Heat is a type of and is therefore measured in (J). Temperature is a measure of how much energy an object has. It is measured in degrees ( C).

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Lesson 1: Revision of S2 Heat Heat and Temperature Heat is a type of and is therefore measured in (J). Temperature is a measure of how much energy an object has. It is measured in degrees ( C). Heat energy will always travel from a temperature material to a lower temperature material. Heat Transfer Conduction is when heat energy travels along a. are the best conductors of heat. Convection is when a gas or is heated and rises, drawing colder air in underneath it. This causes the air to and transfer heat energy. Radiation Objects give out energy as radiation. Very hot objects glow red or even white hot. IR radiation does not need a to travel through. higher, Celsius, material, energy, Metals, solid, infrared, Joules, heat, lower, liquid, circulate 1 P a g e

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