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SLMER This document consist of scanned copies of the GSE and/or J past papers produced by the ahamas Ministry of Education. The Student Shed accepts no responsibility or liability for the contents within this document, including but not limited to; answers that may be highlighted, missing papers or missing questions. t is the sole responsibility of the user to determine the correct and most suitable answers for each question contained therein.

0047 n J FOR EXMNER'S USE ONLY TOTL MRKS SHOOLNo. NTLS NTE No. SURNME MNSTRY OF EUTON HMS JUNOR ERTFTE EXMNTON OO47 GENERL SENE PPER 1 MULTPLE HOE QUESTONS (40 Marks) rhursday 2 June 2016 1:00 p.m.-2:00p.m. NSTRTONS TO NTES: o not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your school number, candidate number, surname and initials in the spaces provided at the top right hand side of this page. For each question, there are four suggested answers,, and. When you have ielected an answer to a question, circle the letter by the answer which you have chosen. nswer LL the questions in this booklet. o any necessary rough work and calculations in your booklet. Ī Ī -: This question paper consists of11 printed pages. -

1. Which organism is an invertebrate?.' :i'...:..,i, ' \-4=* 4ff u\ 2. Which labelled part is the reproductive structure of this plant? J. Which organism is an arthropod? 4" Which characteristic is true of metals? they are dull they are brittle they cannot be made into wires they can conduct electricity

5. What is the chemical formula for table salt? O, rlo H Nal 6. Which substance is an alkati? substance ph arnmorua t4 orange juice 5 pure water 7 vmegar 4 7. Which substance is known as the universal solvent? alcohol bleach turpentine water The diagram represents the atom. Which letter shows the nucleus? 9. Which natural source of water is the safest for drinking? lakes ponds seas wells

4 10. Which water pollutant comes from everyday household waste? detergents fertilisers pathogens pesticides ll. Which product does not contain the element carbon? aluminium foilwrap coal diamond graphite leads in pencils 12. J science class investigating how to make work easier, designs an apparatus to lift a box. drawing of the apparatus is shown. n x 4 3 The class uses simple machines to lift the box. Which two simple machines did they use? inclined plane and pulley lever and inclined plane pulley and wedge wedge and screw 13. Which structure is the male reproductive part of a flower? petal pistil sepal stamen t4. Which foods provide nutrients to build and repair cells in the human body? breads, cakes and cereals fruits and vegetables rice and pastas meat, poultry and fish

5 15. Which labelled structure provides energy for photosynthesis? "l }c' x^6 -# 16. Which name is given to species that are not native to a specific ecosystem, spreads rapidly and causes environmental harm? endangered species extinct species invasive species protected species 17. Water is added to a sample of soil in a measuring cylinder. The sample is shaken vigorously and then allowed to stand for several minutes. Which measuring cylinder shows the results? water silt clay sand small stones

6 18. Which structure provides the seedling with a source of food during its first stages of germination? 19. uring a demonstration a science teacher places a large blue salt crystal into a beaker with water. The diagram shows what happens to the blue salt crystal after several minutes. Which process is the teacher demonstrating? diffusion evaporation osmosis melting 20. What is the equation used for calculating scientific work? W:F*d W:F _ d F W: W: Fd 2t. Which type of magnet is naturally magnetised? bar horseshoe lodestone ring

7 ')) n which circuiq can the cunent follow two different palhs? ffi il 23. positively charged rod is brought near four charged balls as shown. Which ball will the positively charged rod atfract? positively charged rod 24. What is the S unit of force? Joule kilogram metra Newton 25. Which electrical symbol is a resistof -G + -G

8 26. uring an investigation, the temperature of a shown in the diagrams. 100 80 60 40 20 0-20 substance is taken before and 100 80 60 40 20 0-20 after a reaction. The result is What is the difference in the temperature of the substance? 30" 40" 600 800 27. Which process causes beads of waterto form on the outside of a cold glass of limeade on a hot and humid summer's day? condensation conduction convection evaporation 28. Why are pots, X made of metal and the handle, Y made of plastic or wood? x Y good conductor good insulator good insulator good conductor poor insulator poor conductor poor conductor poor insulator

9 29. Which process describes the protection and wise use of the Earth's natural resources? conservation exploitation reservation reforestation 30. Which natural resource is renewable? coal gas oil water 3r. What is the common name of the organism Strombus gigas? black crab greem turtle queen conch Nassau grouper )2. pparatus X and Y were used to separate a mixture. Each mixture is of seawater and sand. what is the difference in the mixtures after separation using X and y? x X contains Y contains gertns, salt, no sand no gerrns, no salt, no sand no gerrns, no salt, no sand germs, salt, no sand no germs and no sand genns and salt no salt and no sand salt and no sand

l0 aa JJ. Which medium does not transmit sound waves? alr liquid solid vacuum 34. Which labelled part of the wave is the wavelength? 35. Reproduction is the process by which new individual organisms are produced from their parents. Which restriction protects organisms during this time allowing them to reproduce? closed seasons commercial fishing permits size limitations trapping permits 36. What is the stage in development when a young person starts to become sexually mature? adulthood childhood infancy puberty 37. Which term refers to the varietv of life? biodegradable biodiversity biology botany

11 38. Which activity shows no scientific work being done? 39. Which characteristic is common to both birds and mammals? body covered with hair body covered with feathers cold-blooded animals warm-blooded animals 40. The diagram shows two flowering plants. The tables show the dioxide. changes in the gases oxygen and carbon before gas o/ /o oxygen 20 carbon dioxide 0.03 after gas % oxygen carbon dioxide l0 5 soil level Which process causes the changes respiration germination photosynthesis transpiration in the percentages ofthese gases?

: 1-his question paper consists of 11 printed pages and blank page. : 0047 t2 J FOR EXMNER'S USE ONLY SHOOLNo. NTE No. QUESTON MRK 2 NTLS SURNME 3 4 5 6 TOTL MNSTRY OF EUTON HMS JUNOR ERTFTE EXM!NTON OO47 GENERL SENE PPER 2 STRUTURE QUESTONS (60 Marks) Thursday 2 June 2016 2:15 p.m"-3:15 p.m. NSTRTONS TO NTES o not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your school number, candidate numbeq surname and initials in the spaces provided at the top right hand side of this page. nswer LL questions in the spaces provided. :

2 The living world around us is very biodiverse. Each organism, even within species, is distinct in its own way so that it can adapt to its environment. (a) The diagram shows several diflerent animals. (i) dentifu ONE fish and ONE reptile from the diagram. fish reptile t1l ( ii) riefly describe the body covering of organisms Q and V. a v t1l (iii) Organisms are found in many different habitats on land or in water. Give the name of an organism shown whose habitat is on land.

a J (b) ( Name TWO of the organisms shown which are protected by a elosed seasoni 1. 2. tzl (ii) Name ONE of the organisms shown which is protected by a size rcstriction. (c) Give the names of T'WO endangered bird species in The ahamas. 1. 1 121 TOTTMRKS [101

4 2. The diagram shows the organs in a human body system. ;atrit ""-^-*i,t "s$;r (a) (i) Name the human body system shown. (b) (ii) Give the name of the structure labelled Q. dentiflz the structure of this system where substances are (i) (ii) broken down into smaller pieces (chewed); churned and mixed with gastric juices; (iii) completely digested and nutrients absorbed. t1l t3l

(c) The di agram shows the passage of substances through the system. '..]'+m llll ll ll /fffi\\ rl lllr i lffil?@$ iu* riil lilr ffit (i) (ii) Name this process where muscles contract and relax ( ro to pusn push su bstances through the Name the tiny Or** labelled T. absorption of nutrienrts in the system. _ structure (d) Name the substances which speed up chemical digestion. _ (e) Macy comes in with her lunch in a brown paper bag. The bag is covered with large grease marks. (i) Give the name of the likely food nutrient in the bag. lll diet of fried foods is tasty but may contribute to a higher risk for certain health conditions. Name the health condition which may be caused by a diet of fried foods. TOTL MRKS [101

6 3. Matter is anything that has mass and volume (occupies space). (a) List THREE kinds of matter. l. 2. a J. t3l (b) toms are the basic building blocks of matter and are made up of three different kinds of particles. The diagram represents an atom ofhydrogen. (i) Name ONE particle found in Y. Particles in an atom can have positive or negative charges or they can be neutral. (ii) Give the kind of charge on particle X. (iii) Name the neutral particle found in an atom. lll (c) Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. (i) Write the chemical formula for a molecule of water. (ii) raw a water molecule. t1l

8 4. This question is about soil, fertilisers and a natural cycle. (a) Name the process by which soil is formed from bedrock. t1l (b) The diagram shows three different kinds of soil. sand silt clay dentif, the type of soil in which water drains (i) (ii) rapidly, poor water storage; slowly, good water storage. l2l (c) fertiliser is applied to soils to supply nutrients essential for the growth of plants. (i) Name the TWO kinds of fertilisers. l. 2. l2l (ii) Name the kind of fertiliser which can leach from the soil into rivers and lakes to cause water pollution. t1l (ii State ONE harmful effect of water pollution on living organisms.

9 (d) The diagram shows atmosphere. how carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and put back into the factory emissions dead organisms Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to perform the process at X. oth plants and animals put carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere during the process which takes place at Y. (i) Name the processes taking place at X and y. (ii) x Th.e normal percentage of carbon dioxide in the air is about 0.O4yo,however this percentage is increasing. From the diagram, state one factor which accounts for this change. TOTL MRrG Uol

10 5. This question is about heat and temperature. The diagram shows a pot of pure water being heated to its boiling point. (a) (i) State what happens to the movement of the water molecules when the water boils. (ii) Name the method of heat transfer from the stove to the t1l 1. 2. pot; water. l2l (iii) Give the name of the process taking place when the vapours from the boiling water come in contact with the cooler air. ttl (iv) State whether this process is a physical or chemical change. (b) The room temperature of the water is 23o before it is heated to its boiling point. Suggest the possible reading on the thermometer. t1l (c) (i) efine temperature. t1l (i i) Name the instrument used to measure temperature. (iii) Name TWO temperature scales used to measure and record temperature. 1. 2. l2l TOTL MRrG [10]

ll 6. This question is about speed, work and forces. (a) The graph shows the speeds for 5 different activities. 100 80 L o ba 60 otr aj -lz E" 40 20 walking driving running pitching a baseball Use the information from the graph to (i) (i i) Record the time for the slowest and fastest activities. slowest fastest Find the. average speed for the walking, driving and running activities working). shown. (Show LL (b) (i) alculate the work done by the pitcher after pitching a ball with a force of 30 N and a distance of 18.4 m. (Show LL working). l2l (ii) Name the force which will cause a ball hit upwards into the air to fall to the Earth. t3l t1l (iii) Name the force which causes the soles on a runner,s tennis shoes and smooth with repeated use. car tyres to become (iv) Name the force which makes it possible to walk, run and drive without drifting offinto space. lll TOTL MRKS t10