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INTRODUCTION EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), 2009 EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), 2010 EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), 2014 EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), 2015


COUNTRIES AND REGIONS INVOLVED POPULATION EUSBSR EUSDR EUSAIR EUSALP EU28/Europe No. NUTS2 regions 42 66 35 38 273 No. EU member states No. non-eu member states Population (million, 2016) Area (thousand km2) 8 9 4 5 28 0 6 4 1 22 (6) 77 69 69 78 510 1 355 1 092 570 427 4 406

COUNTRIES AND REGIONS INVOLVED POPULATION GDP (million EUR PPS) GDP per Capita (mean) St. dev. (GDP per capita; NUTS2) Range (GDP per capita; NUTS2) EUSBSR EUSDR EUSAIR EUSALP EU28 2 021 261 1 213 275 1 458 904 2 916 967 14 876 271 26 220 18 481 23 057 37 430 29 153 107 62 108 102 109 44 788 49 590 33 460 42 428 169 877

THE STRUCTURES OF EU STRATEGIES ACTION PLANS Similar structure, different nomenclature Level EUSBSR EUSDR EUSAIR EUSALP Objective Main differences 3 Objectives of structures: (4 4 Pillars 4 Pillars 3 Thematic Policy sub-objectives Areas, 1 Crosscutting Policy ALPS uses one each) less level (actions are used for defining thematic fields of interventions) Different utilisation of programming tools (indicators, project examples) Area 13 Policy Areas Wording of the levels used Thematic field of action (59 actions) 4 Horizontal topics (9 actions) 11 Priority Areas (128 actions) Projects Flagships Examples of projects 10 Topics (53 actions) Examples of possible projects 9 Actions Examples of possible projects

EU STRATEGIES AND ACTION PLANS OBJECTIVES Three objectives used in all strategies Mobility, connecting the region Connect the region (EUSBSR) Connecting the Danube region (EUSDR) Connecting the region (EUSAIR) Mobility and connectivity (EUSALP) Environment Save the Sea (EUSBSR) Protecting the environment in the Danube region (EUSDR) Environmental quality (EUSAIR) Environment and energy (EUSALP) Prosperity Increase prosperity (EUSBSR) Building prosperity in the Danube region (EUSDR) Blue growth (EUSAIR) Economic growth and innovation (EUSALP) Region-specific objectives Sustainable tourism (EUSAIR) Governance, institutional capacity building (EUSDR, EUSALP)

EU STRATEGIES AND ACTION PLANS AREAS OF INTERVENTION Wide range of focus areas / interventions Differences in the level of detail Different programming tools Definition of sub-objectives Utilisation of horizontal actions Definition of target indicators at various levels Presentation of project examples List of potential funds

FOCUS OF MACRO-REGIONS General focus - different regional needs Infrastructure development EUSBSR EUSDR EUSALP EUSAIR General focus - economic development Maritime issues, tourism

PRELIMINARY ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION Water quality and availability Pollution control (nutrients, plastics, toxic substances) Integrated and smart water resource management Climate change Spatial planning Environmental risks related to waters Droughts and water scarcity Flood events Prevention, forecast techniques and/or eco-friendly solutions Water in the support of biodiversity Ecological state of waters Water related ecosystems Migratory fish species Adaptation Resilience Resource efficiency Agriculture Urbanisation Transportation

EUS ACTIVITIES WATER QUALITY AND AVAILABILITY EUSBSR EUSDR EUSAIR EUSALP PA4: Quality of waters 1.2 Fisheries and A1-A2: R&I / Economic Integrated river basin management aquaculture potential and co-operation, Danube Delta Sustainable fisheries Environmental quality Water use management, R&D Sustainable agriculture and Pollution/nutrient input prevention forestry and management, waste water t. PA Bioeconomy Implementing improved and sustainable policies Integration of and co-operation in (rural) policies Recycling nutrients PA Maritime safety Co-operation and information exchange Safe shipping of goods and preparedness for emergencies PA Nutrient input Nutrient management Waste water treatment PA Hazardous substances Pollution control, Remediation, R&D HA Climate PA5 Environmental risks Flood management, flood alert and preparedness Wetlands and floodplains Climate change adaptation PA6 Biodiversity Invasive species, fish sps. Restore and manage ecosystems Pollution control Spatial planning 1.3 Maritime governance Integrated maritime and coastal planning and management 3.1. Environmental quality - the marine environment Integrated coastal planning and management 3.2. Environmental quality - habitats and biodiversity Management of habitats Coastal wetlands A6: Natural resources Products and services building on natural resources Watershed management and drinking water A8: Risk management Climate change adaptation

EUS ACTIVITIES WATER RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS EUSBSR EUSDR EUSAIR EUSALP PA4: Quality of waters 1.3 Maritime governance Integrated river basin Integrated maritime and coastal management and co-operation planning and management PA Bioeconomy Implementing improved and sustainable policies Integration of and co-operation in (rural) policies HA Climate PA5 Environmental risks Flood management, flood alert and preparedness Wetlands and floodplains Climate change adaptation PA6 Biodiversity Restore and manage ecosystems Spatial planning 3.1. Environmental quality the marine environment Integrated maritime and coastal planning and management 3.2. Environmental quality - habitats and biodiversity Management of habitats Coastal wetlands A6: Natural resources Watershed management A8: Risk management Climate change adaptation Risk management and early warning systems

EUS ACTIVITIES WATER IN THE SUPPORT OF BIODIVERSITY PA Bioeconomy Implementing improved and sustainable policies Integration of and co-operation in (rural) policies HA Climate EUSBSR EUSDR EUSAIR EUSALP PA4: Quality of waters 1.2 Fisheries & aquaculture Integrated river basin management Sustainable fisheries and co-operation, Danube Delta management, R&D PA5 Environmental risks Wetlands and floodplains Climate change adaptation PA6 Biodiversity Invasive species, fishing Restore and manage ecosystems Pollution control Spatial planning 1.3 Maritime governance Integrated maritime and coastal planning and management 3.1. Environmental quality the marine environment Integrated maritime and coastal planning and management 3.2. Environmental quality - habitats and biodiversity Management of habitats Coastal wetlands A1-A2: R&I / Economic potential Environmental quality Sustainable agriculture and forestry A6: Natural resources Products and services building on natural resources Watershed management A7: Ecological connectivity Methods and information Landscapes Connectivity integrated into spatial planning A8: Risk management Climate change adaptation

SOME COMMON ACTIVITIES Policy making, planning (Integrated) policy formulation Spatial planning / land use / landscapes / rural areas River Basin and Coastal Management Plans Flood management plans Co-operation Spatial focus Wetlands, coastal areas Connecting ecosystems / blue corridors, floodplains Climate change Adaptation / research and planning

Photo: THANK YOU, THE END TRENECON LTD. Attila Fürstand, PhD.