on your way creating actionable and measurable goals that stick. Next up, let's break those goals into tiny daily, weekly and monthly tasks that can help break down this process for you. In the next page, you'll find an example of how I fill up my own Tactical Plan worksheet just to give you a better idea of how it all works. ''a goal without a plan is just a wish.'' - ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY

6 S O C I A L T A C T I C A L P L A N MY GOAL Grow my list KEY METRIC Fan base growth/ Engagement NETWORK Facebook TO DO DAILY Reply to comments & messages TO DO WEEKLY Track links to lead magnets Experiment with different posts to test for better conversions TO DO MONTHLY Plan out & schedule content for the next month & revise lead magnets Draft ideas for new lead magnets Revise website pop ups and optimize them Track subscribers coming from social media & draft a plan to better conversions.


8 S T E P # 3 : D I F F E R E N T I A T E Y O U R B R A N D So now that you completed your research and checked out your competitors + other businesses with aligned audiences, it's time to determine how you will stand out. What makes YOUR brand different? How are you going to communicate your message in a powerful way and STAND OUT? List three things your competitors are doing right. List three things your competitors are not doing right. How will YOU stand out?

9 S T E P # 4 : O R G A N I Z E C O N T E N T B U C K E T S Use this worksheet to plan out your social media buckets and organize your social media schedule. Remember the strategy here is to simply group similar social media posts into content buckets or categories so you know exactly what you will be posting and whe n. CONTENT BUCKET DESCRIPTION/ NOTES FREQUENCY