Engage Enrich Excel Academies. Academy Trust Structure

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Engage Enrich Excel Academies Academy Trust Structure Our governance structure is clear and approved by the DFE. There are three key roles to enable the trust to move forward strategically and to achieve our mission. Engage Enrich Excel Academies (EEEA) aims to promote and preserve the unique character and identity of each school, while sharing pedagogy and enhancing the opportunities for all children. Trust Structure: TRUST LEVEL MEMBERS DIRECTORS RESOURCES HR/ PERSONNEL STRATEGY AND GROWTH POLICY AND GOVERNANCE EXCELLENCE BOARD SCHOOL LEVEL We believe at EEEA that every child has the right to go to an outstanding school. As a trust we aim to work with schools to help them on their journey to outstanding status. Our governance structure supports this and is skills led. There are three elements to the governance structure: Our governance structure supports this and is skills led. There are three elements to the governance structure: Members Directors Local Governing Body

Each element is as important as the other: The members are like shareholders and ensure the values of the trust are never compromised. The Directors of the MAT are the heart beat of the strategic thinking and will develop the MAT and identify risks and benefits. The Local Governing Bodies are where the individual schools will thrive and benefit from the increased collaborative opportunities. This scheme of delegation has been developed to clarify the responsibilities and power of Members, Directors, Governors and staff employed at the school in respect of the management of the Trust and its Academies and to ensure compliance with legal requirements. The delegations set out in this scheme are delegated to the specific committees or individuals unless otherwise directed or agreed by the Board. Governance The Trust is a charitable company and is responsible for the strategic direction of the Trust. There are 3 levels of governance within the trust; Members, Directors and Local Governing Bodies. EEEA is the statutory board for all the schools in the Multi academy Trust. The secretary of state has entered into an agreement with EEEA to run the schools in the Trust. The Multi Academy Trust Board is responsible for the standards and operation of all schools in the trust. The trust aims to work with all schools to improve outcomes for all pupils and staff. There are some key elements of the company which enable the effective management of the Trust. They are: That the Trust Board is the employer of all staff and therefore is the final appeal body in matters of pay and staff discipline. All decisions relating to staff dismissal and appeals must be referred to the staff discipline committee and staff appeal committee. The Trust Board will agree the final budget for each school. The Trust Board may delegate such authority as it deems appropriate to a Local Governing Body but the Trust Board remains collectively and personally responsible for every decision made by the Local Governing Body. The Trust will not: fetter or restrict its own ability to withdraw such delegation at any time, with or without notice; or delegate authority to a Local Governing Body to: set a budget without the approval of the Trust Board appoint or remove a Headteacher (though the Local Governing Body will be consulted) appoint or remove a Chair or Vice Chair of a Local Governing Body suspend or remove a Local Governing Body Member

EEEA recognise that every school has a key role to play and the Directors will aim to develop the MAT so that Head teachers and Leaders of Learning can be highly focused on pedagogy, innovation and pupil progress. We believe that as our MAT progresses we have Directors that will safeguard our vision but also be independent to review schools that wish to join our MAT. We believe we have real strength in depth to prepare us for the challenges ahead. All roles have been matched to the skills the trust requires. Local Governing Body The of each school that joins the trust will still be responsible for helping to drive progress and attainment. The s of other schools within the trust can decide the size of their. Each will have 3 key areas that need to manage: Learning & Children Buildings & Finance Personnel/ HR Key areas of responsibility for the s: To determine the teaching and learning approach that enables the school to be successful to maintain and develop the uniqueness of the s school. Responsibility for recruitment and retention of staff to the school. Any senior positions, for example Headteacher, Deputy need to be ratified by the Directors. EFA bids. Own Admission authority. Manage own budget and set budget, determine priority expenditure and how it links in with SDP. To hold the Head teacher to account for the strategic running of the school- marketing, CPD, Key Performance Indicators (KPI s). Links with parents. Monitoring of the school, sharp focus on teaching and learning. The Multi Academy Trust Board may delegate the authority to make certain decisions to a local governing body or other committee, and must approve the membership and proceedings of any local governing body or committee, with due regard to the requirements of the Articles of Association of EEEA. The Trust Board will establish a local governing body in each school, with agreed delegation arrangements. The committee structure of the local governing bodies may include sub-committees. The local governing body must also review the establishment, terms of reference, constitution and membership of any committee or sub-committee annually. The membership of any local governing body committee may include associate members, provided that a majority of members of the committee are governors. Each committee must have a chair, who is either appointed by the local governing body or elected by the committee. The Academy Trust Board may remove the chair of a committee from office at any time. s will operate in a similar way to governing bodies but they will receive advice and support from the trust. For example, the trust will source and appoint an experienced and up to date external

advisor to assist s with HTPM. The directors have the power to intervene if concerns are raised with the schools KPI s. Each school and their will have to report to the Directors termly on KPI s Responsibility of Roles: Members: The member role is to hold the directors to account and if necessary appoint up to 2 directors. Members may choose to do this if they have any concerns about the strategic direction/ influence of the trust. Members will attend an AGM in December but will receive a termly communication to enable them to be clear how the organisation is developing. A standard question for members will focus on how the directors are safeguarding the uniqueness of each individual school. Directors: A key function of the directors is to drive the strategy of the trust. A key element of this will be assessing schools wishing to become part of the trust central to this will be a schools values and the Directors may commission an analysis of the schools finances and make judgements based on the KPI s. The directors will ensure this process is transparent and fair and involves the school wishing to join. The total number of directors at set up is 5, the number of directors is not limited to a maximum (the minimum is 3) and parent governors will generally sit on the s unless they have a skill set to enhance the directors. The Directors can appoint additional directors but these must be skills based. A school joining the trust will not automatically be given a place on the director s board. This will be discussed on an individual basis depending on the outcomes of the initial KPI analysis. The number of directors, including the CEO, who are employees shall not exceed one third of the total number of directors. A term of office for a director is 4 years. Directors shall appoint the CEO and head teachers of the academies, when vacancies arise. The existing CEO will remain the trust CEO whilst they are in office. If the CEO leaves the trust the directors will appoint a new CEO. There will be a minimum of 3 meetings a year. The Directors will annually review the delegated powers/ functions given to s. The Directors of EEEA recognises that for the organisation to be successful and sustainable each school will need to contribute to the strategic direction of their school and the trust. Key contributions will involve leadership development, sharing of pedagogy, retaining high quality teachers, building system capacity across the trust, develop and release talent across the trust.

Key Performance Indicators The KPI s are as follows: Ofsted Status headlines from Self Evaluation Quality of learning and teaching over time Finances, building developments, links to SDP Progress & Attainment The KPI s are designed to be a safety net for every school within the trust. If at anytime one school encountered difficulties the directors would be able to provide support and intervene to ensure challenges are overcome. As an organisation we aim to be pro-active and not re-active, hence the KPI s. Schools that meet the minimum KPI assessment of 2+ in all areas would be able to help contribute to the development of the trust. For example, if a school was graded good and finances were secure the trust would work with the leadership to draw up a plan to gain outstanding status. The trust would provide opportunities for the school leaders to develop their school as they wished. KPI Headline Dashboard School name Ofsted status Quality of Financial Progress linked teaching security to outcomes Ravenscote 1 1 1 1 N.B. The dashboard has a range of 1 to 5 The scores explanation is as follows: 1 Outstanding with great capacity 2 Good overall on their journey to outstanding developing strategic capacity 3 Requires improvement but has good leadership capacity 4 Requires improvement and lacks leadership capacity 5 High risk as fundamental factors pose this area as a significant risk to the trust The aim of these scores is to present Directors with a quick high level view of each school as the trust grows. The committee structure will help formulate these scores and the Excellence Board will reflect upon them regularly to grow capacity and target resources.

EEEA Scheme of Delegation This scheme of delegation aims to explain the workings of the trust and the trust committees that enable the strategic vision. There are 4 committees and they will each meet at least once a term. The typical work flow over a term is as follows: 1 x Resources 1 x Strategy and Growth Development 1 x Personnel/ HR 1 x Policy and Governance 1 x Full Directors Meeting 4 x Excellence Board This document aims to explain the responsibilities of the committees, memberships and agendas. Board Responsibilities & Local Governing Body Comparisons The following is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but has been developed to highlight the main responsibilities of the Trust for comparison with the responsibilities of the academies within the Trust and their local governing bodies. The Trust Board and its committees/local Governing Bodies will be mainly responsible for the strategic direction of the Trust and all its member organisations. The operational aspects of the Trust will be the responsibility of the Leadership Team. Scheme of delegation Area of responsibility Premises and resources Marketing & Communications Strategy Board Local Governing Body Committee Matters for decision Role Final decision Development of strategic Monitor the site plans for the Trust development plan premises Development of an Asset Monitor the development of management plan the asset register Plan and monitor major Monitoring of ongoing site site development maintenance Collation of inventory Monitor the site checks for MAT development plan Develop strategies for Monitor implementation and Strategy and Growth Development the Trust High level monitoring of complaints across the Trust and development of action plans to mitigate in future Develop overall vision and values for the Trust impact of strategies locally Detailed monitoring of complaints and monitoring of Trust action plans to mitigate in the future Develop own distinctive vision and values consistent with the Trust Develop an annual SDP

School Improvement Governance Admissions ICT Community / membership Safeguarding Policy and Governance Personnel/ HR Oversee and direct initiatives to support school improvement across the Trust Set, agree and monitor pupil outcome targets across the Trust Monitor the quality of teaching and learning across the Trust and agree strategies for improvement if required Monitor performance and provide development and support (schools and Board with members) Set the admissions policy and manage appeals Develop and implement an ICT strategy for the MAT Develop strategies for the Trust High level monitoring of complaints across the Trust and development of action plans to mitigate in future Develop strategy for community stakeholder engagement for the Trust Setting and approval of all HR policies Approval of staff structures and changes to these Overall consideration of pay policies for MAT and effective PM practice across the Trust Ratification of pay awards and progression to UPS Recruitment and Performance Management of Headteachers Develop coherent policies applicable across the Trust Ensure training and legal compliance issues Monitor the implementation of policies across the Trust which supports the strategy/ plan for the Trust Monitor school performance and improvement using KPI s and SDP targets, dashboard Monitor progress towards pupil outcome targets, key groups and report to the Board Monitor the quality of teaching and learning locally and suggest remedial actions if required Annual Self-review and skills audit Monitor admission numbers and compliance with policy Monitor effective use of ICT in the academy Monitor implementation and impact of strategies locally Detailed monitoring of complaints and monitoring of Trust action plans to mitigate in the future Monitor local engagement of stakeholders report up to the board Monitoring compliance with HR policies Monitoring of staffing within agreed structures Ensure PM of all staff is conducted in accordance with policy and regulations and targets are linked to pupil outcomes Recommending pay awards (incl. UPS) and correlation with PM documentation and how targets are linked to pupil outcomes Participation in PM for headteachers gathering and setting new targets Monitor local compliance with legislation Monitor implementation of policy in academy

Well being Finance Audit Health and Safety Curriculum Resources Excellence Board Collate local reporting of stress/ well-being issues and take appropriate action Monitor local well-being and stress issues (H&S stress audit and PM) and recommend actions to Trust Board Strategic planning Annual budget plan Consolidation of Monitoring of actuals accounts versus budget Tendering of large Contract monitoring contract renewal Setting financial Compliance with standards, standards, policies policies Setting financial scheme Compliance with schemes of delegation of delegation Annual and statutory reports to EFA and other third parties Preparation of reports for the Trust Board (Trust format) High level monitoring Commissioning audit appoint auditors Audit of financial controls and risk management Agreement of overall consistent MAT health and safety policies Monitoring of compliance and effectiveness of H&S issues Approval of vision for cross-mat curriculum and coherent policies High level of monitoring impact of curriculum plans and intervention strategies Detailed monitoring of expenditure, virements, income and cash flow Monitor auditing by responsible officer, third party or auditor of financial management Compliance with financial controls and risk management Routine regular H&S inspections Local reporting of compliance concerns and incidents Develop own distinctive curriculum consistent with the curriculum vision of the Trust Monitoring of local impact of curriculum plans/ schemes including intervention strategies SEND External review Ofsted Develop coherent policies applicable across the Trust Ensure training and legal compliance issues Monitor the implementation of policies and practice across the Trust High level responsibility for reporting and subsequent action plans Contribute to MAT policies and action plans Monitor local compliance with policies and plans Contribute to external reviews and subsequent action plans HT/

Committees Resources Committee Memberships: Terms of reference The resources Committee will include 1 governor from each, two representatives from the Leadership Team (inc the CEO) and business managers. The committee will also include one representative of the Board as chair. In the event of the Board member being unable to attend a meeting a member of the leadership team will chair the meeting. To scrutinise policies, review performance and make recommendations to the Board in accordance with agreed Terms of Reference. To propose budgets and recommend them to the Board for approval ensuring sound financial management. Authorisation Limits Expenditure Limits within budget Site Manager (emergency minor building repairs) Business Manager & budget holders Headteacher Chair of Finance Committee Board of Trustees Cheque Signatories Two signatories Agreed by Finance committee Virement Limits Headteacher Board of Trustees and notify EFA if significant Writing off bad debts Headteacher Board of Trustees and approval from EFA Above amount in annual funding letter or as per delegated limits Disposal of Surplus Stock, Stores & Assets (estimated value) Headteacher Board of Directors Board of Directors plus prior approval of EFA Freehold land & buildings/heritage assets approval Secretary of State Other Monetary Limits Mileage Allowance HM Revenue & Customs approved rate Petty Cash Safe Cash/ Cheque limits (as per insurance policy) Up to 500 Up to 5,000 From 5,001 and 10,000 From 10,001 and 25,000 From 25,001 to 100,000 Over 100,000 Up to 10,000 Over 10,000 Up to 5,000 From 5,001 to 10,000 Over 10,000 Up to 250 Above 250 section 2.4.10 Academies Financial Handbook Up to 1000 HT &SBM 1001-5000 Finance Committee 5001+ - Finance committee and then section 2.4.22 Academies Financial Handbook 45p per miles 1,000 cash Ordering Procedures 3 Competitive quotations (written evidence required) Tendering procedure 5,000-50,000 Over 50,000 Directors notified Asset Register Capitalisation limit Attractive portable items Over 5,000 Over 250

Personnel/ HR Committee Memberships: The personnel committee will include 1 governor from each, two representatives from the Leadership Team (inc the CEO) and business managers. The committee will also include one representative of the Board as chair. In the event of the Board member being unable to attend a meeting a member of the leadership team will chair the meeting. EEEA Trust Board is the employer of all staff and therefore is the final appeal body in matters of pay and staff discipline. Key tasks: 1. The approval of academy staffing structures within the academy s budget, including approval of any restructuring 2. The organisation of procedures for the appointment of senior staff at the schools, including middle leaders 3. The appointment of principals/headteachers 4. To determine the Pay Policy for the Trust 5. To advise each local governing body/finance committee on current and future pay levels; 6. To ratify appropriate salary ranges and starting salaries for lead practitioners, and members of the leadership group; 7. To ratify annual pay progress for teachers (by 31 October at the latest) as set out in the Pay Policy, taking account of any recommendations made by the local governing body and the HR (staff pay and performance management) committee, in accordance with the approved pay policy. 8. To approve applications to be paid on the Upper Pay Scale 9. To approve annual pay progression for the CEO (by 31 December at the latest), taking account of the recommendation made by the Performance Review Panel, following the annual review. 10. To determine the application of national inflationary increases as required; 11. To monitor and report to the Local Governing Body on the annual pattern of performance pay progression at each level and the correlation between pay progression, quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils. 12. To oversee the work of the Staff Disciplinary/Dismissal Committee and the Staff Appeals Committee (including pay appeals) 13. To monitor and review the performance and pay of all Headteachers in the Trust. 14. To oversee the recruitment, induction, training, CPD, wellbeing and other HR processes for all staff within the Trust at a strategic level. 15. To ratify all HR policies for the Trust Strategy and Growth Development Committee

Memberships: The strategy and growth committee will include 1 governor from each, two representatives from the Leadership Team (inc. the CEO) and business managers. The committee will also include two representatives of the Board as chair. In the event of the Board member being unable to attend a meeting a member of the leadership team will chair the meeting. Premises The Learning Trust Board is responsible for the estate strategy for all schools within the Trust. Its responsibilities as they relate to the estate will include: 1. To make and review recommendations for the future premises provision and develop an Estate Strategy. 2. To ensure the development and maintenance of an asset management plan to ensure the development, maintenance and replacement of all physical assets, equipment and facilities of all schools in the Trust, including premises, equipment, land and depreciating assets are in line with the Vision Statement and School Improvement Plan, having regard to the Asset Register maintained by the school. 3. To oversee the appointment of architects, builders, grounds maintenance teams, surveyors etc. and monitor all aspects of their work. 4. To ensure support for local site teams Marketing, Public Relations, Grant Applications and Communication To agree the marketing strategy for the Academy Trust that; 1. Will develop the Trust identity 2. Will identify stakeholders and encourage engagement. 3. Will develop a Public Relations and communication strategy that promotes the success of the Academy within our community, the local and national press agencies. 4. Will oversee the development of the Learning Trust web site and review content and ease of use. Strategic Direction 1. To set strategic direction and priorities for the Trust and all member academies. 2. To set the vision, mission and ethos of the Trust and ensure it is embedded in each academy in the Trust. 3. To oversee and ratify a three year plan for the Trust. 4. To ratify the appointment and focus of an external consultant for each academy in the Trust and the overall performance of the Trust. 5. To develop and monitor the implementation of a Trust wide School Improvement Plan, taking into account recommendations from the Leadership Team, with targets which will feed into the performance review of the CEO and the Headteachers. 6. To monitor the performance of the Schools in the Trust against the School Improvement Plan. 7. To ensure the CEO facilitates collaboration and support for school improvement across the Trust.

Policy and Governance Committee Admissions 1. The Trust Board is the admissions authority for all schools in the Trust. 2. It will set the admissions criteria for each school in the Trust on an annual basis, which will be consulted on and published annually. 3. It will ensure the organisation of an independent admissions appeal committee as and when required. ICT 1. To develop an ICT strategy for the Trust that maximises the use of technology in both administrative and academic settings. 2. To provide ICT support to all schools within the Trust Governance 1. To monitor the performance of the local governing bodies, including regular self-review to ensure that the is making sufficient impact and is fit for purpose. 2. To oversee the identification of development needs and organisation of governor development. Community/Membership 1. Oversee the development of any stakeholder forums. Encourage and facilitate community involvement in the Trust. Excellence Board:

The Excellence Board will be convened by the Chief Executive Officer. The board will be responsible and held to account for the following aspects of the Trust s operation: Safeguarding Pupils outcomes Behaviour and Safety Continued Professional Development Quality assurance across the trust and between schools SEND provision Curriculum support and development The EEEA Strategic Team will consist of all the Headteachers of the Trust and will be the driving force to ensure the Directors aims and objectives are achieved. This team is not part of the governance structure; it is a key element of the operational structure. The CEO and Headteachers have the operation authority delegated to them through their employment contracts and job descriptions. This leadership team will inform and make recommendations to the Trust about policy and strategy. This board will meet at least monthly. Business Plan and Agendas

The business plans and agendas for each committee will be drawn from the key matters for decisions as written out in the scheme of delegation. Following approval at the upcoming directors meeting on 27 th June we shall use the table to write up business plans and agendas. This is a straight forward task once these key committees have been decided upon and we have decided upon a key director for each committee. The committee structure allows the Director meetings to be fully focused on the strategic direction of the trust. The following agenda will be a standard agenda for Director meetings moving forward: Standard Directors Agenda: Item number Agenda focus Time allowance (min) 1. Apologies 1 2. Declarations of interest 2 3. Minutes of last meeting and actions arising 10 4. Chair of Directors actions and matters arising 10 5. Clerk s notices 10 6. Committee reports: Resources 30 Personnel/ HR Strategic Growth and Development Policy and Governance 7. CEO Report which will include feedback from the Excellence 30 Board 8. Key focus for Meeting, for example accounts/ growth, any 20 items requiring Director approval 9. Directors quality assurance/ feedback 10. AOB 5 11. Part 2 5