Extending BPMN for integration of internet of things devices with process-driven applications

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University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Science Jan Meznarič Extending BPMN for integration of internet of things devices with process-driven applications MASTER S THESIS THE 2nd CYCLE MASTERS STUDY PROGRAMME COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Mentor: Prof. Dr. Matjaž Branko Jurič Co-mentor: Prof. Dr. Axel Küpper Ljubljana, 2016

Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko Jan Meznarič Razširitev BPMN za potrebe integracije naprav interneta stvari s procesnimi aplikacijami MAGISTRSKO DELO ŠTUDIJSKI PROGRAM DRUGE STOPNJE RAČUNALNIŠTVO IN INFORMATIKA Mentor: prof. dr. Matjaž Branko Jurič Somentor: prof. dr. Axel Küpper Ljubljana, 2016

Results of the thesis are intellectual property of the author and Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana. For publication or usage of the results, a written consent of the author, Faculty of Computer and Information Science and the mentor is needed.

Declaration of Authorship of Final Work I, the undersigned student Jan Meznarič, registration number 63110268, the author of the final work of studies: Extending BPMN for integration of internet of things devices with processdriven applications (slov. Razširitev BPMN za potrebe integracije naprav interneta stvari s procesnimi aplikacijami) DECLARE 1. The written final work of studies is a result of my independent work mentored by prof. dr. Matjaž Branko Jurič and co-mentored by prof. dr. Axel Küpper. 2. The printed form of the written final work of studies is identical to the electronic form of the written final work of studies. 3. I have acquired all the necessary permissions for the use of data and copyrighted works in the written final work of studies and have clearly marked them in the written final work of studies. 4. I have acted in accordance with ethical principles during the preparation of the written final work of studies and have, where necessary, obtained agreement of the ethics commission. 5. I give my consent to use of the electronic form of the written final work of studies for the detection of content similarity with other works, using similarity detection software that is connected with the study information system of the university member. 6. I transfer to the UL free of charge, non-exclusively, geographically and time-wise unlimited the right of saving the work in the electronic form, the right of reproduction, as well as the right of making the written final work of studies available to the public on the world wide web via the Repository of UL. 7. I give my consent to publication of my personal data that are included in the written final work of studies and in this declaration, together with the publication of the written final work of studies. In Ljubljana, September 9 th, 2016 Student s signature:

I would like to thank my mentor, Prof. Dr. Matjaž Branko Jurič, for his support and guidance. I would also like to thank my co-mentor, Prof. Dr. Axel Küpper, and my supervisor, Kai Grunert, for their help and advice during my stay at TU Berlin. Special thanks go to my family and friends, for their support during my time at the university.

Contents Povzetek Abstract 1 Introduction 1 2 Foundation 3 2.1 Motivation............................. 3 2.2 Business Process Model and Notation.............. 12 2.3 State of the art research..................... 15 3 Open topics and problem statement 29 3.1 Analysis of the state of the art modelling approaches..... 29 3.2 Open topics in the state of the art research........... 34 3.3 Research questions........................ 36 3.4 Methodology........................... 37 4 Requirements for proposed solutions 39 4.1 Identifying requirements..................... 39 4.2 Defined requirements....................... 41 5 Proposed solutions 45 5.1 Modelling a single IoT device as a single lane......... 45 5.2 Modelling all IoT devices as a single lane............ 49 5.3 Modelling sensors and actuators as two lanes.......... 53

CONTENTS 5.4 Modelling a set of IoT devices as a pool............ 54 5.5 Modelling event-based sensing with events........... 59 5.6 Modelling properties of interest with item-aware elements... 63 6 Evaluation and final solution 69 6.1 Evaluation of proposed solutions................. 69 6.2 Final solution........................... 75 7 Conclusions and future work 77 7.1 Conclusions............................ 77 7.2 Future work............................ 78

List of abbreviations Abbreviation BPEL BPM BPMN EPC eepc HVAC IoE IoT M2M PaaS REST RFID SOA SOAP UML WSN WSAN Meaning Business Process Execution Language Business Process Management Business Process Model and Notation Event-driven Process Chain Extended Event-driven Process Chain Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Internet of Everything Internet of Things Machine to Machine Platform as a Service REpresentational State Transfer Radio-Frequency IDentification Service-Oriented Architecture Simple Object Access Protocol Unified Modelling Language Wireless Sensor Network Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network

Povzetek Naslov: Razširitev BPMN za potrebe integracije naprav interneta stvari s procesnimi aplikacijami Pojem internet stvari (Internet of Things - IoT) opisuje svet, v katerem so vsakodnevni objekti opremljeni z računskimi in komunikacijskimi zmogljivostmi ter povezani z obstoječimi informacijskimi sistemi. Takšni objekti lahko zaznavajo in spreminjajo lastnosti entitet iz stvarnega sveta in tako omogočajo kreiranje informacijskih sistemov, ki se odzivajo na spremembe iz stvarnega sveta in ga tudi spreminjajo. Internet stvari postaja vedno bolj razširjena tehnologija, pomembna na mnogih področjih. Omogoča gradnjo pametnih hiš in mest, izboljšanje infrastrukture in transporta, pomemben pa je tudi v poslovnih okoljih. Preden pa lahko IoT postane del poslovnih okolij, morajo naprave IoT postati aktivni udeleženci v poslovnih procesih. Poslovni procesi so sestavljeni iz množice koordiniranih aktivnosti, z izvajanjem katerih dosegamo poslovne cilje v podjetju. Posamezno aktivnost poslovnega procesa izvaja bodisi informacijski sistem bodisi zaposleni v podjetju. Z metodami upravljanja poslovnih procesov vseskozi prilagajamo in izboljšujemo poslovne procese ter s tem povečujemo njihovo učinkovitost in izboljšujemo poslovne rezultate podjetja. Poslovne procese modeliramo z različnimi notacijami za modeliranje, med katerimi je najbolj priljubljena in uporabljana notacija BPMN. Modelirane poslovne procese implementiramo in s tem omogočimo njihovo izvajanje. Aplikacije, katerih izvajanje temelji na modeliranih poslovnih procesih, imenujemo procesne aplikacije. Integracija naprav IoT s procesnimi aplikacijami omogoča modeliranje in

CONTENTS izvajanje poslovnih procesov, ki lahko zaznavajo in spreminjajo lastnosti entitet iz stvarnega sveta. Takšnim procesom pravimo stvarni procesi. Naprave IoT tako postanejo aktivni udeleženci v poslovnih procesih in prevzemajo odgovornost za izvedbo posameznih aktivnosti. Uporaba storitveno usmerjene arhitekture (Service-Oriented Architecture - SOA) omogoča učinkovito integracijo naprav IoT z informacijskimi sistemi. Da pa lahko naprave IoT postanejo del poslovnih procesov, je potrebno razširiti notacije za modeliranje procesov, tako da bodo podpirale modeliranje specifik sveta IoT in stvarnih procesov. V tej nalogi se osredotočamo na razširitev notacije BPMN. Naša odločitev temelji na dveh raziskavah na temo razširjenosti notacije BPMN in njene primernosti za modeliranje specifik sveta IoT. Sodeč po raziskavah je, prvič, notacija BPMN trenutno najbolj razširjena notacija za modeliranje poslovnih procesov, drugič, notacija BPMN med vsemi analiziranimi notacijami podpira največ specifik sveta IoT in je najbolj primerna za razširitev za podporo trenutno nepodprtih specifik. Preden pa se lahko lotimo razširjanja notacije BPMN, je potrebno poznati domenski model interneta stvari. Najpomembnejši elementi iz domenskega modela interneta stvari so fizična entiteta, naprava IoT in storitev IoT. Fizična entiteta je poljuben objekt iz stvarnega sveta, ki ga želimo vključiti v aplikacijo IoT. Primera fizičnih entitet sta soba in okno. Naprave IoT so posredniki med stvarnim in virtualnim svetom. Delijo se na senzorje, aktuatorje in značke. Senzorji merijo lastnosti fizičnih entitet, aktuatorji pa jih spreminjajo. Primer senzorja je senzor temperature, primer aktuatorja pa klimatska naprava. Značke predstavljajo posebno vrsto naprav IoT, ki so pričvrščene na fizične entitete in se uporabljajo za njihovo identifikacijo. Storitev IoT je spletna storitev, ki preko standardnih vmesnikov izpostavlja funkcionalnosti naprav IoT. Uporabnik lahko tako izvede klic storitve IoT, ki z uporabo funkcionalnosti naprav IoT meri in/ali spreminja lastnosti fizičnih entitet. Naprave IoT uporabljajo dva načina komunikacije. Prvi način je način tipa zahteva/odgovor, pri uporabi katerega aplikacija pošlje zahtevo napravi

CONTENTS IoT, ta pa izvede zahtevano aktivnost ter aplikaciji odgovori z rezultatom. Drugi način je dogodkovna komunikacija, ki se uporablja, ko naprava IoT pošilja podatke aplikaciji le ob določenih dogodkih. Senzor lahko tako na primer zaledni aplikaciji pošlje izmerjeno temperaturo vsakih 10 minut, ali pa le v primeru, ko temperatura preseže določeno mejo. Pri modeliranju stvarnih procesov se je potrebno zavedati in razumeti karakteristike, ki so specifične za IoT. Najpomembnejši je koncept fizične entitete, ki je ključnega pomena v stvarnih procesih. Notacije morajo zato zagotoviti ustrezne elemente za modeliranje fizičnih entitet. Stvarni procesi se lahko deloma izvajajo na robnih napravah IoT, zato je potrebno to specifiko podpreti tudi v notacijah. Podobno velja tudi za podatke, ki so prav tako lahko shranjeni na robnih napravah IoT. Zaradi velikega števila naprav IoT in njihovih komunikacijskih sposobnosti, je potrebno zagotoviti elemente za učinkovito modeliranje velikega števila interakcij. Ustvarjeni procesni diagrami morajo kljub velikemu številu naprav ostati nekompleksni. Notacije morajo zagotoviti podporo za modeliranje abstrakcij med storitvami in napravami IoT. Prav tako morajo podpirati mobilno naravo naprav IoT, ki lahko vodi tudi do nedosegljivih naprav. Podobno je potrebno zagotoviti tudi modeliranje morebitne slabe natančnosti podatkov, izmerjenih na napravi IoT, zaradi morebitne slabše ločljivosti ali napake v delovanju. Zaradi velikega števila naprav udeleženih v stvarnih procesih je potrebno zagotoviti nemoteno izvajanje procesa tudi ob morebitnem izpadu posamezne naprave. Zaradi same narave IoT je število dogodkov v stvarnih procesih mnogo večje kot v običajnih poslovnih procesih. Potrebno je zagotoviti podporo za modeliranje teh dogodkov in njihovo učinkovito obdelavo v času izvajanja procesa. Ker je izvajanje stvarnih procesov odvisno od stvarnega sveta in lahko nanj tudi vpliva, je pomembna časovna komponenta pri izvajanju procesov, predvsem zato, da se aktivnosti izvajajo ob točno določenih točkah v času. Vse omenjene karakteristike je potrebno upoštevati in nasloviti, da bo mogoče učinkovito modelirati in izvajati stvarne procese. V tej nalogi se osredotočamo na karakteristike, ki se nanašajo na modeliranje fizičnih entitet,

CONTENTS interakcij, dogodkov in abstrakcije naprav IoT. Trenutno je raziskovalno delo na področju integracije sveta IoT in procesnih aplikacij usmerjeno v razširjanje notacije BPMN, s predlogi razširitev za podporo modeliranju fizičnih entitet, naprav IoT in aktivnosti IoT. Znanstveni članki definirajo nov grafični element in razred za modeliranje fizične entitete. Za modeliranje naprave IoT predlagajo uporabo stez, tako da vsaka steza predstavlja eno napravo IoT. Steze vsebujejo aktivnosti BPMN, ki predstavljajo aktivnosti IoT, ki jih izvede modelirana naprava. V nalogi analiziramo omenjene predlagane razširitve iz sorodnega raziskovalnega dela na področju modeliranja specifik sveta IoT z notacijo BPMN. Po opravljeni analizi izpostavimo odprta vprašanja, za katera menimo, da najnujneje potrebujejo rešitev. Nadaljnje raziskovanje je osredotočeno na tri raziskovalna vprašanja. Prvič, kako modelirati posamezne lastnosti fizičnih entitet. Drugič, kako izboljšati modeliranje naprav IoT. Tretjič, kako modelirati dogodkoven tip komunikacije uporabljene s strani naprav IoT. Vsaka fizična entiteta ima več lastnosti. Pri modeliranju procesov želimo modelirati le tiste lastnosti entitete, na katere se sklicujejo aktivnosti v modeliranem procesu. Razširitev modela fizične entitete s podatki o njenih lastnostih omogoča kreiranje natančnejših procesnih diagramov in izboljša njihovo berljivost. Notacije za modeliranje procesov je zato potrebno razširiti, da bodo omogočale modeliranje posameznih lastnosti fizičnih entitet. Sorodno raziskovalno delo predlaga modeliranje naprav IoT s stezami, tako da je vsaka naprava modelirana s svojo stezo. Pri procesih z večjim številom naprav IoT procesni diagrami zaradi velikega števila stez postanejo veliki in nepregledni. Modeliranje naprav IoT je potrebno izboljšati, tako da bodo modelirani procesi bolj kompleksni in lažje berljivi tudi pri velikem številu modeliranih naprav. Naprave IoT lahko pri izvajanju aktivnosti IoT uporabljajo dogodkovni tip komunikacije. Trenutno raziskovalno delo predlaga pristope le za modeliranje aktivnosti IoT, ki uporabljajo tip komunikacije zahteva/odgovor. Modeliranje dogodkovnega tipa komunikacije trenutno ni podprto. Notacijo

CONTENTS BPMN je potrebno dopolniti in izboljšati, da bo omogočala modeliranje dogodkovnega tipa komunikacije. Zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja rešujemo sledeč naslednji metodologiji. Najprej definiramo zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati predstavljene rešitve. V naslednjem koraku predstavimo šest rešitev za zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Vsaka predstavljena rešitev je sestavljena iz pristopa modeliranja in predlaganih razširitev notacije BPMN, če je to potrebno. Predstavljene rešitve so v naslednjem koraku evalvirane z uporabo definiranih zahtev. Pred predstavitvijo rešitev definiramo zahteve, ki nas vodijo skozi proces iskanja rešitev in so uporabljene kot kriterij pri njihovi evalvaciji. Definirane zahteve so razdeljene v štiri skupine: zahteve za podporo modeliranju procesov, zahteve glede veljavnosti procesov, zahteve za podporo izvajanju procesov in zahteve za proces razširjanja notacije BPMN. Najpomembnejše zahteve lahko strnemo v naslednjo izjavo: Uporabnik mora imeti možnost modelirati, katera naprava IoT je odgovorna za izvedbo katere aktivnosti IoT na specificirani lastnosti fizične entitete. Pri aktivnostih senzorjev mora imeti uporabnik možnost modelirati tudi dogodkovni tip komunikacije. Vse predlagane rešitve so sestavljene iz pristopa modeliranja in morebitnih razširitev notacije BPMN. Vsaki predlagani rešitvi je priložen vzorčen procesni diagram, ki prikazuje uporabo predlagane rešitve. Pri vsaki rešitvi skušamo definirati pristop modeliranja za oba tipa komunikacije: komunikacijo tipa zahteva/odgovor ter dogodkovnega tipa komunikacije. Prva predlagana rešitev temelji na pristopih modeliranja, predstavljenih v aktualnem raziskovalnem delu. Za modeliranje fizičnih entitet uporabimo elemente, predstavljene v sorodnem raziskovalnem delu. Fizične entitete modeliramo z grafičnim simbolom za prazen bazen z dodanim simbolom in imenom entitete. Vsaka naprava IoT je modelirana s svojo stezo. Aktivnosti IoT, izvedene s komunikacijo tipa zahteva/odgovor, so modelirane z aktivnostmi BPMN. Za modeliranje dogodkovnega tipa komunikacije predlagamo uporabo dogodkov BPMN, postavljenih pred aktivnosti IoT. Lastnosti fizičnih entitet so modelirane zgolj implicitno, s kombinacijo fizične

CONTENTS entitete in naprave ter aktivnosti IoT. Evalvacija predlagane rešitve vrne skromne rezultate, saj rešitev ne omogoča eksplicitnega modeliranja lastnosti fizičnih entitet in ne izboljša modeliranja naprav IoT. Rešitev izpolnjuje 6 od 16 definiranih zahtev. Druga predlagana rešitev temelji na prvi in predlaga združitev vseh naprav IoT v eno stezo in s tem zmanjša kompleksnost dobljenih procesnih diagramov. Ker pri takem načinu modeliranja izgubimo informacijo o napravi IoT, ki je odgovorna za izvedbo aktivnosti, predlagamo modeliranje odgovorne naprave IoT z razširitvijo elementa, uporabljenega za modeliranje asociacije med aktivnostmi IoT in fizičnimi entitetami. Za modeliranje dogodkovnega tipa komunikacije predlagamo uporabo dogodkov BPMN, enako kot v prejšnji predlagani rešitvi. Lastnosti fizičnih entitet so spet modelirane zgolj implicitno. Evalvacija predlagane rešitve vrne rahlo boljše rezultate kot pri prejšnji rešitvi, saj rešitev izboljša modeliranje naprav IoT. Rešitev izpolnjuje 8 od 16 predlaganih zahtev. Tretja predlagana rešitev je podobna drugi, razlikuje se le v načinu modeliranja naprav IoT. Namesto modeliranja vseh naprav IoT z eno stezo, predlagamo razdelitev na dve stezi, eno za modeliranje senzorjev in eno za modeliranje aktuatorjev. Evalvacija predlagane rešitve je zaradi podobnosti rešitev podobna kot pri prejšnji rešitvi. Tudi ta rešitev tako izpolnjuje 8 od 16 predlaganih zahtev. Četrta predlaga rešitev poskuša modelirati naprave IoT z uporabo bazenov, s katerimi lahko bolje modeliramo postavitev naprav iz stvarnega sveta. Tako lahko na primer z enim bazenom modeliramo vse naprave, priključene na en prehod IoT. Dogodkovna komunikacija je modelirana z dogodki BPMN. Posamezno napravo IoT modeliramo z razširjenim elementom za modeliranje asociacije med aktivnostmi IoT in fizičnimi entitetami. Lastnosti fizičnih entitet so modelirane zgolj implicitno. Pri evalvaciji predlagane rešitve ocenimo, da so procesni diagrami, ustvarjeni s predlaganim pristopom modeliranja, okorni in slabo berljivi. Rešitev izpolnjuje 7 od 16 predlaganih zahtev. Peta predlagana rešitev definira nov element notacije BPMN za modeli-

CONTENTS ranje aktivnosti IoT, ki uporabljajo dogodkoven tip komunikacije. Definiramo element sensing intermediate event, ki predstavlja točko v procesu, v kateri proces čaka, da prejme podatke od naprave IoT. Element označimo z lastnostjo fizične entitete, katere meritev pričakuje od naprave IoT. Aktivnosti IoT, ki uporabljajo tip komunikacije zahteva/odgovor so še naprej modelirane z uporabo aktivnosti notacije BPMN. Posamezno napravo IoT modeliramo z razširjenim elementom za modeliranje asociacije med aktivnostmi IoT in fizičnimi entitetami. Kljub možnosti definiranja lastnosti fizičnih entitet na novo definiranem elementu, še vedno ni mogoče modelirati fizične entitete ter vseh njenih lastnosti, ki nas zanimajo. Evalvacija predlagane rešitve pove, da rešitev izpolnjuje 8 od 16 predlaganih zahtev. Šesta predlagana rešitev definira nov element notacije BPMN za modeliranje lastnosti fizičnih entitet. Z novo definiranim elementom lahko modelu fizične entitete dodamo informacije o lastnostih, na katere se sklicujejo aktivnosti IoT. Modeliranje lastnosti fizične entitete je tako eksplicitno. Preostali raziskovalni vprašanji, modeliranje naprav IoT ter dogodkovnega tipa komunikacije, rešujemo z najboljšimi pristopi iz do sedaj predstavljenih rešitev. Vse naprave IoT tako modeliramo z eno stezo, posamezno napravo pa z razširjenim elementom za asociacijo aktivnosti IoT in fizičnih entitet. Dogodkovni tip komunikacije modeliramo z elementom sensing intermediate event, ki smo ga definirali v peti predlagani rešitvi. Z evalvacijo predlagane rešitve dobimo dobre rezultate, saj predlagana rešitev naslavlja ter rešuje vsa zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Rešitev izpolnjuje 15 od 16 predlaganih zahtev. Z evalvacijo predlaganih rešitev smo dobili oceno, koliko definiranih zahtev izpolnjuje posamezna predlagana rešitev. Najboljši rezultat je dosegla šesta predlagana rešitev, ki izpolnjuje 15 od 16 definiranih zahtev. Predlagana rešitev omogoča eksplicitno modeliranje lastnosti fizičnih entitet z uporabo novo definiranega elementa BPMN. Modeliranje naprav IoT je izboljšano z združitvijo vseh naprav v eno stezo in razširitvijo elementa za asociacijo aktivnosti IoT in fizične entitete. Dogodkovni tip komunikacije naprav IoT je

CONTENTS mogoče modelirati z novo definiranim elementom sensing intermediate event. To rešitev predlagamo kot končno rešitev za raziskovalna vprašanja, zastavljena v tej nalogi. Ocenjujemo, da je rešitev ustrezna in da predstavlja korak v pravo smer pri razvoju notacij za modeliranje stvarnih procesov. Ključne besede: internet stvari, procesne aplikacije, BPMN.

Abstract Title: Extending BPMN for integration of internet of things devices with process-driven applications Internet of Things (IoT) is a rising technology, which is becoming an important building block of information systems in many different areas, including enterprise environments. For IoT to become a part of process-driven enterprise applications, process modelling notations have to be extended. This thesis focuses on introducing a modelling notation for modelling of properties of real-world entities. It also improves the modelling of IoT devices and different communication types used by them. To solve stated problems, we propose six solutions in form of modelling approaches with corresponding extensions to BPMN. Proposed solutions are based upon and evaluated against four sets of identified requirements. Solution, which satisfies the highest number of requirements, is our final solution and is an adequate answer to our research questions. Keywords: internet of things, process-driven applications, BPMN.

Chapter 1 Introduction With the rise of information technology came the idea of making everyday objects identifiable and later interconnected, which shaped into the paradigm today known as Internet of Things (IoT). Although this paradigm is quite old, IoT is still a new rising technology, that needs a lot of research, before it can become widely accepted. Currently, there is a lot of buzz surrounding IoT and its impact on our everyday lives. It promises the emergence of smart homes, smart cities, smart infrastructure, smart health monitoring systems and many more. But in order to make all of the listed possible, many problems have to be solved first. IoT will enable us to build a world, where everyday objects are interconnected and integrated into existing information systems. To achieve this goal, we have to develop and define widely accepted and standardised solutions, for integrating all the new concepts from the IoT world with existing technologies, architectures, frameworks, software solutions and information systems. As it is happening in many different application areas, IoT is also becoming an important building block of enterprise applications. Business oriented software solutions and information systems have to address the raising importance of IoT and integrate it into existing solutions and systems. Since enterprise information systems are often implemented in the form of process- 1

2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION driven applications, we have to introduce new process modelling concepts and extensions to modelling notations. By defining new modelling concepts and extensions we will be able to include IoT concepts into process diagrams and enable execution of such processes in process execution engines. In this thesis we aim to introduce important concepts from IoT domain model to business process modelling notations. Since BPMN is the most widely accepted and used business process modelling notation, we propose extensions to BPMN, that enable creation of processes, supporting characteristics from the IoT world. We analyse and evaluate IoT domain model and state of the art research, and focus on three open topics, that are currently not addressed by process modelling notations. We propose research questions with focus on modelling of properties of real-world entities, IoT devices and different types of communication used by them. Further, we propose solutions to the research questions, evaluate them, and present a final solution. The rest of the thesis is structured as follows. Chapter 2 presents motivation for our work, introduces Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and describes the state of the art research on this topic. In chapter 3 we analyse the state of the art research, identify open topics, propose our research questions and describe used methodology. Chapter 4 states our requirements for solving proposed research questions. In chapter 5 we propose different solutions for solving proposed research questions, which are then evaluated against defined requirements in chapter 6. Chapter 7 proposes future work and concludes the thesis.

Chapter 2 Foundation This chapter first describes the integration of IoT with process-driven applications. Secondly, it describes aspects of Business Process Model and Notation significant for this thesis. Lastly, it presents the state of the art research on IoT and its integration with process-driven applications. 2.1 Motivation This section first describes IoT, its most important application areas and open challenges, that still need to be addressed, in order for IoT to become a technology worth investing in. As IoT is becoming an important building block of enterprise applications, we further describe process-driven applications and our reasoning, why process modelling notations shall be extended to support modelling of real-world processes. 2.1.1 Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot research topic nowadays and an important technology for the future of the internet. This section describes different definitions of IoT, its future trends and expected growth, application areas and open challenges. 3

4 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION Definitions The term Internet of Things (IoT) was first used by Kevin Ashton at the end of the last century to describe the idea of using RFID tags to identify physical objects. Based on the unique identifier stored on the tag, information related to identified objects could be easily retrieved from an underlying information system. Since then the idea of IoT grew alongside the development of new technologies and number of new use cases and problems, which could be solved by this new technology. IoT evolved from simple RFID based applications to broad networks of interconnected devices with sensing and actuating capabilities. Definitions of IoT evolved in parallel to development of IoT technologies. Since IoT became much more than just system for identifying RFID equipped physical objects, consequently new definitions emerged. The RFID group defines Internet of Things as: The worldwide network of interconnected objects uniquely addressable based on standard communication protocols. [8]. This definition focuses on IoT as a network of interconnected objects, but does not specify computing capabilities of mentioned objects. As IoT developed further, a SAP IoT focused research group proposed the following definition for IoT: A world where physical objects are seamlessly integrated into the information network, and where the physical objects can become active participants in business processes. Services are available to interact with these smart objects over the internet, query and change their state and any information associated with them, taking into account security and privacy issues. [28]. This definition focusses not only on IoT as a network of interconnected devices, but also includes integration of such networks into information systems and business processes. Integration with existing information systems enables development of applications, which can solve existing problems in real-word scenarios and help IoT become a widely-spread technology.

2.1. MOTIVATION 5 Figure 2.1: Gartner 2015 Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies (Source: Gartner Inc. [19]) Trends and expected growth Number of interconnected devices raised rapidly in last years. According to [8], in year 2011 the number of interconnected devices on the planet overtook the number of living people. Number of interconnected devices is expected to reach 24 billion devices by 2020. With number of interconnected devices rising, the field of IoT is getting a hot topic in research and business communities. IoT opens the door for numerous new research projects and holds a lot of value, which can be utilised by businesses from many different fields. For a few years now, Gartner places IoT on the hype cycle, which is used to represent emergence, adoption, maturity and impact on applications of different technologies. Hype cycle from year 2015 forecasts, that IoT is

6 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION 5 to 10 years away from mainstream adoption and on the peak of inflated expectations. Hype cycle is shown in figure 2.1. Hype cycle also includes technology named IoT platform, which is placed slightly behind IoT in the cycle. IoT platform is a term used to describe integration of IoT with Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud infrastructure. Such integration enables businesses to control IoT endpoints and build applications utilizing potential of IoT. Another prediction made by Gartner, supporting emergence of IoT platforms, is that by 2020, more than 50 percent of all new applications developed on PaaS will be IoT-centric [34]. Cisco talks about Internet of Everything (IoE) as a next evolutionary step after IoT which interconnects people, processes, data and things. They estimate that IoE creates $14.4 trillion of value at stake for companies and industries [3]. Estimated value at stake is fueled by improving the areas of asset utilization, employee productivity, supply chain and logistics, customer experience and innovation in reducing time to market. All trends and expectations described in this section illustrate the importance of IoT in future research projects and business environments. IoT is clearly the technology that will be around for many years to come and needs a lot of research and development work in order to unleash its full potential. Application areas As stated before, IoT started as a technology used to identify physical objects in real world by equipping them with RFID tags. Since then, it has developed and entered many different application areas. Survey made in [18] shows, that IoT is now present in a wide range of industries, including retailing, manufacturing, healthcare, insurance, home appliances, heavy equipment, airline and logistics. Authors in [8] define four major application domains for IoT: personal and home, enterprise, utilities and mobile. The personal and home domain focuses on individuals and their devices. It enables creation of smart homes supporting home automation, energy management and smart entertainment.

2.1. MOTIVATION 7 According to [18], The smart home is known to be at the forefront of innovation regarding IoT monitoring and control systems. Health monitoring devices in combination with smart homes enable creation of monitoring systems for aged-care and present large market in personal and home IoT domain. Enterprise domain focuses on enterprise applications, that can interact with real world environments. IoT enables creation of environmental monitoring applications in factories and other enterprise environments, providing support for manufacturing and supply chain integrity management [10]. With introduction of IoT into agriculture, we talk about precision agriculture with improved efficiency and reduced costs. In retail domain, retailers can now focus on providing better experience for customers and better business results for them. Example of smart retail system is presented in [20], where authors present an IoT based retail system, that provides quality sensing of stocked products, dynamic pricing and targeted advertising, improving the business efficiency. In utilities domain, information provided by devices is used to improve services and to build applications for resource management in companies. Device networks in this domain are extensive and laid out on regional or national scale. They provide support for creating smart metering systems and environmental monitoring, which lay groundwork for upcoming smart cities. Cheap and available mobile devices enable the emergence of a mobile IoT domain. It enables creation of smart transportation and smart logistics, which can reduce traffic noise, air pollution and improve efficiency of transportation. With traffic monitoring and smart routing, such systems can prevent traffic jams and improve commute experience. Mobile IoT supports efficient logistics management with monitoring of transported items and efficient transportation planing.

8 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION Open challenges Before IoT can become a mainstream technology, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed. Solving those challenges will drive the industry to start investing in IoT and adopt it in future projects and applications. According to [27], the biggest challenges result from the large scale of the IoT ecosystem, consisting of large number of devices that form vast networks, which produce high amount of events. Those large networks are based on the internet, which architecture has many limitations in terms of mobility, availability, manageability and scalability, that present major barriers to IoT [2]. To organize and maintain such a big number of devices, efficient standardized architectures are needed. Such architecture should support low-power, low-cost and yet fully networked and integrated devices, compatible with standard communication technologies [25]. While some specific-purposes architectures have already been proposed, the overall IoT architecture with user at its centre is still needed [8]. Standardization in IoT is needed to overcome barriers between different devices, networks and applications and improve interoperability. Various standards need to be designed and adopted, such as security, communication and identification standards. For implementing IoT in industrial environments, industry-specific guidelines need to be considered [5]. In enterprise environments, standards for successful integration of IoT into existing enterprise IT systems are needed. Many of the challenges caused by the large number of non-standardised heterogeneous devices can be solved with middleware. Authors in [27] analyse existing middleware, describe their shortcomings and argue, that more research in field of IoT middleware is needed in order to provide middleware support for vast IoT ecosystem. From the device point of view, efficient energy sensing is needed in order to deploy wireless standalone sensors in the environments with minimum

2.1. MOTIVATION 9 mandatory maintenance. Energy consumption may be reduced with better communication protocols and smart infrastructure, which minimises the amount of communication between participants in the network. As with all large scale networks, major concerns with IoT are security and privacy. IoT networks can be attacked or abused in many different ways, such as disabling the network availability and accessing or manipulating sensible data in the network. Because of the limited computing capabilities of IoT devices, possibilities for security measures, which are common in other IT systems, are limited in IoT. In order to make sense of the large number of data generated by vast IoT networks, it has to be analysed with data mining approaches. There is a need for advanced data mining tools to mine streaming data from sensor networks as well as image and video data [18]. Future advantages in data mining research will enable better understanding of IoT-generated data and provide possibilities for creating new types of smart applications. Cloud computing provides ideal infrastructure for storing, analysing and visualising the data generated by IoT. It enables the rapid creation of applications by providing domain specific programming tools and environments [8]. Future research is needed to provide such tools, that will simplify the creation of cloud-based IoT applications. Cloud-based services are typically orchestrated with process-driven applications, which enable creation of cloud-based applications constructed mainly of carefully orchestrated services. With emergence of IoT to the cloud, process-driven applications are becoming a hot research topic in relation to IoT. To build process-driven applications that support special characteristics from IoT domain, process modelling notations shall be extended to include notations for such characteristics. In next section we describe process-driven applications, so that we can later better understand their integration with IoT.

10 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION 2.1.2 Process-driven applications The main task of information systems in business environments is to support existing business processes by providing applications and services for performing individual tasks of said processes. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) advocate the use of loosely coupled service based information systems for supporting business activities in enterprise environments. In SOA architecture, services are usually orchestrated in a specific order, reflecting business processes of the company. Applications, which execute modelled business processes, are process-driven applications. To better understand process-driven applications, we describe business processes and later their relation to SOA. Business processes A business process consists of a set of coordinated activities, which are performed by enterprise s information system and its services or by employees. Each business process exists to accomplish particular business goal. Efficiently managed and highly optimised business processes help companies to achieve their business goals with maximum possible efficiency [12][14]. Companies react to ever-changing business environments by modifying their business processes. Business process management (BPM) is a method of aligning a business organization with its clients needs as well as continuously improving the business processes. Each change in the business process requires changes in supporting IT systems. BPM suites enable businesses to efficiently maintain their business processes with minimum changes to their existing IT systems. Business processes are modelled with process modelling notations. The most widely used notation is Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) [26]. Other popular notations are Event-driven Process Chain (EPC), Extended Event-driven Process Chain (eepc), UML activity diagrams and flow charts. Process modelling notations enable creation of graphical representations of business processes, called process models or process diagrams.

2.1. MOTIVATION 11 In order to execute business processes, their implementation must include details providing an end-to-end IT support for the process. Processes can be implemented with BPMN 2.0, BPEL or other service orchestrating languages. Process implementation phase is typically done by SOA developers in contrast to the modelling phase, which is performed by domain experts and process owners. BPM in relation to SOA In order for executable business processes to orchestrate services, such services must first exist and be available for use by process execution engines. SOA provides architecture guidelines on how to build information systems that expose organization s IT assets as reusable business services [12]. Business services provide access to business assets and are crucial for building loosely-coupled process-driven IT systems, which provide execution support for identified business processes. They are the enablers of reuse principle, which is a key to fast and efficient development of new software solutions. The end-to-end automation of business processes is only possible when sound, robust and reliable applications and services are available as groundwork for automated business processes [13]. SOA is the key enabler for integration of various resources into business IT systems and its business processes. Standardised service interfaces can be used to interconnect different IT systems, applications, services, devices and people, enabling creation of automated business processes, that can interact with wide enterprise environment. Next section describes integration of IoT with SOA based systems, orchestrated by business processes. 2.1.3 Business processes with support for IoT IoT provides the means for creation of processes that can interact with objects from real world. Such processes can sense the state of physical entities or

12 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION even act on them and change their state. Such processes are called real-world processes. SOA enables integration of different systems, applications and services. With emergence of IoT into the area of SOA [31], its integration capabilities now also connect entities and devices from IoT with existing systems and applications. SOA s loosely-coupled integration capabilities and event processing techniques provide possibilities for integrating existing IT systems with IoT devices, which will play an important role in business processes of the future. Large number of events generated by IoT can now be handled and analysed by SOA systems, that support business events and event processing since the early days [12]. As described in 2.1.1, enterprise domain is an important application area for future IoT applications. SOA provides solutions to integrate IoT into existing IT systems, but in order to provide an end-to-end support, IoT has to become a part of business processes. To successfully model realworld business processes, which are made possible by integration of IoT with SOA, business process modelling notations have to be extended to support modelling of characteristics of real-world business processes. Inclusion of IoT into business processes enables businesses to perform business analytics of real-world processes. With continuous monitoring and analysing, such processes can be constantly improved, which minimises the costs and increases the productivity of the business. Next section focuses on Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), mainly on the aspects significant for this thesis. 2.2 Business Process Model and Notation This section first explains our decision to focus on extending BPMN. Secondly, it introduces BPMN metamodel. Lastly, it describes the process of extending BPMN used in this thesis.

2.2. BUSINESS PROCESS MODEL AND NOTATION 13 2.2.1 Extending BPMN for integration of process-driven applications with IoT In section 2.1.3 we stated, that process modelling notations have to be extended in order to support modelling of real-world process. In this thesis we are focusing on extending Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) [26]. BPMN is a widely used process modelling notation, developed and maintained by Object Management Group (OMG). Since version 2.0, it also provides process execution semantics, which enables BPMN processes to be executed by process execution engines. Authors in [16] performed a study on the acceptance of BPMN, purposes of its usage and its main advantages and disadvantages. Results were obtained by performing Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Results show, that BPMN holds the title of de-facto standard for business process modelling. BPMN s acceptance, popularity and high usage in process-driven applications are among the reasons, that we are focusing on extending BPMN for integration of process-driven applications with IoT. Further reasons are based on the work [24], where authors analyse different process modelling notations in terms of their current support for modelling properties of real-world processes. BPMN, eepc and UML 2.3 are analysed, and BPMN is identified as a notation with support for the largest number of real-world properties and as the most suitable for extending, to support modelling of currently unsupported properties. 2.2.2 BPMN 2.0 metamodel BPMN version 2.0 brought almost zero changes to the notation, i.e. graphical model, but instead focused mainly on defining a metamodel, the formal specification of the semantics of the notation [29]. Metamodel describes the semantics of the elements from the graphical model and relation between them. Each element from the graphical model has a corresponding class in the metamodel. All valid BPMN models must

14 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION conform to the specifications of the metamodel. Metamodel consists of object classes with corresponding attributes. Some classes are abstract and do not represent any element from the graphical model. Classes can be subtypes of other classes and inherit their attributes. Each class have a set of attributes, which can be either required or optional. They are used for storing the information about the modelled element. When proposing extensions to BPMN, we talk about extending the metamodel with new classes, or about extending existing classes of the metamodel with new attributes. 2.2.3 Process of extending extending BPMN Main goal of this thesis is to define new modelling approaches with corresponding extensions to BPMN. Different possible ways of proposing extensions to BPMN are described in this section. Simple extensions can be implemented with BPMN s extensibility mechanism, introduced in BPMN version 2.0. It allows extending standard BPMN elements with additional attributes [26]. All extended elements shall not contradict the semantics of existing BPMN elements and shall maintain the look and feel of BPMN. There are two types of extensions; mandatory extensions have to be understood by implementation of process execution engine. Optional extensions may be ignored by process execution engine and are used only to improve the readability of created diagrams. Some proposed solutions cannot be realised with BPMN extensibility mechanism and may require a deeper change in the BPMN metamodel. This can include defining new classes in order to realize proposed modelling approaches, or even redefining relationships between existing classes. For such extensions to be executed, new implementation of process execution engine is needed. Next section presents the state of the art research in the fields of IoT and its integration with process-driven applications.

2.3. STATE OF THE ART RESEARCH 15 2.3 State of the art research This section presents the state of the art research on IoT and its integration with process-driven applications. First, the IoT domain model and its main components are described. Secondly, it focuses on internet oriented vision for IoT. Thirdly, the IoT characteristics relevant for modelling of real-world processes are described. Lastly, it presents the state of the art extensions for modelling real-world processes in BPMN. 2.3.1 IoT domain model In order to discus IoT, we first need standardised terminology describing concepts from IoT domain. This section provides a description of concepts from IoT domain model that are used in this thesis. As stated before, IoT is applicable in many different areas and applications. For demonstration purposes in this thesis, we use scenarios related to home automation system. Note that it is not the purpose of this work to optimize home automation, but we use it only as a device to depict a concrete application of our approach. Similar IoT applications could be developed for support of factory maintenance or supply maintenance in enterprise environments, which are typically orchestrated with business processes. Our knowledge of IoT domain model is based on two papers. First, [9] defines the most important terms from IoT domain model. It provides definitions for physical entity, IoT device, IoT resource and IoT service and defines relationships between them. Similar ideas are then further defined and expanded in work [28]. Physical entity With IoT, we are talking about interaction between digital and physical worlds. We want to connect physical objects with digital applications. To do so, we first have to define a term physical entity.

16 CHAPTER 2. FOUNDATION Physical entity, or sometimes also called entity of interest [9], is a realworld entity, which we are interested in from a process modelling point of view [24]. Physical entity can be anything that is a part of our surroundings, or even a location [33]. Examples of physical entities from a home automation system scenario are rooms, windows, doors etc. In generic IoT scenario, user interacts with a physical entity [28]. User can either be a person or a software agent, that has interest in sensing or changing the state of a physical entity in its environment. Digital proxy and smart object Digital proxy is a digital representation of a physical entity in digital world [28]. It must be bidirectionally associated with a physical entity it represents. It only represents a set of properties of the physical entity, which user is interested in. All changes to physical entity must be reflected on digital proxy and vice versa. Authors in [28] also define a term smart object as a physical entity with an associated digital proxy. Changes in the properties of a smart object must be represented in both physical and digital world. IoT device IoT device is a technical communication device, which can sense the state or interact with a physical entity. It can be attached to a physical entity or it can be installed in its environment. From the functional point of view, there are three types of IoT devices [28]: Sensors are sensing or monitoring a physical entity and providing user with information about entity s state. We say, that they are performing sensing activities. Examples of sensors from a home automation system scenario are temperature sensor, window status device, luminosity sensor, air-quality sensor etc.

2.3. STATE OF THE ART RESEARCH 17 Actuators are devices that can modify the physical state of the physical entity. We say, that they are performing actuating activities. Examples of actuators from a home automation system scenario are heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, window automation device, smart lightning system etc. Tags are identifiers, attached to physical entities in order to identify them and collect further information about them from an information system. They can be read by special sensor devices called readers. Examples of tags are QR codes, radio-frequency tags etc. Sensing and actuating activities, performed by sensors and actuators, are called IoT activities. Sensors, actuators and tags, together with wireless communication capabilities, form a wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN), sometimes called WSN. WSANs are networks, consisting of a number of network nodes with sensing and actuating capabilities, that provide wireless communication channel. Backend systems can access WSANs through a special node, that acts as gateway [28]. In this thesis we mainly focus on individual IoT devices and not on WSANs. IoT resource IoT resource is a software component hosted by IoT device [28]. It provides computational capabilities supporting IoT activities performed by IoT devices. In case of sensing activity, IoT resource is providing retrieval of physical properties of associated physical entity, captured through senosrs. In case of actuating activity, IoT resource is providing modification of physical properties of associated physical entity through the use of actuators. Each IoT device can be able to perform many different IoT activities and therefore can host more than one IoT resource.