Rootstocks for almond. Present situation

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Rootscks for. Present situati Felipe A.J. in Felipe A.J. (ed.), Socias R. (ed.). Séminaire du GREMPA sur les portesgreffes de l' amier Paris : CIHEAM Optis Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 5 1989 pages 1317 Article available line / Article dispible en ligne à l adresse : To cite this article / Pour citer cet article Felipe A.J. Rootscks for. Present situati. In : Felipe A.J. (ed.), Socias R. (ed.). Séminaire du GREMPA sur les portesgreffes de l'amier. Paris : CIHEAM, 1989. p. 1317 (Optis Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 5)

CIHEAM Optis Mediterraneennes A. J. FELIPE D.G.A. Ap. 727 50080 ZARAGOZA (SPAIN) La les les pays du à un y a aussi de bnes les les La est qu' les possibilités à à sol. On dispose déjà qui st maintenant à l'étude. Almd growing has cultivars, late blooming selfcompatible, already represent a good advance in producti. re are also good possibilities reach a similar advance by use new selected rootscks, both seedling (peach ) clal (plums interesting selecti new interespec~c plum hybrid, which may broaden adaptati growing d@erent soil cditis incorporate resistance disferent pests diseases related soil. Some work already advancing in this way a wide range new rootscks are under study. word: Almd, rootscks. Introducti usual best plants point view is not a good is because its selfincompatibility, plants obtained by hism. an species, can both in obtain good adaptati soil cditis. in use able homogeneous in with a That is that would maximize in used in good less advanced that show but y less lack homogeneity plants is not is lack joint now an advanced study, being an in most acount by When not, in taken in above use compatibility selecti use some peach X is modifying this Optis n.o 5 1989: 1317

CIHEAM Optis Mediterraneennes cditis. low in most example, in Spain, natial is not 125 kg use indicate that in can be same cditis 1987). well, good clal et al., 1985; GALL, 1974). it has been that use adequate techniques, allows 1.000 kg even if plant has not yet development et al., 1987). evoluti situati new indicated need an adequate plant homogeneous, adapted pests diseases añd with a that comments above obtained join advances knowledge in way, it will be possible now with a csistent a knowledge lg, this may lead time saving as well as view ability, etc. At an individual level, we have be cscious limitatis evaluate no study all those aspects which know about it obtenti is not ly aim e but all us it we must obtain study m. all soil cditis comm On do maximum also sensitivity pathogenes if we do not obtain csequences using 1988). that develops, soil, is than in soil. same way, biotic is is completely is exposed those by cannot m. it study in depth sensitivity so that have use most adequate it will be planted. that should be known seed Need capacity. Vegetatively: adequate system. habit (shape time species). size shape plant: homogeneity. climate cditis. Sensitivity Quality Lgevity. Tendency 14

CIHEAM Optis Mediterraneennes Present situati obtain adequate know possibility applying those solutis possibly used in Almd seedlings it is it is used, which is used is following: Till time ago, most commly used seedlings o much attenti came an wild species This is case seeds collected populati Toledo 1977). out obtain (1988). se state, fact e two positive each e not yet been made. Spain, at most plant good size, homogeneous with up now, sensitivity soil pathogenes not yet known. With this (Spain) aim studying Spanish populatis nemades. seedlings is ctent as well as with a that when se seedlings not o cditis with adequate management techniques, y can give thus obtained ecomical point view. seedlings. y at even when keeping used. y sensitive y sensitive y not systemisa possibilities. can be that in will be known is possibilityin using some Peach seedlings both adapted sensitivity most seedlings. some y show a good compatibility with plants in known (not much ) peach seedlings. As not Also, existence known such as nemade peach seedlings. sensitive in possibilities. a be some comm soil diseases: Given existence is possible that in will positive 15

CIHEAM Optis Mediterraneennes Plums Slow growing plums (1959) include in this species domestica insititia L., that is: plums, Saint Julien, etc. is this many cases a good compatibility. some plants at is a populati within this ccpollizos de compatibili.ty if y ccpollizos>>. is that many ccpollizos>> selectis, not still in show compatibility with. this logged soils as well as. y an excellent as well. than peach This good compatibility with is not is some cases localized incompatibility. less not possibilities new cles we can suppose that in a will be some new available cles showing a good compatibility. This is case a ccpollizo~ cle (named study et al., 1988). II. Quick growing plums with peach, with a with compatible species.y show a good adaptati types humidity. y show low compatibility with not, in specially negative aspects be possibilities Though it is possible obtain some cles compatible with, it seems feasible obtain cles able solve this supply Interspecific hybrids use X both species 1949; 1981; 1986; ASAY, 1986), that obtain new new adaptati species, is an use X in peach can I. Almd X peach hybrids Amg most studied best known. [ 1959) include in this plums belging species P. P. salicina Lindl. (Japanese plum) some This aspect is as X munsiana) excellent development obtained This compatibility with that y types soils though in some combinatis a localized incompatibility is. Likewise, y at Some clal selectis when seedlings in with an acceptable less 1969). This fact, as it happens is a seedling. 16 m 1981; Also, 1986; ASSAY, 1986) study se X due than than if

CIHEAM Optis Mediterraneennes X all se good qualities showed is that still as easy as it should be obtain Some se cles sensitive nemades. All m at extent, sensitive is not equivalent by new be solved. A not less than peach seedlings, be two e selecti some cles a good compatibility with can allow used cles. accomplish this aim a out positive will be study new possibilities at leaf nemades such with peaches wich can being studied. it studies an On selectig cles with a low as davidiana. P. is li. Or hybrids between different Prunus species above in this sense. isless se existing possibilities deepen possibility that can be used select plants that found e lines (Layne 1986). Cclusis all se comments, we can double possibility deduce that we Bibliography Hort, 121 (2154), pp. 97101. du Arboric. 62, pp. 2728. Arboric. 328 (6): pp. 3742. et s utilisati,. An. Aula 18 (12): pp. 6576. J. N. (1988): anew Symposiumn. HortScience, 23 (l), pp. 100101. al de 11, pp. 7782. A. J. et Espagne,,. Bari 37 oct. 1977, pp. 7879. J.; un cl selec de Actas del Cgreso de (en pp. 331. del 19 (3), pp. 265276. G. les cditis de de la compatibilité de Ann. Amelior. N. HortScience, 21 (l), pp. 4851. pp. 11 11 15. 11, pp. 8992. et ALETA, N. 19851, pp. 6168. HortScience, 21 (2): en X 7.ème 17