BEING SMART ONLY TAKES YOU SO FAR. Based on article by Bob Wall, T+D, January 2007, p.64-68

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BEING SMART ONLY TAKES YOU SO FAR Based on article by Bob Wall, T+D, January 2007, p.64-68


IQ AND TRAINING Account for as little as 20% of the difference between star performers and ordinary staff The remaining 80% attributable to Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

EQ 90% factor for success in leadership Competencies critical for successful leadership

LEADERSHIP TRAINING Need dramatic changes No longer sufficient to train leaders to hold people accountable for what they do Leaders must hold them accountable for how they do their work Given the importance of EQ, leaders must be prepared to provide coaching

IMPACT OF EQ ON PERFORMANCE Makes coaching staff and managers much more complex and challenging Need conversations about interpersonal deficiencies and personal quirks


LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Should include elements emphasizing EQ Must engage leaders in the development of their own EQ

COACHING Coaches must have a higher level of competence in coaching than the people they coach We cannot teach something to others that we ourselves do not possess To be a credible coach leaders must have the very competencies they are developing in others

LEADERS Sabotage their success and undermine their team s morale if they lack insights into themselves and fail to recognize how their behaviour affects their followers

DEVELOPING EQ Willing to take an honest look at yourself and work on areas that need improvement A variety of instruments available to provide measures of emotional capacity Cannot be accomplished in a day or two of training A lifetime journey of self discovery

ORGANIZATIONS Can support growth in EQ by defining cultural and leadership principles that call for leadership and teamwork marked by EQ Can offer courses on EQ and provide reading lists Cannot allow leaders to continue to behave in ways that are obviously incongruent with organization s stated values

LEADERS AND MANAGERS Lacking critical EQ competencies must be given development objectives if not met result in serious consequences Otherwise efforts to make EQ a priority in the workplace result in cynicism and despair among staff


SUCCESSFUL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME Teach leaders to develop close interpersonal relationships with their staff Many choose to hold their staff at arm s length Building relationships takes time and desire to get to know and become known at a personal level

COACHING FOR EQ Requires building relationships that develop personal connectedness between team leaders and team members Addresses personal issues and interpersonal behaviours that can be difficult to discuss Defensiveness can easily derail these conversations Must be easier to accept if you know that your manager has taken time to get to know you, cares about you as a person, and genuinely wants to help you achieve success

TRAINING Leaders must be thoroughly trained to give effective feedback Must focus on developing observational and descriptive skills Address problematic behavioural issues in objective and specific ways Global words like rude or overly aggressive are not helpful and likely to produce a defensive reaction

LEADERS Should be trained in how to formulate and deliver praise and corrective feedback Avoid coaching because it is uncomfortable and because they lack a model that makes organizing and delivering feedback less awkward

PRAISE Leaders should increase the amount they offer to staff Infrequency from leaders mystifying People want nothing more than to do a good job and be recognized for it Recent Gallup Poll: 65% of Americans haven t received recognition in the past year US Department of Labour study: Number one reason why people leave organizations they don t feel appreciated

PRAISE Let people know that their managers pay attention to what they do and appreciate their efforts If people are routinely acknowledged for what they do well they are more receptive to corrective coaching

HEART-FELT PRAISE Builds trust and intimacy between leaders and followers Can be formulated and delivered in 10 to 15 seconds Being too busy to praise is no excuse Takes little effort but garners huge returns


LEADERS Must develop the courage to have difficult conversations Managers often fail to intervene when someone is not performing well

LACK OF AN EFFECTIVE COACHING MODEL One reason why managers avoid corrective feedback Developing close relationships with people make corrective coaching on EQ challenging Managers must be trained to manage both the personal and professional relationships as they coach

LEADERS Must demonstrate that they genuinely care about their followers on a personal level But when the performance or behaviour of followers have a negative impact on the job, they must intervene If they have developed personal relationships with their staff and have been providing praise frequently corrective coaching less likely to take it as a personal attack

MANAGERS Must provide coaching for EQ to their staff Senior managers need to provide it to their managers as well, need to remind managers that to invite an open discussion, they must remain calm and encourage people to help solve the problem Nothing shuts down discussions faster than an angry manager


LEADERS Should make conversations about performance the focal point of their performance management systems Too focused on formal appraisal and performance agreements The art of coaching lost Coaching: having frequent conversations about performance and EQ

PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS With adequate genuine praise and quick responses to the need for improvement, contain no surprises Focus on conversations that occur throughout the performance cycle

LEADERS If they are not coaching on a routine basis, they fail as leaders and their team performance shows

COACHING FOR EQ Coaching Structure Opening statement: I want to talk about (general topic of conversation) Observation: I noticed (specific descriptions of performance or behaviours) Impact: As a result, (describe the impact of the performance or behaviours on the job) Expectation: From now on, I would like you to. (describe expected performance or behaviours)