January 4, 2011 COTW Minutes

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January 4, 2011 COTW Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST HANTS Committee of the Whole January 4th, 2011 In attendance: G. Cochrane Chair R. Dauphinee Warden S. Pineo Councillor R. Matheson Councillor G. Shanks Councillor P. Ainslie Councillor T. Brown Councillor R. Gaudet Councillor C. Chislett CAO J. Wood Director of Finance R. Sherrard Director of Public Works L. Davis Planner K. Kehoe Director of Recreation G. Lunn By-law Enforcement Officer C. Remme Administrative Assistant Regrets: R. Allen Councillor- work commitment The meeting came to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of December 7th, 2010 MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Pineo that the Minutes of the December 7th, 2010 Committee of the Whole Meeting be approved as circulated, with any errors or omissions noted. 2. Hearing(s)- Dangerous & Unsightly a. Report of By-law Enforcement Officer MOVED by Councillor Matheson and Councillor Shanks that the

Report of the By-law Enforcement Officer be received and placed on file. G. Lunn reported that there was a dog bite that occurred in Garlands Crossing but the gentleman took the dog in for euthanization immediately, and it was not necessary for him to get involved. He went on to explain to Council the circumstances surrounding the upcoming court case with respect to illegal dumping. Councillor Pineo brought up the on-going issue with the unsightly property in Garlands Crossing, stating that she had driven by, and although it was looking much better she would like to have the owner be encouraged to place more of the items out of sight. G. Lunn pointed out from his report that he had visited the property that morning and had placed a call to have someone begin removing all the items from the yard besides the wood that the owner would be able to burn. The cleanup will begin on Wednesday. 3. Report of the Director of Public Works MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Warden Dauphinee that the report of the Director of Public Works be received and placed on file. Councillor Pineo asked the upgrades to the Falmouth sewage treatment plant, to which R. Sherrard responded that the upgrades were to be completed as of that afternoon, but the proper checks have yet to be done; the new date is January 5th. Councillor Pineo also asked the Director about the outside revenue that was being investigated, inquiring about leachate, and if that was an option that was being considered. R. Sherrard commented that was one of options that were being investigated, and at a time of any affirmative direction he will be bringing the options

back to Council. Discussion occurred surrounding the Courthouse, and the Municipality s contributions to the upgrades of the building. Warden Dauphinee brought to Council s attention a study that was done in the past regarding the feasibility of upgrades to the Courthouse. To date, Council has not been advised of the results of the study. MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Warden Dauphinee that a recommendation be made to Council that a letter be written to the Minister inquiring of the results of the survey conducted regarding the feasibility of upgrades to the Hants County Courthouse. MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Matheson that a recommendation be made to Council that Public Works charge out rates for material and work provided to others for 2011 are as follows: Director of Public Works $38.90 per hour W/WW Lead Operator $32.27 per hour Lead Hand $26.86 per hour O&M Technician $21.18 per hour Administrative Assistant $19.54 per hour Waste Reduction Coordinator $18.48 per hour Seasonal Worker $15.71 per hour Casual Worker $11.89 per hour Pickup Truck $70.00 per day Barrels/signs $ 5.00 per day Cones $ 1.75 per day Warden Dauphinee commended the staff on the insert that will be sent out stating that it was very proactive, and that the residents of the Municipality will benefit from the information.

a. Waste Reduction Report MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Councillor Shanks that the Waste Reduction report be received and placed on file. b. Water Test Results (October 2010) MOVED by Councillor Matheson and Councillor Brown that the Water Test Results for the Falmouth and Three Mile Plains water utilities for October 2010 be received and placed on file. 4. Business Arising from Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes. 5. Presentation(s) a. Hants Regional Development Authority MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Shanks that the report of the HRDA be received and placed on file. C. Chislett let Council know that she was speaking with the acting Executive Director Emilie de Rosenroll who was unable to attend the Committee of the Whole meeting but advised she would attend the February meeting. 6. Report of Director of Recreation MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Brown that the report of the Director of Recreation be received and placed on file. K. Kehoe asked Council to make note of the deadlines for both the Volunteer Awards, January 21, 2011, and the West Hants

Recreation Grants, February 7th, 2011, and added that as the deadline for the grants grows near she will send out a list so that groups in the area have the opportunity to make application before the deadline. The Recreation Director also thanked the Hants Journal for the write up on the Avondale Wharf, noting that it had sparked some interest, and a number of letters of support had been received as a result of the story. Councillor Pineo noted that there would be a tentative meeting of groups that use, or are interested in using the wharf on January 18th at the Avondale Community Hall. She noted that this was a tentative date, and she would follow up when the date and time is confirmed. Councillor Matheson commented on the creation of the Ste. Croix Recreation Site Instruction Manuel that had been developed by Justin Chislett to assist in the day to day operation of the site, and the important asset the manual will be for future use. 7. Administrative Report a. Kings Transit Stats (November & December 2010) The Kings Transit Stats were not received for November or December 2010. Warden Dauphinee informed Council of a request of a meeting from CHAD, an organization that is researching and studying public transit. The meeting would be taking place on January 5th. 8. Report of Joint Planning Advisory Committee MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Warden Dauphinee that the report of the Joint Planning Advisory Committee be received and placed on file. 9. JPAC Referrals

There were no referrals from JPAC. 10. Report of Director of Planning (Municipality of West Hants) MOVED by Councillor Matheson and Councillor Pineo that the report of the Director of Planning (Municipality of West Hants) be received and placed on file. L. Davis added that the amendments to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations will be taking effect in June. Building Inspector T. Leslie would like to offer an information session for contractors and others. Warden Dauphinee expressed that an information workshop would be beneficial, knowing that the last session went over very well. Councillor Pineo expressed that it would be very important to get the word out, to not only contractors but the general public as there are so many of the Municipality s residents that are building their own homes. 11. Report of Director of Finance MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Shanks that the report of the Director of Finance be received and placed on file. a. Budget Variance Report (December 22, 2010) MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Brown that the Budget Variance Report be received and placed on file. Warden Dauphinee asked the Director of Finance If he could present financial forecasts, to enable the Municipality to keep better track of spending, to ensure the financial projections are on target. J. Wood expressed that he will certainly look at that for the beginning of the next fiscal year, and will move that way for the remaining two months of this year.

b. Banking Services- Request for Proposals MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Shanks that the memo dated December 23rd, 2010 be received and placed on file. Discussion took place around the table on the difference between tenders and requests for proposals, which is what is being proposed at this time. J. Wood expressed that the Municipality is changing, making significant changes moving in a more electronic direction. He explained that the request for proposals will give the banks and credit unions the opportunity to show the Municipality what they are able to do for us. Councillor Matheson expressed his disapproval of the move, stating the costs involved in switching institutions, and the nuisance it caused the staff, he wasn t sure if it was a necessity. MOVED by Councillor Gaudet and Councillor Pineo to proceed with the Request for Proposal process for banking services. Councillor Matheson voted Nay. J. Wood informed Council that the Municipality is moving towards a Scotia Visa Business Card as that is the institution that we currently do our business with. Discussion took place on the difference between the current card being used, and the benefits of switching to the Scotia Visa Business Card. MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Councillor Gaudet to proceed with the borrowing resolution for the Scotia Visa Business Card per the recommendation from the Director of Finance. Councillor Matheson voted Nay. c. Blomidon View Residents Association Collection Fee Policy

Request MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Warden Dauphinee that the correspondence be received and placed on file. Discussion took place around the table on the similarities between this request and the current collection agreements we have with similar associations. MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Pineo that a recommendation go to Council to approve the Blomindon View Residents Association Fee Collection draft policy statement and Municipality of the District of West Hants Resolution approving collection of fees for the April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 taxation year. d. Ductless Split Heat Pumps Funding Source MOVED by Councillor Shanks and Councillor Brown that the memo of December 23rd, 2010 be received and placed on file. Warden Dauphinee expressed that the work had already been completed, to which J. Wood explained that the request is for the funding source. The Department Head was able to move ahead and complete the project under the Tender and Purchasing Policy. Within our budget we had sufficient funding for the project, however this type of work qualifies to be funded under the Gas Tax Reserve. MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Councillor Gaudet that a recommendation be made to Council to approve to fund the two ductless split heat pumps that have been purchased from Ground Hog Geothermal and Heat Pump Ltd along with the installation by Garnet Schofield Electrical Ltd. from the Gas Tax Reserve to a maximum of $9,400.00 less NSPI

approved rebate. e. New Sewer Connections Operating Sewer Rate MOVED by Councillor Pineo and Councillor Brown that the memo dated December 23rd, 2010 concerning the new sewer connections be received and placed on file. MOVED by Councillor Matheson and Warden Dauphinee that a recommendation be made to Council to approve to apply Section 13(2) of the Sewer By-law to eligible new connections for the fiscal year April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. 12. Referrals from Other Committees a. REMO Advisory (December 16th, 2010) Discussion took place on the importance and the role that the Kings County Amateur Radio Club would fill. MOVED by Councillor Matheson and Warden Dauphinee to recommend to Council that the CAO s of Windsor, Hantsport and West Hants, and the REMO Coordinator review, make any necessary revisions to the contractual arrangements with the Kings County Amateur Radio Club and recommend the contract accordingly to their respective Councils. MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Matheson that a recommendation be made to Council to assume responsibility of the antenna/repeater system at the West Hants Municipal Office, to be cost shared by Windsor, Hantsport and West Hants at an estimated cost of $11.41 per month.

Discussion took place regarding the position of the REMO Coordinator. Councillor Matheson expressed his opinion on the intention of the position and wondered if the salary was disproportionate for a supplementary position. Deputy Warden Cochrane expressed that in many ways the REMO Coordinator position puts much more time into the position than the hours that the position is actually paid for. C. Chislett noted that the contract between Windsor, West Hants and Hantsport states the provisions in place for the REMO Coordinator with the position paid at twenty hours per week, regardless of how many hours are worked. Warden Dauphinee expressed that a survey was recently done, and if the position had to be filled, as a full time employee, it would be impossible to find someone for less than $50 000. He also mentioned the extra time that was put in by the position holder currently, and the fact that his pay doesn t change regardless of the time put in. Warden Dauphinee expressed that this recommendation had come to Council at budget time, and that at that time it was turned down. He also pointed out that the increase in the salary is retroactive to April 2010. Councillor Pineo voiced that although she realized it was not a large amount of money, and agreed with the increase, she was not happy with it being retroactive. Councillor Matheson and Warden Dauphinee agreed. She went on to express her discontentment over the fact that the motion was turned down previously, and was very unhappy with the way it was brought back up. Councillor Matheson expressed that he had the same concerns as Councillor Pineo, but did not feel it was worth the animosity that may occur with voting against the motion. MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Brown that a recommendation be made to Council that the salary of the REMO Coordinator be increased to $20,400, effective April 1, 2010 and that the $4800 increase be cost-shared between Windsor,

Hantsport and West Hants. The discussion turned to the fact that this motion is going or has gone to both Windsor and Hantsport Councils for approval. Councillor Matheson suggested that perhaps in the future joint expenditures such as these should be brought up at Joint Council meetings, where discussion could take place. Councillor Pineo asked that it be reflected in the minutes that these types of items need to be dealt with at budget time and not three quarters of the way through the year, and she will not vote against it, but when a decision is made once, it should not be brought back to Council again until the next budget year. 13. Correspondence 14. December 15th, 2010 Notice of Committee(s) Resignation Councillor R. Gaudet This correspondence was referred to the upcoming Council Meeting, January 11th, 2011. Councillor Matheson voiced that the Vice Chair is due to be appointed. Deputy Warden Cochrane will add it to the agenda on the next Committee of the Whole meeting in February. 15. Miscellaneous / New Business a. Recommendation for permanent employee status (Chrystal Remme) MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Brown that a recommendation be made to Council that that Chrystal Remme be granted permanent employee status, effective January 12, 2011. 16. In-Camera

There was no in-camera session at this Committee meeting. 17. Adjournment MOVED by Warden Dauphinee and Councillor Brown that the meeting adjourn at 7:50pm. The next Regular meeting is scheduled for February 1, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. [Original signed by:] Gary Cochrane, Chair Cheryl Chislett, CAO