Presented by: Kamelia Gulam

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Chapter: 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? Presented by: Kamelia Gulam Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 1

What Managers Do They get things done through other people. Management Activities: Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals Definition of Organizations A consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or goals Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 2

Management Functions Plan Organize Managers Lead Control Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 3

Mintzberg s Managerial Roles Discovered ten managerial roles Separated into three groups: Interpersonal Informational Decisional Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 4

Mintzberg s Managerial Roles: Interpersonal Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 5

Mintzberg s Managerial Roles: Informational Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 6

Mintzberg s Managerial Roles: Decisional Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 7

Essential Management Skills Technical Skills The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise Human Skills The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups Conceptual Skills The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

Luthans Study of Managerial Activities Four types of managerial activity: Traditional Management Decision making, planning, and controlling Communication Exchanging routine information and processing paperwork Human Resource Management Motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing and training Networking Socializing, politicking, and interacting with others Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 9

Definition of Organizational Behavior Studies the influence that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations. Chief Goal of OB: To apply that knowledge toward improving an organization s effectiveness. Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 10

Definition of Organizational Behavior Conti Organizational Behavior? the study of factors that have an impact on how people and groups,act, think, feel, and respond to work and organizations AND how organizations respond to their environments. OB is particularly important to managers Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 11

Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study Improves ability to predict behavior Systematic study: Examining relationships Attempting to attribute causes and effects Basing conclusions on scientific evidence Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 12

Contributing Disciplines to OB Field Many behavioral sciences have contributed to the development of Organizational Behavior Psychology Social Psychology Sociology Anthropology Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 13

Psychology Psychology focuses on the individual level by seeking to measure, explain, and sometimes change behaviors in individuals. This area of study offers insights in such areas as learning, training, decision making, and employee selection, work design,and work stress. Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 14

Social Psychology Social Psychology moves beyond individual analysis to look at group behavior and how individuals can influence on another. It blends together sociology and psychology and looks primarily at change, communication, and group interactions. Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 15

Sociology Sociology looks at the relationship between individuals and their environment. Sociologists main contribution to OB is through offering a better understanding of group behavior. It looks more at how a group operates within an organizational system. One key area that. sociologists contribute to in OB is culture, a key factor in OB studies Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 16

Anthropology An Anthropologist studies societies to learn about the human beings and their activities. They help us understand the differences between different groups in terms of their values, attitudes, and behaviors. Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 17

Challenges and Opportunities for OB In the workplace today, there are many challenges and opportunities in the area of Organizational Behavior. Understanding OB has never been more important for managers as organizations are changing at a much more rapid pace than historically seen. Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 18

Challenges and Opportunities for OB Cont.. Responding to Globalization Typical employee is getting older More women in the workplace Responding to Economic Pressures Managing Workforce Diversity Improving Quality and Productivity Improving Customer Service Improving People Skills Stimulating Innovation and Change Coping with Temporariness Working in Networked Organizations Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflicts Creating a Positive Work Environment Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 19 Improving Ethical Behavior

Responding to Globalization Increased foreign assignments Working with people from different cultures Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low-cost labor Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 20

Managing Diversity Workforce diversity: organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 21

Diversity Implications Managers have to shift their philosophy from treating everyone alike to recognizing differences and responding to those differences in ways that ensure employee retention and greater productivity while, at the same time, not discriminating. Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 22

OB offers Insights to Improve Quality and Productivity Customer Service and a Customerresponsive culture People skills Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 23

OB Aids Dealing with Stimulating Innovation and Change Coping with Temporariness Helping employees balance work-life conflicts Improving ethical behavior Creating a Positive Work Environment Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 24

Three Levels of OB Analysis Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 25

OB MODEL The Dependent Variables Productivity Absence Turnover Job Satisfaction Deviant Workplace Behavior Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Independent Variables Individual-Level Variables Group Level Variables Organization System Level Variables Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 26

Implications for Managers Improve people skills See the value of workforce diversity Improve quality and productivity Provide suggestions for meeting chronic labor shortages Cope in a world of temporariness Offer guidance in creating an ethically healthy work environment Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 27

See You Next Time Organizational Behavior (HUR 212) 28