Equal Opportunity and the Law. Module 18-1

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18 Equal Opportunity and the Law Module 18-1

Learning Objectives 1. Explain the importance of and list the basic features of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and at least five other equal employment laws. 2. Explain how to avoid and deal with accusations of sexual harassment at work. 3. Define adverse impact and explain how it is proved. 4. Explain and illustrate two defenses you can use in the event of discriminatory practice allegations. Module 18-2

Learning Objectives 5.Cite specific discriminatory personnel management practices in recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, layoffs, and benefits. 6.List the steps in the EEOC enforcement process. 7.Discuss why diversity management is important and how to institutionalize a diversity management program. Module 18-3

The importance and basic features of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and other equal employment laws Module 18-4

Equal Employment Opportunity 1964 1991 Module 18-5

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act owho Does Title VII Cover? othe EEOC Module 18-6

Executive Orders Signed into law by various presidents Affirmative Action Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Module 18-7

Equal Pay Act of 1963 Unlawful to discriminate on basis of sex Jobs involve: oequal work oequivalent skills osimilar conditions Module 18-8

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Under ADEA, no discrimination for those between 40 65 No slack for employer if fired employee replaced by one much younger Module 18-9

Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Federal contracts > $2,500. Affirmative Action Reasonable accommodations Module 18-10

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Prohibits using pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions to discriminate in: o hiring opromotion osuspension, or odischarge Module 18-11

Federal Agency Guidelines EEOC Civil Service Commission Department of Labor (DOL) Department of Justice (DOJ) Module 18-12

Early Court Decisions, Equal Employment Opportunity Griggs v. Duke power company Albemarle paper company v. Moody Module 18-13

Review Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Executive Orders The Equal Pay Act The Vocational Rehabilitation Act The Pregnancy Discrimination Act Federal agency guidelines Court decisions on equal employment Module 18-14

Equal Employment Opportunity 1990 91 present Module 18-15

The Civil Rights Act of 1991 Burden of proof Money damages Mixed motives Module 18-16

The Americans with Disabilities Act Mental impairments and the ADA Qualified individual Reasonable accommodation Traditional employer defenses The new ADA Module 18-17

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) Genetic information Employers Health insurers Module 18-18

State & Local EEO Laws State and local employment discrimination Coverage Employment opportunity agencies Module 18-19

Review Legal terminology The Civil Rights Act of 1991 Americans with Disabilities Act Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act State and local EOO laws Module 18-20

Avoiding and dealing with accusations of sexual harassment at work Module 18-21

Sexual Harassment Affirmative action duty Federal Violence Against Women Act of 1994 What is sexual harassment Module 18-22

Sexual Harassment Proving sexual harassment When is the environment hostile? Module 18-23

Sexual Harassment Supreme Court decisions Implications When the law isn t enough What the employee can do Module 18-24

Review Sexual harassment Affirmative Action duty Federal Violence Against Women Act 1994 Supreme Court decisions Module 18-25

Defenses against discrimination allegations Module 18-26

Defining and Proving Adverse Impact Disparate treatment Disparate impact Module 18-27

The Central Role of Adverse Impact Showing adverse impact odisparate rejection rates othe Standard Deviation Rule orestricted policy opopulation comparisons omcdonnell-douglas Test Module 18-28

Two Defenses Employers may Use in the Event of Discriminatory Practice Allegations. Module 18-29

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) Age Religion Gender National origin Module 18-30

Other Adverse Impact Issues Business Necessity Other considerations ogood intentions ocollective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) odefense not only recourse Module 18-31

Review Disparate treatment and impact The Central Role of Adverse Impact Employer defenses Other Adverse Impact Issues Module 18-32

Specific discriminatory personnel management practices Module 18-33

Illustrative Discriminatory Employment Practices What you can and cannot do Recruitment oword-of-mouth omisleading information ohelp wanted ads Module 18-34

Illustrative Discriminatory Employment Practices Examples of selection standards oeducational requirements otests ophysical characteristics oarrest records oapplication forms Module 18-35

Sample Discriminatory Promotion, Transfer and Layoff Practices Personal appearance odress ohair ouniforms otattoos, body piercings Supervisor knowledge Module 18-36

Review Illustrative Discriminatory Employment Practices Examples of selection standards Sample Discriminatory Promotion, Transfer and Layoff Practices Module 18-37

The steps in the EEOC enforcement process Module 18-38

The EEOC Enforcement Process File charge Charge acceptance Serve notice Investigation Cause/no cause Conciliation Notice to sue Module 18-39

The EEOC Enforcement Process Voluntary mediation Mandatory arbitration of discrimination claims Module 18-40

Review The EEOC Enforcement Process oseven-step process The EEOC Enforcement Process ovoluntary mediation omandatory arbitration of discrimination claims Module 18-41

Why diversity management is important and how to institutionalize a diversity management program Module 18-42

Diversity Management and Affirmative Action Programs Diversity pros and cons ostereotyping odiscrimination otokenism oethnocentrism ogender-role stereotypes Module 18-43

Diversity Management and Affirmative Action Programs Managing diversity Encouraging inclusiveness Multicultural consciousness Module 18-44

Diversity Management and Affirmative Action Programs EEO vs. Affirmative Action Implementing an Affirmative Action Program Reverse discrimination Module 18-45

Review Diversity management and Affirmative Action programs Diversity benefits Managing diversity EEO vs. Affirmative Action Module 18-46