Document Hierarchy. Lead Policy Recruitment and Selection Procedure Subordinate documents

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Diversity Policy

Document Hierarchy Title of document Version 2.0 Category of document Lead policy Short description Workplace Applicable to MyState Group Approval Authority Board via GRemC Responsible Executive GM Human Resources Document owner Senior Manager Human Resources Lead Policy N/A Recruitment and Selection Procedure Subordinate documents Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Procedure MYS Enterprise Agreement Diversity Plan 2017-2020 Date Approved 20 July 2017 Approved: 20 July 2017 P a g e 1

Index 1. Purpose... 3 2. Scope... 3 3. Frequency... 3 4. Principles... 3 5. Related standards or regulations... 5 Approved: 20 July 2017 P a g e 2

1. Purpose This Policy applies to MyState Limited (MYS), and all other MyState Limited Group Companies and subsidiaries. 2. Scope MyState Limited is an equal opportunity employer. Whilst maximising opportunities to ensure that appropriate action occurs to support Workplace Diversity, it is important to note that other factors will impact the achievement of these goals. These include the requirement to satisfy other organisational Policy and Procedures, including but not limited to the Recruitment and Selection Procedure. 3. Frequency Reviewed every three years. 4. Principles What is Diversity? Workplace Diversity refers to the many differences between individuals in the workplace. Diversity requires acceptance and respect, recognising that each individual is unique and that embracing individual differences makes the workforce stronger as a whole. Differences include ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities, family status and religious beliefs. Why is Diversity Important? Workforce diversity is about respecting and valuing the differing backgrounds, skills and experiences we all bring to the workplace. It also involves recognising the value of individual differences to support our broader collective goals. MyState Limited considers Workplace Diversity to be a considerable asset and something which aids Company performance. Continuing to build Diversity in the workforce will also drive employee engagement through fair and transparent work practices. Approved: 20 July 2017 P a g e 3

Commitment MyState Limited considers itself to be an equal opportunity employer with a number of progressive mechanisms embedded in Policy and Procedure in support of Workplace Diversity including: Recruitment and Selection Procedure; Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Policy Enterprise Agreement inclusive of; Flexible Working Arrangements; Varied and generous Leave Schemes; Succession Planning; Performance Development Appraisal process inclusive of Individual Development Plans; Training and Development Programs; Mentoring and coaching Programs; Phased in Retirement Procedure; Occupational Health and Safety Procedure; and Employee Code of Conduct Oversight and Reporting Company Diversity Objectives are overseen by the Remuneration Committee, a Board sub-committee comprised of Directors and attended by key Senior Management from within the organisation. The Remuneration Committee review performance against Diversity objectives annually as structured agenda items, and regularly throughout the year in an informal sense. Measurable targets are disclosed in the Annual Report. Grievances Discrimination, harassment, vilification and victimisation will not be tolerated. Any substantiated breach of the MYS will be dealt with seriously and may result in disciplinary action taken against an employee. Approved: 20 July 2017 P a g e 4

MYS is committed to taking appropriate action where a complaint is raised and an investigation may follow in line with the principles of procedural fairness and the Company s legal and industrial obligations. 5. Related standards or regulations Anti Discrimination Act 1998 ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 2014 Approved: 20 July 2017 P a g e 5