Canterbury City Council Military Road Canterbury Kent CT1 1YW. Title: CA/17/00508/LB. Author: Planning and Regeneration.

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O Crown copyright and database rights 2017 Ordnance Survey 100019614 Title: CA/17/00508/LB Author: Planning and Regeneration Scale 1:1,250 Map Dated: 10/05/2017 Canterbury City Council Military Road Canterbury Kent CT1 1YW

AGENDA ITEM NO 17 PLANNING COMMITTEE APPLICATION NUMBER: SITE LOCATION: PROPOSAL: APPLICATION TYPE: CA//17/00508/LB The Red House, Old Valley Road, Barham, CT4 6QG Application for listed building consent for proposed conversion and extension of garage to living accommodation and log store. LISTED BUILDING CONSENT DATE REGISTERED: 23 February 2017 TARGET DATE: 20 April 2017 LISTED BUILDING: GRADE 2 CONSERVATION AREA: WARD: APPLICANT: AGENT: CASE OFFICER: WEB LINK: RECOMMENDATION: BARHAM - DERRINGSTONE Nailbourne Mr D Starkey Tim Ellis Conservation Architect Mrs Joanna Dymowska CANTE_DCAPR_110179 Grant, subject to conditions SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1. The application site is located toward the south end of Barham on the east side of Old Valley Road. The application site lies within Derringstone Conservation Area, a Special Landscape Area and the Kent Downs AONB. 2. The front façade of the house is a three-storey red brick, Georgian townhouse, which is Grade II Listed. The building is constructed in red brick and benefits from a generous-sized garden to the rear and side of the original house. To the south of the site there is a garage subject to this application, also constructed in red brick and corrugated asbestos roof. 3. The Red Oast Cottage is the immediate neighbour of The Red House and is located adjacent to the garage subject to this application.

RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 4. CA//05/01188 granted planning permission for restoration works to the Red House. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5. Listed building consent is sought for the erection of a single-storey extension to the existing garage. It is also proposed to construct a log store, adjacent to the existing garage and an increase in height of approximately 1.5m to the boundary wall is proposed. CONSULTATIONS 6. CCC Heritage and Design - The historic O.S maps show that there have continuously been structures within the curtilage of Red House. Hence it is considered that a small sympathetically designed structure would not compromise the setting of the listed building. The structure is of a modest size and sympathetic design and will not overwhelm the setting. It is considered that by virtue of the design of the extension, that it would appear as a subservient addition in terms of its overall size and scale that would be sympathetic in relation to the existing structure. 7. Although rooflights to elevations fronting a listed building are resisted in most circumstances, here it is acknowledged that there is no other elevation for them to feature. Therefore three small conservation standard rooflights fitting flush with the roof will be permitted. As there is a kitchen and shower room proposed within the structure ventilation and extraction methods will be needed, these details should be submitted for approval under a condition. As the corner where Old Valley Road and Brick Road adjoining is a sensitive site, it is requested that reclaimed bricks are used in the heightening of the wall. The execution of the work (showing the alterations) represents good conservation practice. There is some concern the possibility of structural work from building control needed to show how the wall is supported. It is also requested that reclaimed bricks are used in the work. The new structure will be principally hidden from public view by the wall and thus its visual impact upon the character and appearance of the streetscene and the locality is thought to be minimal. It can be considered to preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area. 8. Archaeology no comment. 9. CCC Legal Department - The proposed development can be viewed as an annex and relevant conditions should be attached to the decision notice. REPRESENTATIONS 10. The application was advertised in the local newspaper, a site notice was displayed adjacent to the application site and neighbours were notified. 9 representations were received raising following concerns: Any alternations to the wall which is listed would be detrimental to the integrity of its character and listed status, The proposed development would be visible from all windows of the neighbouring Red Oast House and the privacy of the neighbours adversely affected, There is no need for the ancillary accommodation within the site, The proposal would be obtrusive in relation to the neighbouring Red Oast House,

Proposal would detract from the main dwelling and would be out of keeping with the surrounding area 11. Barham Parish Council Following concerns should be taken into consideration by the council: impact on the privacy of the neighbouring occupier, visual impact of the raised wall, materials used for the construction of a roof. Furthermore, two conditions were suggested: to limit new garage to an ancillary accommodation and to insert frosted glass rooflights to the roof slope of the garage. PLANNING POLICY BACKGROUND Canterbury District Local Plan 2006: BE5 - Preservation of listed buildings and their settings. BE7 - Conservation Areas and their settings to be preserved or enhanced: specific criteria for consideration. Canterbury District Local Plan Draft (Publication Draft) 2014: HE1 - Proposals which protect, conserve and/or enhance the historic environment will be supported. Heritage Statements to accompany applications affecting heritage assets. HE4 - Alterations and extensions to listed buildings and development affect their setting to preserve and enhance their character and appearance HE5 Development Affecting and Changes to Listed Buildings HE8 - Presumption in favour of conservation of heritage assets. Supplementary Planning Guidance: Heritage, Archaeology and Conservation Supplementary Planning Document, 2007. ASSESSMENT 12. The application is brought to a Planning Committee due to number of objections received. The main consideration is the impact on the character and appearance of the listed building and its special architectural interest. Impact upon listed building 13. Section 16 (2) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires that when considering whether to grant listed building consent for any works the local planning authority shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. 14. The National Planning Policy Framework sets out that consideration needs to be given to the impact that the proposed development would have on the significance of any heritage assets affected. Policy BE5 of the adopted Local Plan required the setting of Listed Buildings to be preserved or enhanced. This requirement is reflected within policy HE4 of the draft Local Plan. 15. The proposed development includes a single-storey extension to the existing garage, replicating its existing architectural features. Given that the materials for the wall construction would be the same and given the modest scale of the proposal, it would appear as a subservient addition and would preserve the listed building and its setting. At present, the roof is finished in corrugated asbestos; therefore Welsh Slates are considered to be an improvement and would enhance the

setting of the listed building. The type of roof slates should be secured by condition on the planning consent, to ensure that the highest quality materials are used. 16. In relation to the proposed increase in height to the boundary wall, the wall is listed and visible from street. The Council s Heritage team raised no objections to the increase in height of the existing wall and it would not adversely affect the special architectural interest of the wall or have detrimental impact on the street scene. The proposed increase in height in considered to preserve the integrity of the listed structure. 17. The proposal would also include a log-store to the south of the garage. It would be constructed in timber and with a lean-to roof. By virtue of the natural materials proposed and design in keeping with the existing character of the building, the proposal would be in keeping with the surrounding dwellings and preserve the character and appearance of the setting of the listed building. Conclusion 18. It is therefore considered that the proposals would conserve the historic environment and would preserve the fabric and setting of the listed building. It is considered that the proposals demonstrate sufficient regard for preserving the setting of a listed building to satisfy policy BE5 of the adopted CDLP and for preserving and enhancing the character and appearance of the curtilage listed wall in line with policy HE4, HE5 and HE8 of the emerging CDLP 2014 and Section 12 of National Planning Policy Framework. The proposal is therefore recommended for approval subject to suitable safeguarding conditions..

DRAFT CONDITIONS/REASONS FOR DECISION NOTICE Application No: CA/17/00508/LB Proposal: Application for listed building consent for proposed conversion and extension of garage to living accommodation and log store. Location: The Red House, Old Valley Road, Barham, CT4 6QG CONDITIONS/REASONS: 1 The works to which this consent relates shall be begun not later than the expiration date of three years beginning with the date on which this permission is granted. REASON: In pursuance of Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004) 2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drawings: RHB/0916/BP, received on 23rd February 2017 RHB/0916/02 rev. A, received on 3rd May 2017 RHB/0916/03, received on 23rd February 2017 RHB/0916/01, received on 23rd February 2017 REASON: To secure the proper development of the area. 3 Prior to the use of such items in the development hereby permitted, details in respect of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority: Detailed drawings of all new internal/external windows and doors (which shall be of timber construction only) of differing sizes to a scale of not less than 1:10 including cross-section, elevation, glazing, cill, recess, material, colour/finish Samples and details of external materials and surface finishes Details of mechanical ventilation or flues to be installed including location, dimensions, colour and material The works shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved details unless otherwise subsequently approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

4 The roof of the development hereby approved shall be constructed with slates of Welsh origin. 5 All rooflights hereby permitted shall be conservation grade rooflights that fit flush with the plane of the roof. 6 All rainwater goods shall be manufactured in cast iron in a traditional style