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Welcome To Attracktor! This book will introduce you to all your membership benefits and help you get to know our community a little better. What you are about to indulge in is an attraction based business model we call The Attract & Retain Formula. There is a lot of training within Attracktor so take it slowly one thing at a time and do not get overwhelmed. When you have questions just ask us, we are here to support you.

I want to personally welcome you to Attracktor! I m absolutely thrilled you are here and I know this is going to be a real game changer for the way you market your brand and business going forward. But first, I want you to know you made a very wise decision because Attracktor is different Attracktor is the first of it s kind. We are a Relationship Building CRM like software, a full marketing training university, and a membership community of agents who are sick and tired of the old school prospecting methods so many of us have grown to hate. Our mission is to change the way Realtors market their business by creating a value that ATTRACTS potential prospects to working with you. We are against sleazy sales tactics like cold calling and believe in placing over 60% of your marketing efforts on where over 60% of all agent business comes from, your sphere of influence. We do this by keeping your brand in front of the very people who are more than likely to need or refer your services. This isn t a single strategy, but rather a collection of them working towards the same goals CONSISTENT lead generation. This is a business model and a mindset. My sincere hope is that you become an Attracktor and start running a business and not be run by one. I look forward to getting to know you within our community. Talk soon, Founder & CEO of Attracktor & Real Estate Marketing Dude

Member Benefits Attracktor is more than a bunch of training and a cool relationship building software that keeps your brand at the forefront of your audience. We are a membership community of agents who like advanced real estate marketing topics. We understand that your broker is not available 24/7 to fully support you, but even more importantly, answer your marketing questions. Real estate marketing has changed more in the last 10-15 years than in the previous 100 because of the way buyers and sellers consume information. Virtually everything has gone online and this shift has changed the way real estate is bought and sold. Many brokers have not been able to stay afloat of all the changes that have occurred, but that s exactly why you joined Attracktor to begin with. If you find yourself stuck with something, just ask, that s what we re here for. Our group is an alternative to coaching and made for the DIY Realtor. The membership perks of our community alone are worth more than your monthly membership fee if you take advantage of them. Don't know if that marketing piece is a good idea? Don't know if you should run that Facebook ad? Instead of throwing your money out the door testing to see if something works, just run it past us first and get some valuable opinions. How much time would that save you? There is nothing more powerful than a group of minds working together towards a common goal -Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich. We are an online mastermind of Realtors who are out to change with the shift that has occurred in our industry,

Meet The Contributors Attracktor isn t made up with just one trainer. Instead this is a collective group of trainers or marketing experts who all bring their insight to the table. We went out and found some of the best minds in real estate to better serve you. Each of our contributors brings something of value to the table and once you join the community you will get to know them.

What To Do After You Signed Up Step 1: Confirm Your Email- We sent you an email from Attracktor to verify your identity. This is done to avoid people putting in fake email addresses and confirm that you are human. You must click the link in the email to officially set up your FREE Trial period and begin consuming the training. Do not attempt to log in until after this is done. Step 2: Go to and click on the "login" button: Step 3: Enter your username and password that you created immediately after signing up. If you forget your name and/or password...simply click on the "Lost Password" link and you'll be able to reset it right away.(username is going to be your email address).

Step 4: Once inside Attracktor, hover your mouse over the "Training" button and Click to access all the training. This is where you will learn the ins and outs of Attracktor. All of the training is laid out in the order it should be consumed so just follow it. You will learn how to access our community benefits, use the software, and consume all the content within it.

Step 5: Start HERE! The very first thing you need to do is get introduced to our community. This is where you will join the private Facebook group, learn how to navigate Attracktor, and fully understand this system front and back. Make sure you watch all the videos within the Start Here Module. Step 6: Take The Attract & Retain Formula Training First! Attracktor was built around a business model labeled the Attract & Retain Formula. The entire purpose of the first four courses is create a Referral/Relationship and Effective Trasnactional marketing system that people are ATTRACTED to. You will learn the ins and outs of the software side of Attracktor as you take this training.

Step 7: The Advanced Marketing Courses Once you are done with the Attract & Retain Formula training, dive into the more advanced training. One of the cool things bout marketing is that what works is always changing. Our community will help you change with it! When you have questions, just ask us. It is up to you to decide what kind of marketing best fits your skill set, but you have no shortage of different strategies you can implement here!

Week By Week Action Steps WEEK 1 STEP 1 Complete Course: The Ultimate Real Estate Marketing Plan Course. This will give you the who, what, where, when, and why of the Attract & Retain Formula. ACTION STEP: You must build out each of your online profiles before moving forward.

WEEK 2: Relationship/Referral Marketing Implementation Facebook Action Steps: Reposition your Facebook image and timeline photo to reflect you are in real estate. Get in the habit of telling your real estate story on all your social accounts

Video Email Action Steps: Sign up for a Bombbomb account using the link provided on the website. Copy & Paste API key into Attracktor from BombBomb. Download your email list of your contacts from your email service provider and Facebook accounts. Clean up your email list with Qualified Relationships only. Upload Your Final List to Bombbomb Create first test video trying it a few times to yourself Download subject lines ideas and print out (We will remind you when new video emails should be going out as part of your membership) Direct Mail Action Step Begin building your direct mail audience Spend 2-3 weeks maximum creating your direct mail audience by time blocking. Set up 1-2 hours a day and exhaust your phone contacts, email contacts, and then Facebook contacts. Upload Your Final Direct Mail List Into Attracktor. Set up your annual done for you direct mail marketing campaign. Additional Relationship Marketing Strategies Write down who would be in your power team that you already have an existing relationship with and set meetings to network with one another Download the Thanks For Your Referral letter and save on your desktop. Download the Referral Acknowledgement Checklist and save to your desktop and print out. Post near your desk.

WEEK 3: Seller Transactional Marketing We expect your questions on the next two sections. It is up to you on how much of our listing marketing plan you would like to adapt. The best thing you can do is consume the content and ask questions. If you have a marketing administrator or an assistant who is handling your listing marketing then let us train them for you. They are free to access any of our training and jump on our calls. Sellers don t hire Realtors anymore, they hire marketers.

WEEK 4: Transactional Marketing Working with buyers is time consuming but they are great referrals sources. This can be used to train your buyers agents or shared in your office.

The Ball Is Now In Your Court! The knowledge is right in front of you, you just have to go get it!