Ensuring Progress delivers results

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Ensuring Progress delivers results Strategic Framework for the implementation of Progress, the EU programme for employment and social solidarity (2007-2013) European Commission

Ensuring Progress delivers results Strategic Framework for the implementation of Progress, the EU programme for employment and social solidarity (2007-2013) European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Unit 0.1 Manuscript completed in May 2008

Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in this publication. photos: 123RF Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu). European Communities, 2008 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008 ISBN 978-92-79-08145-3 DOI 10.2767/50158

Foreword I take pleasure in presenting the Strategic Framework for the implementation of the Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity Progress for the period 2007-2013. The Commission, like governments around the world, is under pressure to deliver tangible results to citizens in a climate of rising public expectations and a fixed budget. Social issues are often complex and multi-dimensional, cutting across the boundaries of different services and the limits of responsibility between the EU and the Member States. As demands for greater accountability and the need to trust public organisations grow more acute, it is more important than ever for the European Commission to think ahead and plan strategically for the future. The Strategic Framework outlines the challenges facing the European Union in the social field and the way we intend to respond to them. The Strategic Framework defines Progress s mission, its contribution to the realisation of the Social Agenda goals, its long-term and specific outcomes. The Strategic Framework is supplemented by a list of performance measures that will serve to determine the extent to which Progress has delivered the results anticipated. We engaged widely with a variety of stakeholders when producing the Strategic Framework, which has been developed through a participative and consultative process involving significant contributions and support from various individuals and institutions. On behalf of the European Commission, I wish to express my gratitude to all who took part in the process and for their commitment. The Strategic Framework sets out a comprehensive and ambitious agenda for the Commission and one that European citizens expect us to pursue with their best interests as top priority. As we move forward, I know I can count on the constant support and dedication of our staff and the continued commitment and collaboration of our partners and stakeholders. Nikolaus G. van der Pas Director General Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 3

Table of contents 1. From policy context to Progress 5 2. Progress mission how do we aim to achieve it? 8 3. Progress logic model 9 4. Ultimate outcome 10 5. Intermediate outcomes 11 5.1. Effective application of EU law 11 5.2. Shared understanding and ownership of EU objectives 12 5.3. Effective partnerships 13 6. Immediate outcomes 14 6.1. Effective information sharing and learning 14 6.2. Evidence-based EU policies and legislation 16 6.3. Integration of cross-cutting issues and consistency 17 6.4. Greater capacity of national and EU networks 18 6.5. High-quality and participatory policy debate 19 7. Monitoring and evaluation 20 Find out more 21 4 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

Progress Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity 2007 13 1. From the policy context to Progress A diverse range of forces is shaping the future of the EU s employment and social policies, programmes and services globalisation, technological change in a knowledge-based society, demographic change, living standards and quality of life. At the same time, many stakeholders governments, organisations and individual citizens are involved in determining these policies. And the ability of European society to tap into everyone s talents and help them realise their full potential will continue to be challenged by variables such as education, income level, employability, gender or other personal characteristics, and community capacity. Capitalising on the opportunities offered by these forces therefore necessitates innovative policy-making, collaboration with partners and a commitment to achieving real results for European citizens. Member States are primarily responsible for employment and social affairs. All 27 countries have their own national welfare systems with different reform agendas. Yet the main challenges that need to be addressed in the future are largely common to all Member States. Progress mission To strengthen the EU s support of Member States commitments and efforts to create more and better jobs and to build a more cohesive society Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 5

Where does the EU fit in? The changes facing the EU are profound and have significant implications for its role. Moreover, it has a crucial part to play in creating a modern, innovative and sustainable Social Europe: it can and should stimulate, facilitate and enable change between key governmental and non-governmental bodies and between public and private actors. To be effective requires working in partnership with others and engaging those with the resources and competencies to help tackle these challenges. To help achieve these aims, EU social policy has a mix of instruments to support the Member States. It sets minimum standards common to all Member States, enabling a universal level of protection for all EU citizens throughout the 27 countries. In addition, this ensures that all companies follow the same rules so they have an equal ability to compete. The EU also agrees on common EU objectives with Member States and monitors progress. In this respect, Open Methods of Coordination assist national policies in moving towards common EU goals while giving Member States the choice of how to achieve them. Furthermore, the EU encourages social and civil dialogue. In this way, social partner organisations representing both sides of industry management and labour undertake discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions. Such dialogue allows social partners to help define European social standards and play a vital role in the governance of the EU. Last but not least, the EU provides financial assistance to Member States in order to support their efforts. Here, the principal tool at the EU s disposal is the European Social Fund which aims to promote employment and reduce differences in prosperity and living standards across Member States. 6 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

How was this Framework designed? A thorough review was conducted on the EU s programmes for employment and social affairs. It advised that the Commission should be more effective in its operations, undertake more strategic planning and be more focused in its activities. To facilitate strategic planning, therefore, a working group was set up to draft the Strategic Framework and the performance measurement plan. This group comprises around 20 members representing the European Commission, Member States, social partners and civil society as well as an expert in performance measurement to act as technical adviser. Our intention is to use this Strategic Framework to set Progress s strategy and to assess its input in support of the EU s contribution. As a living document, it will continue to develop as we need to address particular issues in employment and social policy more immediately and others are resolved or become lower priority. This Framework represents the strategic vision of the European Commission and its main partners Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 7

2. Progress s mission how will we achieve it? Progress s core mission is to strengthen the EU s support to Member States to achieve the Social Agenda. But how do we aim to fulfil this mission in practice? First, we will deliver analysis and advice on relevant issues in employment and social affairs, and we will look at and check how far Member States have implemented EU legislation and policies. In addition, we will engage with stakeholders and society at large to make sure that their concerns and expectations are voiced and heard and, at EU and Member State level, we will promote policy transfer, learning and support on EU objectives and priorities. To help the programme achieve its mission, this framework sets goals that Progress must attain outcomes both in the near future and longer term, the contribution that it can make and how we will work with our partners to undertake these objectives. It follows a logical chain where the ultimate outcome determines what intermediate and then immediate outcomes we will seek to reach during the programme s lifecycle of 2007 13. The immediate outcomes must be achieved for the intermediate outcomes to be attained, and so on. The Strategic Framework is about Progress delivering real results. Therefore in addition to the set of deliverables that should be generated as part of the programme called products we have identified clear outcomes that should be reached in the course of Progress s implementation. Performance measurement is crucial to making the EU and Member States accountable for the policies and actions they take. The Framework thus also gives a set of performance indicators that we will use to assess whether Progress has reached its targets and supplied its products. Social Agenda: More & better jobs & more cohesive societies that offer equal opportunities for all in Member States 8 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

3. Progress logic model This model aims to tell a logical story of what Progress is and what it is trying to achieve. Social Agenda More & better jobs & more cohesive societies that offer equal opportunities for all in Member States Ultimate outcome Member States implement laws, policies & practices in a manner that contributes to the desired outcome of the Social Agenda Intermediate outcomes Effective application of EU law Shared understanding & ownership of EU objectives Effective partnerships Immediate outcomes Effective information sharing & learning Evidence-based EU policies & legislation Integration of cross-cutting issues & consistency Greater capacity of national & EU networks High-quality & participatory policy debate Products Relevant training & learning of legal & policy practitioners Accurate monitoring/assessment reports on implementation & impact of EU law & policy Identification & dissemination of good practices Information & communication activities, networking among stakeholders & events Appropriate statistical tools, methods, indicators Appropriate policy advice, research & analysis Support to NGOs & networks Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 9

4. Ultimate outcome Progress is a catalyst and facilitator it aims to trigger and support reform in Member States and reinforce their efforts to create more and better jobs and build a more coherent society. Our success will be judged against our capacity to engage valuable partners, first and foremost Member States, to reach consensus with them and to decide on best possible courses of action. This outcome represents Progress s policy-focused goal this means informing and influencing how decisions are made and executed at EU and national levels. This objective defines what we will do to ensure that Progress delivers on its promises, but crucially Member States must play their part. First, they need to recognise that employment and social policies are an essential part of the renewed Lisbon Strategy and that change is required. They should understand and agree with the EU objectives in employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. Employment and social policies should be developed and delivered at all levels in an environment that encourages convergence towards EU objectives. Member States have a vital contribution to make in creating this environment. Finally, the participation of EU and Progress s success will be assessed national stakeholders is not simply a question of against our capacity to engage and ticking their name off the list rather they should commit our partners to deliver on their play a meaningful role and be able to influence how commitments decisions are made and policy is implemented. The ultimate outcome feeds into the intermediate and immediate outcomes and products below. Each outcome and product has a set of performance indicators that will be used to measure Progress s achievement in this area. Ultimate outcome Member States implement laws, policies & practices in a manner that contributes to the desired outcome of the Social Agenda 10 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

Citizens should have a common level of protection in matters covered by EU legislation across the EU 5. Intermediate outcomes To attain the ultimate outcome, we will pursue three intermediate outcomes. All outcomes are equally important and do not follow a hierarchy. 5.1. Effective application of EU law The implementation of EU law at national, regional and local levels determines its efficacy. Effective application creates an even playing field and guarantees a common level of legal protection for all EU citizens in areas such as health and safety; labour law and working conditions; information and consultation of workers; The Better Regulation Agenda aims to and non-discrimination and gender equality. However, ensure that when the EU intervenes, it problems with the application and enforcement of does so effectively and reaches its target. EU legislation is not an end in itself. It EU law persist, as shown by the increasing number of seeks to confer common minimum social infringement cases and complaints of non-compliance. standards to all EU citizens and workers The need for improved implementation of EU law is a key priority of the Better Regulation Agenda. Thus, to achieve this outcome, we will help Member States to comply more with EU rules on worker protection and citizens rights. We will promote better standards of inspection, monitoring and enforcement by Member States and review more systematically how EU legislation has been applied. In terms of concrete actions, legal practitioners at EU Outcome performance indicators Transposition rate and effectiveness of and national levels will receive training; communication and application of EU law awareness-raising activities will be conducted about rights and obligations conferred by EU legislation for the general public and for key stakeholders; and guidance will be developed. Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 11

5.2. Shared understanding and ownership of EU objectives With this outcome, our goal is to encourage key EU and national policy- and decision-makers and stakeholders to better understand and take ownership of EU objectives and priorities. Positively changing the understanding of these parties will enable national policies to converge further towards those of the EU. On the basis of peer reviews and benchmarking, Member States have agreed to common guidelines and goals to inform, coordinate and strengthen national-level reforms. However, the effectiveness of these processes Improved understanding and ownership largely depends on how much Member States of EU objectives should enable national and stakeholders can learn from each other by policies or legislation to converge more towards EU goals identifying good practice and by taking action at EU and national levels. Progress will seek to motivate these actions by collecting and analysing relevant and accurate evidence. Moreover, we will ensure that any policy advice we give is able to withstand detailed scrutiny and crucially rallies EU-wide support. In addition, peer reviews or mutual learning activities will respond to the needs, concerns and expectations of EU and national stakeholders. Outcome performance indicators Attitudes regarding EU objectives How much national policy discourses or priorities reflect EU objectives 12 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

Any successful process of change requires that all stakeholders fully and actively play their part 5.3. Effective partnerships Stronger partnerships among EU and national stakeholders will help build consensus and motivate change in support of EU objectives and priorities. The European Commission, Member States and other relevant stakeholders (including social partners and civil society) are jointly responsible for delivering on EU objectives. However, as governance becomes more complex and stakeholders expectations increase, more public engagement is needed. Working together can help everyone involved, including EU citizens, understand the complex problems facing Europe. In addition, such an interactive approach involves those who are usually excluded from policy debates, promotes public dialogue and motivates change by building common ground, managing differences and creating new partnerships. How can we help make partnerships more effective? First, we can involve stakeholders in each part of the policy process: problem definition, information gathering, consultation, development of options, decisionmaking, implementation and evaluation. In addition, Outcome performance indicators Consensus on EU objectives and policies Identification and involvement of partnership should develop on the basis of public key actors who can exert influence or engagement principles: there should be fora for meaningful change at EU or national levels Effectiveness of partnerships and open public policy debates on EU objectives. Intermediate outcomes Effective application of EU law Shared understanding & ownership of EU objectives Effective partnerships Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 13

6. Immediate outcomes We will pursue five key immediate outcomes in order to achieve the intermediate outcomes. 6.1. Effective information sharing and learning Information sharing and learning on EU law and We will make information sharing and policy is of no use if it is not done effectively. Thus, learning effective through cooperation, in order to boost the efficacy of these activities, guidance and effective use of EU and national policy- and decision-makers and communication tools stakeholders will form partnerships to identify best practice and assessment tools to help them improve policy-making and implementation processes and outcomes. The knowledge that is acquired will then be transferred effectively among all these parties to advance EU legislation and policy. This in turn requires targeted information material and inputs. In addition, using other guidance and informational materials, we will advise stakeholders on their rights and obligations under EU law, making them clearer and more consistent. Finally, the results of the decision-making process will be communicated using the appropriate medium depending on the target audience. 14 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

How will performance be measured? To assess Progress s achievement of this outcome, we will take into account the awareness of decision-makers, social partners, NGOs and networks regarding their rights/obligations and EU objectives and policies. Also, we will examine the level of user satisfaction with the available information. Products and their performance indicators PRODUCT: Relevant training & learning of legal & policy practitioners Number of individuals who received training or Number of peer reviews or other mutual learning exercises Satisfaction of participants with training Extent to which training/peer reviews target qualified & relevant EU and national actors PRODUCT: Accurate monitoring/assessment reports on implementation & impact of EU law & policy Number of monitoring & assessment reports Timely, accurate & complete production of reports User satisfaction with reports PRODUCT: Identification & dissemination of good practices Number of publications on good practices, seminars & web-based publications Accessibility of good practices Readership of publications, attendance at thematic seminars & downloads of web-based publications Relevance & range of good practices identified PRODUCT: Information & communication activities, networking among stakeholders & events Volume of participation at events Satisfaction with events Number of visits to related websites Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 15

6.2. Evidence-based EU policies and legislation Through Progress, we want to ensure that EU policies and legislation are based on evidence and We will use information and tools to are relevant to the needs of, and challenges faced ensure that EU policies are based on by, Member States. With this aim in mind, we will solid evidence and responsive to EU-wide deliver high-quality and influential comparative needs and concerns policy research and analysis. This means that we will collect information that is relevant, credible and accurate on what our stakeholders need, expect and are concerned about and we will use statistical tools, methods and common indicators that can stand EU-wide support. How will performance be measured? We will assess the performance of this outcome by examining whether EU policies and legislation are grounded in thorough analysis of the situation and are responsive to the national conditions, needs and expectations. In addition, we will consider the extent to which Progress s policy advice feeds into the development and implementation of EU decisions. Products and their performance indicators PRODUCT: Appropriate statistical tools, methods and indicators Number of tools, methods & indicators developed Satisfaction of users PRODUCT: Appropriate policy advice, research & analysis Number of policy advice, research & analysis Satisfaction with policy advice, research & analysis Timely, clear and accurate policy advice, research & analysis 16 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

6.3. Integration of cross-cutting issues and consistency Issues relating to employment and social affairs are not independent from each other policies in one area have implications for those in others. Therefore, we will ensure that cross-cutting issues are better integrated and are treated more consistently in EU policies. For example, we will incorporate gender equality into all policy sections and activities and collect disaggregated data on gender participation when relevant. Other equality considerations including Social issues are by nature multidimensional. If we are to be effective, we disability accessibility requirements will be taken into account in all of the programme s activities will need to pay more attention and in and communication activities should promote a more consistent way to cross-cutting cross-cutting issues. To this end, we will support issues in all EU policy areas relating to or undertake cross-cutting and collaborative work Progress among policy sections. How will performance be measured? Performance assessment of this outcome will focus on whether cross-cutting issues are addressed in Progress policy sections and whether EU rules display a common underlying logic of intervention in relation to Progress-related issues. Furthermore, we will look at the extent to which Progress systematically promotes gender mainstreaming and whether funding is allocated to support or undertake cross-cutting issues. Immediate outcomes Effective information sharing & learning Evidence-based EU policies & legislation Integration of cross-cutting issues & consistency Greater capacity of national & EU networks High-quality & participatory policy debate Products Relevant training & learning of legal & policy practitioners Accurate monitoring/assessment reports on implementation & impact of EU law & policy Identification & dissemination of good practices Information & communication activities, networking among stakeholders & events Appropriate statistical tools, methods, indicators Appropriate policy advice, research & analysis Support to NGOs & networks Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 17

6.4. Greater capacity of national and EU networks Our aim is to boost national and EU networks capacity to participate in and influence decision-making and policy implementation at both EU and national level. We will therefore increase investment in this area. How will performance be measured? In terms of performance assessment, the number of individuals served or reached by networks supported by Progress will be considered, as will the extent to which their advocacy skills have improved. We will also examine how satisfied EU and national authorities are with the contribution of networks and the extent to which the latter take a cross-cutting approach. We will increase the capacity of national and EU networks to support, promote and develop policies and objectives relating to Progress Products and their performance indicators PRODUCT: Support to NGOs & networks Volume of funding provided to NGOs & networks Satisfaction of NGOs & networks with the relationship with the EU & national authorities 18 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

6.5. High-quality and participatory policy debate If partnerships are to be successful, all partners need Effective partnerships mean actively and meaningfully engaging with all our to be able to have their say and feed into public stakeholders. This is our aim policy debate in an effective way. We therefore will ensure that there is productive debate at EU and national levels on law, policies and objectives relating to Progress, with the participation of all stakeholders. For this, we will increase public engagement in line with EU rigorous governance principles. How will performance be measured? For this outcome, Progress will be assessed on the basis of the extent to which principles of good governance are respected in policy debate, and the extent to which the outcomes of policy debates feed into the development of EU law and policy. Products and their performance indicators PRODUCT: Information & communication activities, networking among stakeholders & events Volume of participation in events Satisfaction with events Number of visits to related websites Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 19

Monitoring and evaluation are at the core of the Progress Strategic Framework 7. Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and evaluating Progress s performance is central to the Strategic Framework as it enables us to ensure that the programme is operating as planned and is delivering results in practice. Monitoring will help determine to what extent we are on the right track and if needed adjust our course of action so that we deliver Progress expected outcomes. We will monitor the programme s results through annual activity reports to the European Parliament and the Progress committee. These reports will provide a clear and accurate account of the extent to which the activities undertaken have achieved the programme s outcomes. The results of the monitoring programme will then serve the basis for Progress evaluation, which will be undertaken mid-way through the programme (covering 2008 10) and at the end. The mid-term evaluation will look at to what extent Progress is achieving its objectives, its use of resources and its added value. The final evaluation will update the mid-term results, conducting an overall review of Progress and its impact. The evaluation reports will be submitted to the European Parliament, Council of the European Union, European Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions. 20 Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results

Find out more Progress website http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/progress/index_en.htm Introductory leaflet to Progress http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/publications/ 2007/ke7606386_en.pdf Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/employment_social/index_en.htm Social Agenda 2005 10 http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/social_policy_agenda/ social_pol_ag_en.html Lisbon Strategy http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/analysis_structural_reforms/ structural_reforms237_en.htm Open Methods of Coordination http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/spsi/the_process_en.htm Better Regulation Agenda http://ec.europa.eu/governance/better_regulation/br_what_en.htm European Social Fund http://ec.europa.eu/esf Strategic Framework: Ensuring Progress delivers results 21

European Commission Ensuring Progress delivers results Strategic Framework for the implementation of Progress, the EU programme for employment and social solidarity (2007-2013) Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2008 21 pp. 21 29.7 cm ISBN 978-92-79-08145-3 DOI 10.2767/50158 This brochure describes the Strategic Framework for the implementation of Progress the Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity 2007 13. The Strategic Framework outlines the challenges facing the European Union in the social field and the way to respond to them. It defines Progress s mission, its contribution to the realisation of the Social Agenda goals, its long-term and specific outcome. It is supplemented by a list of performance measures that will serve to determine the extent to which Progress has delivered the results anticipated. This brochure is available in electronic format in all EU official languages.

KE-80-08-253-EN-N Are you interested in the publications of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities? If so, you can download them at http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/main.jsp?catld=316&langld=en or take out a free online subscription at http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/publications/register/index_en.htm ESmail is the electronic newsletter from the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. You can subscribe to it online at http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/emplweb/news/esmail_en.cfm http://ec.europa.eu/social/