Laboratory Europe. Enter Cognitive Hub. Managing complexity within the Workplace of the Future

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Laboratory Europe Enter Cognitive Hub Managing complexity within the Workplace of the Future

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Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe (KMLE) is the hub where innovative solutions in the field of ICT come to life, with innovative applications for Digital Workplace, Sensor Information and Automation, Healthcare and Smart Data Systems. Join our network of academic and industrial partners to take part in our future research challenges. Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe 90 Chancery Lane, London - WC2A 1EU, United Kingdom Brno, Czech Republic Munich, Germany Rome, Italy Konica Minolta Laboratory USA 2855 Campus Dr, Suite 100, San Mateo - CA 94403, USA 6075 Longbow Dr, Suite 220, Boulder - CO 80301, USA Discover more Contact Follow us on Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe 2017, All Rights Reserved