Procedures. Text Algorithm Projects. Automaton toolbox: RE >NFA, determinisation and minimization. Project

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Procedures Text Algorithm Projects Select topic (today) Prepare a project goal (hypothesis to test, programs to implement, experiments to run) 1 day Prepare a realistic project plan (3 hours) Aim at achieving results, quickly (1 week=1ap) Summarize key findings (1day) Prepare a poster (1day) Aim at experimental measurements At developing a novel idea/solution Plan to achieve results by Dec 3. Poster Session and End of the course: Dec 10. Implementing an useful piece of software Be ready to sell it by a good poster! Choose a topic with a potential to extend it into a research question MSc thesis, for example. Project One or 2 persons per project If related projects, collaborate to agree formats, etc. Same topic, different programming language (C / Java / ) in rare cases Automaton toolbox: RE >NFA, determinisation and minimization Automaton construction from regular expressions (Thompson and Glushkov) A tool for automaton determinisation And minimization i i i Create simple input and output formats, something in the philosophy of UNIX Goal: educational Python/Perl From Liina Kamm 1

Automaton toolbox Given input automaton, implement a converter, that creates an automaton that allows for 1 or 2 errors Higher level automaton/re M pattern/regexp or PWM or (M1 M2).{10,15}M3+.{10,15}M4 Match automaton where nodes or labels can mean matching of an individual pattern exactly or approximately, or a motif Calculate individual and total score(s) Output individual motif scores, actual distances Hint: matching of individual motifs can be treated as external routines (Sally, etc ) Ideal to extend into a MSc project Raamistik op ide lugemiseks Sorteeritud sõnaloendist otsimine Luua programmeerimise raamistik, et lugeda elementaaroperatsioone, aja mõõtmise asemel. Lisaboonus oleks kui saaks C++ abil näiteks realiseerida nii, et kompileeritakse kas üheks või teiseks vajaduseks Markko Merzini ettepanek Abacus Abracadabra Või Abacus 2racadabra 4m Otsi ligikaudselt sõnaloendist Väljasta rea nr ja sisu, millel esineb, Ja sarnasuse mõõt Trie indeks faili Ehita sõnade trie ja salvesta faili Otsi trie st ligikaudselt Tööriist Ekspressi mõistatuse jaoks Luua tööriist, mis aitaks luua ja lahenda EE s olnud ülesannet Ette anda fail filsõnadega Meil on kasutada ka Hendrik Niguli C realisatsioon Tekitada ülesandeid, otsida lühimat teed kahe sõna vahel (läbi vahe lülide), jne 2

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Newsfeed analysis Prepare a working prototype of a tool to analyse trends in news/texts Across time measure frequencies, identify hot topics (words), identify words associated to certain topics (e.g. In which context a company/person/party has been mentioned in news) Selection procedure Tegin ATIWikisse lehekülje: Teadusrühmad => BIIT => TA_2008 Redigeerimiseks: at1w1k1 6