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Chapter 1 : MacBook - Apple EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags). Reducing your energy use will reduce your gas and electricity bills which frees up funds for other, more meaningful things. It also benefits the environment and your health in a variety of ways. It also reduces the emission of greenhouse gases that are contributing to climate change. This checklist outlines a number of ways that you can conserve energy at home or at work, by changing your household or workplace products and practices related to Heating and Cooling, Appliances and Equipment, Lighting, etc. Most of these strategies are easy and low- or no-cost, and saving energy helps save you money down the road. Avoid or minimize your use of air conditioning, when possible. Air conditioners use a lot of energy, making them expensive to use. These options can often provide adequate cooling. Follow the recommended maintenance procedures for your heating and cooling systems. Make sure your windows close properly. Fix any broken window panes, seals, or latches. Weatherize your doors and windows by using weather stripping or seals to minimize air leaks and drafts. Make sure your home is well insulated. Insulate your hot water pipes and water heater, and add insulation if needed to your attic, walls, or basement. Hire a home performance contractor to do a home energy audit ; they will inspect your home and identify any inefficiencies and seal up air leaks. In many homes, fixing air leaks can save more energy and money than installing a high-efficiency furnace. One very experienced company that offers these services in California is Advanced Home Energy, formerly called Recurve. You can search here for a contractor near you who has been accredited by the Building Performance Institute. If you live in California, check out the information provided by Energy Upgrade California. When purchasing a new furnace, air conditioner, ceiling fan, water heater, windows, or doors, choose products that have a high Energy Star efficiency rating. For windows, at a minimum, make sure you choose double-paned glass. The rest of this post includes tips on lighting, appliances, electronics, and more: When bulbs burn out, replace them with LED bulbs. LED stands for light-emitting diodes. LEDs are highly energy efficient and they keep working for a very long time up to 50, hours, which is more than 10 years of normal use. When you have used LEDs to dispose of, take them to an electronics recycling facility, as they contain small amounts of lead and other hazardous heavy metals. If you are using fluorescent CFL light bulbs, recycle any burned-out bulbs at the appropriate hazardous waste drop-off facility. Do not throw used CFLs into the trash. They are considered hazardous waste because they contain mercury, a very hazardous substance. Check with your city, waste facility, local environmental organization, or Earth Also, be careful not to break fluorescent bulbs, due to their mercury content. Ask for assistance with removing and replacing bulbs if they are hard for you to reach. Avoid using halogen lamps. Not only do halogen lamps waste a lot of energy, but they also pose a significant fire hazard. If you have a halogen lamp, be sure to keep the bulb away from curtains or other flammable materials. Also, when halogen bulbs need to be replaced, the replacement instructions should be followed carefully. Most types of halogen bulbs are not supposed to be touched with bare hands, until they are spent. Clean the dust off of your refrigerator grill at least twice a year, and wipe dust off of the coils at least once a year. This helps the machine run more efficiently and prevents the lint from becoming a fire hazard. Try to only wash fairly full loads, or select a light-load setting for small loads if that setting is an option when using the washing machine or dishwasher. Also, select the cold-water setting for most laundry loads. Much of the energy used to clean clothes is used to heat the water; selecting the cold wash cycle will save a significant amount of energy. If you have a dishwasher with an energy-saving setting, select that option, as well. Make sure that all outdoor vents such as dryer vents are working and they close tightly to keep outside air from coming in. If you need to purchase a new exhaust fan, select one with a high Energy Star rating. On a national basis, standby power accounts for more than billion kilowatt hours of annual U. When purchasing any new appliances especially refrigerators or any electronic equipment including computers, monitors, printers, televisions, phones, etc. Some local utility companies provide rebates for upgrading to energy-efficient appliances. Beyond energy efficiency strategies like these, you can also reduce the use of fossil fuel-burning energy sources by adding renewable energy sources to your property, such as solar panels or Page 1

building-integrated photovoltaics, or solar generators, wind turbines, or biomass boilers or generators. One good way to conserve water is to swap out older plumbing fixtures toilets, showerheads, and faucets with high-efficiency, water-saving fixtures. Page 2

Chapter 2 : What's energy efficiency and how much can it help cut emissions? Environment The Guardia Mothers Energy Efficiency Book Heat Ligh [Staff Of Mother Eart] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Book by Eart, Staff Of Mother. Share via Email A compact fluorescent light bulb is considered efficient as it uses less electricity thana tradtitional bulb to produce the same amount of light. For example, a compact fluorescent bulb is more efficient than a traditional incandescent bulb as it uses much less electrical energy to produce the same amount of light. Similarly, an efficient boiler takes less fuel to heat a home to a given temperature than a less efficient model. Examples of energy conservation include turning down a thermostat in the winter or walking to the shops rather than driving there. Increasing energy efficiency often costs money up-front but in many cases this capital outlay will be paid back in the form of reduced energy costs within a short time period. This makes efficiency improvements an attractive starting point for reducing carbon emissions. The scope of the savings â and the techniques required â depend on the situation and location. For homes in cool countries such as the UK, the most effective measures include increasing insulation, draught proofing, installing good-quality double-glazed windows and switching to more efficient appliances and light bulbs. The Committee on Climate Change CCC estimates that these improvements could reduce annual CO2 emissions from British homes by around 17 million tonnes by â around a tenth of the residential total. By contrast, increasing efficiency in non-domestic buildings often means focusing on ventilation and air-conditioning, in addition to lighting, heating and appliances. Energy-intensive industries, such as iron, steel and cement manufacture, have become more efficient over time due to new equipment and better re-use of waste heat. Motors are used widely in industry for a variety of tasks, such as pumping, mixing and driving conveyor belts. Vehicles have also become more energy efficient over the decades thanks to factors such as improved engines and lighter, more aerodynamic designs. The potential exists for further improvements and in EU the emissions of the average new car is set to decrease from to 95 grams of CO2 per km by Improving energy efficiency does not necessarily translate into reduced CO2 emissions: But if the energy is supplied by a low-carbon source such as electricity from nuclear or renewables, then improving efficiency may have little impact on emissions. Energy efficiency is always a good idea. Whether it results in energy savings depends on what we do with the money we saved. One example would be that insulating a home may make it more economic for the resident to maintain a higher temperature, increasing the standard of comfort but reducing the energy savings. Nonetheless, improving energy efficiency is a key tool for reducing CO2 emissions, alongside energy conservation and low-carbon energy sources such as renewables and carbon capture and storage. Page 3

Chapter 3 : Georgia Power Energy Efficiency Rebate Application Note: Citations are based on reference standards. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. Wikimedia Commons b halogen lamp Image credit: Graph showing energy input vs. Wikimedia Commons Figure 3. Graph showing the optical output power in watts versus the electrical input power in watts. This is where the electrical input is equal to the optical output. Parthiban Santhanam and Rajeev J. Color coded diagram showing electrical energy input green, heat energy transferred to the LED from jiggling atoms in the lattice orange and light energy being emitted red. The insert above the LED diagram shows the electron in the diode going from a lower to a higher energy level by absorbing the input energies, and emitting light energy as the electron returns to its lower energy level. Some operate in the ultraviolet range with frequencies greater than blue and violet light, while others operate in the infrared range with frequencies less than those of visible red light. They are efficient light sources, meaning that the amount of energy output that is deemed useful is a percentage of the energy they require to function. It emits infrared radiation with a wavelength of 2. This is in what is commonly called the near infrared frequency range which spans 0. The scientific observations are astounding. This LED operates by having a small amount of input electrical energy and emits more than twice that energy in infrared light! The graph in Figure 3 shows how the optical output power in watts is related to the electrical input power in watts. Are you worried about energy conservation? A fundamental law of physics is that energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. For this LED, electrical energy is being transformed to near infrared energy, but more light energy is coming out than electrical energy is being put in! This does not mean that energy is not conserved. What is happening in this system is that the LED, a semiconductor diode, is not only having electrical energy transferred to it. It is also having heat energy transferred to it by transforming some of its thermal energy. Thermal energy is the jiggling around of the atoms that make this solid semiconductor, and the average jiggling around average motion energy is what we call the temperature of the object. The solid has a crystalline structure or repeating pattern that is called the lattice, and it has certain vibrations that are allowed. These vibrations make up some of the jiggling, and it is this vibrational lattice energy that is being transferred to some of the outer electrons in the material to move them up to a set of very closely spaced energy levels called a band. As the atoms and its parts jiggle less the LED cools down. It transforms this thermal energy and the electrical energy to near infrared radiation energy. When the lattice energy is transformed in this way, it is said that heat energy is transferred. This transformation of the lattice energy occurs when a small electric field interacts with the semiconducting material LED and energy is drawn from the jiggling atoms in the lattice to help move the electrons. The researchers found a special set of conditions that allowed just the right situation for this to occur. One of the conditions they needed was to heat up the semiconducting material. Another condition was to have a weak electric field interacting with the material. When the electron goes back to its original energy level it emits all the energy as one big packet of electromagnetic radiation energy in the near infrared with a wavelength of 2. No energy was created. No energy was destroyed. Energy was just transferred and transformed as required by the energy conservation law. A depiction of the energy levels and which energy is being transferred to the electron and emitted is shown in Figure 4. Future research and applications Although this incredibly efficient LED will not show up above your kitchen table anytime soon, it may be put to use. Current near infrared spectroscopic devices include applications for pharmaceutical products, diagnosing blood sugar and oxygen levels, forensics, neuroimaging, interfaces between neural activity and computers, neurology, neonatal research, quality control for food and agriculture needs, and many others. Near-infrared spectroscopy, Wikipedia or google "near infrared radiation spectroscopy, applications". Chapter 4 : 11 Top Risks Of Attending Light Bulb Heat Chart Information Page 4

Mother's energy efficiency book: heat, light, power starting at $ Mother's energy efficiency book: heat, light, power has 1 available editions to buy at Alibris. Chapter 5 : Tips for Saving Energy: An energy efficiency checklist â The Green Spotlight Excited About Energy Efficiency Luke and Lilly take us on a full-color adventure into energy efficiency in this workbook. Packed with games and activities, it's perfect for school outreach. Page 5