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TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL CONDITIONS FOR SOUTHERN PIPELINE APPLICATION (RC13559) 1. The proposal shall proceed in accordance with the application submitted including: - The Assessment of Effects on the Environment Volume 1; for the Southern Pipeline, Memorial Strand Walkway and Railway Bridge Upgrade Projects, - Appendices Volumes 2 10, - Construction Traffic Management Plan (Generic Outline) by Traffic Design Group dated October 2008, - The letter by URS, entitled Te Maunga Wetland, dated 25 th August 2008, and shall comply with any other conditions that this consent is subject to. 2. Noise from construction activities when measured at any residentially occupied dwelling, Tauranga Boys College and the Matapihi Primary School shall not exceed the following noise limits, except where specified in condition (4) below: Time Period Weekdays Saturdays Sundays and Public Holidays Leq Lmax Leq Lmax Leq Lmax 0630 0730 65 75 45 75 45 75 0730 1800 80 95 80 95 55 85 1800 2000 75 90 45 75 45 75 2000-0630 45 75 45 75 45 75 3. Noise from construction activities when measured at any buildings used for business purposes in the residential zone, or any property zoned Business (other than hospitals, healthcare facilities, hostels, hotels or other noise sensitive activities regardless of the zone) shall not exceed the following noise limits, except where specified in condition (4) below: Time Period Noise Limit (Leq ) 0730-1800 80 1800-0730 85 4. Where construction work is proposed to be carried out on Sundays or Public Holidays, and on all other days of the week between 6.00pm and 7.30am the following day, (e.g. at Fraser Street Shopping Centre, Merivale Shops and major intersections) and for the Harbour Crossing and Foreshore Walkway sections, the noise limits in conditions 2 and 3 shall not apply. For each of these locations, a Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP) shall be submitted for TCC and/or Regional Council approval prior to works commencing.

a) The CNMP shall be based on Annex E of NZS6803:1999 and shall set out the noise mitigation and management measures to be implemented to minimise noise emissions and comply with the requirements of Section 16 of the RMA. b) Where the noise limits in conditions (2) and (3) are to be varied by the CNMP, the limits must be reasonable in terms of S16 of the RMA with reference to the ambient background levels in the area. The limits must be reasonable in the context of the receiver. An Leq limit of background (Leq) plus 10 limit is appropriate with an absolute cap (between 2200 and 0630) of Leq 60 for any night works. This is based on typical attenuation through open windows in a dwelling facing the works. If through the CNMP, it can be demonstrated that a higher level of attenuation is possible, (for example all bedrooms are at the rear of the dwelling facing away from the works) then the noise limit can be increased accordingly such that no more than Leq 60 is received at the bedroom windows. 5. All construction noise shall be measured and assessed in accordance with NZS6803:1999 Acoustics Construction Noise, NZS6801:1999 Acoustics Measurement of Sound and NZS6802:1999 Acoustics Assessment of Environmental Noise. 6. All construction related vibration for the entire route shall comply with the provisions and limits in the German Standard DIN 4150 Part 3: 1999 Structural Vibration in Buildings Affects on Structures, (DIN4150). 7. Prior to works commencing, the consent holder shall submit a Construction Vibration Management Plan, (CVMP) applicable to the entire route as well as for the Harbour Crossing works as set out below: a) The CVMP shall set out general project-wide vibration mitigation measures to be implemented; and b) Shall specify a complaints-management procedure including how complaints are to be recorded, investigated and actioned; and c) The CVMP shall set out appropriate corrective action measures should measured vibration arising from the works as a result of complaints not comply with the above standard. d) In the case of the Harbourside Restaurant, the CVMP shall set out specific monitoring procedures, and shall confirm the classification of the building in terms of the DIN4150 vibration limits. The classification shall be determined by a suitably qualified structural engineer. 8. Prior to works commencing near the Harbourside Restaurant, the consent holder shall submit to the Council a Pre-Construction Condition Survey report of the building that has been carried out by a suitably qualified person. 9. Noise from the operation of the Pipeline located within the Road Zone shall comply with Rule of the Operative Tauranga District Plan. Noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with NZS6801:1999 and assessed in accordance with NZS6802:1991. 10. Prior to any works commencing onsite the consent holder shall submit to Council Engineering plans for the proposed works for approval. These plans shall, as a minimum, include the following: - Location of all existing services and connections, including services not associated with Council such as gas, telecom and electricity.

- Depth of existing connections where details are readily available or where these can be reasonably practically located. - Final route of proposed pipework with invert level and details of access points, including specific locations of air valves, biofilters, embankments walkways and any features proposed to be constructed with, or as part of, the pipeline. - Accessways to private properties, businesses, reserves etc. - Lighting design for permanent lighting proposed to be installed including type, location and mounting details, - Details of CCTV mounting poles and locations, - Noise mitigation measures of infrastructural components of the pipeline. Development plan approval fees shall be paid in accordance with Council s Schedule of Fees and Charges. 11. Prior to any works commencing on site the consent holder shall submit to Council Landscaping Plans and proposed methodology for approval by Council s Landscape Architect and Arborist which, as a minimum, includes the following; - Final pipeline route in relation to driplines of all protected trees, and pipe/trench distance from all street trees, vegetation strategy trees and native coastal trees, with reference to trunk diameters of those trees; - Details of all trees which are proposed to be pruned or replaced, - Details of protection measures for works around trees, - All proposed landscaping and planting, (including replacement trees where applicable) grade size and species for the pipeline route, - Proposed final location of air filters and bio filters in relation to trees, street berm and property frontages, - Above ground pipeline components are to be painted in recessive colours and specified on the Landscape plans for approval. 12. A Construction Management Plan shall be submitted to Council for approval (by Council staff and/or Council engaged specialists) prior to construction works commencing in each area of for each stage of the works which shall detail the design and management of relevant matters of construction including (but not limited to); - Timing of proposed construction works in relation to schools, businesses, reserves and public holidays; - Proposed site management procedures, including contact details of site manager, supervising engineer and contractor; - Specifically detail the procedure proposed for the use of a qualified Arborist in relation to the inspection of construction works within the vicinity of all native coastal trees, street trees, Vegetation Strategy trees and Protected trees in the District Plan. - access provisions for private properties and businesses, - Proposed maintenance for road cleaning and stormwater network function - Proposed methodology for dust mitigation, including any special requirements for specific site locations (such as Merivale Shops, SES 4, 11 and 12 areas, Fraser Cove, Tauranga Harbour forshore etc) - Details and design of any temporary lighting required for night work construction. - Any other details relevant to the management of Construction works. 13. Site works in the road zone shall be limited to a 200m work zone length in any one location at a time. (This does not preclude the ability to undertake works in multiple separate locations at any one time.)

14. That prior to any works commencing an agreement be made with Council s Parks and Leisure Team for re-establishment of the damaged turf areas for Greerton, Pemberton and Memorial Parks. 15. Prior to the use and occupation of the Reserves the Consent Holder shall provide to Council s Parks and Leisure Team and Council s Senior Monitoring Officer for approval Reserve Laydown Plans which address and provide for the following: All Sites: - Details of work programme and periods of use as laydown areas; - Details of the proposed area(s) to be occupied as laydown areas; - Details of how the sites will be laid out; - Construction Noise Management Plans; - Details of fencing, setbacks, other boundary treatments or location of building structures, materials and activities to mitigate the effects on properties adjacent to the laydown areas; - Details for the management of dust, stormwater runoff and other potential nuisances. - Safety and containment barriers and areas of exclusion that recognise on-going use of the Parks. And; For Greerton Park; - Laydown areas shall not to encroach closer than 15 metres from the dead ball lines of the adjoining sports fields, - Provide alternative all weather walkway access to and across Waimapu Stream if existing access is impeded. For Pemberton Park - Provide full public access to the Park via the existing car park area, - Details of number and layout of car parks to be retained, - Provide at least a 10m setback from all adjoining residential property boundaries which must be kept clear of all laydown activities including, but not limited to, buildings and materials. For Memorial Park South - Tree protection measures, - Temporary vehicle access and parking for QEII ensuring all parking spaces that will be impeded are provided elsewhere. Such replacement parking will be formed in an all weather surface with appropriate drainage in accordance with the Code of Practice for Development and the Reserve Management Plan. For Memorial Park North - Tree protection measures - Access and parking for the Tauranga Rowing Club. 16. Outdoor storage, parking and manoeuvring areas within Greerton Park, Pemberton Park and Memorial Park shall be provided in an all-weather dust free surface. 17. A Construction Traffic Management Plan shall be submitted to Council for approval (by Council staff and/or Council engaged specialists) prior to construction works commencing in accordance with the Generic Outline by Traffic Design Group dated October 2008.

18. A Construction Environmental Management Plan shall be submitted to Council for approval (by Council staff and/or Council engaged specialists) prior to construction works commencing which shall specify the design and management of construction works, machinery and people within the Western Wetland, SES sites 11 and 12. Specific detail in relation to the management of the Argentine Ant population, ongoing wetland monitoring and weed control shall be included. 19. A copy of the EBOP approved Erosion and Sediment Construction Management Plan shall be provided to Council prior to construction works commencing. 20. All works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Noise Management Plan, Construction Vibration Management Plan, Approved Engineering and Landscaping Plans, Construction Management Plan, Reserve Laydown Plans, Construction Traffic Management Plan, Construction Environmental Plans and Approved Erosion and Sediment Construction Management Plan required by conditions (4), (7), (10), (11), (12), (15), (17), (18) and (19) above. 21. Reinstatement of all road, footpaths and berms shall be undertaken to the satisfaction of Council s Transportation and City Development teams. 22. The consent holder shall supply to the Council a set of 'as built' plans of all engineering works in accordance with the Council s Code of Practice for Development. 23. All costs associated with the conditions of this consent shall be met by the Consent Holder. ADVICE NOTES 1. The consent holder is advised that further consents for works within 15m MHWS for the Memorial Strand Walkway, any works within 20m of SES 4, and any pruning of; or works within the drip-line of; any protected tree along the route will be required prior to the contractor undertaking any of these works. 2. All archaeological sites whether recorded or unrecorded under Part 1 of the Historic Places Act 1993 cannot be destroyed, damaged or modified without the consent of the Historic Places Trust of New Zealand. In the event than an archaeological site and /or kiowi are unearthed the consent holder is advised to immediately stop work on the part of the site that the archaeological site is located and follow procedure set out in any HPT Authority issued. 3. Where any building or drainage works are required to satisfy conditions of this consent, all consents required under the Building Act 2004 must be obtained prior to the works being carried out