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Lab Guide Workflow 101 The Basics Frankie Thompson Jimmy Yuan

Page 1 Introduction This is an introduction to the graphical workflow editor in ServiceNow. This lab will introduce attendees to the workflow canvas, versioning, publishing workflows and essential workflow design practices. Attendees will walk away able to design a workflow, execute the workflow from a record insert, and view and evaluate the results of a completed workflow. Lab Overview How to user the Workflow Canvas How to manage workflows How to see workflow progress What you need to know Basic JavaScript General Knowledge of SNC platform Business Rules Change Request Incident Familiarity with scripting in ServiceNow is helpful, but not required Your Lab Instance You have access to an instance that is configured for this lab Log in to your instance now with the Username: admin Password: admin

Page 2 Goal In our lab we will be creating a workflow against an Incident record. When the incident is of Low Priority, we will generate and Approval to request permission from our manager to perform a task. When the Incident is of a higher than normal priority, we will simply notify the manager that intend to perform the task. Our final workflow will look like this: Getting Started Workflow Roles Your instance has Three Relevant Users K13Approver K13Itil K13Admin

Page 3 Examine the Workflow User 1. In the left hand text search box, type users. 2. Select the Users module. 3. Filter the list of users by type *K13 in the Users filter box. 4. You will see the list of Users narrowed by the K13 User list. 5. Select the K13WorkflowAdmin. Notice in the following roles assigned to your K13WorkflowAdmin User! Lab Note: In order to create, edit and publish a workflow you must have the workflow_admin role. When a User is assigned the workflow_admin role, the use will also be assigned the workflow_creator and workflow_publisher roles. As Admin you can impersonate any user. We will begin by impersonating the K13WorkflowAdmin user. On your instance, select the yellow key under the servicenow log.

Enter or select the K13WorkflowAdmin. Find the Canvas As the Workflow Admin 1. Type workflow in the text find in the left menu bar. 2. From the Workflow Application menu, select Workflow Editor. Page 4

! Lab Note: The Workflow Editor will open in a different tab 3. Select New. The Workflow Properties form opens. Page 5

Page 6 The Name: field of the Workflow Properties becomes the name of the Workflow. The Table: field of the Workflow Properties that will become the expected current of the Workflow.! Lab Note: Selecting Global will allow a workflow to run without a current. Table selection is required! If Condition matches:! None o workflow will not run unless called from a script! Run the workflow o always run this workflow! Run if no other matches o run this workflow if no other workflow is running for this current Order: Workflows against the same table will run in the order specified 4. Complete the form as follows: Name: K13 Table: Global If Condition matches: Run the Workflow

Page 7 5. Click Submit. What you can see: The canvas defaults to a workflow consisting of Begin and End activities and a single transition line The Workflow will display the title and state Checked out by me The Activity Tree is populated What you may not see but is true: A Workflow and the first Version of that Workflow have been created The Workflow Version is runnable from the Glide Engine only by you The Activity Tree is displaying a limited set of Activities

The Workflow Table 1. Select the main Service Now tab. 2. In the text filter type wf_workflow.list. 3. Find the K13 workflow in the list and select it. The details of the workflow you are building display in the form. Page 8

Page 9 Notice now that you have one listed version of the K13 workflow, and that it is checked out by you and not published.! Lab Note: A workflow that is checked out is only executable by the person who has it checked out. In this way, workflows can be designed or edited without involving other users working on the same system. A Workflow can have many versions but at any given time a workflow can only have one published and one checked out workflow at a time. Once a workflow version is published, the previously published version is automatically set to unpublished. Workflow Activities 1. Return to the Workflow Editor.

2. Expand the elements of the Activities tree on the right. The Activities listed are atomic pieces of business logic that can be strung together to create a single business process. Each activity is defined with a Table value. If the table value is Global, the activity is available for all workflows. If a table value other than Global is specified, the Activity will only appear in the tree if that table is what is selected as the current for the workflow.! Lab Note: To see what tables are associated with activities, return the Workflow application and select Activity Definitions. The table that is associated with each Activity will appear as a column in the list. Page 10

Page 11 3. To see how the Table selection of the Workflow Properties affects the Activity Selection Tree, go back into the Workflow Properties and select the Incident [incident] table and click Update. Notice now in the Activity Tree there is a new category of Task that has two activities, Attachment Note and Create Task. The association of this workflow to the Incident table now means that, for the K13 Workflow Admin user, this workflow will run for every incident.

Page 12 Run the Workflow and View the Context 1. Return to the main ServiceNow tab. 2. Create a New Incident 3. Submit. 4. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts.! Lab Note: Select All Contexts to see all contexts that have run. Select Active Contexts to see only the workflows that are currently running.

Page 13 In the list of Workflow Contexts, the combination of Workflow Version and Document Id make it easy to identify the workflow that is associated to the Incident record you are interested in. 5. Open your Workflow Context. The Workflow Context holds all the artifacts of the Workflow s execution. 6. Select the Related List Workflow Activity History

Page 14 Notice that the two activities Begin and End both show in the list.! Lab Note: You can see the exact order of execution by sorting by the Activity Index column. If your list does not contain the Activity Index use the Personalize List icon to show it. 7. Select the Related List Workflow Transition History. This list will display all Transitions that transitioned during the execution of the workflow. So far, our workflow only has one transition, Begin to End 8. Select the Related List Workflow Log. The Workflow Context provides verbose logging of critical data points that occur in the process of a Workflow s Execution. As a Workflow Admin, you can set properties to determine the level of verbosity to a workflow Log.

Page 15 Workflow Logging As a Workflow Designer, you can add Logging to your workflow by using the Log activity. There are properties that determine how verbose the logging. To see and set the logging 1. Impersonate System Administrator. 2. Navigate to Workflow > Properties. To see the effect of these property settings: 3. Impersonate K13Workflow Admin. 4. Create another New Incident. 5. Fill in a Description. 6. Make it a Low priority and make note of the Incident Number.

Page 16 7. Submit. 8. Return to the All Context List. 9. Find and open your new Context using your Incident Number. 10. Select the Workflow Log related list to observe the increased logging. Add Activities to a Workflow 1. Making the workflow more interesting will help show more logging. Return to the Workflow Editor.

Page 17 2. On the Workflow Canvas, open the Utilities Tree folder in the Activity Tree. To bring an activity onto the Canvas, all you have to do is select it and drag it. 3. Select the Log Message activity. 4. Drag it out onto the canvas and rest the activity over the line.! Lab Note: The transition line turns blue when you hold the activity over it while you are dragging. If your activity does not drop on the line, you can manually connect the arrow by selecting the arrowhead point and assigning to your activity. When you stop dragging a form opens to accept parameters. 5. Complete the form as follows: Name: Logging A User Specified Message Message: Logging a user specified message 6. Submit.

Page 18 The workflow now has two transition lines and three activities. 7. Drag the Log Trace Message activity onto the canvas and rest it over the line after the Log Message.

Your workflow should now look like this: Run the workflow 1. Return to the main tab. 2. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 3. Assign it a Low priority and add TEST to the short description 4. Submit. 5. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts. 6. Locate your Context by finding your Incident Number. 7. Open your Context and locate the Workflow Log related list. Page 19

Page 20 Your log now has Four Information Messages: Logging a user specified message is the output of your Log Message. The Three grouped information messages are the output of the Trace Activity. The Trace messages will all begin with Workflow trace and specify: o The Name of the Activity o The event that fired off the workflow o The GlideRecord the Workflow is operating under Decide When the Workflow will Run So far this workflow needs two conditions to run: 1. A new Incident! 2.!that was created by you Remember, the workflow created so far is checked out by you and as such is not executable by any other user. To demonstrate this 1. Impersonate System Administrator. 2. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 3. Assign it a Low priority and add TEST to the short description. 4. Submit. 5. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts.

Page 21 Notice that there is not a workflow attached to your Incident Document. That is because there is no published workflow for Incident. There is only the one checked out to K13Workflow Admin. Let s change that. 6. Impersonate K13Workflow Admin. 7. You will have to reopen the Workflow Editor so navigate to Workflow > Workflow Editor. 8. Click Open. 9. Open your K13 Workflow. 10. Once inside the canvas open the Gear menu and Select Publish. Your workflow is now published and will run for anyone who creates a new Incident. 11. Close the Canvas.

Page 22 You can test this by once again impersonating System Administrator and creating a new Incident. This time, when you go to check the context, you will find a Workflow Context that ran against your Incident. 12. Impersonate System Administrator. 13. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 14. Assign it a Low priority and add TEST to the short description. 15. Submit. 16. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts. Notice that there is now a workflow attached to your Incident Document. It is possible to further restrict when the workflow run. 17. Impersonate K13Workflow Admin. 18. Navigate to Workflow > Workflow Editor. 19. Reopen the K13 Workflow. 20. From the gear menu, select Checkout. Notice the workflow is once again Checked Out by you. 21. From the gear menu, select Properties.

Page 23 22. Set a condition the Incident record will have to meet in order for the K13 workflow to run: Condition: Short description starts with K13 With this condition, the workflow only runs if the Short description starts with K13 (this is case sensitive). Repeat your test steps to see the effect of the filter: 23. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 24. Assign it a Low priority and add TEST to the short description. 25. Submit. 26. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts. Notice that there is not a workflow attached to your Incident Document. That is because the Short description does not match the new criteria you set in your condition.! Lab Note: All other users will still see the Workflow Context for their Incidents until you publish this new version. Repeat your test steps to see the effect of the filter 27. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 28. Assign it a Low priority and add K13 to the short description. 29. Submit. 30. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts.

Page 24 Notice that there is now a workflow attached to your Incident Document. That is because the Short description does in fact match the new criteria you set in your condition. Make the Workflow do real work 1. Return to the Workflow Editor. Just as conditions can determine if a workflow Conditional Statements allow you to move the workflow along alternate transition paths based on conditions in the current record.! Lab Note: Remember current is the record that caused the workflow to execute when it was inserted into the table 2. Drag the Conditions > If activity onto the canvas just after the Log Trace Activity. 3. Complete the form as follows: Name: If Impact is Low Condition: Impact is 3 - Low

Page 25 4. Submit. We will make a decision that if this is a Low Impact Incident; take the time to get an Approval to do a Task. Otherwise, just Do the task and notify the User s Manager. The Approvals created in a workflow will be attached directly to the current record! Lab Note: By default, the only Approval available at a Global level is Approval User. Our table Incident is a task-based table and so has far more Approval options. 5. Drag the Approvals > Approval User Activity onto the canvas just after the Yes condition of the If. 6. Select the Lock Icon of the Users: selection The Users entry expands.

Page 26 7. Select the Tree Icon of the Users selection. 8. Expand Opened By in the Tree selection. 9. Select the Manager of the Opened By Tree selection.! Lab Note: Only the current variables that meet the criteria of the User field will be selectable. They will present in black.

Page 27 The Opened by dot walk notation is added to the Users entry. 10. Submit. Your Workflow should now look like this:! Lab Note: It is a best practice to design a little, test a little when developing workflows. Design a little -> Test a little -> Design a little more! and so on. Test a Little In good practice, test what you have so far. You need: 1. The Short Description to start wit the phrase K13 to make the workflow run. 2. The Incident Impact to be Low to meet the condition of the If. Repeat your test steps to see the effect of the filter: 1. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 2. Assign it a Low priority and add K13 to the short description.

Page 28 3. Submit. 4. Navigate to Workflow > Active Contexts. Notice that there is now a workflow attached to your Incident Document in the Active Contexts. That is because the your Workflow is in a wait state, waiting for the approval. To get a good look at your workflow 5. Open your Workflow Context. 6. Click the Show Workflow Related Link. A view of the status of the executing workflow is displayed.

Page 29 To see what the colors of the context mean, hover over the? in the upper right hand corner of the context. At this time, the Approval is Running and as such is colored Green Progress the Workflow To move the workflow to the End, we need to approve the generated approval. 1. Return to the Workflow Context form in the previous tab 2. From inside the Workflow Context form find your ID: field and click the information decoration to return to your Incident Your instance is configured to show the related lists of Tasks and Approvals on your Incident Form. Scroll down to the bottom of the Incident Form and Locate the Approvers Tab. 3. Approve the Approval.

4. Navigate to Workflow > Active Contexts. You will notice now that your workflow is no longer in the active list. 5. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts. 6. Find and select your workflow Your workflow will show all in blue and your final State will be finished. Page 30

Page 31! Lab Note: You can also see progressive status of an executing workflow, by leaving the Context window open and selecting the Refresh Icon in the upper right hand corner 7. Close your Workflow Context Diagram. 8. Return to your Workflow Editor by selecting the Editor Tab in your browser. Design a Little More Now we will build out the alternate path of our If and our Approval. Remember, the If condition transitions Yes on the Incident Impact being set to be Low. If not Low then assume some urgency and just Notify your Manager The Notification Activity will send and email to the selected User.! Lab Note: the Create Event Notification activity will create a System Event that will create a system Notification Event. See Events and Email Notification Wiki page for explanation of this alternative notification option.

Page 32 1. Drag the Notifications > Notification activity onto the canvas. ( there is no line at this time to drop it on). Following the same selection process as we did in the Approval: 2. Select the Lock icon in the To entry field. 3. Select the field selection tool (tree icon). 4. Expand Opened By. 5. Select Manager. You will end up with the same dot walked notation to the User s Manager as we did for approval. 6. Enter the Subject: K13 Notification Example. 7. In the Message: field type Regarding. 8. In the Select Variables tree on the right, locate and select the field Number.

Page 33 The selection auto populates a reference to the value of that field in the body of the Message: field.! Lab Note: This field selection value entry tool if available in the following activities in workflow: Approval User, Group Approval, Run Script, If, Create Task and Catalog Task. All these activities have an optional free from Script or Message field that will allow dynamic reference to values in the current field for reporting or conditional decisionmaking. 9. Select Submit. You will notice that the Notification activity does not have any transitions to or from it. This activity will not execute until we provide an execution path.

Page 34 10. Select the yellow node beside the No condition of the If. 11. Drag your mouse to the Notification activity until the header of the Notification Activity turns blue and then release the mouse A transition line will now connect the No condition to the Notification indicating that for any Incident, with K13 short description that not a Low Level Incident, will send a Notification to the User s Manager. In either case, if we have approval or if we are reacting to a more urgent Impact level, we want to perform a task on the behalf of the user. The Create Task will add a Task to the parent Incident record and will be visible in the Tasks Related List of the current record. (For this lab, the Incident form has been customized to reflect those lists. This is not the default configuration).! Lab Note: The Tasks activity selection is only available for tables that are extensions of task. While many tables in the SN platform do extend Task, there are some like Document Version that do not. In those cases, it is not possible to attach a Task to the current of a Workflow. If the Table assigned to the Workflow is SC_REQ_ITEM there will be an additional Catalog Task option.

Page 35 12. Drag the Tasks > Create Task activity onto the canvas. (There is no line at this time to drop it on). 13. Complete the form as follows: Task type: Change Request [change_request] Assigned to: K13 Itil Short description: Knowledge Task Instructions: Do something impressive! 14. Submit.

Page 36 15. Connect the Always condition of the Notification Activity to the Create Task activity. 16. Move the Create Task activity below the Notification Activity. 17. Change where a transition points: a. Select the Arrow End point of the Approved Transition from Approval User to End. b. When you see the dark blue Node Icon, drag the arrow from End to the Create Task activity until the header of the Create Task turns blue and then release the mouse. 18. Connect the Always condition of the Create Task Activity to the End activity. Your Workflow should look like this: Test the New Path In keeping good practice lets test our alternative path. We need: 1. The Short Description to contain the phrase K13 to make the workflow run. 2. The Incident Impact to be not Low to meet the No condition of the If. Repeat your test steps to see the effect of the filter: 1. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 2. Assign it a Medium priority and add K13 to the short description.

3. Assign it a Medium priority and add K13 to the short description 4. Right-click the Incident Header and select Save. 5. Scroll to the bottom of the form. Page 37

Page 38 You will notice there is now a Task associated in your list. 6. Open the generated Change Request. Notice that the values that were set in the Create Task are appropriately placed in the generated Task. Remember you sent the notification to your Manager as well. To see that notification we need to temporarily be Admin since there is not a valid email address associated with the K13 Manager User. 7. Impersonate System Administrator. 8. Navigate to System Logs > Emails. Note the Email to the K13 Manager is ready to send. 9. Open the Email Log entry.

Page 39 Note that the entries from Workflow Notification tasks are just as they had been entered from our workflow Notification activity. 10. Impersonate K13Workflow Admin.! Lab Note: Tasks and approvals both require a state change to advance the Workflow. The state change fires a Business Rule associated with the specific approval or task table on the Update. It is that business rule that directly calls the run workflow command and not the actual Update event on the record. Complete the Workflow Run Finish your workflow by completing the task. 1. Navigate to Incident > Open Incidents. 2. Find and Open your latest Incident. 3. Find your Change Request in the task list below. 4. Double-click the State and change it to Closed Complete. 5. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts. 6. Locate the Context associated with your Incident. 7. Under Related Links, click Show Workflow.

Note the execution of the alternate path: Add the Finishing Touches Let s put the final touch on the workflow. Because you have switched users using Impersonate, let s get a fresh copy of the canvas open. 1. Impersonate K13Workflow Admin. 2. Close any open Workflow tabs in your browser. 3. Navigate to Workflow > Workflow Editor. 4. Select the Open button and find the checked out K13 workflow. Page 40

Page 41 Your workflow should still look like this. Notice there is one more Condition we have not dealt with; the Rejected of the Approval User. The Approval Action will set the Approval value of the current Incident record.! Lab Note: For some Task tables such as SC_REQ_ITEM there are business rules that fire on the Approval state of the current record. For this reason, if there are multiple approvals in a single Workflow, setting the set of the parent task via Approval Action is best performed when all known approvals in the process are complete and there is one final outcome of Approved or Rejected 5. Add the Approvals > Approval Action activity to the canvas.

Page 42 6. Complete the Activity details as follows: Name: Rejected Action: Mark task rejected 7. Connect the Rejected condition of the Approval User Activity to the Approval Action activity. 8. Connect the Always condition of the Approval Action Activity to the End activity. Your Workflow should look like this:

Page 43 Test the Finishing Touches In keeping good practice lets test our alternative path. We need: 1. The Short Description to start with the phrase K13 to make the workflow run. 2. The Incident Impact set to Low to meet the Yes condition of the If. 3. We need to Reject the Approval. Repeat your test steps 1. Create a New Incident and make note of the Incident Number. 2. Assign it a Low priority and add K13 to the short description. 3. Right-click in the header and select Save. 4. Scroll to the bottom of the form, select the Approval related list and Reject the approval.

Page 44 5. Right-click the Incident header and select Reload form. Notice now that the Approval: state is set to Rejected.! Lab Note: The Approval field is not on the Incident form by default. It was placed on here for easy viewing for this lab. 6. Navigate to Workflow > All Contexts. 7. Locate the Context associated with your Rejected incident. 8. Open your Context and click the Show Workflow Related Link. Your Context Diagram opens and shows all executed activities blue and all unexecuted activities as grey. 9. With your mouse hover over the blue Approval User.

Page 45 Notice when you hover there is a small pop up. This information is data relevant to the activity. The Result for this activity was Rejected and in the span of the Workflow s execution this was the 4th activity to execute. Congratulations. Your workflow is complete! Return to the Canvas. You can add the Approval Action for Approved if you like or just publish it as it is so all of your customers are able to use it. Workflow Validation 1. In the Workflow Editor, select Open. 2. Open the Workflow K13 Demo. The workflow should look like this:

Page 46 Note in the Tool Bar there are two icons: an arrow and a check. The check mark invokes a validator that detects fatal or suspicious flaws in the Workflow Model drawn on the canvas. 3. Select the green check. You will see a Validation Report and for this model you will notice 3 Warnings.! Lab Note: Your list may produce the same warning list but display them in a different order than this Study Guide. Find the Validations by name. 4. Select the Warning named ValidateTransitionIn

Page 47 Every validation message comes in three parts (1) A description of the validation warning. (2) An indication of the risk. (3) A recommended corrective action. The detail directs you by Name to the Activities that are causing the Warning In the first case, it tells use the Hidden Notification activity does not have a transition. Looking at our diagram, we may not even see that activity. But if you scroll the diagram, using the scrollbar at the bottom of the canvas. Scroll all the way right. You will notice that in fact there is a straggler off to the right. It serves no purpose and following the recommendation we will remove it by clicking on the X at the top right hand corner of the Hidden Notification activity.

Page 48 In the second case, it tells use the Timer Two activity does not have a transition into it. Looking at our diagram is sure appears to at first glance. Closer examination shows that there is actually no arrow pointing directly to the Timer. Rather the line we see goes right behind it and all the way to end. To see this, drag Timer just a little higher up on the canvas and you will see the mismatch All available validators will instruct the designer on what to do. Some warnings are just that, warnings and it s up to the designer to accept the risk point out by the validator and progress.

Page 49 Resources Workflow Basics Workflow landing page http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=workflow_overview Workflow Validation http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=workflow_validation Recommended Advanced Concepts to Study Workflow Variables http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=using_variables_in_a_workflow Custom Transitions http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=custom_transitions_for_the_approval_-_user_activity Error Handling http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=workflow_error_handling