Overseer nutrient budget year 2001/02

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Overseer nutrient budget year 2001/02 Sheep, beef, deer, goats and non-milking dairy Farm information Name: Address: Property name: Property address: Contact details: Email address: Phone Home: Cell phone: Fax: Annual rainfall (mm/yr): Farm block descriptions Block name Total farm Effective area (ha) Native forest Riparian fenced or retired Pine or other plantations Areas of special interest Hay/silage Crop (summer) Crop (winter) Other Area (ha) Grazed (Please circle) Comments Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 1

Farm block information Please complete a separate form for each block. Block name: Effective area (ha): General topography: Flat ( ha) Rolling ( ha) Easy ( ha) Steep ( ha) Flat = flat to very gentle slope, not undulating, able two wheel drive over all of the area. Rolling = gently rolling, walk easily, vehicle able to drive over all of the area. Easy = four wheel drive is able to drive over some areas, but parts steeper with stock tracks. Steep = steep heavily stock tracked. Vehicle tracks needed to get around most of the area. Block grazed by: Sheep.Cattle.Deer.Goats...other Soils Soil type: Soil test values (MAF units preferred) (Data required for verification = soil test results) Soil test laboratory: Date of soil test: ph Sulphate sulphur (S) Quick test calcium (Ca) Organic sulphur (OS) Olsen P (P) Quick test magnesium (Mg Quick test potassium (K) Quick test Sodium (Na) Other Other Other Other Comments on stock management policy: Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 2

Comments on stock management policy continued: Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 3

Stock reconciliation Provide annual and seasonal stock numbers, sales and purchases, births, deaths and missing. Please also attach your annual stock reconciliation. Data required verifying inputs such as annual stock records/sales and purchase receipts/invoices/ TB declaration forms, transport dockets. Goats Please use an extra sheet if required. Goats (total): Total fibre yield ( kg): Area grazed (ha): Finishing? Yes No Breeding stock (on hand 1 July) Doe numbers Doe live weight (kg) Hogget replacements Hoggets kidded (y/n) Buck numbers Kids weaned this year (number) Kidding month Weaning month Weaning weight (kg) All other goats not included in the above breeding stock should be included in the table below. All kids weaned and retained but not sold, all goats sold or purchased and those brought in from or moved to another farm and include all deaths and missing stock. Stock class or age (at month and year on) Number Month and year on at start (kg) Month and year off at end (kg) Class Kids (weaned, nonbreeding), Hoggets (nonbreeding), Does (nonbreeding), wethers, Bucks sold or purchased etc Month on month off = Month of weaning/purchasing/sale Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 4

Sheep numbers Please use an extra sheet if required. Sheep numbers (total): Finishing Yes No Area grazed (ha): Breeding stock (on hand 1 July) Ewe numbers Ewe live weight (kg) Hogget replacements Hoggets lambed (y/n) Ram numbers Total wool yield (kg): Lambs weaned this year (number) Lambing month Weaning month Weaning weight (kg) All other sheep not included in the above breeding stock should be included in the table below. All sheep weaned and retained but not sold, all sheep sold or purchased and those brought in from or moved to another farm and include all deaths and missing stock. Stock class or age (at month and year on) Number Month and year on at start (kg) Month and year off at end (kg) Class = Lambs (weaned, non-breeding), hoggets (nonbreeding), ewes (nonbreeding), wethers, rams sold or purchased. Month on month off = Month of weaning/purchasing/sale Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 5

Beef Please use an extra sheet if required. Beef numbers (total): Finishing? Yes No Area grazed (ha): Breeding stock (on hand 1 July) Breeding cows R2 heifers calved (please circle) Yes No Cow live weight (kg) R2 breeding heifers R1 breeding heifers Breeding bulls Calves weaned this year (number) Calf weaning month Calf weaning weight (kg) All other beef not included in the above breeding stock should be included in the table below. All calves weaned and retained but not sold, all beef sold or purchased and those brought in from or moved to another farm and include all deaths and missing stock. Stock class or age (at month and year on) Number Month and year on at start (kg) Month and year off at end (kg) Class: R1 heifers, R2 heifers, R1 steers & bulls, R2 steers & bulls, R3 steers & bulls Month on month off = Month of weaning/purchasing/sale Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 6

Deer Please use an extra sheet if required. Deer (total): Total velvet yield (kg): Area grazed (ha): Finishing? Yes No Breeding stock (on hand 1 July) Breeding hinds Hind live weight (kg) Breeding stags R2 breeding hinds R1 breeding hinds Fawns weaned (number) Weaning month All other deer not included in the above breeding stock should be included in the table below. All fawns weaned and retained but not sold, all deer sold or purchased and those brought in from or moved to another farm and include all deaths and missing stock. Stock class or age (at month and year on) Number Month and year on at start (kg) Month and year off at end (kg) Class: R1 hinds (nonbreeding), R2 hinds (nonbreeding), R3 hinds, R1 stags, R2 stags, R3 stags Month on month off = Month of weaning/purchasing/sale Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 7

Other stock Such as dairy replacements and non-milking cows, grazers, all other stock not already accounted for. Please use an extra sheet if required. Data required includes transport dockets, invoices, receipts. Animals (total): Area grazed (ha): Other stock include all other farmed stock on farm which are not recorded in the goat, sheep, beef, or deer forms above. This includes all breeding and non breeding stock however no matter how long they were on farm. Include all deaths and missing stock such horses, pigs, but not dogs). Breed Class Number Month and year on Live weight on (kg) Month and year off off (kg) Month on month off = Month off weaning/purchasing/sale If stock are on all year please record as month on as July and month off as June. Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 8

Fertiliser policy: All fertiliser applied on farm no matter how small an area (including lime and nitrogen). Documentation required such as receipts/ invoices, delivery dockets, invoices for spreading. Was the fertiliser applied to the whole farm of a specific area/block? Please identify. Fertiliser type including lime and nitrogen (e.g. 15% Potassic super, Urea etc): Fertiliser company Rate of application (kg/ha Total tonnes Area applied to (ha) Month and year applied Did the crop and silage/hay areas received the annual farm fertiliser in addition to above: Yes No Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 9

Comments on crop fertiliser management: Comments on silage/hay fertiliser management: Other comments on fertiliser management: Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 10

Supplements:Hay/silage/grains/other. Verification required may include contractors invoice for harvest or transport. Supplements brought onto farm but not grown on farm. Type Bale number Bale weight Stack Dimensions Amount (tonnes) Dry weight Block fed on (where fed) Fed on paddock or on feed pad Animal type fed to Supplements made on farm and used on farm Type Bale number Bale weight Stack Dimensions Amount (tonnes) Dry weight Fed on paddock or on feed pad Animal type fed to Supplements made on farm and moved off farm Type Bale number Bale weight Stack Dimensions Amount (tonnes) Dry weight Block made on (where made) Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 11

Winter management Winter management of beef cattle Grazing off farm Yes No (transport dockets/ Tb declaration/ invoices) % animals removed Month leaving farm Month returning to farm Where did animals go? Hard winter grazing prior to removal Yes No Winter feed pad: Yes No Stand off pad: Yes No Pad only Pad + grazing % animals on pad Month put on to pad Month stop using pad Time spent grazing each day (hours) Time spent on pad each day (hours) Effluent management Comments on grazing management and supplements: Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 12

Forage cropped land information Please fill out a separate sheet for each crop. Block name: Effective area of crop (ha): Summer crop: Yes No Winter crop: Yes No Forage crop: Documentation required such as invoices for cultivation/harvest/sowing/seed purchase. Forage crop: Please circle and comment where appropriate Type (please circle) Turnips Barkant Turnips Globe Kale Swedes Oats leafy Triticale Maize Rape Pasja Other (please specify) Yield: T/ha dry weight(please circle) Fate of crop (please circle) t/ha unknown But: Poor Good Very good Grazed in situ Feed pad Winter feed pad Moved off farm Harvested and Fed on Farm Yes No If so where? Crop management: Please circle and comment where appropriate. Previous crop Month cultivation started Month crop sown Pasture other (please specify): Month started grazing Month finished grazing Month resown in pasture Grazed prior to cultivation by: Dairy Sheep Beef Deer Goats Other (please specify): Crop grazed by: Dairy Sheep Beef Deer Goats Other: (please specify): Harvested and fed on: feed pad paddock sold/moved off farm Comments on crop management: Overseer nutrient budget - year 2001/02 13