Notice of Preparation for the Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin (CIP Project )

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Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin (CIP Project 2006-04) Date: December 20, 2017 To: Public Agencies and Interested Persons From: Mary Grace Pawson, Director of Development Services, City of Rohnert Park Subject: Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin Public Review Period: December 20, 2017 through January 22, 2018 The City of Rohnert Park (City) will be the Lead Agency for the preparation of an EIR for the Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin (proposed project), located on approximately 53 acres of an 128-acre site at 6626 Petaluma Hill Road in unincorporated Sonoma County. The project site is identified by the Sonoma County Assessor s Office as APN 047-132-038. The City is issuing this NOP to inform the public and resource agencies about the project and to solicit input. The responses to this NOP will help the City of Rohnert Park determine the scope of the EIR and ensure an appropriate level of environmental review. The project history, description, location, site conditions, approvals, probable environmental effects, effects found not to be significant, and project alternatives are described below. The City is soliciting comments regarding the scope and content of the environmental document from public agencies and other interested parties. Please provide your written comments to the address shown below by 5 p.m., January 22, 2017. Please also provide the name of a contact person in your agency or organization, if applicable. Mary Grace Pawson, Director of Development Services City of Rohnert Park Development Services 130 Avram Avenue Rohnert Park, California 94928 (707) 588-2232 A public scoping meeting will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., January 10, 2018, in the Rohnert Park City Council Chambers, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. 1

PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project would affect approximately 53 acres in the western area of the 128-acre project site. The site is located in the southeast area of the County, approximately two and a half miles from downtown Rohnert Park along Petaluma Hill Road (Figure 1, Regional Map). The project site is bordered by Petaluma Hill Road and Sonoma State University to the west, agricultural land to the north and south, and Crane Creek Regional Park to east (see Figure 2, Vicinity Map). PROJECT BACKGROUND This is a multi-benefit project developed with collaboration from the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA). The goal of the proposed project is to improve flood protection for area residents; reduce sediment deposits downstream in Copeland Creek; facilitate groundwater recharge; improve salmonid habitat; provide salmonid refugia; and create a site for public access and education about the hydrology, water cycle, fish habitat, and geomorphic processes in the upper Copeland Creek Watershed. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is proposing to construct an off-channel stormwater detention basin on undeveloped pastureland east of Petaluma Hill Road on land owned by the City. The detention basin would be designed to detain a 10-year storm event and other project elements would include associated maintenance and access structures (for sediment removal) adjacent to Copeland Creek on the western portion of the property (see Figure3, Proposed Project). The proposed stormwater detention basin is to be sited to capture runoff and sediment from the Copeland Creek headwaters to help reduce the impacts of future flooding upon the regional downstream properties and structures. The detention basin would be designed to provide up to 200 acre-feet (AF) of stormwater detention. Copeland Creek is located in Sonoma County and flows through the City and outfalls to the Laguna de Santa Rosa, a tributary to the Russian River. The main stem of Copeland Creek is 9.1 miles in length. The Copeland Creek watershed area is 5.1 square miles, with about 3.9 square miles of that area upstream of the proposed detention basin located to the east of Petaluma Hill Road. The headwaters of Copeland Creek extend east of the Roberts Road Bridge to the Fairfield Osborn Preserve near the summit of Sonoma Mountain. The stormwater detention basin would be located within the southern Santa Rosa Plain groundwater basin, in an area identified as having a high potential for groundwater recharge to 2

replenish local groundwater supplies. This basin would also function to reduce the frequency of large-scale sediment removal projects downstream through the flood control channel zone. The basin would be designed to pass any fish entrained through the structure unharmed. The project site is designated on the Sonoma County Land Use Map Rohnert Park, Cotati and Environs (Figure LU-2g) as Diverse Agriculture and is zoned DA B6 25 Z (Diverse Agriculture District with one dwelling unit per 25 acres and Accessory Unit Exclusion). PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS The 128-acre project site is undeveloped grazing land. The main channel of Copeland Creek runs east-west through the property and a tributary to Copeland Creek runs north-south at the base of the hill approximately 2,500 feet east of Petaluma Hill Road. Construction of an on-site water storage tank is currently occurring in the central portion of the 128-acre property. Off-Site Improvements No off-site improvements would be needed to serve development of the project, such as the extension or construction of roadways, utility infrastructure, and/or other public facilities. PROJECT APPROVALS The project will require authorization by the City of Rohnert Park and the Sonoma County Water Agency. The proposed project may also require a number of approvals from other agencies including, but not limited to: California Department of Fish and Wildlife United States Army Corps of Engineers North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board National Marine Fisheries Service United States Fish and Wildlife Service PROBABLE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The technical sections of the Draft EIR will describe the existing conditions on the proposed project site and surrounding lands. Relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including Sonoma County General Plan policies, will be summarized. The methods of analysis and standards of significance (standards) used to determine the significance of project impacts will be described in each of the technical sections of the EIR, including any assumptions that are 3

important to understand the conclusion of the analysis. The standards for determining impact significance will be based on existing state and federal rules, regulations, and laws; County ordinances and policies; and past practices. The standards will be used both to determine whether an impact is significant and the effectiveness of recommended mitigation. The impact analysis will evaluate development of the project at a project-specific level. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be identified for each significant impact identified. The description of mitigation measures will identify the specific actions to be taken, the timing of the action, and the parties responsible for implementation of the measure. At this time, it is anticipated that the project could result in potential environmental effects in the following issue areas to be addressed in the EIR: Aesthetics and Visual Resources Air quality and greenhouse gases Biological resources Cultural and paleontological resources Hydrology and Water Quality RESOURCE AREAS NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS Because of site or project characteristics, the proposed project is not expected to have significant effects on certain environmental topical areas, including those described below. These topical areas will be addressed in the Effects Found Not to Be Significant section of the EIR. Agricultural Resources The project site includes land designated in the Department of Conservation Important Farmland Map for Sonoma County (DOC 2014) as Farmland of Local Importance. The County does not require that the removal of land designated as Farmland of Local Importance be mitigated. Therefore, conversion of this land for a detention basin would result in a less-than-significant impact. Hazards and Hazardous Materials The proposed project does not include any uses that would require the transport, handling, or disposal of hazardous materials. During project construction there is the potential for the shortterm use of hazardous materials/fuels; however, the use, storage, transport, and disposal of these materials are required to comply with all existing local, state, and federal regulations. The project includes preparation of an emergency response plan in the event there is an accident or accidental 4

release of any hazardous materials during project construction. In addition, during project construction if any subsurface contamination is discovered that could adversely affect on-site construction personnel; the on-site contractor is required to stop work immediately and contact the County of Sonoma Department of Environmental Health and Safety. The project site is not located within an airport land use plan and does not include new uses that would house or employ people; therefore, the impact is less than significant. In addition, the project would not adversely affect the City s emergency evacuation plan or emergency response plan because it does not include residences or commercial uses; therefore, no impacts would occur. Land Use and Planning The project includes development of a detention basin on vacant and previously farmed lands. The project would not result in a physical division of an established community nor would it conflict with any applicable plans or policies, including a habitat conservation plan. Accordingly, land use and planning impacts would be considered less than significant. Mineral Resources The project site does not contain any known mineral resources and development of the site would not result in the loss of any known mineral resources. Therefore, no impacts would occur. Noise During the construction of the proposed detention basin, noise associated with construction activities would add to the noise environment in the immediate project vicinity. However, construction-related noise would be temporary in nature and would comply with the City of Rohnert Park s Municipal Code noise requirements. During project operations, no significant increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity would be expected to result from the detention basin. The proposed project is not within an airport land use plan or located within two miles of a public airstrip. Therefore, no impacts would occur. Public Services and Utilities The proposed project includes development of a detention basin to address flood protection for area residents and to create an area for public access and education about the hydrology, water cycle, fish habitat, and geomorphic processes in the upper Copeland Creek Watershed. The project does not include any residential or commercial uses and would not generate an increase in the County s population. Therefore, the project would not result in an increase in demand for County services such as police and fire, parks and recreation or schools. In addition, because there would not be an increase in either residents or employees there would not be an increase in demand for water supply, wastewater treatment, solid waste, or stormwater runoff. The construction of the 5

basin would result in a new facility requiring maintenance, however impacts to public services or utilities are expected to be less than significant. Transportation and Circulation The project includes development of a detention basin on vacant land. During project construction, there would be a temporary increase in vehicle trips to and from the site. However, short-term construction traffic would not be expected to affect the operation or safety of nearby roadways. During project operation, vehicle trips to the site would be minimal and limited to maintenance vehicles. The proposed project site is not located within an airport land use plan and would not result in changes in air traffic patterns. Emergency access to the site would be maintained during construction and operation of the project. No policies, plans, or programs are in effect for alternative transportation that would be affected by the proposed projects and the projects are not located where there would be decreased performance or safety for such facilities resulting from the project. Therefore, impacts to transportation and circulation would be less than significant. SUBMITTING COMMENTS To ensure the full range of project issues that may be of interest to responsible government agencies and the public are addressed, comments and suggestions are invited from all interested parties. Written comments or questions concerning the EIR for the proposed project should be directed to Mary Grace Pawson, Director of Development Services, and received by 5 p.m., January 22, 2018. Copies of all documents cited in this NOP are available for review at the City s Development Services Department, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, California. 6

cidental Forestville 116 Windsor Project Site Larkfield- Wikiup Santa Rosa South South Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Rohnert Park 101 Deer Park St. Helen Napa Sonoma County 12 1 Petaluma Sonoma County Marin County Project Site Date: 12/15/2017 - Last saved by: rstrobridge - Path: Z:\Projects\j981000\MAPDOC\DOCUMENT\CopelandCreek\NOP\Figure1_Regional.mxd 0 1,000 2,000 Feet SOURCE: USGS 7.5-Minute Series Cotati Quadrangle; Sonoma County GIS (2016) Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin Project Boundary FIGURE 1 Regional Map City of Rohnert Park

Date: 12/18/2017 - Last saved by: rstrobridge - Path: Z:\Projects\j981000\MAPDOC\DOCUMENT\CopelandCreek\NOP\Figure2_Vicinity.mxd 0 500 1,000 Feet SOURCE: Bing Maps (2016); Sonoma County GIS (2016) Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin Project Boundary FIGURE 2 Vicinity Map City of Rohnert Park

N 0 SOURCE: GHD (2017) 100 200 300 FIGURE 3 Proposed Project Copeland Creek Stormwater Detention Basin 400'