Revenue Marketing Benchmark Report 2018

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2 Insights on Revenue Marketing in B2B Organizations: Benchmark Report 2018

3 Welcome Greetings Revenue Marketers, MARK HEADSHOT Mark Emond President and Founder Demand Spring Welcome to our first annual Revenue Marketing Benchmark Report. Over the past two years we have watched the term Revenue Marketing become more commonly used by marketers as a means of describing their focus. This rise in popularity has paralleled marketing become more central to driving engagement, education, inspiration and conversion throughout the buyer journey and customer lifecycle. In part, this study sought to understand how broadly the term is understood and used. To our mild surprise, two-thirds of respondents understand the term Revenue Marketing. The larger objective of the report is to share the Revenue Marketing metrics, practices, processes, barriers, and priorities for Marketers today are standing taller than ever before. They are making a more direct, measurable contribution to the top-line of their organization than ever before. B2B buyers are engaging with marketing content and channels in a self-directed manner throughout much of their buyer journey. Read on to understand how your peers think about Revenue Marketing, and more importantly, how they plan to deliver it! Warm Regards, Mark

4 Thanks Thank you to our partners who helped promote this survey:

5 Table of Contents Revenue Marketing Awareness Metrics Barriers to Success Tactics by Funnel Stage Priorities for 2018

6 Are you familiar with the term revenue marketing? 66% say yes We were pleasantly surprised with their awareness of the term Revenue Marketing. Respondents defined Revenue Marketing in four key ways. No Yes 33.96% 66.04% 1 2 Marketing's contribution to revenue Tracking marketing generated revenue 53 answered 3 4 Creating repeatable prospective programs that drive new leads ROI measurement per Marketing Dollar

7 What are three primary metrics you are measured on? 63% say revenue Revenue Pipeline influenced 58% 63% Interesting results here with Marketers being measured on the top of the funnel and the bottom of the funnel. The responses reflect the impact that Marketing is being asked to deliver throughout the buyer journey. SQLs SALs 13% MQLs Total inquiries & responses Other 17% 38% 46% 46%

8 Is your marketing organization measured by sales pipeline you initiate? 62% say yes No 38.46% Initiating new pipeline remains a primary priority of more than 60% of organizations. Yes 61.54% 53 answered

9 If so, what percentage of pipeline are you supposed to initiate? 80% say at least 20% of pipeline >40% 28.95% 30 40% 18.42% 80% of organizations are being asked to initiate at least 20% of the new pipeline initiated. Better ensure that first-touch attribution modelling is 20 30% 10 20% 7.89% 31.58% working. <10% 13.16%

10 Is your marketing organization measured by sales pipeline you influence? 66% say yes No 34.00% We were surprised that more than 60% of organizations are measured on pipeline initiation and only 66% are measured on influence. Multitouch attribution modelling could be a gating factor. Yes 50 answered 66.00%

11 If so, what percentage of pipeline are you supposed to influence? 67% say at least 25% of pipeline >75% 20.51% We were surprised by the relatively low percentages here as well % 25 50% 12.82% 33.33% <25% 33.33%

12 Is your marketing organization meeting these targets? 75% say YES No 25.00% Well done Revenue Marketing Nation! Yes 75.00% 44 answered

13 How would you describe your current ability to measure campaign attribution and influence? 64% are actively measuring Our collective ability to measure attribution is improving great to see! Not sure We don t plan to measure campaign attribution within the next 12 months We plan to be able to measure campaign attribution within the next 12 months 4.00% 2.00% 30.00% We are actively measuring campaign attribution 64.00%

14 What are your main barriers to driving pipeline and revenue? 51% say resources Buyer journey insights 45.10% Content 29.41% There's never enough resources, especially when marketing and sales are not fully aligned, or when you lack true buyer journey insights to be highly efficient. Marketing and sales alignment Technology Resources Budget Other 15.69% 47.06% 33.33% 50.98% 37.25%

15 In the past year, what tactics were most successful for you in terms of generating quality leads at the top of the funnel? 48% say either SEO or SEO and SEM Interactive content 3.92% 23.53% Webinars 15.69% and Search continue to be top TOFU performers. Events % 23.53% Social Media 9.80% Infographics 1.96% Videos 3.92%

16 In the past year, what tactics were most successful for you in terms of driving conversion in the middle of the funnel? 26 say s SEO and SEM 7 26 MOFU results reflect the importance of contextual, nurturing. Case Studies Webinars Live events White Paper and ebooks Other

17 Rate your organization's revenue marketing priorities this year. Improving insight into buyer journey/personas Optimizing your marketing technology stack 1.96% 5.88% 15.69% 25.49% 29.41% 33.33% 45.10% 43.14% Improving marketing and sales alignment 9.80% 13.73% 29.41% 47.06% Improving your ability to measure and analyze marketing impact 14.00% 12.00% 30.00% 44.00% Improving conversion in the middle of the funnel remains the number 1 priority of Revenue Marketers in the next year. Lead quality comes in a close second. Measurement is #3. For Marketers in 2018, it's all about conversion, quality, and measurement. Building or buying the right content Improving conversion rates through nurturing middle/bottom of funnel Focusing on lead quality of lead quantity 1.96% 13.73% 15.69% 9.80% 25.49% 21.57% 25.49% 25.49% 37.25% 47.06% 49.02% 49.02% TOP PRIORITY MEDIUM PRIORITY Generating increased lead volume at top of funnel 7.84% 17.65% 33.33% 41.18% HIGH PRIORITY LOW PRIORITY