Institutional Planning Committee 09/20/11 Minutes

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Institutional Planning Committee 09/20/11 Minutes Administration: Roger Schultz, Dennis Anderson*, Becky Elam, Bill Vincent Faculty: Glenn Stevenson*, Michael Fleming, Jason Bader* Classified: Elaine Eshom*, Jared Davis*, Justin Bennett Students: Support Staff: Rebecca Teague, Charles Hawkins, Brandon Moore, Paul Hert, Irma Ramos* Others: Brian Orlauski, Richard Rowley, Fred Frontino *LINK 1. Minutes m/sc Fleming/Vincent Motion to approve the May 17, 2011 minutes. Motion passed 9/0/1 Jason Bader abstained 2. Introduction of New Members Dr. Schultz welcomed all of the new and returning committee members. 3. Discuss IPC Charge and Annual Goals Dr. Schultz read the current IPC charge that was adopted October 19, 2010 and reviewed the voting membership roster and committee guidelines concerning committee participation. Annual goals will be placed on the October 18 th agenda for review and discussion. Rebecca said that IPC is required submit a midterm and end of the year report to College Council on the status, challenges and opportunities concerning each shared governance committee s annual goals. IPC s first report will be due in May 2012 therefore we need to establish goals for 2011/12. Dr. Schultz said that the institution has recommended rolling the 2010/11 goals forward for 2011/12. He would prefer we focus more on quality and making sure we complete the established goals. The IPC 2010/11 goals will be sent to the committee members for review. The District just completed and adopted the Strategic Plan and the implementation of that plan will reside in IPC. Rebecca suggested that IPC might want to consider creating an annual goal around the Strategic Plan that measures and assesses the implementation and look at SLO proficiency 2012 as well as the rubric for assessment review.

Dr. Schultz said that IPC probably won t want to have more than 2-3 goals. He also encouraged the Academic and Classified Senates to consider assigning members to IPC for a longer period than just one year to promote continuity of input and understanding for long-range planning. We need that ongoing knowledge. 4. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Update Brandon Moore 91.8% of all courses have identified learning outcomes. 90.2% of all courses that are currently offered have identified learning outcomes. This is a great improvement but we need to be at 100%. The big push now is to get all of the courses offered last spring and this fall to the 100% mark. The percent of courses being assessed will be updated in the next couple of weeks. That number will be smaller although we know assessment has been taking place. We believe part of the reporting challenge has been where to send those assessments. Elumin training will start next week. Dr. Schultz asked to have the opportunity to get more familiar with that training. 5. MSJC Assessment Academy Brandon Moore The Academy will focus on assessment training for faculty and staff. He will begin the training looking at 12 courses with the assessment council. Trainees will go from a novice to an expert in the areas of terminology, curriculum alignment and closing the loop. The training is broken into two parts; Part 1/Introduction and Part 2/look at learning outcomes, the data and how to better utilize that information. Up to 18 hours of FLEX credit is available. He plans to tie this training to every teaching and learning academy, department meetings, etc. Training will also be offered to non-instructional units as well as the administrative side. Brandon will contact everyone in the next week or two via email. The information will be reported in the Quarterly Update. He is presently looking at ways to get the message out to Associate Faculty. Rebecca added that once we get through the initial shell they will create a blackboard portal for faculty use.

6. Institutional Program Review Update Paul Hert Program Review is going very well with Student Services and Instruction on schedule to complete the reviews for the Deans by the October 31 st deadline. The faculty is working on the online review form making major improvements to that document. Thanks to the assistance from Brian Orlauski they are able to work with multiple sites and tops codes. Paul also recognized Alex Cuatok for overseeing the Student Services piece. He has been working with the instructional side which continues to be a work in progress. We are finding that each area requires specific data related to that particular area. Therefore the challenge lies in what data is needed and how to use it across the different areas. Upon completion of the Program Review, the next step is to start filling out the RAPs if funding is needed, updating the RAP form to include the Strategic Plan, working on faculty 3 year revision calendars including what needs to be updated, counselor 1-2 year ed plans for students and CLO assessment. Everything is on schedule for completion. 7. Accreditation/Site Visit Update Dr. Schultz reminded everyone that everything we have accomplished has been to improve the institution and not just to meet the accreditation standards. Rebecca Encouraged IPC to review the entire self study because it includes everything this group has touched over the last two years, especially Standard I. She anticipates that many of the IPC members will be interviewed by the visiting team. Last Monday we conducted the Mock Site Visit. The Team Chair visited last Thursday and Friday. She was very interested in sustainability what we have done, how we do it, and how it filters throughout the process and institution. We have a closed loop model and need to make sure everyone understands the process. She was also interested in our assessment process, Strategic Plan, institutional priorities, goals, assessment and evaluation and if we are we meeting the students needs. Just be familiar with the document. The document includes hyperlinks to the evidence so also be familiar with the Institutional Effectiveness and Research sites. Dr. Schultz asked if IPC would be more comfortable if we had a Brown Bag lunch and had an oral Cliff Notes refresher course. We will schedule it during the College Hour and serve cookies, water. He would like to bring Ron

Bowman and Ted Blake back with Glenn and Mike as they were involved during the time we were building these planning processes. You all should be proud of what we have accomplished over the last two years, our model is excellent. Dennis said it would be helpful if we had a good definition for sustainable. Dr. Schultz added that we need to work with SGA to make sure they are plugged in and we have answered any questions they might have. A lot has changed since we completed the self study. We have moved through another RAP/PAR process, adopted the Strategic Plan, approved a Values Statement and so much more. We want to capture and share that information. Therefore we have created a Quarterly Accreditation Update that will focus on the planning agendas and what we have accomplished including the evidence that supports the accomplishments. The deadline for the first quarterly report is September 26, 2011. Business Services designed the template that will be distributed to each area Vice President. 8. Review Status of Planning Documents a) Strategic Plan Dr. Schultz We went through the planning process last spring and the Board adopted it at their September 8 th meeting. This is the key framework for our activities over the next three years showing how it maps back to the Educational MP and looks forward to how we assess our progress. We will need to map timelines for the key activities from start to completion. b) Facilities Master Plan Vice President Elam Last July we convened four separate committees to work on the following facility areas: San Jacinto Campus, Menifee Campus, San Gorgonio Campus and Future Centers. The committee looking at Future Centers concentrated on developing a tool kit sized towards a specific number of students, a generic model that could be used at any location the District might identify in years to come. These committees working from the Educational Master Plan began to develop a Facilities MP that would support the Ed MP with capital development and building into the future, 2050. The Facilities MP is online for review. We will ask the Board to receive the plan rather than adopt it as it is a fluid design that will need to be changed and updated depending on many outside and inside factors. Therefore upon receiving the plan the Board will be updated as these factors change. (Example, should we get a bond we can build facilities faster therefore changing our priorities and available funding)

The Facilities MP is part of the Community College system and the Chancellor s Office has a Facilities Task Force that meets yearly to acknowledge the progress and projects throughout the system. MSJC doesn t have a bond but will be honored this November with a state award for our Facilities MP. We are hearing that it was the best long-range plan submitted this year under the tagline of sustainability. The Facilities Committee has changed their name to the Physical Resources Committee. The Physical Resource Committee will also oversee capital equipment and report though the Budget Committee (an ad hoc committee). The RAP/PAR committee continues to meet making a lot of progress. Last year we earmarked a specific amount of money to allocate through this process and unless any unforeseen budget challenges arise, we are ready to allocate those funds. The committee will report out the results in October. c) Distance Education Plan Dennis Anderson The plan has been completed and is receiving high marks. The committee is recommending we create an ad hoc committee, the Virtual Resource Committee that will be chaired by Brian Orlauski and Pat James. d) Technology Master Plan Brian Orlauski ICTC approved the draft Tech MP 2011-2015, it will go to College Council in October and then on to the Board for approval. The ICTC goal is to annually review the plan and make any necessary changes based on new data, programs, etc. The draft can be found on the ICTC website. OTHER Values Statement Dr. Schultz College Council passed the document and it is going to the Board for information and a first read and then back to the Board for adoption in November. The question was raised at the Mock Site visit as to how we will sustain the Mission Statement. We have now completed the Mission Statement and the Values Statement and we will move on to the Vision Statement including a systematic review of each of the previous statements. The feedback concerning the Values has been very positive. We will need to provide a process as to how we allocate funding for HR and provide a sustainable staffing plan for the future. We do have a plan but we need to take it to the next level.

Rebecca added that she believes the Accreditation Site Team Leader knows we don t have a bond and wonders how we have done so much with so little. The team is curious about us knowing that we haven t had any layoffs, no furloughs, we are still expanding, our DE is growing, we ve accomplished so much planning and how do we do all of this. 9. Next Meeting Tuesday, October 18 th at 2:00 p.m. in 200 LINKED to 851. 10. Adjourn