Stream hydrographs. Stream hydrographs. Baseflow. Graphs of river stage or discharge at a single location as a function of time

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In-Class Problem Physical Dimensions Hypothetical river basin: Precipitation (P): 35 in/yr Evapotranspiration (ET): 20 in/yr Streamflow ( river ): 10 in/yr Subsurface outflow( gw ) : 7 in/yr P ET A physical dimension is associated with a physical quantity. Three basic physical dimensions are Mass [M], Length [L], Time [T] Dimensions for many other composite quantities can be expressed in terms of the basic three, for example, Write a water budget equation. if not balanced, why? P ET river gw S 35 20 10 7 2 (in/yr) gw river Water storage [L 3 ] Flow [L 3 T -1 ] Flow per area [L 3 T -1 L -2 ] or [LT -1 ] Velocity [LT -1 ] Concentration [ML -3 ] It is imperative that for any equation, the resulting dimensions on both sides of the equation must be equivalent. Check = K i A [L 3 T -1 ] = [LT -1 ] [-] [L 2 ] Units of Measurement Each physical dimension may be associated with multiple units of measurement, for example, [M]: gram, kg, lb, ton, [L]: meter, km, inch, ft, [T]: second, hour, day, year, In carrying out a calculation, units may need to be converted from one to another, as in 2 Storage 11 mile 15 m 2 5280 ft 5280 ft 12 in 12 in 11 mile 15 in 2 1 mile 1ft 1ft 11 3 6.6 10 in Significant Digits Number of significant digits used in measurement is important. A measure of 17.63 cm has 4 significant digits. It means the measurement is somewhere between 17.625 and 17.635. 17, 17.0, and 17.00, are not the same. 17 has 2 significant digits; it could be somewhere between 16.5 and 17.5; 17.0 has 3 sds; it could be somewhere between 16.95 and 17.05; 17.00 has 4 sds; it could be somewhere between 16.995 and 17.005. When 2 or more numbers are multiplied (or divided), their product (or quotient) should have the same significant digits of the multiplier (or divider) with the least digits. 17.63 x 14.2356 = 251.0 When numbers are added (or subtracted), the sum (or difference) should not have any significant digits to the right of the last significant digit of the addends (or subtrahends). 17 + 2.35 + 1.346 + 0.072 = 21 6