2016 Staff Climate Survey Results. VP of Research Report

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1 Staff Climate Survey Results VP of Research Report In May, all, staff members were invited to participate in a Staff Climate Survey by the s Human Resources Department. Usable responses were gathered from, staff, resulting in an overall % response rate. Participants included staff from the main campus (including the Health Science Center, School of Dentistry, and Law School), Galveston, and Qatar. Demographics of the survey respondents are reported on page of this report. Similar surveys were administered in and. Starting on page of this report, descriptive statistics are organized by survey responses (overall, by job category, sex, race, and age), employee engagement, mistreatment, diversity & inclusion (at Texas A&M, in the department, and observed & experienced incivility), and area climate (with supervisor and co-workers) to better enable strategic decision-making. Most items in the survey used a -point response scale. Scale level scores are the arithmetic mean across the items in the table. Note that negatively worded items relative to the rest of the scale [indicated as (R) next to the item text] were reverse-scored when aggregated together to form a construct score but are reported as they are written for frequency counts (i.e., strongly disagree to a negatively worded item is an indicator of something positive). NA/I don t know responses were coded as missing when creating scale-level scores. Respondents were not required to answer every item. Therefore, the amount of missing data varies across questions. Percentiles can add to more than % due to rounding.

2 Here is a sample table with key components highlighted. Helpful Definitions: Employee Engagement The attitude towards one s work, comprising feelings towards work; cognitive appraisals of psychological empowerment; and motivation to act in the service of the organization s goals. Employee engagement includes the relationship with the organization. Incivility Low intensity deviant behaviors in violation of workplace norms of respect, with ambiguous intent to harm another person (e.g. rude and discourteous behaviors with lack of regard for others). Ostracism Being ignored and excluded, often without excessive explanation or explicit negative attention. Work Engagement An opposing psychological state of burnout that is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. This is the relationship between the employee and his/her work. References:. Andersson, L. M., & Pearson, C. M. (). Tit for tat? The spiraling effect of incivility in the workplace. Academy of Management Review,(), -.. Schaufeli, W.B. (). What is engagement? In C. Truss, K. Alfes, R. Delbridge, A. Shantz, & E. Soane (Eds.), Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice. London: Routledge.. Schaufeli, W. B., & Bakker, A. B. (). Utrecht work engagement scale: Preliminary manual. Occupational Health Psychology Unit, Utrecht University, Utrecht.. Williams, K. D. (). Ostracism. Psychology, (),.. Witemeyer, H. A. (). Employee Engagement Construct and Instrument Validation.

3 SUMMARY OF BASIC DEMOGRAPHICS Response Rate / Sex Men Women I prefer not to answer Missing (%) (%) (%) Race White Non- White I prefer not to respond Missing (%) (%) ` (%) (%) *Several categories were collapsed into non-white to protect respondent anonymity Job Title Exec./ Admin./Mgmt. Prof. Non- Faculty Clerical Service/Maint. Skilled Craft Technical/ Paraprof. Other (%) (%) (%) (%) *Results will not be broken down for Service/Maint., Skilled Craft, or Other job categories to protect respondent anonymity

4 SURVEY OVERALL RESPONSES Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Overall Job Satisfaction. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Satisfaction with Recognition Opportunities. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Satisfaction with Development Opportunities. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Employee Engagement. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Work Engagement. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Perceived Organizational Support. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Turnover Intentions. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) Transfer Intentions. (.). (.) (%) (%) Never < times/ month - times/ month - times/wk - times/day Several times a day Stressful Workload. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Not at all Stressful Somewhat Stressful Very Stressful Extremely Stressful Stressful Environment. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%)

5 SURVEY RESPONSES BY AREA JOB CATEGORY Exec./ Admin./ Mgmt. Prof. Non- Faculty Clerical Technical/ Paraprof. Overall Job Satisfaction. (.). (.). (.). (.) Satisfaction with Recognition Opportunities. (.). (.). (.). (.) Satisfaction with Development Opportunities. (.). (.). (.). (.) Employee Engagement. (.). (.). (.). (.) Work Engagement. (.). (.). (.). (.) Perceived Organizational Support. (.). (.). (.). (.) Turnover Intentions. (.). (.). (.). (.) Transfer Intentions. (.). (.). (.). (.) Stressful Environment. (.). (.). (.). (.) Stressful Workload. (.). (.). (.). (.)

6 AREA SURVEY RESPONSES BY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP: SEX Male Female Overall Job Satisfaction. (.) Satisfaction with Recognition Opportunities. (.) Satisfaction with Development Opportunities. (.) Employee Engagement. (.) Work Engagement. (.) Perceived Organizational Support. (.) Turnover Intentions. (.) Transfer Intentions. (.) Stressful Environment. (.) Stressful Workload. (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.)

7 AREA SURVEY RESPONSES BY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP: RACE *SOME GROUPS ARE NOT REPRESENTED TO PROTECT IDENTITY White Overall Job Satisfaction. (.) Satisfaction with Recognition Opportunities. (.) Satisfaction with Development Opportunities. (.) Employee Engagement. (.) Work Engagement. (.) Perceived Organizational Support. (.) Turnover Intentions. (.) Transfer Intentions. (.) Stressful Environment. (.) Stressful Workload. (.)

8 AREA SURVEY RESPONSES BY DEMOGRAPHIC GROUP: AGE < > Overall Job Satisfaction. (.) Satisfaction with Recognition Opportunities. (.) Satisfaction with Development Opportunities. (.) Employee Engagement. (.) Work Engagement. (.) Perceived Organizational Support. (.) Turnover Intentions. (.) Transfer Intentions. (.) Stressful Environment. (.) Stressful Workload. (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.). (.)

9 EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Please indicate your experiences for each of the following items: I receive timely feedback about how I am doing and my progress.. (.). (.) (%) (%) I have the freedom to determine the best way to get my work done.. (.). (.) (%) (%) I am included in making decisions that affect me.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) I understand the vision and direction for my department.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) My manager/supervisor encourages communication.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) My manager/supervisor welcomes ideas about how to improve the work process.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) Working in my department has strengthened my personal commitment to Texas A&M University.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) I feel the department s mission statement is being carried out.. (.). (.) (%) (%) My manager inspires me.. (.). (.) (%) (%) The days I DO want to come to work outnumber the days I DON T want to come to work.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) I understand how my role contributes to achieving the mission of Texas A&M University, my department.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) I trust the information I receive.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%)

10 MISTREATMENT Never Rarely Occasionally Often Very Often Experienced Incivility. (.). (.) During the past year, have you been in a situation in your department where someone Put you down or was condescending to you? (%) (%) Paid little attention to your statement or showed little interest in your opinion? (%) (%) (%) Made demeaning or derogatory remarks about you? (%) (%) (%) Doubted your judgment on a matter over which you have responsibility? (%) (%) (%) Made jokes at your expense? (%) (%) Interrupted or spoke over you? (%) (%) (%) (%) Talked about you behind your back? (%) (%) (%) (%)

11 MISTREATMENT (CONT.) Never Rarely Occasionally Often Very Often Ostracism. (.). (.) Others in my department Include me. (R) (%) (%) (%) Keep me out-of-the-loop on information that is important. (%) (%) (%) Respect my ideas. (R) (%) (%) (%) (%) Ignore me (%) (%) Treat me as if I am invisible. (%) (%) (%) Engage me during conversation. (R) (%) (%) (%)

12 DIVERSITY & INCLUSION Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree I don t know At Texas A&M Top leaders are committed to diversity.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Diverse perspectives are valued.. (.). (.) (%) (%) People from different backgrounds get along well.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) People are valued at Texas A&M regardless of their backgrounds.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Top Texas A&M leaders prefer people who are similar to them. (R). (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Texas A&M is committed to enhancing the climate for faculty, student, and staff diversity.. (.). (.) (%) (%) At Texas A&M, I feel the need to minimize various characteristics of my culture (e.g., language, dress) to fit in. (R). (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) I believe in the value of diversity for Texas A&M.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) I feel a sense of duty to support diversity at Texas A&M.. (.). (.) (%) I believe there is campuswide respect for the expression of diverse beliefs and experiences.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%)

13 DIVERSITY & INCLUSION (CONT.) Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree In my Department Open communication on diversity is encouraged.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Diversity principles are publicized.. (.). (.) (%) (%) Perspectives of people like me are respected.. (.). (.) (%) A diversity-friendly work environment is maintained.. (.). (.) (%) Training to manage diverse populations and offices is offered.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Recruitment comes from diverse sources.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) Equal access to DIVERSITY training is offered.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) Equal access to training is offered.. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%)

14 DIVERSITY & INCLUSION (CONT.) Frequency Frequency In the last year, I have OBSERVED inappropriate behaviors and/or comments at work regarding Frequency Frequency In the last year, I have EXPERIENCED inappropriate behaviors and/or comments at work regarding Gender (%) (%) Gender (%) Gender Identity or Expression (%) Gender Identity or Expression Race (%) (%) Race (%) Sexual Orientation (%) Sexual Orientation Religion (%) Religion (%) Political Beliefs (%) Political Beliefs Disability Disability Age (%) Age (%) Nationality (%) Nationality Citizenship (%) (%) Citizenship Social Class Social Class (%) Weight (%) (%) Weight (%)

15 AREA CLIMATE Never Rarely Occasionally Often Very Often My Supervisor Yells at employees (R). (.). (.) (%) Trusts employees. (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) Threatens to fire or lay off employees. (R). (.). (.) (%) Treats employees fairly. (.). (.) (%) (%) Treats employees like children (R). (.). (.) (%) (%) (%) (%) Treats employees with respect. (.). (.) (%) (%) Never Rarely Occasionally Often Very Often My Co-workers Help each other out. (.). (.) (%) Argue with each other (R). (.). (.) (%) (%) Put each other down (R). (.). (.) (%) Treat each other with respect. (.). (.) (%) (%)