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List of Improvements 75 Van Buren STRUCTURAL Fully engineered seismic lateral system consisting of: New plywood shear walls and Hardy Frame HFX Panels installed throughout New tie downs installed throughout Integrated retro t including new shear walls and braced cripple walls, anchored with hold-downs and foundation anchors New reinforced foundations throughout addition Ground level treated sill plates bolted into perimeter foundation Engineered long span lumber joist and beams in addition METALWORK Custom modern steel handrail WOODWORK Custom vertical grain Douglas Fir kitchen cabinets Doug Fir sill plates and trim in kitchen and bathroom Custom reclaimed Douglas Fir replace mantel, reclaimed from Mare Island Naval Base Custom Cedar Wood wall in stairway New cedar fences in backyard to match housing siding THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION 40 year composite shingle on hip roof GTA modi ed bitumen and torched on at roof Interior sound insulation in bathrooms Addition: Full Depth Spray Foam Insulation Existing: Batt Insulation

DOORS & WINDOWS Custom Bonelli double pane insulated aluminum windows throughout Frameless Bonelli corner window in master bedroom (single pane) Custom Bonelli 9 ft sliding door Custom Marvin double pane windows in kitchen and bathroom New Velux skylights in kitchen, bathroom and operable skylight above stair New custom Douglas Fir entry door New Douglas Fir interior doors LiftMaster garage door EXTERIOR SIDING & WINDOW TRIM Addition: New Integral Color stucco w/ Tyvec underlayment (waterproo ng) Addition: New 3 ½ quarter sawn tongue and groove cedar siding over rainscreen waterproof construction Existing: Fresh skim coat of Integral Color stucco and Elastomeric paint HARDWARE Contemporary stainless steel door hardware throughout Kwikset Keyless Wi Activated deadbolt Custom Elfa shelving systems in bedroom closets GLASS Custom steel & glass guard rail in great room Custom frameless glass shower wall in master bath Custom fabricated mirrors in master bathroom FLOORING & TILE Original Solid Red Oak Wood ooring in living and dining room New Solid White Oak Wood ooring: 4 inch wide quarter sawn plank in bedrooms, stairs and family room New carpet on stairs and in den Slate tile oors in kitchen Ann Sacks tile and natural stone in master bathroom

Waterworks glass tile in bathroom COUNTERTOPS Kitchen Countertops - Quartz Stone Counter mounted soap dispenser Counter mounted garbage disposal switch APPLIANCES Rangemaster Broan-NuTone Hood GE Pro le oven/range GE Spacemaker II Microwave oven Jenn-Air Bottom Freezer Refrigerator Bosch Dishwasher Blanco Stainless steel double sink Waste King Gourmet Disposal, with counter mounted air switch. PLUMBING I MECHANICAL New ducting New Nest thermostat (WiFi enabled) All new plumbing pipes (waste & water) in the house All water pipes are copper New gas lines throughout New gas service and meter Vanguard Earthquake Valve (automatic gas shut-o valve) ELECTRICAL & WIRING New 100 amp service New wiring throughout New cable wiring (TV & Internet) New outdoor speakers 220v outlet in laundry

LANDSCAPE New stone landscaping New turf landscaping (stone patio under turf) New lemon tree and drought tolerant plants New drip watering system New landscape lighting Custom vertical garden in lightwell Modern tree house