Terms of Reference Support of UNDAF process, Mexico

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Terms of Reference Support of UNDAF process, Mexico Type of contract: Cooperation Agreement Deadline for Applications: August 18 th, 2012 Organization Unit: United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Panama. Interested institutions should email a technical and economic proposal, with a copy of the curriculum vitae of team members, detailing academic qualifications and previous experiences to vacantespc@pnuma.org, indicating UNDAF-Mexico on the subject. A. Expertise required: Public institutions or non-profit private institutions with relevant experience in carrying out similar studies; Team members to include staff with expertise and attributes in the following Masters degree or higher in: environment/development/economics/social sciences or related field; At least 7 years work experience in national/sector level policy analysis, policy development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; Strong understanding of the national development context and project/programme development including results based management; Experience in carrying out integrated economic and human-wellbeing ecosystem assessments; Progressively responsible experience in poverty focused analysis and management of environmental issues in Mexico; Familiarity with methodologies employed in key integrated environmental assessments. Experience with search of environmental documents, analysis, production and editing of technical documents and familiarity with terminologies used in environmental sector; Knowledge of formats and protocols that are generally employed in international project management; Experience in partnership building, working with government, UN and non-state actors; Strong interpersonal skills with ability to work under pressure and to establish and maintain effective work relationships with people of different national and cultural backgrounds; Ability to take initiative and to work independently, as well as part of a team; Excellent communication skills with ability to express ideas clearly, concisely and persuasively, both orally and in writing; Computer literacy and ability to use Internet and Microsoft Office B. Terms of Reference This work will have two components: I. Development of a National Environmental Summary for Mexico, and participation in relevant UNDAF/CCA development process as requested by UNEP. 1

II. Development of an Environmental Mainstreaming Assessment report for Mexico. I. National Environmental Summary for Mexico & Participation in UNDAF process 1. Background The National Environmental Summary (NES) is a tool aimed at supporting the incorporation of environment in UN Common Country Assessments (CCA) and United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 1. The NES is intended to provide a critical analysis of gaps in existing policy/programme responses and in the national legislation in addressing environmental issues and their critical linkages to poverty reduction and development. The NES addresses the fact that information on environment (assessments, policies, MEAs, stakeholders) is scattered and sources are fragmented, and that UNEP is the best placed organization in the UN System to assess, analyze and distill existing sources of information into policy relevant summaries to support the incorporation of environmental sustainability in the development of the CCA/UNDAF. The development of the summary should also increase involvement of national environmental authorities in UN Country Programming processes. The primary audience for the NES is UN Country Teams and the CCA/UNDAF process. The NES will be based on desk study (assessment, analysis and distilling of existing sources of information 2 ) and consultations, particularly with UN Country Teams (UNCTs) and national environmental authorities. The UN system in Mexico is beginning a CCA/UNDAF process in 2012 and support is now being sought to prepare a NES for Mexico and support UNEP in the CCA and UNDAF preparation, as requested. 2. Approach and Methodology for preparing of the National Environmental Summary 2.1. Process The preparation of the document will follow these steps: Step 1: - The institution will undertake a desk review of existing literature including but not necessarily limited to: national assessments (UNEP, WB, EC and bilateral organizations), national State of the Environment reports, major national legislation and policy documents (national poverty reduction strategies, national environmental action plans, national environmental acts, major sectoral plans and programmes, etc.), major international assistance programmes related to sustainable development, MEAs obligations and implementation plans, previous CCA/UNDAFs. Step 2 - The institution will undertake a consultative review of the first draft involving meetings with national authorities, UN country team and staff, key donors, NGOs and national authorities (Ministry of Environment, Tourism, Commerce, etc). The consultation process will be done in close coordination with the UNEP s Representative in Mexico, with technical guidance from DEWA LAC. 1 The CCA and UNDAF are the key UN system planning tools at the country level. The CCA is an analysis of the development context in a country and is used as a basis to prepare the UNDAF, which is the UN systems 5 year country level action plan. 2 Normally a wide range and diversity of available environmental assessments, reports, studies and publications that are often scattered in many institutions at country level. 2

Step 3: Step 4: - The first draft will also be shared with UNEP staff in the Regional Office (Panama) and Head Quarters for their feedback. - The institution will finalise the NES based on the feedback from the consultation process and peer-review. - The institution, in close consultation with UNEP s Representative in Mexico, and UNEP Regional Coordinator for Delivering as One UN, will prepare a lessons learned briefing note which will describe the process, persons and institutions contacted, and lessons learned both in relation to the process for development of the NES and to its content. Lessons learned should include an assessment of the usefulness of the tool and recommendations for its future use in other CCA/UNDAF. Other duties: Actively participate in UNDAF technical meetings, and support mainstreaming of the Environmental Sustainability programming principle. Prepare and give presentations at relevant UN and government meetings as required. Prepare inputs for consideration of UNEP, for inclusion in CCA (Common Country Assessment), and for mainstreaming the Environmental Sustainability programming principle. Link environmental problems to possible responses that the UN system can provide, according to agencies mandates. Identify opportunities for UNEP intervention, according to its Program of Work and Mid Term Strategy, including joint initiatives with other agencies. Identify other sources of financing for implementation of possible activities in the UNDAF. Provide guidance/ training to UNCT on environmental matters, as requested. Prepare reports for UNEP, as required. Prepare and deliver presentations on the work developed, as required. Attend technical meetings as requested. Prepare project documents for consultation with UNEP headquarters (in English), if necessary. Prepare inputs to strengthen ongoing UNDAF assessment (to be developed by other consultants), focused on how environment has been mainstreamed in the UNDAF as a whole (not only in the environment related outcome), and identify proposals for next UNDAF in order to strengthen environmental mainstreaming, taking into consideration current national context. Other tasks related to the above as required by supervisor or the Regional Director of UNEP/ROLAC or Resident Coordinator prior agreement with UNEP/ROLAC. 2.2 Analytical approach The NES should have an analytical nature ensuring that policy relevant information is provided to the UNCTs in CCA/UNDAF development. Whenever feasible, a DPSIR analytical framework is proposed to be used as a basis for the analysis. DPSIR an analytical framework which is focused on telling an integrated story based on assessment of Drivers-Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses on environment and human wellbeing. The frameworks allows to: (a) evaluate the state and trends of the environment, and identify key priority issues affecting the environment and human-well-being; (b) assess 3

effectiveness of societal responses to these issues; (c) generate additional measures which are required for addressing the priority issues. A brief description of the DPSIR analytical framework is presented below. More detailed information on the framework is available at the IEA Community Platform (http://www.grid.unep.ch/education/geo_resource_book.php) (module 5. section 3). The institution should carefully examine this framework before starting a literature review. Part 1 of the DPSIR analytical framework Analyze the environmental institutions and structure at the national level, and the STATE and TRENDS of the environment is central in this framework. This involves identifying priority environmental state issues, and analyzing changes retrospectively through space and time. Typically environmental state variables are grouped according to categories such as air, land, water and biodiversity. In order to answer the central problem statement question: What is happening to the environment and why?, an analysis of state variables must be accompanied by an understanding and appreciation of the DRIVERS (driving forces or indirect drivers) and PRESSURES (direct drivers) that affect state variables individually and collectively. Drivers (including demographic changes, economic and societal processes) lead to more specific pressures on the environment (including for example, land use change, resource extraction, emissions of pollutants and waste, and modification and movement of organisms). These pressures lead to changes of the STATE of the environment (e.g., climate change, changes in biodiversity and pollution or degradation of air water and soils), which are in addition to those that result from natural processes. These changes affect the ecological services essential to human well-being (such as water and food) and other aspects of the environment itself, such as land degradation, habitat quality and quantity and biodiversity. As a result of changes in ecological services, and mediated by demographic, social and material factors, there are IMPACTS on the environment and human well-being (health, economic performance, material assets, good social relations and security). Part II of the DPSIR analytical framework Societal RESPONSES can influence the environmental state and their associated drivers and pressures (either intentionally or unintentionally). Societal responses essentially fall under two categories: (1) responses directed at mitigating exposure to environmental impacts (e.g., through environmental restoration and enhancement); and (2) responses which help society adapt directly to the impacts that occur and/or build the capacity to adapt to changes in the environment. Societal responses include formulating and implementing public policy, laws and establishing/strengthening institutions, as well as through advances in science and technology. 3. Proposed structure of the National Environmental Summary Executive Summary (1 page) - Brief description of findings of the NES, with the emphasis on the main gaps in responses to the linkages between environment and development and identification of opportunities as in Section 4. Critical gaps and opportunities to supporting country priorities. Section 1. State of the environment and environmental priorities (3 pages) This section is based on part 1 of the DSPIR Framework (item 2.2. above), especially identifying and describing Drivers, Pressures, State and Impacts. Section 1 should: - Provide a review of major environmental issues, their trends and outlooks; highlight their links to national development, social situation and poverty reduction processes. 4

- Highlight reviewed country s needs for sustainable development and critical linkages between environment and development/poverty reduction. - Outline identified priorities at the national and major national and international stakeholders addressing environment and development issues in the country. - Address data and information gaps as this area can also be an important point of action for the UNCT. Section 2. National policy responses (3 pages) This section is based on part 2 of the DSPIR Framework (item 2.2. above). It should outline the societal responses that influence the state of the environment, drivers, pressures and/or impacts. Section 2 should: - Provide a review of country responses (policies, plans, programmes, investments, % of national budget allocated for environmental management, extent of incorporation of environment in development and sectoral policies/programmes, etc) to the major environmental issues and critical linkages to poverty reduction and development section 1. It is crucial to consider responses in previous CCA/UNDAF and relevant MEAs to which the country is signatory. - Present an overview of key national environmental stakeholders including their roles and responsibilities. The key national stakeholder will be listed in annex 1 (list of stakeholders and contact details). - Provide an analysis of existing obligations to the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and assessment of their ratification and implementation. The MEAs to which the country is signatory to and their status of ratification will be listed in annex 2. - Reflect on how the recommendations of the reviewed assessments have been taken into account. Section 3. International Assistance programme (2 pages) Section 3 should: - Present an analysis of existing UN assistance programmes, aid provided by other international organisations and bilateral donors related to environmental and its critical linkages to poverty reduction and development: - What has already been done? - What is happening now? - What are the plans for the near future? - What are the major international partners working in the country? - Assess major environmental programmes/projects and financial assistance. The most recent major programme/projects will be listed in annexes 3a and b, together with assessment of environmental financial assistance for the last 5 years. Section 4. Critical gaps and opportunities to supporting country priorities (3 pages) Section 4 will distil all the findings so far and, based on the previous sections, will constitute the main input to the CCA/UNDAF process. It is important to take note that the NES is not intended to replace the CCA process. The NES will identify gaps and opportunities which will input in the CCA/UNDAF consultations where it will be further discussed and validated. Section 4 should: 5

- Identify gaps in existing policies/programmes (both national and international) and in the national legislation in responding to identified environmental issues and their critical linkages to poverty reduction and development. - Identify areas where national planning processes could be strengthened with support from the UNCT and through the CCA/UNDAF process. This could include capacity building for the development of assessments and awareness raising, for policy development and mainstreaming environment into development planning, for implementation of MEAs, etc. Section 5. List of references Clear references to the documents utilized in the NES need to be provided to allow UN Country Teams further and detailed analysis of selected issues. Clear links to relevant documents available in digital form. 4. Deliverables 4.1 Consolidated Plan of work (I & II) for consideration and approval of UNEP, one week after signature of agreement. 4.2 The National Environmental Summary document: a twelve page document 3 based on a desk study (assessment, analysis and distilling of existing sources of information) and consultations, particularly with UN Country Teams and national environmental authorities. The NES should identify gaps in existing policy/programme responses and in the national legislation in addressing environmental issues and their critical linkages to poverty reduction and development. 4.3 Microsoft PPT presentation summarizing key findings of the NES. 4.4 Brief note on lessons learned during preparation of NES and EMA which will describe the process, institutions contacted, and lessons learned both in relation to the process for development of the NES and EMA, and to its content. Lessons learned should include an assessment of the usefulness of the tool and recommendations for its future use. 4.5 A five page document to be considered by UNEP analyzing the environmental situation of the country, as input for the CCA/UNDAF process. 4.6 NES and power point presentation approved versions- should be submitted in English and Spanish. 4.7 Current UNDAF Assessment Summary Report (8 pages) - The Institution will conduct an evaluation of the environmental sustainability component of current UNDAF (4 pages) and identify proposals for strengthening next UNDAF in terms of environmental sustainability mainstreaming, taking into consideration current national context (4 pages). 4.8 Other inputs and analysis as requested, in line with other duties described above. II. Environmental Mainstreaming Assessment for Mexico 1. Background The main purpose of the assignment is to conduct an assessment and provide evidence of the nature and extent of the linkages between environment management on the one hand and economic development, growth and poverty eradication on the other in Mexico. The second component of the assessment will be an institutional analysis relating to the Mexico national development planning processes with a view to assess how issues of poverty-environment 3 Using times new roman at least 11. 6

linkages can be mainstreamed in the processes. The results will be used to make a case for poverty-environment mainstreaming in UN common country programming process and in the national development planning processes. This assignment will complement the National Environmental Summary for Mexico. 2. Key tasks It is anticipated that the assessment will be undertaken through 2 key tasks. Below are the specific activities for each task 2.1 Desk study to establish baseline and trends and produce a summary policy paper 2.1.1 Collation and review of selected studies, data sets and ongoing activities in a number of identified sectors on the link between environment and economic development. 2.1.2 Conduct data and literature review to determine information availability and other studies linking environment and economic development. 2.1.3 Identify relevant quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic and social benefits derived from sustainable natural resource management including health, employment and economic opportunities especially for the poor. 2.1.4 Provide an overview for each key sector (list the key sectors) which should include contribution to GDP (%), total export earning value, contribution to employment (formal and informal), and contribution to household income (the information should be disaggregated to the extent data permits, for instance to the subnational level and by gender). 2.1.5 Summarize key findings and implications for achievement of key development targets as stipulated in the MDGs, Mexico s national development plan and other key policy priorities. 2.1.6 Identify gaps in information on the links between environment and economic development. 2.1.7 Drawing from the information from the tasks above, prepare a summary paper for decision makers of not more than 10 pages which highlights concrete examples of the links between environmental sustainability and pro-poor economic development. To the extent possible the paper should include estimates of the costs of unsustainable natural resource use and benefits of sustainable natural resource use. 2.2 Conduct an institutional analysis 2.2.1 Conduct an institutional analysis and mapping of policy processes and initiatives, roles and responsibilities of various Government institutions and development partners related to environmental issues within the context of Mexico National Development Plan to gain a close understanding of machinery of government 2.2.2 Identify and analyze the institutional incentives, opportunities and blockages that may influence reform in the way that environment and natural resources are managed. This should take into account the range of relevant institutions; legislation, polices and plans; and key stakeholders 2.2.3 Prepare a brief institutional analysis report of not more than 10 Pages summarizing the key information obtain from the two tasks above and giving recommendation of entry 7

points and timing for influencing the national development planning process to mainstream environmental considerations. 3. Deliverables 3.1 Consolidated Plan of work (I & II) for consideration and approval of UNEP, one week after signature of agreement. 3.2 The institution will prepare and present an inception plan/report at an inception workshop/meeting to take place at about 2 weeks from signing the contract to present the plan for carrying out the assignment. The inception workshop will be used by UNEP to clarify expected outputs from the study, and will be organized by the hired institution, in consultation with UNEP s Office in Mexico. 3.3 An Environmental Mainstreaming Assessment document: a 20 pages document summarizing the key information obtained from the two key tasks above described in section II, 2.1 and 2.2, and giving recommendations of entry points and timing for influencing the national development planning process to mainstream environmental considerations. The institution will deliver an interim draft report after certain number of weeks from the signature of the agreement (it will be agreed upon in the plan of work). The report shall include challenges relating to the work and suggestions on how to overcome them. 3.4 Brief note on lessons learned during preparation of NES and EMA which will describe the process, institutions contacted, and lessons learned both in relation to the process for development of the NES and EMA, and to its content. Lessons learned should include an assessment of the usefulness of the tool and recommendations for its future use 3.5 The institution will deliver a final draft report two weeks after receiving comments on the interim draft. 3.6 The institution will prepare and deliver a brief power point presentation of not more than 20 minutes to the national partners for validation. 3.7 Final report and brief power point presentation approved versions- should be submitted in English and Spanish. C. Supervision The institution will report to the UNEP s Office in Mexico, which will work in coordination with relevant Officers in the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Panama City, in particular the Regional Coordinator for Delivering as One UN, also based in Panama. D. Duration Total of eight months, with NES and CCA inputs to be delivered and approved within the first 2 months. The institution should be based in Mexico. Preferred commencement date: September 1 st, 2012. 8

NES ANNEXES Annex 1. List of Stakeholders and contact details Annex 2. Participation in Multilateral Environmental Agreements Annex 3a. Analysis of environmental financial assistance by organisation for the last 5 years International Project/ Implementing agency/ or bilateral donor UNDP IADB EBRD GEF etc. Bilateral cooperation (Official Development Assistance) Total No of Projects in the country Environment related projects, % of total Total funds % of total funds allocated to environment related projects Annex 3b. List of International Project implemented in 2005-2009 and planned for 2010-2015 International (name) Project Implementing agency Total funds Timeline Note 9