SECTION SUMMARY. Section 3.3 Ground Transportation

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Section. Ground Transportation 0 0 0 SECTION SUMMARY Section., Ground Transportation, provides the following: A review of the ground transportation mitigation measures of the 00 EIS/EIR; A description of observed existing ground transportation conditions in the study area, and the differences from the 00 EIS/EIR; A discussion of the methodology used to determine whether the Revised Project would result in a new or substantially more severe significant impact on ground transportation; A summary of the ground transportation impacts of the Revised Project; and A description of revised, feasible mitigation measures proposed to reduce significant adverse impacts, as applicable. Key Points of Section.: Four of the mitigation measures imposed in the 00 EIS/EIR (MM TRANS-, -, -, and -, see Section..) to mitigate potential impacts at study intersections are not included in the Revised Project; this SEIR evaluates future conditions without those measures and determines whether their removal would have new or more serious significant impacts relative to the findings of the 00 EIR/EIR. Roadway circumstances have changed since the certification of the 00 EIS/EIR and new information is available concerning traffic conditions at study area intersections that calls into question the need for those measures. Ten of the study area intersections analyzed in the 00 EIS/EIR have undergone physical changes, including those where mitigation measures were proposed in the 00 EIS/EIR. The project-specific transportation analysis of the Revised Project determined that operation of the CS Terminal under Revised Project conditions would cause a significant project-specific impact at intersection # (Alameda and Anaheim Streets) but would not cause a significant project-specific impact at any other study intersection. Accordingly, this study confirmed that mitigation measures TRANS--, -, and - of the 00 EIS/EIR are not needed to mitigate significant project-specific impacts. Section... discusses the reasons for the changed findings compared to the 00 EIS/EIRs. Mitigation is required for the significant impact at Alameda and Anaheim Streets; accordingly, this Recirculated Draft SEIR re-imposes MM TRANS-, which would mitigate the identified impact of the Revised Project, but modifies it to coordinate with another planned improvement of that intersection. Although implementation of the mitigation measure would avoid identified impacts, because LADOT approval is not guaranteed, the impact is significant and unavoidable. If LADOT approves the implementation of this mitigation measure, then the impact would be reduced to less than significant. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 MM TRANS- Alameda & Anaheim Streets: Provide an additional eastbound through-lane on Anaheim Street. This mitigation measure shall be implemented at the same time as the City s planned improvement project at this location, with design/construction commencing in the first quarter of 0, subject to LADOT approval. Implementation of MM TRANS- would mitigate the impact of the Revised Project. However, because LADOT approval is not guaranteed, the impact is considered significant and unavoidable. If LADOT approves the implementation of this mitigation measure then the impact would be reduced to less than significant. The Revised Project would result in additional truck trips on the surrounding freeway system, but those added trips would not cause an increase in the demand/capacity ratio of any freeway link operating at LOS F or worse compared to the 0 Mitigated Baseline, and would therefore not cause a significant impact. A rail grade crossing in the project area (Henry Ford Avenue) would experience additional vehicular delay, but that delay would be below the threshold of significance. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0.. Introduction Vehicular and rail traffic associated with operation of the Revised Project would affect ground transportation resources in the immediate area of the Revised Project and the surrounding region. This section includes a description of the affected ground transportation environment, predicted impacts of the Revised Project, and mitigation measures that would reduce significant impacts. As described in Section, the Approved Project as analyzed in the 00 EIS/EIR included a number of mitigation measures, some of which have yet to be fully implemented. The Revised Project consists of continued operation of the Berths -0 CS Container Terminal under modified mitigation measures. This Recirculated Draft SEIR further assumes that CS Container Terminal throughput will be incrementally higher than was assumed in the 00 EIS/EIR, in the amounts shown in Table -, due to a revised assessment of Terminal capacity. Therefore, this Recirculated Draft SEIR, in analyzing the impacts of operation of the Revised Project, accounts for the impacts of both Revised Project s changes to the Approved Project, and of changed circumstances surrounding, or new information of substantial importance to, the Approved Project. The transportation analysis for the Revised Project includes key intersections and freeway locations that would be used by truck and automobile traffic to gain access to and from the Project site and for which potentially significant impacts are reasonably foreseeable. In addition, this Recirculated Draft SEIR includes an analysis of the impact of the Revised Project on a rail-highway grade crossing in the project area. The technical information from the traffic analysis is included in Appendix C. The Revised Project would not construct new roadway infrastructure and would involve negligible increases in employment compared to the Approved Project; accordingly, there is no reason to expect that the Revised Project would adversely affect public transit or pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Neither of those resource areas was identified in the 00 EIS/EIR as potentially experiencing significant impacts as a result of the Approved Project. Although the NOP did not indicate that these resource areas would be addressed in the Draft SEIR, a screening analysis demonstrating that these resources would not experience new or more severe impacts due to the Revised Project is included in Appendix D... Environmental Setting... Regional and Local Access The project site is located in the West Basin Container Terminal, within an industrial area south of the Inner Harbor area of the Port of Los Angeles. The site is within the Port of Los Angeles Community Plan area in the City of Los Angeles, which is adjacent to the communities of San Pedro and Wilmington, and approximately 0 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. The site is on the eastern side of John S. Gibson Boulevard. Access to and from the Project site is provided by a network of freeways and arterial routes, as shown on Figure.-. The freeway network consists of the Harbor Freeway (I-0), the Long Beach Freeway (I-0), the San Diego Freeway (I-0), and the Terminal Island Freeway (SR-0/SR-). The arterial street network that serves the proposed project area includes John S. Gibson Boulevard, Harry Bridges boulevard, Figueroa Street, Alameda Street, Anaheim Street, Henry Ford Avenue, Sepulveda Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 Boulevard/Willow Street, Front Street, Harbor Boulevard, and Pacific Avenue. Descriptions of the intersections and freeway segments are provided in Appendix C. The traffic setting for the Revised Project includes those streets and intersections that would be used by both automobile and truck traffic to gain access to and from the project site and one potentially affected by a rail crossing. Twenty-nine () study intersections that are located near or on routes serving the project site were chosen for analysis (Figure.-); these intersections include all of the intersections analyzed in the 00 EIS/EIR (except one that no longer exists) and several additional intersections added in response to comments on the NOP and the 0 Draft SEIR. In addition, a traffic impact analysis is required at the following locations, pursuant to the Los Angeles County CMP (Metro, 00): CMP arterial monitoring intersections, including freeway on- or off-ramps, where the Revised Project would add 0 or more trips during either the A.M. or P.M. weekday peak hours. CMP freeway monitoring locations where the Revised Project would add 0 or more trips during either the A.M. or P.M. weekday peak hours. The freeway locations analyzed for the Recirculated Draft SEIR include the two that were analyzed in the 00 EIS/EIR as well as more segments that could be affected by the Revised Project s traffic (the 0 Draft SEIR analyzed ten additional segments but in response to comments on that document two more were added for this analysis). Project-related traffic on streets farther away from the project site would decrease due to expected dissipation, and it can be reasonably concluded that the project-related traffic would be less than the number of trips that would require analysis per LADOT, City of Long Beach, or City of Carson traffic impact study guidelines.... Regional and Local Roadway Changes Since the 00 EIS/EIR Many changes in the regional and local ground transportation network have occurred since the completion of the 00 EIS/EIR. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation implemented intersection signalization improvements throughout the study area in the Automatized Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) programs in San Pedro and Wilmington, completed between 00 and 0. The computer-based, real-time traffic signal monitoring and control systems improve traffic to reduce delay time at intersections. In addition to the signal improvements of the ATSAC program, lanes were restriped at some locations. The analysis also accounts for the completion of Harbor Department s I-0/C Street Interchange Project, in addition to the improvements described in Section... The 00 EIS/EIR analyzed two rail/road at-grade crossings in the vicinity of the CS Terminal: the Henry Ford Avenue crossing and the Avalon Boulevard crossing. Significant impacts related to vehicular delay caused by project-related train traffic were identified at both locations (no feasible mitigation was available for either location). Since that time, the Wilmington Grade Separation project constructed a grade separation a short distance west of Avalon Boulevard. That overpass, which connects to Harry Bridges Boulevard, shifted traffic away from the Avalon Boulevard crossing and serves as mitigation for the impact identified in the 00 EIS/EIR. The LAHD has proposed to vacate Avalon Boulevard south of Harry Bridges Boulevard, which would completely Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 eliminate the grade crossing. Accordingly, that location is not included in the Recirculated Draft SEIR s analysis. Overall, eleven of the sixteen intersections analyzed for potential impacts in the 00 EIS/EIR had subsequent lane reconfigurations between completion of the 00 EIS/EIR and the 0 baseline year used to analyze project-specific Ground Transportation impacts in this SEIR. The differences in study intersections analyzed in the 00 EIS/EIR and those analyzed in the Recirculated Draft SEIR are noted in Figure.- and the physical changes that have occurred since the 00 EIS/EIR are described and illustrated in Appendix C. These changes have substantially altered how the study intersections function, including their capacities. In addition, substantial changes in background traffic volumes and the changes to the overall ground transportation network mentioned above mean that traffic patterns in 0 are substantially different than in 00 (the 00 EIS/EIR s baseline) and than the 0 conditions modeled in the 00 EIS/EIR. Furthermore, the network changes are part of the future scenarios in the cumulative analysis, which causes additional differences between the analyses in this SEIR and the analyses in the 00 EIS/EIR. Review and Status of 00 EIS/EIR Mitigation Measures The 00 EIS/EIR included several mitigation measures related to roadway improvements needed to reduce the impacts of project truck traffic at certain Port-area intersections. Four of the mitigation measures (MM TRANS-, -, -, and -) had not been implemented by the dates specified in the MMRP. MM TRANS-: Alameda & Anaheim Streets - Provide an additional eastbound through-lane on Anaheim Street. This measure shall be implemented by 0. The 00 EIS/EIR concluded that the Approved Project would result in a cumulatively considerable impact in the future years 0 and 00, and imposed MM TRANS- to mitigate that impact. However, the mitigation measure was not implemented by 0 as required. This intersection is being considered for improvements, however. A project under design by LADOT and the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, in a funding partnership with LAHD, would widen the west side of Alameda Street near the Anaheim Street intersection to provide three southbound lanes. The project would also reconstruct Alameda Street and may include re-striping Alameda Street and adjacent street intersection approaches. LAHD s funding participation in the project is estimated at $. million. The project, designated SCAG FTIP ID LAF0 in the 0 SCAG Federal Transportation Improvement Program, is estimated to start construction by the end of 0. However, it is not assumed in the 0 Mitigated Baseline that is used to identify the impacts of the Revised Project s proposed elimination of Mitigation Measure TRANS- because it was neither completed by the time of preparation nor had a final design. Traffic diversions caused by construction of the new Gerald Desmond Bridge have caused degradation of LOS at this intersection since 0. A December, 0, traffic count measured LOS F during the P.M. peak hour whereas in 0, prior to construction, LOS was C in the P.M. peak hour. The travel demand model forecasts included as part of the cumulative analysis in Chapter indicate that intersection operating conditions are Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 expected to return to pre-construction levels once bridge construction is completed (scheduled for the end of 0). The traffic counts taken in December, 0, do not accurately represent the conditions of the Approved Project, as mitigated, at this intersection for purposes of the project-specific analysis in this SEIR. Accordingly, a count taken in November, 0, is used in the level-of-service analysis conducted for this intersection; for all other intersections the 0 counts are used. Use of 0 data to describe baseline conditions at this intersection is consistent with Section C of LADOT s Traffic Study Guidelines [0], which allows for the use of traffic counts taken within two years of the baseline year to represent baseline year conditions. Because the Revised Project would eliminate MM TRANS-, implementation of MM TRANS- is assumed in the 0 Mitigated Baseline to show the project-specific effect of elimination of the mitigation measure. MM TRANS-: John S. Gibson Boulevard and I-0 Northbound (NB) Ramps - Provide an additional southbound and westbound right-turn lane on John S. Gibson Boulevard and I-0 NB ramps. Reconfigure the eastbound approach to one eastbound through-left-turn lane, and one eastbound through-right-turn lane. Provide an additional westbound right-turn lane with westbound right-turn overlap phasing. This measure shall be implemented by 0. The 00 EIS/EIR determined that operation of the Approved Project would result in a cumulatively considerable impact under then-projected year 0 conditions and also year 00 conditions. In 0, LAHD completed realignment of the off/on ramps but did not provide the westbound right-turn lane with overlap phasing specified by the measure. During the design phase of that project, in 0, an update to the traffic volumes and LOS analysis indicated that this intersection would operate at a good LOS C or better under projected year 0 conditions without the elements specified in MM TRANS- (Parsons, 0). Additionally, because Caltrans rejected the re-striping for the eastbound lane, LAHD s designer conducted a supplemental traffic analysis to justify maintaining the existing striping (Parsons, 0). Another LOS analysis conducted for this location in 0 for the Avalon and Fries Street Segments Closure Project Draft IS/MND (LAHD, 0) indicated that the intersection was operating at a very good LOS B or better during peak hours. Because these analyses projected that the intersection would experience good operating conditions, the Revised Project does not include MM TRANS-. However, the need for that measure, or some other mitigation measure, in the future is assessed in the cumulative traffic analysis in this Recirculated Draft SEIR. Because the Revised Project would eliminate MM TRANS-, implementation of MM TRANS- is assumed in the 0 Mitigated Baseline to show the effect of elimination of the mitigation measure. MM TRANS-: Harry Bridges Boulevard and Fries Avenue - Provide an additional westbound through-lane on Harry Bridges Boulevard. Provide an additional northbound, eastbound, and westbound right-turn lane on Fries Avenue and Harry Bridges Boulevard. This measure shall be implemented by 0. The 00 EIS/EIR projected LOS D at this intersection under year 0 conditions and determined that operation of the Approved Project would result in a cumulatively considerable impact under then-projected year 0 and year 00 conditions. In 0, LAHD completed the reconstruction and widening of Harry Bridges Boulevard to provide exclusive left-lanes in both directions. LADOT required the striping for two Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 lanes in each direction, until such time that volumes and LOS warrant re-striping to provide three lanes in each direction. In 0, LAHD completed the Wilmington Grade Separation, which intersects with Harry Bridges Boulevard and has resulted in a shift of traffic from Fries Avenue. These major improvements, combined with actual lower overall traffic volumes on Harry Bridges Boulevard than projected for the year 0 in the 00 EIS/EIR, have resulted in much improved operating conditions all along Harry Bridges Boulevard. Given the improved operating conditions, the Revised Project does not include MM TRANS-. However, the need for that measure, or some other mitigation measure, in the future is assessed in the cumulative traffic analysis in this Recirculated Draft SEIR. Because the Revised Project would eliminate MM TRANS-, implementation of MM TRANS- is assumed in the 0 Mitigated Baseline to show the effect of elimination of the mitigation measure. MM TRANS-: Navy Way and Seaside Avenue - Provide an additional eastbound through-lane on Seaside Avenue. Reconfigure the westbound approach to one left-turn lane and three through-lanes. This measure shall be implemented by 00. The 00 EIS/EIR determined that operation of the Approved Project would result in a cumulatively considerable impact under year 00 conditions. However, the actual operating condition in 0 was LOS A. Given the excellent operating conditions, the Revised Project does not include MM TRANS-. However, the need for that measure, or some other mitigation measure, in the future is assessed in the cumulative traffic analysis in this Recirculated Draft SEIR. Because this measure was not required to be implemented until 00, it is not included in the 0 Mitigated Baseline.... Baseline Traffic Conditions For the reasons presented in sections. and... of this Recirculated Draft SEIR, the project-specific ground transportation analysis of intersections, freeways, and rail crossings uses a 0 Mitigated Baseline comparison approach as the closest practicable approximation of a comparison to an Approved Project, as mitigated, baseline. Accordingly, for the project-specific analysis of the Revised Project, 0 observed conditions (not including the 00 EIS/EIR mitigation measures) are compared to the 0 Mitigated Baseline described in Section... Baseline Intersection Conditions In order to develop the 0 Mitigated Baseline intersection conditions, vehicle turning movement counts of automobiles, Port trucks, and other truck and regional traffic not related to the Port were collected at the study locations. The peak hour at each intersection is determined from traffic counts by assessing the highest volume of total traffic occurring during one consecutive hour at each location. Field-collected traffic count data are presented in Appendix C. The data indicate that, for study intersections, the A.M. or P.M. peak hour represents the highest level of traffic and therefore the worst case for purposes of the traffic operations analysis. However, the traffic analysis presents the results from the A.M., mid-day (M.D.), and P.M. peak hours in order to capture maximum port-related traffic, which tends to occur during the M.D. period. As discussed earlier, intersections through were added in response to comments received on the 0 Draft SEIR. Traffic counts at those intersections were taken in February 0 and serve as a conservative representation of 0 conditions (since there are higher volumes in 0 due to ambient background growth). Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

Figure.-. Study Area and Study Intersections Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

LOS is a qualitative indication of an intersection s operating conditions as represented by traffic congestion and delay and the volume to capacity (V/C) ratio. For intersections, it is measured from LOS A (excellent conditions) to LOS F (very poor conditions), with LOS D typically considered to be the threshold of acceptability (Table.-). Table.-: Level of Service Criteria Intersections Signalized Intersections (V/C Ratio) Unsignalized Intersections (delay [seconds]) LOS 0 to 0.00 0.0 A >0.0 to 0.00 >0.0 and.0 B >0.0 to 0.00 >.0 and.0 C >0.0 to 0.00 >.0 and.0 D >0.0 to.000 >.0 and 0.0 E >.000 >0.0 F Source: Transportation Research Board (TRB), 0; TRB, 00 Traffic Conditions Excellent. Little or no delay/congestion. No vehicle waits longer than one red light, and no approach phase is fully used. Very Good. Slight congestion/delay. An occasional approach phase is fully utilized; many drivers begin to feel somewhat restricted within groups of vehicles. Good. Moderate delay/congestion. Occasionally, drivers may have to wait through more than one red light; backups may develop behind turning vehicles. Fair. Significant delay/congestion. Delays may be substantial during portions of the rush hours, but enough lower volume periods occur to permit clearing of developing lines, preventing excessive backups. Poor. Extreme congestion/delay. Represents the most vehicles that the intersection approaches can accommodate; may be long lines of waiting vehicles through several signal cycles. Failure. Intersection failure/gridlock. Backups from nearby locations or cross streets may restrict or prevent movement of vehicles out of the intersection approaches. Tremendous delays with continuously increasing queue lengths. 0 The study intersections are located in the City of Los Angeles, the City of Long Beach, and the City of Carson. For purposes of this analysis, the locally defined thresholds of significance at intersections are used. Although the City of Los Angeles has a different method to assess intersection-operating conditions than that used by the City of Carson and the City of Long Beach, the methodologies are similar and generally yield similar results and conclusions. The methodologies used to assess intersection levels of service in the three cities involved are described in Appendix C, and are consistent with the methodologies used in the 00 EIS/EIR, updated per each city s requirements. Based on peak-hour traffic volumes and V/C ratios, all of the existing study intersections currently operate at LOS C or better during the A.M., M.D., and P.M. peak hours (Table.-), except that intersection # operates at LOS D in the P.M. peak, intersection # operates at LOS D in the P.M. peak, and intersection # operates at LOS D in the A.M. peak hour. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

Table.-: 0 Mitigated Baseline Intersection Level of Service Study Intersection A.M. Peak Hour M.D. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS V/C LOS V/C LOS V/C. No Longer Exists. Harry Bridges Boulevard at Avalon Boulevard A 0. A 0. A 0.0. Alameda Street at Anaheim Street A 0.0 A 0. C 0.. Henry Ford Avenue at Anaheim Street A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.. Front Street/Harbor Boulevard at I-0 On-Ramps A 0. A 0. A 0.. Harbor Boulevard at Swinford Street/I-0 Off-Ramps A 0. A 0. A 0.0. John S. Gibson Boulevard at I-0 NB Ramps (WBCT gate) A 0. A 0. A 0.. Pacific Avenue at Front Street A 0. A 0. A 0.. Figueroa Street at I-0 Ramps (C Street) A 0. A 0. A 0. 0. Harry Bridges Boulevard at Fries Avenue A 0.00 A 0. A 0.. Harry Bridges Boulevard and Bayview Driveway (formerly Neptune Ave) A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0. ICTF Driveway No. / Sepulveda Boulevard A 0. A 0.0 A 0.. ICTF Driveway No. / Sepulveda Boulevard A 0. A 0. B 0.. Santa Fe Avenue and Anaheim Street A 0. A 0. B 0.. Pacific Avenue/John S Gibson at Channel Street A 0. A 0. A 0.. Harry Bridges Boulevard at Broad Avenue A 0. A 0. A 0.. Navy Way at Seaside Avenue A 0. A 0.0 A 0.0. Harry Bridges Boulevard at North Access Road A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.0. Henry Ford Avenue at Denni Street A 0.0 A 0. A 0. 0. Alameda Street at O Street A 0. A 0. B 0.. O Street at Pacific Coast Highway A 0. C 0. D 0.. Alameda Street at Sepulveda Boulevard (on Alameda Street) A 0. A 0. B 0.0. Sepulveda Boulevard at Alameda Street (on Sepulveda Boulevard) D 0. B 0. C 0.. Front Street at Knoll Dr. (Future I-0 WB Ramps) A 0.0 A 0.0 A 0.. Gaffey Street at Miraflores Ave / SB-0 B 0. B 0. C 0.0. SR- (Terminal Island Fwy) at Ocean Blvd WB Ramps A 0. A 0. A 0.. Pier S Avenue at Ocean Blvd WB Ramps B 0. B 0. C 0.. Henry Ford Avenue at Pier A Way / SR-/0 Ramp A 0.0 A 0. A 0.. SR-0 Off-Ramp at S. Pacific / I Street A 0.0 A 0.00 A 0. Notes: Traffic counts for LOS analysis were conducted in December 0, with the exception of location # which uses traffic counts obtained in November 0, and locations # through #, which were counted in February 0. City of Carson or City of Long Beach intersection analyzed using ICU methodology according to City standards. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.-0 SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 Baseline Freeway Conditions In accordance with the California Department of Transportation s (Caltrans ) Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies (Caltrans, 00), several freeway locations were analyzed for potential impacts using the standard methodologies described in Appendix C. Peak-hour freeway traffic counts were obtained from the Caltrans Traffic Census Program which summarizes annual automobile and truck trips along freeway segments throughout California. The 00 EIS/EIR analyzed two freeway segments: I-0 at C Street and I-0 at Willow Street (north of Pacific Coast Highway). The Recirculated Draft SEIR freeway analysis was conducted in accordance with a 0 agreement between the City of Los Angeles and Caltrans (City of Los Angeles and Caltrans, 0) that requires analysis of more segments. Accordingly, in addition to the two segments analyzed in the 00 EIS/EIR, the Recirculated Draft SEIR analyzes twelve additional locations, including the ten analyzed in the 0 Draft SEIR and another two added to this analysis in response to comments on that document: SR- At Vincent Thomas Bridge SR- At Commodore Schuyler Heim Bridge I-0 North of rd Street I-0 North of I-0 I-0 North of I-0 I-0 North of Alondra Boulevard I-0 North of Firestone Boulevard I-0 North of Florence Avenue SR- Between I-0 and I-0 I-0 West of I-0 I-0 SB Off-Ramp at Gaffey Street/Miraflores Avenue SR-/0 NB Off-Ramp at Pier A Way The CMP uses the Volume/Capacity (V/C) ratio to determine LOS. The relationship between the V/C ratio and LOS for freeway segments per the CMP is shown in Table.-. LOS F() through F() designations are assigned where severely congested (less than mph) conditions prevail for more than one hour, converted to an estimate of peak hour demand in Table.-. The baseline freeway volumes, density, and LOS (Table.-) indicate that freeway segment # (I-0 north of I-0) operates at LOS F both northbound and southbound during the A.M. peak hour, but all other segments operate at LOS D or better. Baseline At-Grade Rail Crossing Conditions The Revised Project would not affect rail traffic to and from the Berths -0 Terminal. However, the revised assessment of the increased cargo throughput at the CS Container Terminal compared to the assumptions of the 00 EIS/EIR could result in increased train traffic. The Alameda Corridor eliminated all rail/street at-grade crossings between the Port Complex and downtown Los Angeles. However, the CS Terminal is located south of the terminus of the Alameda Corridor, and the track leading from the West Basin area, including the WBICTF where CS intermodal cargo is loaded onto trains, to the Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

Alameda Corridor crosses Henry Ford Avenue just north of the Dominguez Channel (Figure.-). That crossing, which the 00 EIS/EIR predicted would experience significant vehicular delay from the Approved Project, is evaluated in this Recirculated Draft SEIR using the methodology described in Appendix C. Average per-vehicle delay at that crossing under baseline conditions was calculated to be. seconds (the threshold of significance for rail crossing delay is seconds). Table.-: Freeway CMP Level of Service Criteria Freeway Level of Service (LOS) Volume/Capacity Ratio A 0.0 0. B >0. 0. C >0. 0. D >0. 0. E >0..00 F(0) >.00. F() >.. F() >.. F() >. Source: Metro, 00 Figure.-: At-Grade Crossing at Henry Ford Avenue 0 Source: Google Maps Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 While CEQA requires that impacts related to rail traffic in the vicinity of the Port be addressed in this Recirculated Draft SEIR, impacts farther away are outside the scope of a CEQA-required analysis. The regional rail system in the Inland Empire is not in the vicinity of the Revised Project, and a court decision ruled that impacts on this system are not required to be evaluated in a CEQA document. The legal decision emerged from a challenge of the LAHD s approval of the 00 FEIR. In the legal decision, the court held: We conclude neither the City nor the County of Riverside is in the vicinity of the project. The Port did not abuse its discretion by failing to include in the recirculated Draft EIR an analysis of rail-related impacts on the City and County of Riverside. However, because regional rail has been, and continues to be, an important issue to many stakeholders, and despite the lack of substantial evidence of any reasonably foreseeable significant adverse rail-related impacts to these areas from the Revised Project, this document includes, for informational purposes only, an analysis of the impacts in the Inland Empire of rail transport of the marine containers resulting from the additional forecasted throughput for the Revised Project compared to the Approved Project. The geographical study area for that evaluation includes the at-grade crossings located east of the intermodal railyards at the northern end of the Alameda Corridor rail line (just east of downtown Los Angeles). Trains to and from the Revised Project would use all of the railroads mainlines east of the downtown railyards (see Figure.-); therefore, the informational evaluation includes: the BNSF San Bernardino Subdivision from Hobart and Commerce Yards to San Bernardino; the BNSF Cajon Subdivision from San Bernardino to Barstow; the UP Alhambra Subdivision from LATC to Colton Crossing, the UP Los Angeles Subdivision from ELA to West Riverside Junction; and the UP Yuma Subdivision from Colton Crossing to Indio. BNSF at-grade crossings between Barstow and the Nevada border and UP at-grade crossings between Indio and the Arizona border are in rural areas with low traffic volumes (typically less than,000 average daily trips) and therefore are not included in the study. Many road-rail grade separations have been constructed on these lines, but as of 0 approximately 0 at-grade crossings remain in the study area: of them are along the BNSF San Bernardino Subdivision, along the BNSF Cajon Subdivision, along the UP Alhambra Subdivision, 0 along the UP Los Angeles Subdivision, and 0 along the UP Yuma Subdivision. In the Pomona/Montclair area, the UP Alhambra and Los Angeles Subdivisions are close parallel lines, with at-grade crossings similarly close along a given road. Accordingly, the rail impacts for the 0 at-grade crossings on the two lines in this area were treated as 0 effective crossings on one railroad corridor. The methodology for calculating rail crossing impacts is described in Section... and Appendix C. Those calculations indicate that, under baseline conditions (0), none of the at-grade crossings analyzed experienced vehicular delays exceeding the significance threshold of seconds per vehicle. Delays of to seconds were typical of most crossings, and the maximum calculated delay was. seconds (see tables C- through C-0 in Appendix C). Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

Table.-: 0 Mitigated Baseline Freeway Level of Service Freeway Location Northbound / Westbound Southbound / Eastbound A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Demand or Volume Density (pc/mi/ln) LOS Demand or Volume Density (pc/mi/ln) LOS Demand or Volume Density (pc/mi/ln) LOS Demand or Volume Density (pc/mi/ln) At Vincent # SR-,. B,. D,. C,0. D Thomas Bridge At Commodore # SR- Schuyler Heim,0. A,. A 0. A,000. A /SR-0 Bridge # I-0 South of C Street,0.0 C,0. B,0. B,0. B # I-0 North of rd Street,0. E,0. C,0. C,00. C # I-0 North of I-0,0 0. F,0.0 D,00. D,000. E # I-0 North of PCH,0. E,0. D,0. E,0. D # I-0 North of I-0,0. D,0. E,0. E,0 0. D # I-0 North of Alondra Boulevard,0.0 D,0. C,0. D,0. D # I-0 Firestone,0. D,00. D,0.0 E,0. D North of #0 I-0 Boulevard North of Florence Avenue,00. D,0.0 D,00.0 E,0 0. D # I-0 Between I-0,0.0 D,0.0 D,0. C,0. D and I-0 # SR- West of I-0,00. B,0. C,00. C,0. C # I-0 SB Off-Ramp at Gaffey Street/Miraflores Avenue NB Off-Ramp at Pier A Way /,00. B # SR- / /. A. A /0,0 0 Note: Freeway operation conditions based on the methodology in the 00 HCM where level of service is based on density (passenger car per mile per lane [pc/mi/ln]). CMP location Ramp locations include both ramp / mainline volume BOLD = LOS F /,0 LOS. B Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

Figure.-: Southern California Freight Rail Lines Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0.. Applicable Regulations Traffic analysis in the state of California is guided by policies and standards set at the state level by Caltrans and local jurisdictions. Since the Revised Project is in the City of Los Angeles, it would adhere to the adopted City transportation policies. The cities in the study area have established threshold criteria to determine significant traffic impacts of a project in their jurisdictions. (See Section... [Thresholds of Significance].)... Intersection Operations Cities have traffic impact study guidelines to ensure proposed projects mitigate potential transportation system impacts. Each of the cities with analysis intersections in the study area, Los Angeles, Long Beach and Carson have their own intersection analysis guidelines and thresholds of significance.... Freeway Guidelines Caltrans does not have specific significance thresholds for freeway impact analysis, but relies on county transportation agencies to identify the thresholds and methodology in their Congestion Management Programs (CMPs). According to the Los Angeles County CMP Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, a project must produce a minimum of 0 trips at a CMP intersection and 0 trips on a freeway segment during a peak hour to meet the minimum threshold from CMP analysis. The CMP uses a demand-to-capacity (D/C) ratio to determine operations at CMP monitoring stations. An Agreement Between the City of Los Angeles and Caltrans District On Freeway Impact Analysis Procedures was co-signed by the agencies in October 0 (City of Los Angeles and Caltrans, 0). The agreement described freeway impact analysis screening criteria and analysis methodology, mitigation options and coordination. In accordance with that agreement, this analysis includes Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) analysis of freeway mainlines and a queuing analysis of analyzed freeway off-ramps.... Rail Operations... SB The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has regulatory authority over rail operations and grade crossings throughout the state. However, rail operations under the Revised Project are not subject to approval or modification by the CPUC because no grade crossings would be added or modified. On September, 0, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) (Steinberg, 0). Among other things, SB creates a process to change analysis of transportation impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA [Public Resources Code section 000, et seq.]). Currently, environmental review of transportation impacts focuses on the delay that vehicles experience at intersections and on roadway segments. That delay is measured using a metric known as level of service, or LOS. Mitigation for increased delay often involves increasing capacity (i.e., the width of a roadway or size of an intersection), which may increase auto use and emissions and discourage alternative forms of transportation. Under SB, the focus of transportation analysis will shift from driver delay to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, creation of multimodal networks, and promotion of a mix of land uses. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 Draft guidelines were developed by the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) in August 0, with updated draft guidelines prepared in August 0 and January 0. In November 0, OPR transmitted its proposed CEQA Guideline implementing Senate Bill to the California Natural Resources Agency. In January 0, the Natural Resources Agency issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to start the formal administrative rulemaking process on the CEQA Guidelines. At the time of this writing, new guidelines have not yet been adopted and the final guidelines may change based on the comments received. As such, analysis of vehicle miles of travel (VMT) is not required under CEQA at this time because the proposed project s Notice of Preparation was issued before any final guidelines had been adopted. Neither the City of Los Angeles nor County of Los Angeles have adopted an alternative primary metric for CEQA transportation impact for analysis, therefore this analysis continues to use vehicle delay as a metric of potential transportation impact, along with other metrics such as bicycle and pedestrian conditions and conformity with area planning efforts. However, given the evolving nature of VMT analysis under CEQA and lack of adopted CEQA Guidelines, the analysis in this SEIR is not being formally adopted as a CEQA policy or significance criteria by the City at the time of this writing... Impacts and Mitigation Measures... Methodology The methodologies used to analyze vehicular traffic are described in detail in Appendix C. Overviews of the methodologies are presented below. Vehicular Traffic Impacts of the Revised Project were assessed by quantifying differences between conditions with and without the Revised Project for the baseline (Year 0). Future-year analysis of forecasted conditions (i.e., 0, 00 and 0) is included in the cumulative analysis (Section..). Pursuant to Caltrans traffic study requirements, freeway roadway segments were analyzed using the operational analysis methodology provided in the Highway Capacity Manual (TRB, 00). For those locations projected to be operating at LOS F, the freeway segments were also analyzed in compliance with the County of Los Angeles CMP (Metro, 00) to utilize D/C ratio to determine LOS. Rail Crossing Analysis One rail grade crossing is in the project vicinity and thus needs to be evaluated under CEQA for impacts on vehicular traffic. For the Henry Ford Avenue at-grade crossing, the average total train blockage time in the P.M. peak hour (- P.M.) under baseline conditions was estimated from crossing controller data and an average train length assumption of,00 feet. In addition, impacts on rail crossings in the Inland Empire were evaluated in accordance with the standard methodology used by the Port (Appendix C). The results are presented for informational purposes only, as the analysis is not required under CEQA. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0... Baseline Throughput Assumptions As described in Table -, the Revised Project would operate with a somewhat greater throughput than assumed for the Approved Project in the 00 EIS/EIR. Accordingly, traffic modeling for future years used the throughput projections for 0, 00, and 0 presented in Table -. As discussed in Section., in the typical case, a supplemental EIR would adopt as its baseline the full build-out of the approved project analyzed under the prior EIR, regardless of whether that project was fully constructed. It would be proper, therefore, to use the Approved Project, as mitigated, as the baseline conditions for evaluating the impacts of the Revised Project and to disclose the incremental change in environmental impacts between the Approved Project and the Revised Project. LAHD determined this approach is appropriate for analysis of cumulative Ground Transportation impacts to street intersections and at-grade rail crossings, areas in which the basic analytical techniques have not changed since the 00 EIS/EIR. However, analysis of projectspecific Ground Transportation impacts in the 00 EIS/EIR was cumulative in nature, since it used a baseline that included other anticipated future growth not attributable to the Approved Project. Since the Neighbors for Smart Rail v. Exposition Metro Line Const. Authority (0) Cal. th decision regarding CEQA baselines, the LAHD no longer conducts project-specific ground transportation analyses using future background growth as a baseline. As a result, use of the 00 EIS/EIR s impact determinations as the baseline in an analysis of project-specific Ground Transportation impacts of the Revised Project on current and future traffic conditions at intersections, on freeway segments, and at the Henry Ford Avenue rail crossing would yield results that would not serve as an appropriate basis for assessing impacts of the Revised Project. Instead, as described in Section. and Section..., the project-specific analyses of intersections, freeway segments, and rail crossings in this Recirculated Draft SEIR use conditions in 0, including any mitigation imposed under the 00 EIS/EIR that was required to be implemented by 0, as the baseline for the CEQA analysis. This baseline is considered to produce the closest practicable approximation of comparison to an approved project and is referred to in the balance of this section as the 0 Mitigated Baseline. While the 0 Mitigated Baseline does not permit exact comparison of the impacts of the Revised Project in comparison with the impact conclusions in the 00 EIS/EIR, it is nonetheless conservative, in its identification of the incremental impacts of the Revised Project. As shown in Table -, whereas the 00 EIS/EIR estimated CS Terminal throughput in year 0 at about,,000 TEUs, actual throughput levels reflected in the 0 Mitigated Baseline were lower, at,0, TEUs. This means that comparison of impacts of the Revised Project to a 0 Mitigated Baseline will assume a greater incremental increase in throughput than would be assumed if the Recirculated Draft SEIR were to use a baseline which reflected the throughput assumptions in the 00 EIS/EIR. In 0, the CS Terminal encompassed approximately acres under its long-term lease and handled approximately,0, TEUs, which required approximately 0,000 truck trips, trains, and vessel calls (see also Project Description Section.., and Table -); this level of activity is slightly lower than predicted for 0 by the 00 EIS/EIR. In 0, the CS Terminal generated an average of. trains per day in the peak month (both full-length trains and shorter cuts of cars moved in and out of the Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 0 0 terminal are considered trains), but because the shorter cuts were assembled into trains in the Port area, the actual number of CS trains entering the regional rail network was. per day.... Thresholds of Significance A project in the Port is considered to have a significant transportation/circulation impact if the project would result in one or more of the following occurrences. These criteria are based on the L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide (City of Los Angeles, 00) and other criteria applied to Port projects, and are used as the basis for determining the impacts of the Revised Project. The designations of thresholds TRANS-, TRANS-, and TRANS- match those used in the 00 EIS/EIR. Threshold TRANS-, which relates to construction, is not applicable to the Revised Project and is not included in the Recirculated Draft SEIR. In the case of TRANS-, the 00 EIS/EIR concluded that construction and operation of the CS Container Terminal would have no impact on public transportation, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, or alternative transportation policies or facilities. Accordingly, TRANS- is not included in the Recirculated Draft SEIR. TRANS : Would vehicular traffic associated with the Revised Project increase an intersection s V/C ratio in accordance with applicable guidelines? For intersections in the cities of Carson and Long Beach (study intersections,, and ), operations would have a significant impact on transportation/circulation if it increases an intersection s V/C ratio in accordance with the following guideline: V/C ratio of 0.0 or greater if the final LOS is E or F. In the City of Los Angeles (all other study intersections), Revised Project operations would have a significant impact on transportation/circulation if it increases an intersection s V/C ratio in accordance with the following guidelines: V/C ratio increase greater than or equal to 0.0 if final LOS is C; V/C ratio increase greater than or equal to 0.0 if final LOS is D; or V/C ratio increase greater than or equal to 0.0 if final LOS is E or F. TRANS : Would the Revised Project result in an increase of 0.0 or more in the D/C ratio with a resulting LOS F at a CMP freeway monitoring station? According to the CMP Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines, an increase of 0.0 or more in the D/C ratio with a resulting LOS F at a CMP freeway monitoring station is deemed a significant impact (Metro, 00). This applies only if a project produces 0 trips or more at a CMP intersection and 0 trips on a freeway segment. At non-cmp freeway segments, an increase of 0.0 or more in the D/C ratio with a resulting LOS F is deemed a significant impact. TRANS : Would the Revised Project cause delays in regional highway traffic due to an increase in rail activity? The Revised Project is considered to have an impact at the Henry Ford Avenue at-grade crossing if the average per-vehicle delay in the peak hour caused by the Revised Project would exceed seconds. The NOP dismissed the following criteria, which are therefore not analyzed in this Recirculated Draft SEIR: Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.- SCH #0000 September 0

0 0 Would the proposed Project substantially increase transportation hazards due to a design feature? The Revised Project does not include modification of any roadways or include any design features that would be incompatible with the current zoning or land use designation. Accordingly, this issue is not discussed in the Recirculated Draft SEIR. Would the proposed Project result in inadequate emergency access? The 00 EIS/EIR concluded that operation of the CS Container Terminal would not result in inadequate emergency access to, from, and within the site. Accordingly, this issue is not discussed in the Recirculated Draft SEIR. Would the Project conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? The 00 EIS/EIR concluded that operation of the CS Container Terminal would not result in significant impacts related to alternative transportation, and the Revised Project does not include new roadway infrastructure. Accordingly, this issue is not discussed in the Recirculated Draft SEIR.... Impact Determination Impact TRANS-: Would vehicular traffic associated with the Revised Project result in a significant impact in study intersection volume/capacity ratios or level of service? Traffic conditions with the Revised Project were estimated by adding the CS Terminal's traffic at maximum throughput to the 0 Mitigated Baseline. Table.- summarizes the trip generation assumptions for the 0 Mitigated Baseline and the Revised Project at maximum throughput. Appendix C contains the relevant data and worksheets. Table.-: Trip Generation Analysis Assumptions and Input Data for China Shipping Container Terminal 0 Mitigated Time Period 0 Mitigated Baseline Vehicle Baseline Conditions with Type Conditions Revised Project (full throughput) Difference A.M. Peak Auto Hour Truck M.D. Peak Auto 0 Hour Truck 0 P.M. Peak Hour Auto 0 Truck 0 As Tables.- (Revised Project Year 0) and.- (Revised Project at Maximum Throughput) shows, the Revised Project would exceed the significance thresholds established by the City of Los Angeles at Location # (Alameda Street at Anaheim Street) in the P.M. peak hour, when LOS would degrade from C to D, and the V/C ratio would increase by up to 0.0. No other intersection would experience a significant impact, even under maximum throughput conditions. Berths 0 (China Shipping) Container Terminal Recirculated Draft Supplemental EIR.-0 SCH #0000 September 0