Your kind word or act makes a difference to someone s life As managers always assume everyone is having a hard day You control the carrot supply in

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Based on the book by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton, Gibbs Smith Publishers, Text copyright 2002 O.C. Tanner Recognition Company

Your kind word or act makes a difference to someone s life As managers always assume everyone is having a hard day You control the carrot supply in organizations Carrots change everything

Effective rewards and recognition staff craves for Hunger for recognition drives them to leave for other jobs Help retain committed workers Many do not know what they look like

Have little hope that they can coax more ideas, efficiency and productivity from their employees Given up trying to help employees get a better understanding of what was expected of them Do not believe they can develop more loyalty and commitment

People never given real carrots themselves If a manager in our past lavished appreciation and recognition on us, we are more likely to share with our employees When we recognize our employees, they will take that experience for the rest of their working lives Those of us have never receive praise from a boss do not know it is important to pass recognition to our employees When we don t give carrots, we end up with apathy, low morale, and turnover

Think of the last time you were publicly recognized by your direct supervision. It has been too long.

Seriously out of practice in presenting employee rewards and recognition Giving your first carrot to an employee might make you feel out of place Must actually build a carrot culture of employee awards and recognition Will feel a little pain when giving carrots

You must give yourself You must truly listen, encourage, and be an important part of your employee s work experience

I don t want to get too familiar with my employees : worry if they are too supportive, too warm and fuzzy, hard to dispense discipline people work best for managers who care about them and are attentive to their needs What s in it for me? : wonder about the payoffs of rewards and recognition recognition and rewards core essentials of work teams that have high productivity, client satisfaction and low turnover; impossible to get great results without consistent meaningful recognition

I don t have time : managers are busy, with increased workload and the decline in support staff and having to do three or four jobs recognition should not take too much time I don t want to play favourites : worried about creating fair-haired boys on their teams or leaving someone out; decide to recognize everyone as a group misguided leadership; end up alienating the stars and reinforcing average and poor performers; recognize each person in each staff meeting ; recognize specific behaviours important for the organizations

They ll be suspicious of my motives : Managers complain that their employees think that they are insincere when they offer praise or rewards; the way recognition handled a large part of the problem The activity will lose meaning : As employees most of us never receive enough sincere recognition; we need to feel the appreciation of others on a regular basis They will take advantage of me : Managers concern that employees might take advantage of the reward and recognition programme

Other managers aren t doing it : Uncomfortable to be the first; some don t want to be early adopters; others wait for direction from the top They ll ask for more money : Just the opposite; satisfied and appreciated employees less likely to ask for money They will expect more recognition : They will, employees like carrots; when recognition provided regularly, people stick around turning out better increasingly better results

Given employees the recognition they want and they will produce the results you need

Spend a few minutes thinking about your team. Are there members you never publicly recognize? Why not?

The key is getting out of your office on a regular basis Spend a small part of everyday talking to your people ask them what they are working on, ask them what rewards they value If you notice something great, say so immediately to the employee give specific praise

Will not succeed without defined goals or worse yet, with misdefined goals

Carefully think about what you will recognize in your team. At your next staff meeting, recognize one person for living one of these behaviours. Keep this tradition going by recognizing one person in every meeting; Encourage your workers to do the same. Make sure to tie recognition to your organization s goals and values

Not created equal To have the intended effect, a reward s value should be an appropriate symbol of the employees effort and its outcomes Have to be appropriate for the individual A lot of onions out there masquerading as carrots

Say, Thank you. Send a letter of praise to him/her spouse/family the most powerful untapped recognition Volunteer to do his/her least favourite task Remember their special days (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and write a message in a card Have a department break in honour of him/her Give him/her a standing ovation from the entire team Bring him/her a cup of coffee

Give him/her the latest book that relates to his/her career Send a handwritten note of with specific praise Interview your people and capture their wisdom

When you recruit your next employee, say: I know you are going to do great things, and I want to know how to reward you. Then spend time learning about his or her interests, and use them to determine what rewards you can offer.

Direct recognition toward certain goals Set clear, specific goals The most effective way to bring goals to your work team is to give them a chance to contribute

Be timely Be specific Be sincere Be prepared

O.I.A. Organization: Talk about the organization and team goals Individual: Relate specifically what the individual did to earn this reward or recognition and how this helps your team and company s goals consider SAIL (Situation, Action, Impact and Link to company values Award: What you are presenting to your employee

Situation: The problem or opportunity Action: What was done, in specific terms Impact: The result of the action Link to Organizational Values: How action contributed to organization

Always in season Effective presentations give a chance to celebrate and reflect

Know your people do a little homework Ask others to say a few words about the employee s contribution Let everyone who should attend know a few days in advance Prepare, prepare Make people accountable

Come up with a fun tradition that you can start for your employees.

Know the macro understand the overall corporate goals Get your employees involved Figure out what you want to accomplish: what do our clients value?; What does the organization value?; What do our employees value?; What is our basic purpose?; What is our competitive situation? Keep it simple Post your values Hire people who embody your values Create victories along the way

Cannot stand alone Must be supported by day-to-day recognition

Sit down today and map out certain points throughout the coming year when your team may reach realistic group milestones Then plan and budget for celebrations

Carrots improve your credibility Trust is imperative when you want to get things done Carrots show that you believe the vision and the goals can be attained Foundation of leadership

Communicate clearly Give employees a voice Reward groups of individuals Don t forget the free stuff

Check with your HR department to find out when your next employee will receive his or her service award About a week before, spend a few minutes preparing remarks and asking coworkers to speak Make this employee s day special, and your investment in time and energy will come back to you tenfold

1. No Pain, No Gain 2. Carrots improve your eyesight 3. Pick your carrots wisely 4. It s all in the presentation 5. Keep your eye on the harvest 6. Make formal milestones worth remembering 7. Keep on growing