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APPENDIX III LOGICAL FRAMEWORK ANALYSIS Project Goal: Project Purpose (target): Outputs (results) Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions Ensure good quality and adequate water supply from the Mara River for sustainable ecosystem functioning and basic human needs. Facilitate participatory and sustainable integrated river basin management (IRBM) initiatives for the conservation, sustainable and equitable use and restoration of freshwater resources and ecological processes in the Mara River Basin, and this should be resulting from conservation measures, sustainable use and land-use decisions taken by resource owners, users and developers under a supportive policy framework. Output 1: Carry out more surveys and as far as possible fill information gaps with documentation in the form of reports, maps etc Output 2: Gather and disseminate appropriate Degradation of water resources and ecosystem of Mara River controlled. Water supply of sufficient quality and quantity for ecosystems and basic human needs increased Operational and proactive institutional framework for joint management of the shared/ transboundary water resources of the Mara River Basin in place by the end of 2008. National water resources management plans and strategies developed and transboundary water resources management plan drafted by the end of 2008. Stakeholder well represented in water resources management structures and important stakeholder views reflected in water resources management strategies and plans at national level by the end of 2008, and at transboundary level by 2012. Negative trends in terms of water quality and quantity reduced by the end of 2008. Availability of documentation of data series on the hydrology of the river, socio-economic conditions and biodiversity that constitutes the basis of river basin management by the end of 2008. Availability of documentation aimed at various target groups by the end of 2008. Field observations Water quality, quantity monitoring reports Appreciation by the communities in the Mara River Basin Transboundary integrated management plans and strategies at Regional and national level Approved Institutional framework for joint management of the shared water resources of the Mara River Basin Baseline survey reports on hydrology, socio-economic and biodiversity. Monitoring reports of the hydrological parameters. Maps Management plans M&E reports on the Development Partners; the Royal Norwegian Government through NORAD and American Government through USAID Continue to support Mara River Basin Initiative (MRBMI) financially and technically. Political will of Kenya and Tanzania Governments to support Mara River Basin Initiative continues This information will be used in ongoing stakeholder dialogue and development of an IWRM system for the Basin. Government and other partners cooperate in data collection and analysis. Increased knowledge and awareness will lead to positive WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 1

Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions information on conditions and threats to the Mara River Basin for land-use planning and management of the Mara River Basin and raise awareness about the importance of catchment management. Output 3: Facilitate the ongoing process of stakeholder dialogue on integrated water resources management, ranging from local people to high level policy makers, and support local people s involvement in the intersectoral IRBM dialogue through capacity-building and advocacy. Output 4: Start and facilitate a process to introduce or revive existing community organisations, where forums and working groups have been established, and management actions in the catchment are becoming more sustainable. Actual dissemination of information on basin conditions, threats and importance of sound catchment management by the end of 2008. Stakeholders proactively planning and managing the Mara water resources in a more sustainable manner by the end of 2008. Regularity and frequency of stakeholder meetings and stakeholder fora meetings by the end of 2008. Existence of formalised or legalised stakeholder fora by the end of 2008. A multi-stakeholder platform becomes the basis for negotiating resource use and management by the end of 2008. Local communities represented in stakeholder fora and their concerns are voiced by the end of 2008. Ecosystem concerns are represented and voiced in stakeholder fora by the end of 2008. The stakeholders in the two countries talking to each other and working on transboundary management arrangements by the end of 2008. Number and type of community organisations facilitated by the end of 2008. Activities carried out by organisations have shifted towards more sustainable catchment management by the end of 2008. Improved livelihoods measurable in terms of reduced support of food aid, reduced expenditure on health, more time spent on IGAs other than livelihood support issues. management of Mara river Basin and water catchments Approved legal Local and high level policy makers management framework (Organs) Approved transboundary management framework Baseline survey reports on Community organisation, food security, health and households Income Generating Activities. Assessment reports. attitudes by stakeholder and evolve positive behaviour change towards the river basin and its natural resources. Stakeholder dialogue will lead to the development of an efficient water resource management that maximises the resultant benefit to stakeholders in an equitable manner with compromising the sustainability of the ecosystem. Stakeholders maintain the current level of interest in the dialogue process. Government remains support of devolved water resource management arrangements. Information on environmental / base flow and water available for other uses including irrigation available Information on crop water requirement within the basin available Local communities and CBOs willing to participate and change management of natural resources where appropriate. Enabling supportive policies to continue to exist Development NGOs and institutions will be willing and have resources to work with the WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 2

Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions Output 5: Document best practices and failures in terms of sustainable management and conservation, and promote the sharing and exchange of these lessons through demonstrating measures in the field, community exchange visits and communication measures. Output 6: Build capacity amongst key stakeholders including vulnerable groups (small scale farmers, poor urban dwellers and women) for effective and sustainable IRBM. Output 7: Develop and promote recommendations for the development of an integrated water resource management strategy for the Mara River Basin, including appropriate policies and laws to secure sustain-able management and conservation. Documentation and data base on best practices and failures developed by the end of 2008. Number, type and location of field demonstrations by the end of 2008. Number, type and location of community visits by the end of 2008. Type and amount of communication material produced and disseminated by the end of 2008. Awareness of good and poor practices with respect to IWRM increased by the end of 2008. Amount and type of capacity building and training carried out by the end of 2008, including proportion of capacity building targeted at vulnerable groups. Stakeholders and WUA committees able to interpret important aspects of relevant policies and legislations by the end of 2008. Project staff and partners understand and appreciate IRBM / IWRM better by the end of 2008. Documentation of lessons generated and disseminated and shared with partners and stakeholders by the end of 2008. Documentation of recommendations produced and disseminated to decision makers and others by the end of 2008. Frequency and regularity of meetings to assess progress on water resources dialogue with key government agencies, East African Community (EAC) and Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) on the Mara River Basin by the end of 2008. Changes in the legal, policy and institutional framework for transboundary and integrated water resources management by the end of 2008. Data base Report on the data sharing, demonstrations and exchange visits M&E reports on Capacity building Assessment report on the Stakeholders and WUAs application of policies and legislations Staff and Partners appraisal reports on IRBM/IWRM Laws enforcement mechanism and reports Developed integrated water resource management strategy. communities in the basin The beneficiaries of this output will use the gained knowledge to improve their management practices. Stakeholders interested and willing to be trained and change management of natural resources where necessary. Resources available for training on the same Both staff and stakeholders willing to learn There is sufficient capacity in the Basin to undertake this output. The beneficiaries will use the increased skills to improve natural resource management in their respective areas. WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 3

Output 1: Carry out more surveys and as far as possible fill information gaps with documentation in the form of reports, maps etc Activity 1.1 Commission survey of biodiversity values of Enapuiyapui Swamp at the source of the Mara, most likely in partnership with other initiatives. () Activity 1.2 Continue Collecting and analysing data on water quality and quantity in the Mara River and its important tributaries in cooperation with partners. Activity 1.3. Liaise with NBI/NELSAP Mara IWRM project, LVEMP and other institutions in monitoring the hydrology of the Mara River. Activity 1.4. Conduct an assessment of environmental flows to monitor water flows to the two protected areas (Masai Mara National Reserve and the Serengeti National Park) with funding and expertise the GLOWS project. Activity 1.5 Produce an improved base map containing relevant biological and socio-economic characteristics of the Mara River Basin. A GIS will be established with details of land use systems in the Mara River Basin in partnership with Florida International University (FIU). Activity 1.6 Data analysis on gender and PES survey and dissemination of results. Activity 1.7 Support of the development of a payment for environmental services mechanism (Develop PES mechanism) Activity 1.8 Develop a community-based fisheries management plan for the Mara Basin and support its implementation. Output 2: Gather and disseminate appropriate information on conditions and threats to the Mara River Basin for land-use planning and management of the Mara River Basin and raise awareness about the importance of catchment management. and USAID EGAT (GLOWS) Activity2.1 Facilitate documentation of relevant information in the form of updated thematic and summary reports including data on water quality and quantity in the Mara River and its important tributaries Activity 2.2 Disseminate the above information (2.1) to key stakeholders for awareness and management purposes Activity 2.3 Disseminate information on the relevant laws (Water Acts, Forest Acts, and Local Government Acts etc) to key stakeholders in the Basin as a means to create greater understanding of these laws especially with regards to provisions for participatory natural resource management. Activity 2.4 Share information collected, analysed and documented with NBI NELSAP IWRM project so that they can be incorporated into the basin monograph. 1 There are three sources of funding for the Mara River Basin Management Initiative: i) / WWF-Norway; ii) USAID Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT) through the Global Water for Sustainability (GLOWS); and iii) USAID through the mission in East Africa (EA). WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 4

Activity 2.5. Develop water balance model and disseminate information from model to all stakeholders within Mara River Basin Activity 2.6. Convene second workshop of experts to evaluate analytical results and determine environmental flow requirements. Activity 2.7. Disseminate outcome of environmental flow assessment to large stakeholder community Activity 2.8 Facilitate the preparation of a Communication Strategy for the Mara basin Output 3: Facilitate the ongoing process of stakeholder dialogue on integrated water resources management, ranging from local people to high level policy makers, and support local people s involvement in the inter-sectoral IRBM dialogue through capacity-building and advocacy. Activity 3.1 Strengthen basin level structures (multi-stakeholder platforms) for encouraging dialogue through well organised WUA committee/board, sub-catchment committees and catchment board ensuring relevant issues are discussed and implemented. Activity 3.2 Support local Water Users Associations at sub-catchment and community level to develop and enforce constitutions and by-laws. Activity 3.3 Support local Water Users Associations to develop and implement action plans on conservation priorities. Activity 3.4 Support the stakeholders in registration of their Water Users Associations. Activity 3.5 Facilitate field training sessions on roles and responsibilities for WUAs at sub-catchment and community level. Activity 3.6 Support the Catchment and Sub-Catchment Committees to work towards the development of a Catchment Management Strategies for the Basin. Activity 3.7. Support the Water Users Associations in operationalising their activities and work as legal entities Activity 3.8. Disseminate information on the environment and water legislation (in local languages where necessary) in parts of the Basin where this has not been done. Activity 3.9. In collaboration with LVBWO in Tanzania work on increasing cooperation between different stakeholders of the catchment and advocate for improved management of the catchment. Activity 3.10. Support communities through the Ministry of Agriculture and other ministries and government departments to practice environmentally friendly land use activities that will reduce or contain some of the threats posed by the current land use practices. Continuing in Kenya and starting in Tanzania. Activity 3.11. Facilitate meetings with stakeholders in the entire basin (Kenya and Tanzania) to discuss IWRM and cross border issues affecting them Activity 3.12. Feed the outcomes of activities to relevant national institutions, EAC and NBI NELSAP to evolve appropriate transboundary Mara River Basin management arrangement. WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 5

Activity 3.13 Facilitate dialogue between environmental and natural resources authorities (especially between NEMA / DoE and the Ministries of Water on enforcement of environmental standards. Output 4: Start and facilitate a process to introduce or revive existing community organisations, where forums and working groups have been established, and management actions in the catchment are becoming more sustainable. Activity 4.1 Consolidate the CBOs supported in the Basin during the current phase through organisational development, business development and management. Activity 4.2 Work with the existing group ranches to strengthen the Mara Management Committee and to strengthen the operations of these groups. This activity will be linked to the ongoing work by Africa Conservation Centre, a regional NGO. Activity 4.3 Assist in the formation of 15 CBOs to participate in conservation and development at the sub-basin level in Tanzania. Activity 4.4 Monitor the performance of already supported CBOs to track their progress, strengthen areas of weakness and learn from their success. Activity 4.5 Facilitate the formation of a fisheries association in Musoma, Tanzania Activity 4.6. Develop partnerships with other Civil Societies and Private Sectors active in the region (e.g. NELSAP, World Vision, Norwegian Church Aid, VI Agroforestry) and encourage them to concentrate on community development and IGA promotion as these NGOs have a long history in community mobilization and have financial and technical resources beyond those of WWF. Activity 4.7. Strengthen linkages to large companies such as Hotels, tour operators and Barrick North Mara Goldmine (large scale mining) who have the financial resources, the equipment, personnel and the long-term involvement in the area to support some of the project activities and reduce the detrimental impact of mercury contamination by small-scale gold-mining operations. Output 5: Document best practices and failures in terms of sustainable management and conservation, and promote the sharing and exchange of these lessons through demonstrating measures in the field, community exchange visits and communication measures. Activity 5.1 Build database for documentation of best practices and failures. This will be used to feed into the river basin management initiatives and will be discussed with the stakeholders and institutions on the ground. Activity 5.2 Work through partners to set up demonstrations as well as conduct educational trips and exchange visits for stakeholders to areas where sustainable resource use and conservation have been successfully implemented. Continue with initiatives started on soil and water conservation, river bank protection and gully controls with the Ministries of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Activity 5.3 Support the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources in both countries to promote sustainable land use practices. Activity 5.4 Communicate the results of the project so far to NBI NELSAP, EAC and the WWF network to share best practices and WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 6

failures with them. This will be done through the WWF River Basin portfolio, where best practices are documented and shared widely in the network. Output 6: Build capacity amongst key stakeholders including vulnerable groups (small scale farmers, poor urban dwellers and women) for effective and sustainable IRBM. Activity 6.1 Strengthen Water Users Associations, Catchment and Sub-catchment Committees capacity towards effective and sustainable management of water resources. Activity 6.2 Collaborate with key stakeholders to identify and develop alternative Income Generating Activities (IGA) and technologies that support sustainable resource use and conservation and conduct appropriate training and capacity building for the stakeholders on effective and sustainable IRBM Activity 6.3 Build the stakeholder capacity continually on environmental education, environmental, water and natural resources policies and legislations and support enforcement of respective legislations. Activity 6.4. Support communities to come up with viable and well thought proposals on income generating activities and other livelihood improvement initiatives that would result in improved incomes and standard of living Activity 6.5 Train key stakeholders on IRBM and IWRM including continuing to build stakeholder capacity on environmental legislation and policies as well as the Water Acts and water resources management policies. Activity 6.6 Work with the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and the Directorate of Environment (DoE) to train and build capacity of the District and Village Environmental Committees to ensure that they are able to enforce appropriate legislation e.g. environmental impact assessments and polluter pays principles in the EMCA. Activity 6.7 Facilitate NEMA/DoE in defining strategies and involving relevant departments in Law enforcement to ensure compliance with statutory provisions especially by business in the basin e.g. hoteliers that pollute the Mara River. Activity 6.8. Training of MRBMI staff in IRBM and IWRM, and the implementation of these processes in the rural environments Output 7: Develop and promote recommendations for the development of an integrated water resource management strategy for the Mara River Basin, including appropriate policies and laws to secure sustain-able management and conservation. Activity 7.1. Generate lessons and documentation from the project implementation that will input into the dialogue with the EAC and NBI. Activity 7.2 Pursue dialogue with the EAC and NBI on management of the Mara River Basin. Activity 7.3. Information and advocacy for policy and legal reforms in both countries. Activity 7.4. Develop a Biodiversity Action Plan in consultation with key stakeholders in the Mara and Serengeti Ecosystems. Activity 7.5. Develop environmental flows guide for the Mara River in Masai-Mara National Reserve and Serengeti National Park. WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 7

Activity 7.6 Facilitate initial bi-national and regional consultations leading to a Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Activity 7.7. Develop Regional database which will contain all information collected and map produced in the Mara River Basin. Activity 7.8. Developing management plan for Enapuiyapui and Mara Swamps in Kenya and Tanzania respectively, most likely in partnership with other initiatives. This entail considering the legislative protection of the Swamps. Activity 7.9. Holding regular consultative meetings with Projects executants and other staff for adaptive management of the MRBMI. WWF SAF Mara River Basin Annual Plan 2007-011006 - LFA.doc 2006-10-01 Page III 8