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1 HYDROGEN CODE OF GENESIS 1:1/JOHN 1:1 HYDROGEN CODE OF GENESIS 1:1/JOHN 1:1 By Leo Tavares Vernon Jenkins is the father of what I call Geometric Gematria, which demonstrates the validity of the ancient science of Biblical Numerics primarily by highlighting the hidden geometric properties of the two foundational verses in Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1). Peter Bluer and Bevan Williams were also pioneers in laying down some of the foundations of Biblical Numerics, such as the Triangular unity between Genesis 1:1/John 1:1. Unbelievably, I have discovered the very same mathematical/geometric unity that Peter Bluer and Bevan Williams found between Genesis 1:1/John 1:1. The only difference is I found it in the building blocks of the material universe, which is clearly tied to the semantic nature of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 (the creation of the universe). Peter Bluer was the first to highlight the numerical value of John 1:1 and Bevan Williams originally uncovered the miraculous fact of how the Greek numerical value of John 1:1 (3627) forms a geometric Plinth that perfectly accommodates the Hebrew numerical value of Genesis 1:1 as a Triangle (2701). Note that Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 are the key Creation Verses of the Bible and are the ONLY two verses that open with the distinctive phrase In the beginning... THE GENESIS 1:1/JOHN 1:1 TRIANGLE

2 GENESIS 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth = 2701 JOHN 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God = 3627 This leads me to an amazing find I made in the first 73 atomic elements of nature. Genesis 1:1 is the first verse of the Bible and John 1:1 is the first verse of the final Gospel in the New Testament (the Gospel of John). Likewise, Hydrogen is the first of the atomic elements and stands out as the ONLY atomic element without a Neutron (recall that Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 are the ONLY Biblical verses that open with In the BEGINNING ). This is not a coincidence. The Missing Neutron in the first atomic element is actually the key to unlocking what I call The Hydrogen Code.

3 THE MISSING NEUTRON The nucleus of atoms are made of Protons and Neutrons. Hydrogen, which opens the atomic series, is the ONLY atomic element that does not have a Neutron. However, there are two stable forms of Hydrogen: Protium Hydrogen and Deuterium Hydrogen. Protium Hydrogen is the regular form of Hydrogen. It consists of a single Proton and zero Neutrons. Deuterium Hydrogen, the alternative stable form of Hydrogen, consists of a single Proton and a single Neutron (see here: Deuterium). Thus, by substituting the regular form of Hydrogen with its alternative stable form, it brings it in line with the universal presence of Neutrons found in all the other atomic elements of nature. Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = The 73rd Triangular number. The Lord showed me that by simply substituting the first atomic element with its alternative stable form, we find the exact same geometric unity between Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 in the Proton/Neutron division of the first 73 atomic elements! Here are the Proton/Neutron counts of the first 73 atomic elements (the Neutron counts are found by simply subtracting the atomic number of each element from its atomic mass and rounding up)... PROTON/NEUTRON SUM: 1) DEUTERIUM HYDROGEN = ) Helium = ) Lithium = ) Beryllium = ) Boron = ) Carbon = 6 + 6

4 7) Nitrogen = ) Oxygen = ) Fluorine = ) Neon = ) Sodium = ) Magnesium = ) Aluminium = ) Silicon = ) Phosphorus = ) Sulfur = ) Chlorine = ) Argon = ) Potassium = ) Calcium = ) Scandium = ) Titanium = ) Vanadium = ) Chromium = ) Manganese = ) Iron = ) Cobalt = ) Nickel = ) Copper = ) Zinc = ) Gallium = ) Germanium = ) Arsenic = ) Selenium = ) Bromine = ) Krypton = ) Rubidium = ) Strontium = ) Yttrium = ) Zirconium = ) Niobium = ) Molybdenum = ) Technetium = ) Ruthenium = ) Rhodium = ) Palladium = ) Silver = ) Cadmium = ) Indium = ) Tin = ) Antimony =

5 52) Tellurium = ) Iodine = ) Xenon = ) Caesium = ) Barium = ) Lanthanum = ) Cerium = ) Praseodymium = ) Neodymium = ) Promethium = ) Samarium = ) Europium = ) Gadolinium = ) Terbium = ) Dysprosium = ) Holmium = ) Erbium = ) Thulium = ) Ytterbium = ) Lutetium = ) Hafnium = ) Tantalum = PROTON/NEUTRON SUM = GENESIS 1:1/JOHN 1:1 = Therefore, we have a standing miracle in the very atomic sequence of nature (unlocked through The Hydrogen Code ), which I call The Proton/Neutron Triangle of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1 THE PROTON/NEUTRON TRIANGLE OF GENESIS 1:1/JOHN 1:1

6 PROTON/NEUTRON sum of first 73 atomic elements = GENESIS 1:1/JOHN 1:1 = In my articles Atomic Proof and Quantum Gematria (see here: Atomic Proof and here: Quantum Gematria), I show how the natural numbers in the first 37 atomic elements are actual pointers to the natural order/sequence of Composite numbers and are coded with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ. The Prime Factors of Genesis 1:1 = It follows that both of the stable forms of Hydrogen are coded with 37 and 73 (regular Hydrogen with 37 and its alternative stable form with 73): PROTIUM HYDROGEN initiates the atomic sequence that codes the first 37 atomic elements with the mathematical signature of Jesus Christ DEUTERIUM HYDROGEN initiates the atomic sequence that codes the first 73 atomic elements with the geometry of Genesis 1:1/John 1:1

7 CONCLUSION: Peter Bluer and Bevan Williams uncovered the Triangular unity between the mathematical building blocks of Biblical Numerics (Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1). I have uncovered the very same Triangular unity in the building blocks of matter (Protons/Neutrons), which is found in the first 73 atomic elements (with Genesis 1:1 itself being the 73rd Triangle). This leaves the atheist with a very serious conundrum indeed. Any organism that does not love the name of JESUS CHRIST (whether on land, in the air or in the depths of the sea), let them be accursed. Battalion Of Christ, Leo Tavares Copyright 2019, All rights reserved, Leo Tavares