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www.parason.com High Consistency Pulper mainly used for efficient removal of contaminants in newsprint paper mills, writing & printing mills, board mills, and kraft mills. the refining people

High consistency pulping system is operated in a batch process. The unique design of the rotor creates excellent circulation within the vat and gives good slushing of raw materials, which permits operations at consistency up to 15-16%. The Hi-con pulper is suitable for all waste paper grades. The discharge system is designed for the discharge of the high consistency stock from pulper diluting up to 4% and efficient removal of coarse contaminants. Applications & Salient Features High efficient ink detachment especially in writing and printing grade Easy separation of fibers & contaminants Gentle removal of contaminants Efficient slushing of fibers Helps De-Inking Energy Saving

Want to buy the high consistency pulper for your pulp and paper machine? Call now +91 (0) 240-2339234/35/36/37 or Write us at info@parason.com www.parason.com